"Man, it's bad enough that Bush won the election.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2001
by Kos: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/12/21/12013/566

Man, it's bad enough that Bush won the election. But it makes me angrier that he won the election when people don't even like the guy.

Not even two months after the election, Bush is poised to be the most unpopular president at his inaugaration.
Since his 3-percentage-point win over Sen. John Kerry, Bush has experienced a complete lack of bounce in the polls. In fact, in at least one national survey, Fox News' Opinion Dynamics poll, conducted Dec. 14-15, Bush's approval rating has fallen five points in the last month, to 48 percent. In other polls, including Washington Post-ABC, NBC/Wall Street Journal, Pew Research Center, Associated Press-Ipsos, Zogby, and Gallup, Bush's already soft approval numbers have flat-lined since the election. That phenomenon stands in sharp contrast to U.S. history, when presidents voted into office for a second term, even after close elections, routinely have received robust approval ratings.

According to an analysis posted on the Gallup Web site in mid-November, Bush's current 53 percent approval rating "is actually the lowest of any of the last seven presidents who won a second term in the first poll conducted after their re-election." Right after securing their second terms, Bill Clinton received a 58 percent approval rating, Ronald Reagan 61 percent, Richard Nixon 62 percent, Lyndon Johnson 70 percent, Dwight Eisenhower 75 percent, and Harry Truman 69 percent.
Meanwhile, a majority of Americans now believe the Iraq War was a mistake (which should only worsen as news of the 22 dead in the Mosul attack makes the rounds).
While a slight majority believe the Iraq war contributed to the long-term security of the United States, 70 percent of Americans think these gains have come at an "unacceptable" cost in military casualties. This led 56 percent to conclude that, given the cost, the conflict there was "not worth fighting" -- an eight-point increase from when the same question was asked this summer, and the first time a decisive majority of people have reached this conclusion.
What to make of these numbers? First of all, Karl Rove got scrwed by Time Magazine. He deserved that Man of the Year award after selling this lemon to the American people.

But what makes me angry was Kerry and his gang's inability to take advantage of the situation. I may regret saying this later, but fvck it -- they should be lined up and shot. There's no reason they should've lost to this joker. "I voted for the $87 billion, then I voted against it." That wasn't nuance. That was idiocy. And with a primary campaign that consisted entirely of "I'm the most electable", Kerry entered the general without a core philosophy or articulated vision for the job.

I could deal with losing to a popular incumbent. But it's tough to deal with the most unpopular incumbent to win reelection.

Of course, there's a silver lining to all of this. A Kerry presidency would've been an unmitigated disaster, with a hostile congress, budget woes, the mess in Iraq, etc. Not a good time to be in charge. Those Supreme Court seats would've been nice (whoever we would've been able to push through a hostile Senate), but we've got an opportunity for long-term gain.

The left is already working to build it's own version of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy -- the $300 million annual machine that developes the conservative message (think tanks), disseminates it to the public (Fox News, Rush), and trains their leaders in how to wield it.

The war isn't going well, and Bush will be hard pressed to rescue anything positive from that quagmire. The budget is a mess, and budget cuts will cause great resentment while savings get eaten up by his Iraq misadventures. The GOP's right wing is screaming for payback with an agenda that doesn't sell on Main Street. GOP moderates may be emboldened by Giuliani's and Schwarzenegger's popularity to reassert themselves.

The economy is going nowhere, housing starts are down, and interest rates are rising. This Christmas season has been the worst for retailers in years. That is, unless you are a high-end retailer. Thing are going great for those who can afford $360 Christian Dior glasses for their teenage daughters. Most people have to scavange the clearance rack at WalMart.

The Democrats need to offer an alternative agenda over the next four years. It won't be enacted, so they can shoot for the moon. The hell with good policy, make proposals that sound great. The GOP used flag burning and gay marriage to rally their side. We can find equivalents. Don't worry about them becoming law, because they won't. Worry about branding the party and placing every bit of bad news (and there will be plenty) squarely at the feet of the party that controls all levers of government.

We need to make the GOP radioactive. Their incompetence is providing the ammunition. It is our job to wield it. Remember, they control everything. We don't need to be bipartisan. We don't need to work with them for them to pass their agenda. So we offer up clear alternatives to everything they propose. We have to be aggressive.

