Lumia 920


Apr 27, 2000

Nokia's new flagship Windows Phone 8 device has been leaked today, revealed as the Lumia 920. Posted to Twitter by @evleaks, the Lumia 920 appears to include a PureView camera that the company has been hinting at in recent weeks. Codenamed the Phi, Nokia's Lumia 920 is said to include a 4.5-inch display and will likely be available in a number of colors judging by the leaked image.

Other details on the handset are not available, but leaked images of the Lumia 820 also surfaced today — previously known as the Arrow. We expect both devices to be unveiled at a special event with Microsoft in New York next week, where we'll learn all the official details of Nokia's new Windows Phone 8 handsets.



No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Body looks nice. But I been burned with WP before. I think I'm gonna go back to Android. However if WP 8 succeeds I believe it will be due to Nokia.


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
4.5" display? No thank you. I really liked the 3.8" display on the Lumia 800, but apparently no one makes non-comically sized phones anymore (other than Apple). Maybe HTC will rollout at 3.8 or 4" WP8 device, but I am not holding my breath.


Platinum Member
Oct 24, 2006
Body looks nice. But I been burned with WP before. I think I'm gonna go back to Android. However if WP 8 succeeds I believe it will be due to Nokia.

I'm not really picking at you at all, but what you said about being burned reminded me of my friend... He tried out an Android phone for not even an hour. It was someone else's phone, and it was Gingerbread or earlier no less. He's had an iPhone since the 3GS, and when he tried out Android, understandably he hated it. He now has a 4 waiting on the 5, and I told him he should look at Android and without reason other than his previous experience he says, "EWWWWWWWWW ANDROID I HATE IT. I'LL NEVER TRY ONE OF THOSE OUT. IT SUCKS!" Of course, I explain to him the benefits of ICS and JB. Anyway, it just annoyed me how close minded he is about Android seeing as how he only tried one device ever. I told him he should buy a Nexus or S3 or One X or Note and try them out (he's on a phone friendly network) and then just sell it afterwards.

Anyway, getting back to the 920, I think WP8 + Pureview will be an amazing combo. It'll have the best camera on any phone, and with Nokia and Microsoft's polish, the device will be rock solid and blazingly fast. I'm not sure how I feel about WP yet because I have only used one for a short amount of time. Overall, it looks good, but I grew up with Android. I went from 2.2 all the way to 4.1. Mind you, I missed the earlier days, but the fact is I know Android in and out. I know I can set different programs as defaults, rock solid navigation, great voice actions, a smooth OS (finally), and Google as my backend.

I wish I was on a different network so I could try out a Windows Phone device other than the Trophy by HTC... (Verizon is terrible..)


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
Here's some leaked photos of the 820 supposedly:

I wouldn't mind using windows phone again, it worked pretty well for me on 7.5 and almost all of the complaints I had are being addressed in 8. The only thing I would still like to see is some kind of notification center, but that isn't such a big deal with the new start page since you can fit way more live tiles.

The 920 looks like a sweet phone though, if it has a really nice camera and a micro sd slot I'll think about picking one up.


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2004
4.5" display? No thank you. I really liked the 3.8" display on the Lumia 800, but apparently no one makes non-comically sized phones anymore (other than Apple). Maybe HTC will rollout at 3.8 or 4" WP8 device, but I am not holding my breath.

On the 920 the screen size was I am sure dictated by the pure view camera sensor. That thing is huge no way to get that in a small body with out it looking like a big fat brick. I am just glad it is 4.5 and not 5+ inch phone. As 4.5 is as big of a phone I can use 1 handed comfortably.

I showed the wife the render and the camera tech and she wants this as her next phone. She loves to take pictures and upload to social media. If the battery life is good this will also be my next phone.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
I too would consider moving back to WP if this screen is high res. The OS I'm comfortable with(loved WP7), the app selection I think I can get by with, it just needs to be a screen that competes nowadays. That camera is a nice bonus, thats for sure!


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
On the 920 the screen size was I am sure dictated by the pure view camera sensor. That thing is huge no way to get that in a small body with out it looking like a big fat brick. I am just glad it is 4.5 and not 5+ inch phone. As 4.5 is as big of a phone I can use 1 handed comfortably.

