Man Sends Wife Spreadsheet Of All Her Excuses Not To Have Sex

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Jan 15, 2001
My wife just texted me and told me babcia was picking up the kids from day care and bringing them to her house for a few hours. I replied... Quickie? Otherwise I'll have to update the spreadsheet. I'm pretty sure I'm good to go now.

I guess when you have absolutely nothing to say in response to valid answers that directly oppose your idiotic view of the world, you resort to what can only be described as utterly hilarious jokes. On a more serious note, you're never going to be good to go. Once a douche, always a douche.


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2008
I guess when you have absolutely nothing to say in response to valid answers that directly oppose your idiotic view of the world, you resort to what can only be described as utterly hilarious jokes. On a more serious note, you're never going to be good to go. Once a douche, always a douche.

What's funny is that if he had actually sent that as his response, he could have.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002

Every man should create a spreadsheet of why women won't sleep with them, but also when they DO sleep with them. We will then upload all these spreadsheets into a giant database, perform some data mining and pattern recognition, then devise the perfect methodology for getting laid.

I win.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
having kids is the only criteria that matters in this debate.

your example is not applicable, as I'm sure has probably been pointed out to you. You haven't raised kids from birth.

You are completely oblivious of the day-to-day, and much importantly: night-to-night of those first cumbersome 2 years, as well as the first 7 or so years.


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2009
I guess when you have absolutely nothing to say in response to valid answers that directly oppose your idiotic view of the world, you resort to what can only be described as utterly hilarious jokes. On a more serious note, you're never going to be good to go. Once a douche, always a douche.

Wow, are you mad because I didn't respond to your last post? Your previous post was just a continued explanation of your wife modifying methods, and don't have anything else to say, consider the horse beaten.

Also I like making light of a situation that others seem find a lot more serious than I do. People get really worked up when they find out someone isn't having the"normal" amount of sex. That sounds like 4 times a week with 2 young kids and every 10 minutes with no kids

Anyhow, I could go back and forth with you... you have different values than I do, fine. I don't get pissed or consider myself or my wife lazy when I don't have sex with her. And I don't write spreadsheets to illustrate how I feel she could be better at life.

That's just me. But I'm sure you will still respond aggressively, because that's who you are and what you do. You've called me a loser, idiotic and a douche at this point and you've shown your true colors in many other ways in this thread. We differ in those regards and yes I will be sarcastic about it because I think the whole thing is ridiculous.

[Edit] Oh nvm, that was bobberfet that called me a pussywhipped loser, not you.
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Jul 17, 2003
The problem with this whole internet on this is that too many are confusing sex as the primary reason for their issue. It likely is not. There might be other issues at play, but even absent those, her lack of interest in sex is making him feel unloved and unappreciated. He's taking a direct hit to his self esteem in the process and sooner or later somebody else is going to fill that void for him whether it be his wife or not.

It isn't about him getting off, but the fact that he is missing that physical connection to his wife. It pisses me off to no end when people equate men to simplistic fucking machines. If we are single and young? Fuck yeah... But when we marry the one we chose as the "one" or what ever BS you want to frame it as we generally are also in the sex portion of it for that complete connection to our spouse. In marriage counseling, some call it his and her love language. It is different for a female than it is for a male.

To give you an example... My wife and I had intimacy issues. No amount of communication was solving it. No amount of fighting was solving it. Posturing to leave or get a mistress scared her enough to respond for a few weeks and then it was back to her same behavior... She was happy in the marriage, she had everything she wanted. The ability to stay at home ( even before we had kids), a decent car, roof over her head, financial security, and a hard working husband. She was oblivious to what her frigidity was causing with me and our marriage. She was oblivious to her responsibility to ensure I was happy and had what I needed. I once withheld all affection from her. I stopped initiating hugs, kisses, goodnights, etc. After a few days she was aware something was missing. After a week she was in tears asking me to explain why I was being so distant. The epiphany should have been that she wasn't getting what she needed and a lesson was learned. In the short term it fixed it, after a month she went back to her new married self and was oblivious once again.

It took multiple rounds of marriage counseling. It took a fairly traumatic additional lesson for us both to learn. It took the time ( years) to study the situation, study her and realize that she had a pronounced anxiety disorder (coupled with a few twists) that was impacting her desire to be intimate. She hid much of it from me while we were dating and it slowly manifested itself and became worse over several years of marriage.

So my point was it isn't just about "sex". My wife used to believe that it was normal not to have intimacy for weeks on end because well, every marriage is like that. I always took the stance that it was BS to lump everyone in one bucket. Yes, every marriage has similar issues... What drives the issues can be a completely different animal from one marriage to the next.

I think my wife and I are lucky that I had the patience, the logic, and what ever else it took to stick it out and figure it out. I almost quit several times in the process and each time I found something that I needed to follow through on just to be sure. I think my wife was equally surprised to get to identify her anxiety disorder and get it managed.