We have nothing to lose. Being in the minority is being in the minority. Yet we have much to gain.


Oct 4, 2002
All these election amounts to is fund raising and to make the person running this country more popular.
Nothing more then a big scam to help them put more money in their pockets. I don't even know why people even donated money into stupid campaign like this. A waste of money.


Golden Member
Dec 1, 2004
at the very least the balance of power needs to be better so that things don't get even more one sided. I can't help but feel that any of the things I consider "good" about conservatives no longer exist. What happened to real conservatism?

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
LOL, leave it to the Democrats to run someone even more objectionable the the Dub
Sep 12, 2004
The Democrats need to offer an alternative agenda over the next four years. It won't be enacted, so they can shoot for the moon. The hell with good policy, make proposals that sound great. The GOP used flag burning and gay marriage to rally their side. We can find equivalents. Don't worry about them becoming law, because they won't. Worry about branding the party and placing every bit of bad news (and there will be plenty) squarely at the feet of the party that controls all levers of government.
So the left still hasn't learned a thing from the past four years of attempting precisely that?

And they deign to call others ignorant? :guffaw:


Golden Member
Apr 12, 2000
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
The Democrats need to offer an alternative agenda over the next four years. It won't be enacted, so they can shoot for the moon. The hell with good policy, make proposals that sound great. The GOP used flag burning and gay marriage to rally their side. We can find equivalents. Don't worry about them becoming law, because they won't. Worry about branding the party and placing every bit of bad news (and there will be plenty) squarely at the feet of the party that controls all levers of government.
So the left still hasn't learned a thing from the past four years of attempting precisely that?

And they deign to call others ignorant? :guffaw:

Care to provide examples?


Golden Member
Jul 8, 2002
Are you people ever going to give up...

Who cares if the president is popular. I am sure that Bush could care less about the push polls and BS that the news agencies throw out every day. It is not a Clintonesque popularity/legacy building contest, it is a serious job.

By the way... Bush won the election. Don't you think it is time to "Move On" again.
Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: SViscusi
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
The Democrats need to offer an alternative agenda over the next four years. It won't be enacted, so they can shoot for the moon. The hell with good policy, make proposals that sound great. The GOP used flag burning and gay marriage to rally their side. We can find equivalents. Don't worry about them becoming law, because they won't. Worry about branding the party and placing every bit of bad news (and there will be plenty) squarely at the feet of the party that controls all levers of government.
So the left still hasn't learned a thing from the past four years of attempting precisely that?

And they deign to call others ignorant? :guffaw:

Care to provide examples?
Would you like me to follow that up by proving the earth is round as well?

I mean, how about looking at the first page of this forum (or any subsequent page)? How often does the left question their own policies? How often do they b1tch and whine about some aspect of the right or the administration?

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: irwincur
I am sure that Bush could care less about the push polls and BS that the news agencies throw out every day.
No shit, like it matters to him if he is popular or not..after all he's not running for anything and he has political capital and he is going to use it. Just don't expect him to negotiate with himself in public

Feb 3, 2001
Is anyone else getting sick of this topic? For goodness sakes, the damn election is over, now get on with life. It's not like the world is suddenly gonna change on you with Bush reelected, anymore than it was going to with Kerry in office.

Good god, can we PLEASE talk about something else?



Diamond Member
May 24, 2001
Originally posted by: DragonMasterAlex
Is anyone else getting sick of this topic? For goodness sakes, the damn election is over, now get on with life. It's not like the world is suddenly gonna change on you with Bush reelected, anymore than it was going to with Kerry in office.

Good god, can we PLEASE talk about something else?


you post it, we'll talk about it. What do you have to offer ?


Nov 23, 2001
Bush won because he appealed to "Jesusland" that is the heartland of America, and because the democrats couldn't field anyone better (more dynamic) than the lackluster Kerry.


Senior member
Nov 17, 2004
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
LOL, leave it to the Democrats to run someone even more objectionable the the Dub

Yes, that appears to be the case. I don't get it there had to be someone better.
Feb 3, 2001
Originally posted by: polm
Originally posted by: DragonMasterAlex
Is anyone else getting sick of this topic? For goodness sakes, the damn election is over, now get on with life. It's not like the world is suddenly gonna change on you with Bush reelected, anymore than it was going to with Kerry in office.