I showed the wife the render and the camera tech and she wants this as her next phone. She loves to take pictures and upload to social media. If the battery life is good this will also be my next phone.

While I can understand that, it still makes it a no-go for me. I want a camera as good as the one in an iPhone4/4s. I have used those, the pictures come out pretty decent. Past that, i don't care, and would rather have a phone that is more comfortable in my hand (I have big, manly hands btw).


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
I'm not really picking at you at all, but what you said about being burned reminded me of my friend... He tried out an Android phone for not even an hour. It was someone else's phone, and it was Gingerbread or earlier no less. He's had an iPhone since the 3GS, and when he tried out Android, understandably he hated it. He now has a 4 waiting on the 5, and I told him he should look at Android and without reason other than his previous experience he says, "EWWWWWWWWW ANDROID I HATE IT. I'LL NEVER TRY ONE OF THOSE OUT. IT SUCKS!" Of course, I explain to him the benefits of ICS and JB. Anyway, it just annoyed me how close minded he is about Android seeing as how he only tried one device ever. I told him he should buy a Nexus or S3 or One X or Note and try them out (he's on a phone friendly network) and then just sell it afterwards.

Anyway, getting back to the 920, I think WP8 + Pureview will be an amazing combo. It'll have the best camera on any phone, and with Nokia and Microsoft's polish, the device will be rock solid and blazingly fast. I'm not sure how I feel about WP yet because I have only used one for a short amount of time. Overall, it looks good, but I grew up with Android. I went from 2.2 all the way to 4.1. Mind you, I missed the earlier days, but the fact is I know Android in and out. I know I can set different programs as defaults, rock solid navigation, great voice actions, a smooth OS (finally), and Google as my backend.

I wish I was on a different network so I could try out a Windows Phone device other than the Trophy by HTC... (Verizon is terrible..)


I've been using WP7 for over a year cuz I'm too cheap to get back into Android.
I know the failings of Microsoft.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007

I've been using WP7 for over a year cuz I'm too cheap to get back into Android.
I know the failings of Microsoft.

What don't you like about WP7? I eventually went to an ip4 after using a focus for a while then went back to android but I may go back and try WP8 again since they're fixing most of the problem I had in WP7.


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
What don't you like about WP7? I eventually went to an ip4 after using a focus for a while then went back to android but I may go back and try WP8 again since they're fixing most of the problem I had in WP7.

Ask you the same thing, what didn't you like about WP7? My beef was with the hardware that I had. The Surround was a real piece of tin.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
Well a few of the things I didn't like:

-No official SD card support, even though the focus had a micro sd slot only certain cards would work and it would screw up the cards through formatting them.

-The option to go around carriers and get OTA updates is a big one for me, I was pretty annoyed that we still had to wait for updates on WP7 even though the uniform hardware was supposed to reduce the time to get updates out.

-The start screen was nice but I had wanted a more customizable start screen, the new one is great imo since smaller tiles are one of the things I wanted.

-The built in nav sucked on WP7, it wasn't really turn by turn navigation like WP8 will have.

-Low res screens were pretty annoying, I had my ip4 and focus at the same time until I decided to sell the focus, and the screen just looked like crap compared to the ip4, especially when reading text online. Also the camera was pretty crappy on the focus and the build was really flimsy, the samsung wp8 phone coming out looks really solid compared to their first offering.

