Maine court rules in favor of transgender pupil

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Jun 23, 2005

I just wait for the stories to come out of some perv claiming to be a transgender sitting in a girls locker room getting off.

or some high school kid using that as a excuse and going into the girls locker room.

there are pervs out and they will use it to get off.

i just wonder why the girls rights to not have a male in the locker room does not matter. That the rights of someone else trumps ALL of those.

I already said the most fair way to do it is to make it more complicated than simply "coming out", as the few with the will to abuse the system will undermine it for those with more legitimate need;

In any event, the fairest option I can think of is to provide people who identify as being transgendered with a road to using their preferred bathroom, but make it a little difficult. Have the school require letters from a psychiatrist, general practice and endocrinologist certifying that this patient has shown strong signs of being transgendered and are taking it very seriously. That takes time and effort and serves as a deterrent to those men who think they can just come out and say "Ok I feel like a girl now, let me in their locker room" and hop right in. Consideration has to be afforded to both points of view to some extent or you risk undermining progress.
Nov 25, 2013
and you don't think it's going to happen?
yeah i do think its going to happen. its not a mater of IF its a matter of WHEN

I'm glad that I don't live in the same world as you seem to. It must be terrible living in such fear and ignorance.

Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
seems many posters here are getting hung up on 2 separate issues:

biologic gender (male or female as there are only 2 genders)

gender identity (what you feel you are)

society has defined the specifics of acceptable gender roles. Those who identify with something other than what they were born as are seen as abnormal or agitators trying to "push" an agenda of forced change against societal norms.

I feel treating everybody with respect is probably the best thing to do.

this stuff about 2 year olds is just nonsense.


Jun 12, 2005
I'm glad that I don't live in the same world as you seem to. It must be terrible living in such fear and ignorance.

But you do. You are just in denial about it. It isn't fear or ignorance it is the facts. Read a paper. This shit goes on daily.


Jun 12, 2005
seems many posters here are getting hung up on 2 separate issues:

biologic gender (male or female as there are only 2 genders)

gender identity (what you feel you are)

society has defined the specifics of acceptable gender roles. Those who identify with something other than what they were born as are seen as abnormal or agitators trying to "push" an agenda of forced change against societal norms.

I feel treating everybody with respect is probably the best thing to do.

this stuff about 2 year olds is just nonsense.

Well they are abnormal if they truly have this condition or they are just agitators stirring the pot if they don't truly have the condition.

What is the point? That being a woman trapped in a mans body is normal or vice versa? I don't think so.
Nov 25, 2013
But you do. You are just in denial about it. It isn't fear or ignorance it is the facts. Read a paper. This shit goes on daily.

There are daily incidents of males claiming to be transsexual females who are committing various perverse acts on innocent young girls across America?

Golly gee, I don't know what to say. Somehow I've been missing all the news reports about this plague of perversity. I will simply have to pay more attention I guess.

Thank you ever so much for the timely warning. It's *very* much appreciated.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
society has defined the specifics of acceptable gender roles. Those who identify with something other than what they were born as are seen as abnormal or agitators trying to "push" an agenda of forced change against societal norms.

Yes but society didn't just pull these gender roles out of its ass.

They are a reflection of biology and an extension of it. Over time they have gotten much more elaborate than the basics biology provides, but so has our music, weaponry, language, etc.

The ultimate question is, is it beneficial or healthy for a society to let modes of sexuality which are, when you get right down to it, biological glitches, attain a prominence and equal footing with the norm?
Nov 25, 2013
Yes but society didn't just pull these gender roles out of its ass.

They are a reflection of biology and an extension of it. Over time they have gotten much more elaborate than the basics biology provides, but so has our music, weaponry, language, etc.

The ultimate question is, is it beneficial or healthy for a society to let modes of sexuality which are, when you get right down to it, biological glitches, attain a prominence and equal footing with the norm?

Moral purity: moral purity&f=false
Dec 26, 2007
Another dumbass who can't answer a simple question.

I'll ask you the same thing, dumbass: how does a 2 year old identify as the opposite gender? Give actual REAL WORLD examples. I know you'll cop out like the other idiot, but have at it.

Identifying as a gender is usually done by age 3 (source:, and since you don't want to read that the original sources: of femininity gender&f=false
And some other sources:

Ask psychologists who has studied gender identities in children. This is well established in the scientific realm of child psychology and gender identities.
Last edited:


Apr 13, 2012
seems many posters here are getting hung up on 2 separate issues:

biologic gender (male or female as there are only 2 genders)

gender identity (what you feel you are)

society has defined the specifics of acceptable gender roles. Those who identify with something other than what they were born as are seen as abnormal or agitators trying to "push" an agenda of forced change against societal norms.

I feel treating everybody with respect is probably the best thing to do.

this stuff about 2 year olds is just nonsense.

How can you "feel" like something that is defined by society?

Do you "feel" like a Democrat?

Also, don't the same people who typically support transgendered people also oppose rigid gender roles?

If failing to conform to say traditional female gender roles makes you a man then wouldn't that mean that women that are more interested in wearing pants suits and having a high powered career than having a family are actually male gendered?