Good god, can we PLEASE talk about something else?


you post it, we'll talk about it. What do you have to offer ?

At the moment, I am SO tired from fighting off an impending Exchange server crash until Thursday when I can rebuild the box that I can't think of a damned thing

Feb 3, 2001
Originally posted by: BigLouis
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
LOL, leave it to the Democrats to run someone even more objectionable the the Dub

Yes, that appears to be the case. I don't get it there had to be someone better.

Like, say, any of the other three candidates who ran against Kerry in the primaries?

Hell, Mr. Magoo stood a better chance.

In all fairness to Kerry though, history was on Bush's side: We've NEVER tossed out a president sitting during wartime. But look at the bright side: We came CLOSE, which means that it *IS* possible.



Golden Member
Apr 12, 2000
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: SViscusi
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
The Democrats need to offer an alternative agenda over the next four years. It won't be enacted, so they can shoot for the moon. The hell with good policy, make proposals that sound great. The GOP used flag burning and gay marriage to rally their side. We can find equivalents. Don't worry about them becoming law, because they won't. Worry about branding the party and placing every bit of bad news (and there will be plenty) squarely at the feet of the party that controls all levers of government.
So the left still hasn't learned a thing from the past four years of attempting precisely that?

And they deign to call others ignorant? :guffaw:

Care to provide examples?
Would you like me to follow that up by proving the earth is round as well?

I mean, how about looking at the first page of this forum (or any subsequent page)? How often does the left question their own policies? How often do they b1tch and whine about some aspect of the right or the administration?

But that has nothing to do with the part you quoted. The quoted part referred to Democrats finding more and better wedge issues like Republicans have.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Ah yes, good old Markos "Screw them" Zúniga. Before making a point, please allow me to first expand upon this illustrious member of the blogsphere.

- Was 0 for 15 on supported, winning candidates during the 2004 election.

- Site postings were briefly accessible through Google News search as a "satire" site. Changed to "news", but was booted from the system shortly thereafter.

- Caught cheating during the 2004 Weblog Awards.

Now that we've dispensed with the formalities, let us examine his closing statement.

"We have nothing to lose. Being in the minority is being in the minority. Yet we have much to gain. "

Well Markos, old buddy, ya better move quick if yer gonna stop more bleeding like this

SHELBYVILLE, Ky. ? Three elected officials in the traditional Democratic stronghold of Shelby County defected yesterday to the Republican Party, the same day the local Democratic chairman resigned.

The three officials cited varying reasons for their switch, including conflicts with national Democrats on such issues as abortion, guns and taxes, and said the GOP better represents their moral and economic values.

"It certainly doesn't reflect my personal beliefs," Shelby County Attorney Chuck Hickman said of the Democratic Party, which he had been a member of for 24 years. He was joined by Simpsonville City Commissioner Cary Vowels and Shelby County Coroner Tommy Sampson.

Four deputy coroners and Sampson's son, an emergency medical technician, also joined the GOP ranks during a ceremony on the Shelby County Courthouse steps.

In what he said was a coincidence, Shelby County Democratic Executive Committee Chairman Gary Walls submitted his resignation yesterday, citing dissatisfaction with the national party's drift to the left.


Sampson, the county coroner for the past 20 years, said the GOP has treated him well even as the state Democratic Party ignored him.

"I never was invited to any reindeer games," Sampson said.

Vowels cited his strong anti-abortion and pro-gun views. He said he has lived in Connecticut, New York and Massachusetts and was alarmed at "liberalism run amok."


Apr 8, 2002
Get over it already.

The only score that matters is the election night final.

Bush wins!



Senior member
Dec 21, 2004
In all honesty I hope the moderates can take control of the party back from the Mooreites. There needs to a credible counter-balance to the right.

However, calling the midwest and south "jesusland", looking down at these same people and calling them stupid, etc is not the way to do it. You will simply alienate even more of your prosepective voters.

Luckily there are many moderates out there that understand this like Barack Obama....it is my hope that he becomes the face of the democratic party and not Michael Moore.


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: burnedout
Ah yes, good old Markos "Screw them" Zúniga. Before making a point, please allow me to first expand upon this illustrious member of the blogsphere.

- Was 0 for 15 on supported, winning candidates during the 2004 election.