Those are some of the reasons I can remember off the top of my head, if I hadn't had multiple phones at the time I could have stuck with my focus until now since I didn't have many problems with it on a day to day basis. Since WP8 is coming out with hardware comparable to high end US android phones I'm considering going back to it and trying it out, both the lumia phones and the ativ s look pretty nice.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
For me the big thing is the navigation, and the difficulty getting email to work. Specifically Live Mail for my school. Of course if school just used Gmail there would be no issues. But our most famous alumnus is currently the VP of Live Mail at microsoft so maybe I'm just bitchy.
Also I'm not keen on Skydrive, and it doesnt seem to work well with my phone. And uploading pics is especially painful.
To Do list doesnt sync with my Gmail To Do. But the calendar works well. Except I cant see shit in the monthly view. (Android does better at that.) Also, live tiles are nice but I prefer adjustable widgets. On the other hand, I prefer large square short cuts and no background at all to what my Atrix 2 desktop looks like.
I DO like that games are kept under Xbox and only regular apps are on the app list by default. So mostly a bunch of nitpicks now that I think about it, and the poor navigation which is actually sort of a problem for me. Lack of apps too but after getting about 300 freebies from Amazon I think my gripe is mostly lack of games. It does most of the basic utility stuff right except Skydrive and To Do on Gmail.

And frankly I'd rather swap back to Android cuz the integrated, multi-platform calendar and To Do is just too darn convenient. If I could get that lapdock for my Atrix 2 I wouldnt have even needed a windows laptop for school.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Oh what I meant by burned was after getting used to one platform and buying some apps for it now I gotta buy a new top of the line phone and probably the apps all over again if I wanna continue with WP. Android had this issue too but I got so much more from each new OS I didnt seem to mind, especially cuz so many old phones are so well supported.
NONE of the WP7 devices is even capable of running the new OS, cuz the control MS had over features severely limited what they could do with hardware.

Last nitpick was not being able to use a memory card or easily access stuff over USB. You need to Sync everything with special software and thats the darn reason I didnt like my iPhone.


Diamond Member
Nov 10, 2001
Oh what I meant by burned was after getting used to one platform and buying some apps for it now I gotta buy a new top of the line phone and probably the apps all over again if I wanna continue with WP. Android had this issue too but I got so much more from each new OS I didnt seem to mind, especially cuz so many old phones are so well supported.
NONE of the WP7 devices is even capable of running the new OS, cuz the control MS had over features severely limited what they could do with hardware.

Last nitpick was not being able to use a memory card or easily access stuff over USB. You need to Sync everything with special software and thats the darn reason I didnt like my iPhone.

I believe its been confirmed that both of those have been addressed in WP8. At least a portion of the internal memory (and SD card?) will be accessible as a standard USB storage drive so you won't need Zune or whatever to sync media.


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
Having to use the Zune Software was a pain since it is an inferior experience compared to iTunes. Even with as bloated and slow as iTunes has gotten, it is a better experience than Zune. Hands down, no contest.


Jun 2, 2005
Anyway, getting back to the 920, I think WP8 + Pureview will be an amazing combo. It'll have the best camera on any phone, and with Nokia and Microsoft's polish, the device will be rock solid and blazingly fast.

Microsoft polish? Are you talking about a different Microsoft? The Microsoft I know releases buggy bloatware that needs patched every month.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Microsoft polish? Are you talking about a different Microsoft? The Microsoft I know releases buggy bloatware that needs patched every month.

WP7 isnt buggy or bloated. Its problem is more lack of features and customization. But its very smooth and runs on slower hardware than Android.


Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2008
WP7 isnt buggy or bloated. Its problem is more lack of features and customization. But its very smooth and runs on slower hardware than Android.

He's talking about Windows needing a patch every month. You know the most widely used software on the planet. :|

I've kind of been burned with Android, I got the JellyBean update a while back and it has rendered my phone useless beyond calling and texting. I dont see the need for someone to push an OTA update if its going to be a laggy buggy mess.

I was hesitant with WP7 because of the lack of features and apps (Skype being the most notable one), but with WP8, I think I'm going to make the jump. The hardware is on par with Android with the added benefit of a smooth experience.


I believe its been confirmed that both of those have been addressed in WP8. At least a portion of the internal memory (and SD card?) will be accessible as a standard USB storage drive so you won't need Zune or whatever to sync media.

Awesome. I hate syncing clients on the desktop.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
Having to use the Zune Software was a pain since it is an inferior experience compared to iTunes. Even with as bloated and slow as iTunes has gotten, it is a better experience than Zune. Hands down, no contest.

I don't agree at all, I liked using zune way more than itunes. Zune was way faster at synching music and it actually adds music automatically when you add it to your library.
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