Retro Rob

Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2012


If sex cannot strictly define someone, then gender alone can't either. Why should one trump the other in such an arbitrary fashion?
Dec 10, 2005

If sex cannot strictly define someone, then gender alone can't either. Why should one trump the other in such an arbitrary fashion?

Why do you have such a sweeping dismissal of child psychology? What evidence do you have to support your dismissal of the existing theories and evidence?
Dec 10, 2005
Please, answer my question first.

Biological sex and gender are not the same thing. I don't think we're trumping one for the other in some arbitrary fashion. And I don't think we're choosing signs for which restroom to enter based on what sex we are, we're choosing them based on how we self-identify in terms of gender (which usually happens to be one-in-the-same with biological sex).

But I'm not an expert in this area, but I would trust the people that have intimate knowledge of this area of childhood development (aka the people doing research in this area) more than someone on the internet that is completely dismissive simply based on how they feel.

Retro Rob

Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2012
Biological sex and gender are not the same thing. I don't think we're trumping one for the other in some arbitrary fashion. And I don't think we're choosing signs for which restroom to enter based on what sex we are, we're choosing them based on how we self-identify in terms of gender (which usually happens to be one-in-the-same with biological sex).

But I'm not an expert in this area, but I would trust the people that have intimate knowledge of this area of childhood development (aka the people doing research in this area) more than someone on the internet that is completely dismissive simply based on how they feel.

I'm wasn't dismissing the professional field as much as I was dismissing the fact that he seems to be implying that if a doctor says its so, its so...we cannot question it.

Secondly, and more importantly, when kids want to be buzz-lightyear, or has a fascination with Bibles, or dresses like an Eagle because he wants to fly, no one is rushing their kids to a psychologist in fear their kids actually want to be a fictional character, or want to be a Catholic, or want to actually become a bird -- we normally write these off as being a child.

Yet, I used to play with my sister's toys (really, because I only had sisters at one point), but I wasn't put in a dress and taken to the family doctor and I am a functional man with no desire to be a woman.

My point is, how do we know parents aren't looking for something that isn't there, that is only a phase, or simply "being a kid"?
Dec 10, 2005
I'm wasn't dismissing the professional field as much as I was dismissing the fact that he seems to be implying that if a doctor says its so, its so...we cannot question it.

I'm not saying we shouldn't be skeptical, but the main arguments in this thread are blatant dismissal of the science behind how gender identity is formed or claiming that the parents are abusing their child. I would hope that the parents went to more than one doctor to get an expert opinion on this issue. If all the doctors are saying the same thing, the reasonable thing to do is to trust their expert opinions.

Secondly, and more importantly, when kids want to be buzz-lightyear, or has a fascination with Bibles, or dresses like an Eagle because he wants to fly, no one is rushing their kids to a psychologist in fear their kids actually want to be a fictional character, or want to be a Catholic, or want to actually become a bird -- we normally write these off as being a child.

Those are not the same thing.

Yet, I used to play with my sister's toys (really, because I only had sisters at one point), but I wasn't put in a dress and taken to the family doctor and I am a functional man with no desire to be a woman.

Congratulations. Your gender and biological sex happen to be one-in-the-same.

My point is, how do we know parents aren't looking for something that isn't there, that is only a phase, or simply "being a kid"?

We don't. That's an issue between the parents, the child, and their doctor(s). We can only take what they say in public about the issue with what research has told us about how these issues develop.

Retro Rob

Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2012
I'm not saying we shouldn't be skeptical, but the main arguments in this thread are blatant dismissal of the science behind how gender identity is formed or claiming that the parents are abusing their child. I would hope that the parents went to more than one doctor to get an expert opinion on this issue. If all the doctors are saying the same thing, the reasonable thing to do is to trust their expert opinions.

I would hope parents give their children a few years past 3 to make sure of something instead of thinking they need a rushed diagnosis.
Those are not the same thing.

Really, how do you know? We know those aren't the same thing because we don't take our kids to get diagnosed. We let time go by, watch the phase pass, and get along with life.

Congratulations. Your gender and biological sex happen to be one-in-the-same.

That's because my mother didn't take me to a doctor, and my father gave my boy toys to help me keep my identity.

Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
How can you "feel" like something that is defined by society?

Do you "feel" like a Democrat?

Also, don't the same people who typically support transgendered people also oppose rigid gender roles?

If failing to conform to say traditional female gender roles makes you a man then wouldn't that mean that women that are more interested in wearing pants suits and having a high powered career than having a family are actually male gendered?
first off, I was just making a statement based on what everyone sees on a daily basis.

Democrat is not a gender.

Everyone is born either male or female. That cannot be changed no matter how much surgery one gets.

If for some reason you don't identify with your natural gender (sex: m or f) then your gender identity is what you feel it should be.

Gender roles are a societal invention. Personally I don't care what someone's role is. Changing gender roles doesn't change one's gender. A man doesn't become female because he watches the kids at home while his wife works.
Dec 26, 2007
I'm wasn't dismissing the professional field as much as I was dismissing the fact that he seems to be implying that if a doctor says its so, its so...we cannot question it.