- Site postings were briefly accessible through Google News search as a "satire" site. Changed to "news", but was booted from the system shortly thereafter.

- Caught cheating during the 2004 Weblog Awards.

Now that we've dispensed with the formalities, let us examine his closing statement.

"We have nothing to lose. Being in the minority is being in the minority. Yet we have much to gain. "

Well Markos, old buddy, ya better move quick if yer gonna stop more bleeding like this

SHELBYVILLE, Ky. ? Three elected officials in the traditional Democratic stronghold of Shelby County defected yesterday to the Republican Party, the same day the local Democratic chairman resigned.

The three officials cited varying reasons for their switch, including conflicts with national Democrats on such issues as abortion, guns and taxes, and said the GOP better represents their moral and economic values.

"It certainly doesn't reflect my personal beliefs," Shelby County Attorney Chuck Hickman said of the Democratic Party, which he had been a member of for 24 years. He was joined by Simpsonville City Commissioner Cary Vowels and Shelby County Coroner Tommy Sampson.

Four deputy coroners and Sampson's son, an emergency medical technician, also joined the GOP ranks during a ceremony on the Shelby County Courthouse steps.

In what he said was a coincidence, Shelby County Democratic Executive Committee Chairman Gary Walls submitted his resignation yesterday, citing dissatisfaction with the national party's drift to the left.


Sampson, the county coroner for the past 20 years, said the GOP has treated him well even as the state Democratic Party ignored him.

"I never was invited to any reindeer games," Sampson said.

Vowels cited his strong anti-abortion and pro-gun views. He said he has lived in Connecticut, New York and Massachusetts and was alarmed at "liberalism run amok."

Social Security is "liberalism run amok" to some people.


Senior member
Dec 21, 2004
Well that depends Supertool.

Social Security administered by the national government is liberalism run amok.

Social Security administered by the states is not....but that's just my point of view since i'm an Anti-Federalist/Libertarian


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Centinel
Well that depends Supertool.

Social Security administered by the national government is liberalism run amok.

Social Security administered by the states is not....but that's just my point of view since i'm an Anti-Federalist/Libertarian

Thanks for demonstrating my point. When someone bashes liberalism, I hope people know what is being discussed.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Centinel
In all honesty I hope the moderates can take control of the party back from the Mooreites. There needs to a credible counter-balance to the right.

However, calling the midwest and south "jesusland", looking down at these same people and calling them stupid, etc is not the way to do it. You will simply alienate even more of your prosepective voters.

Luckily there are many moderates out there that understand this like Barack Obama....it is my hope that he becomes the face of the democratic party and not Michael Moore.

The majority of the republican party is probably much closer center than the left in the democrats is.

This is why the republicans have been mopping the floor with the democrats for the past 24 years.
The democrats keep going left and the republicans are filling the void of the moderates who are disenchanted with the extreme left of the democratic party.



Apr 30, 2003
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Centinel
In all honesty I hope the moderates can take control of the party back from the Mooreites. There needs to a credible counter-balance to the right.

However, calling the midwest and south "jesusland", looking down at these same people and calling them stupid, etc is not the way to do it. You will simply alienate even more of your prosepective voters.

Luckily there are many moderates out there that understand this like Barack Obama....it is my hope that he becomes the face of the democratic party and not Michael Moore.

The majority of the republican party is probably much closer center than the left in the democrats is.

This is why the republicans have been mopping the floor with the democrats for the past 24 years.
The democrats keep going left and the republicans are filling the void of the moderates who are disenchanted with the extreme left of the democratic party.

all i have to say is....wow.

anybody else find it incredibly annoying that all the conservatives have the flag as their av? is it a moronic plan to prove that you are much better patriots than the rest of us? please however learn to question the government instead of being a sheep and i'll possibly think of calling you patriot.



Apr 8, 2002
all i have to say is....wow.

anybody else find it incredibly annoying that all the conservatives have the flag as their av? is it a moronic plan to prove that you are much better patriots than the rest of us? please however learn to question the government instead of being a sheep and i'll possibly think of calling you patriot

Wow is correct. How did you manage to spew out that drivel based on what I wrote earlier?

Thank you for completely not addressing a single thing in what I wrote. Congrats, I wouldnt have expected better.

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