I feel for this guy as the situation feels very familiar. Familiar enough that I can't really take her side at all absent additional facts. This is a marriage that is ending though. If my wife posted that to some internet forum and I saw it - with all of it's self serving gaping holes of truth I'd have papers served to her the minute she got home.

Holy shit Dan, apart from one or two minor differences you just described the last 12 years of my life!

It's like you just scanned my brain somehow and created a synopsis of what you found in the folder labeled "Us". I'm seriously a little creeped out right now. Not sure if I should chalk that up to a common situation for couples in this day and age or if I should start checking my place for hidden cameras and mics.


Dec 3, 2013
My wife actually wanted to have sex 10 minutes ago why am I here

Tired a bit I guess.


*Thinks, scratches head, leaves*


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Wonder if he got rich in the next year or two from a lucky investment, business or the lottery would they do it more. That's pie in the sky I know, they sound like regular working people from that article.

Only if they were only dating. She's married now... She gets half. She doesn't have to step it up in that scenario.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004

Every man should create a spreadsheet of why women won't sleep with them, but also when they DO sleep with them. We will then upload all these spreadsheets into a giant database, perform some data mining and pattern recognition, then devise the perfect methodology for getting laid.

I win.

I'll win because I won't datamine the reasons... just the women who say no the least.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Holy shit Dan, apart from one or two minor differences you just described the last 12 years of my life!

It's like you just scanned my brain somehow and created a synopsis of what you found in the folder labeled "Us". I'm seriously a little creeped out right now. Not sure if I should chalk that up to a common situation for couples in this day and age or if I should start checking my place for hidden cameras and mics.

We should totally fuck.... Or wife swap for the fun of it... Or share a beer. I am leaning towards beer.

I hope I didn't cause you to go to your dark place.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
your example is not applicable, as I'm sure has probably been pointed out to you. You haven't raised kids from birth.

You are completely oblivious of the day-to-day, and much importantly: night-to-night of those first cumbersome 2 years, as well as the first 7 or so years.

No, I acknowledged babies are difficult.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
The problem with this whole internet on this is that too many are confusing sex as the primary reason for their issue. It likely is not. There might be other issues at play, but even absent those, her lack of interest in sex is making him feel unloved and unappreciated. He's taking a direct hit to his self esteem in the process and sooner or later somebody else is going to fill that void for him whether it be his wife or not.

It isn't about him getting off, but the fact that he is missing that physical connection to his wife. It pisses me off to no end when people equate men to simplistic fucking machines. If we are single and young? Fuck yeah... But when we marry the one we chose as the "one" or what ever BS you want to frame it as we generally are also in the sex portion of it for that complete connection to our spouse. In marriage counseling, some call it his and her love language. It is different for a female than it is for a male.

To give you an example... My wife and I had intimacy issues. No amount of communication was solving it. No amount of fighting was solving it. Posturing to leave or get a mistress scared her enough to respond for a few weeks and then it was back to her same behavior... She was happy in the marriage, she had everything she wanted. The ability to stay at home ( even before we had kids), a decent car, roof over her head, financial security, and a hard working husband. She was oblivious to what her frigidity was causing with me and our marriage. She was oblivious to her responsibility to ensure I was happy and had what I needed. I once withheld all affection from her. I stopped initiating hugs, kisses, goodnights, etc. After a few days she was aware something was missing. After a week she was in tears asking me to explain why I was being so distant. The epiphany should have been that she wasn't getting what she needed and a lesson was learned. In the short term it fixed it, after a month she went back to her new married self and was oblivious once again.

It took multiple rounds of marriage counseling. It took a fairly traumatic additional lesson for us both to learn. It took the time ( years) to study the situation, study her and realize that she had a pronounced anxiety disorder (coupled with a few twists) that was impacting her desire to be intimate. She hid much of it from me while we were dating and it slowly manifested itself and became worse over several years of marriage.

So my point was it isn't just about "sex". My wife used to believe that it was normal not to have intimacy for weeks on end because well, every marriage is like that. I always took the stance that it was BS to lump everyone in one bucket. Yes, every marriage has similar issues... What drives the issues can be a completely different animal from one marriage to the next.

I think my wife and I are lucky that I had the patience, the logic, and what ever else it took to stick it out and figure it out. I almost quit several times in the process and each time I found something that I needed to follow through on just to be sure. I think my wife was equally surprised to get to identify her anxiety disorder and get it managed.

I feel for this guy as the situation feels very familiar. Familiar enough that I can't really take her side at all absent additional facts. This is a marriage that is ending though. If my wife posted that to some internet forum and I saw it - with all of it's self serving gaping holes of truth I'd have papers served to her the minute she got home.

Amazing how similar my experience has been. Fix now with a lot of work, but amazingly similar.