You can certainly question things. That's how science works. You question it. However, you're questioning something that is well established in the scientific community of the people who deal with this on a daily basis. They are the experts on this topic, not you (unless you have expertise in this field outside of how you feel about the subject).

When you are diagnosed with cancer, it's not uncommon to go get a second opinion. Well, with gender identity research you would be past the second, tenth, and hundredth opinion on the matter. And all of them concur that gender identities can be established at very early ages.

Secondly, and more importantly, when kids want to be buzz-lightyear, or has a fascination with Bibles, or dresses like an Eagle because he wants to fly, no one is rushing their kids to a psychologist in fear their kids actually want to be a fictional character, or want to be a Catholic, or want to actually become a bird -- we normally write these off as being a child.

True. However, in the OP story the girl has seen psychiatrists. Before a psychologist will sign off for a doctor to perform SRS (Sexual Reassignment Surgery) and/or write a prescription for hormone replacement, they have to spend many months talking with the patient. Typically this process takes a year. So her psychologist(s), doctors, and parents all had to sign off on this child becoming a girl. It wasn't just a one time dress up, or even a few month "phase" that this child went through.

Yet, I used to play with my sister's toys (really, because I only had sisters at one point), but I wasn't put in a dress and taken to the family doctor and I am a functional man with no desire to be a woman.

Because your gender identity is the same as your biological sex identity.

My point is, how do we know parents aren't looking for something that isn't there, that is only a phase, or simply "being a kid"?

See above. Professional doctors and psychiatrists were involved through this process. If you've ever been to a psychiatrist as a kid you would know that most of the time is done without parents in the room. It's between the kid and psychiatrist as parents being in the room can affect how the kid responds/acts.
Dec 26, 2007
I would hope parents give their children a few years past 3 to make sure of something instead of thinking they need a rushed diagnosis.

We don't know her medical history (nor should we), so we can't say for certain when she transitioned. However, this would not have been decided at 3 years old. Period. If you think otherwise then you have no idea how the entire diagnosis and transition process occurs and frankly have no right to claim some kind of authority on the subject. Because you don't know and don't have any.

Really, how do you know? We know those aren't the same thing because we don't take our kids to get diagnosed. We let time go by, watch the phase pass, and get along with life.

And this would have been a persistent thing for doctors, psychologists, and the (presumably) parents to let happen. What parent wants to have a transgendered kid? Do you honestly think that parents go "oh yeah they played with a dress once, now they are a girl" or "I wish we had a girl... so let's make this son of ours a girl"? The parents will know how difficult it will be for their kid being a transgender individual. This case is exactly the type of thing that their child will encounter for the rest of their life. I challenge you to find me one instance of a parent who forced a kid to change genders.

That's because my mother didn't take me to a doctor, and my father gave my boy toys to help me keep my identity.

No, it's because your psychological gender identity matches your biological physical identity.

Retro Rob

Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2012
We don't know her medical history (nor should we), so we can't say for certain when she transitioned. However, this would not have been decided at 3 years old. Period. If you think otherwise then you have no idea how the entire diagnosis and transition process occurs and frankly have no right to claim some kind of authority on the subject. Because you don't know and don't have any.

And this would have been a persistent thing for doctors, psychologists, and the (presumably) parents to let happen. What parent wants to have a transgendered kid? Do you honestly think that parents go "oh yeah they played with a dress once, now they are a girl" or "I wish we had a girl... so let's make this son of ours a girl"? The parents will know how difficult it will be for their kid being a transgender individual. This case is exactly the type of thing that their child will encounter for the rest of their life. I challenge you to find me one instance of a parent who forced a kid to change genders.

No, it's because your psychological gender identity matches your biological physical identity.

I appreciate your perspective..I honestly do. But I find you to be extremely dishonest as regards science and biology.

You seem to want to ignore the inconvenient parts (a biological male is a man by gender) when they disagree with a social "norm" (trans women, in this case) and you pick and choose the science behind psychology when it agrees with your world-view.

I ask again, why does gender identity get to trump your sex at birth?


Senior member
May 9, 2002
Gender is a social construct. There are many societies where there are more than two recognized genders.


Apr 13, 2012
first off, I was just making a statement based on what everyone sees on a daily basis.

Democrat is not a gender.

Everyone is born either male or female. That cannot be changed no matter how much surgery one gets.

If for some reason you don't identify with your natural gender (sex: m or f) then your gender identity is what you feel it should be.

Gender roles are a societal invention. Personally I don't care what someone's role is. Changing gender roles doesn't change one's gender. A man doesn't become female because he watches the kids at home while his wife works.

And this is what I am saying is BS. If gender is a societal invention. How can anyone, much less a 2 year old, feel like a member of a certain gender?


Senior member
May 9, 2002
And this is what I am saying is BS. If gender is a societal invention. How can anyone, much less a 2 year old, feel like a member of a certain gender?

Because of the interaction with other members of the society, most notably the parents and siblings.
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