Diamond Member
Aug 2, 2007
Had a situation similar but not as in depth or long lasting. Our frequency took a dive after about 2 years of marriage, we were both early-mid 20s with no kids or health issues. I would get angry about it and we'd fight, she would just chalk it up to her not being in the mood. For whatever reason. We were stressed more and more and it got worse and worse, to the point where we'd have sex maybe once a month, and once a week was probably the max for about a year, maybe more.

Finally got to the point where I resented her a lot, I didn't want to come home from work, and when I was home I was always just pissed off with a short temper. I couldn't sleep, wasn't rested, and that added to the cycle. I broke down and said that I was just about done, and she asked if I wanted to sleep with other people. I replied I didn't, but I damn well wanted to sleep with someone and while I much prefer it be her, it would be someone else if she wasn't willing. We ended up going to a therapist and it took a while, but eventually we got reset and she learned not to carry her work stress home and I learned to communicate better. Things got better and we're perfectly happy.

Our frequency depends on what's going on in life, it's been 2 months because our daughter is 7 weeks old, but it should go back to normal (or the new normal) fairly soon. But we're both better at making an effort. She still shoots me down quite often, which has led to me not initiating almost ever, which she hates. But fuck that, if you're going to shoot me down all the time, I'm not going to waste my time. We still need to improve that.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Sadly, most of the time these sex issues post children are due to falling out of love or never really been in it for the parents. They end up with something new to focus their love and attention on and just go through the motions of living with their spouses.

I have to work days and then overnights sometimes and still manage to find time for sex. Being a parent doesn't require 30-36 hours straight work and still having to get up the next day.

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Sadly, most of the time these sex issues post children are due to falling out of love or never really been in it for the parents. They end up with something new to focus their love and attention on and just go through the motions of living with their spouses.

I have to work days and then overnights sometimes and still manage to find time for sex. Being a parent doesn't require 30-36 hours straight work and still having to get up the next day.

Not the same in the least bit.

For a woman, pregnacy can be pretty brutal on their bodies. My son was breach so they had to do an emergency c-section. Have your abdominal muscles ripped through and the belly fat layer heal back awkward, your breasts abused from a year of milking and feeding and throw on the effort of working a full time professional job and it makes for a rough go of it. Even two years removed my wifes c-section scar hasn't healed that great and it really messed up how her stomach looks and responds to losing weight. Breasts ain't got the perk they used to because they were feed bags for several months. And toss in stress from work and you've got a tired, and poor self imaged woman. Women are their own worst enemies when it comes to those things. We can try to talk them off the ledge as best as we can but sometimes it's all up to them to get over that hump.

If a woman doesn't feel good about themselves or feel sexy they don't want to be intimate.

That's not the same as working long days at all.


Dec 14, 2000
By the way you do realize chores are an equal opportunity for all in a household right? It isn't just a womans job. If you eat off those dishes you can wash them too. I mean just how lazy are you? It takes me all of 10 minutes to do the dishes.

I do the dishes all the time. I put them in the sink so my wife can load the dishwasher.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
"Men who do wife’s chores get less sex, study says"

I've proven that one too. No amount of nice notes, cards, flowers, buying their favorite treat, cooking them a nice meal, taking them out, changes the intimacy rate.

Shit, I remember one of our first "Date nights" late last year after more marriage counseling... She resented the fact that she had to dress up and put on makeup to go out to a nice dinner. She knew that I might want to have sex that night so all day she was building anxiety over it (see my previous post about her disorder), so that when it came to lights out, she turned me down and wondered why I was pissed. It was fucking date night. Doesn't mean we have to have sex, but it certainly should put chances pretty fucking high.

The irony is we have great sex when we have it. She gets off, we both receive and give great oral and she is fine once things are in motion. It is contrary to what you would think about a woman who could care less whether she had sex again the rest of her life (mid-40's). Bets are she would fuck like a bunny if I was gone and she met someone new she had to reel in. We are averaging once a week, so I can't complain too much compared to how bad it was. It isn't as good as when we were dating ten years ago, but I understand that.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
I'll win because I won't datamine the reasons... just the women who say no the least.

Let me explain to you why you're wrong. With my solution, women can't resist saying yes. You're solving the wrong problem.

I win.


Feb 18, 2004


Jun 22, 2000
bitches be crazy.

my boyfriend has learned that if he wants to get my sex drive from a 0 to 100 instantly, let me walk in the door to find a clean apartment and dinner on the stove. otherwise, by the time I cook dinner, clean up, take care of the cats, etc... all I want to do is pass out and be left alone.

My wife says the same thing. And the women in the study probably said the same thing.

But as any man who has spent more than 5 minutes with a woman knows, what they say/think they want is almost never what they actually want.


Jul 17, 2003
We should totally fuck.... Or wife swap for the fun of it... Or share a beer. I am leaning towards beer.

I hope I didn't cause you to go to your dark place.

Fetal position + running shower + crying

I hope you're happy.
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