Discussion Man Tracks Down His Stolen Truck, Kills Alleged Thief In Gunfight Outside Mall

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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Why that? I'd be surprised if there's a .22 though. Its just not manly enough.
I love shooting .22 but that is probably cause I am a noob. The signal to noise ratio is so much better than the higher calibers when working on your form.
Oh God, a gun nut!

Sorry about that.
Reactions: cytg111 and Pohemi


May 11, 2002
Why that? I'd be surprised if there's a .22 though. Its just not manly enough.
I love shooting .22 but that is probably cause I am a noob. The signal to noise ratio is so much better than the higher calibers when working on your form.

Well most criminals get whatever is available off the street.

The truck owner on the other hand probably did a great deal of research and likely practiced with his weapon.

So I'm quite curious what the two sides were armed with.


Dec 15, 2015
GTA 5 taught me it do be like that.

Let me paint you a different picture than the one being repeatedly painted in this thread. You let him steal the truck and report it stolen. The cops see him in traffic, run the tags, go for the arrest. The perp, you know the guy that pulled a gun and shot the owner, yeah, that guy. Makes different but equally reckless decisions, a police chase ensues. He plows through a car carrying kids to their soccer game. (since some of you have already played the "won't someone please think of the children!" card) Or a pregnant woman. Or he plows through multiple vehicles injuring or even killing multiple victims. Or he shoots some of the cops, other motorist, pedestrians. The list goes on. We are playing what if? and the list of answers to that question are nearly endless.

The potential for chaos and carnage isn't constrained to the scenario that played out, and what could have gone wrong but didn't. Until the laws change, what the guy did was kosher. You don't have to like or agree with it. My contention is that failure to consider the alternative of allowing the police you pay taxes for to handle it, could have had even worse results. Making any what if? argument silly IMO.

As to the dumbass questions about how do you know he was even the guy that stole the truck? Who gives a shit. He was guy willing to shoot and kill the owner instead of waiting for LEOs and working it out that way.

And come at me however you want in response. I am not budging from my position and neither are you. Ain't P&N grand?
That's a really bad straw man. Like really really bad. What if he had ignored the guy and he got hit by a meteor instead? But it missed him because the asshat performed a dumbass citizens arrest and got shot then killed a guy in front of another human who he also shot.

I'm flabbergasted by the number of people in here that are all 'good shoot!'. The shithead was still human, the shithead that shot him was still wrong, the shithead girlfriend and the shithead that shot the shithead idiot will now smear their trauma to other people through the rest of their lives because they're probably too stupid to get counseling for it and our stupid society is too stupid to prioritize mental health so we've got shitheads stealing cars and shitheads shooting at each other over stolen cars and a bunch of shitheads in this thread clapping their hairy ape hands over the whole ordeal.
Reactions: repoman0


Dec 15, 2015
Aside from the above, don't like all vehicles come with two keys now? Why not just take the second key and 'steal' it back if he knew where it was? Why the confrontation? Flatten the tires, take the battery, cut the tail lights so he gets pulled over. Literally a hundred things you could do other than pull out a goddamned gun on a stranger who you know at minimum is a criminal.


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
Aside from the above, don't like all vehicles come with two keys now? Why not just take the second key and 'steal' it back if he knew where it was? Why the confrontation? Flatten the tires, take the battery, cut the tail lights so he gets pulled over. Literally a hundred things you could do other than pull out a goddamned gun on a stranger who you know at minimum is a criminal.
Answer - because he has his metal penis
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Golden Member
Jun 5, 2017
That reads like you are suffering cognitive dissonance. But actually understand what you mean, being a fellow Florida man. It'll be the hurricanes that chase me out, not the crazy they put in the water here. I am a future climate refugee.

Not sure what the dissonance refers to. I don't have a ton of sympathy for thieves, but I wouldn't choose to kill someone over a car, and definitely wouldn't want to risk myself over one.

As far as not leaving already, it's not always so easy to just take off. I have a job, take care of elderly family, and my wife has a business here. And a kid still in school, which is in a pretty good district despite this being FL. I will be keeping an eye on what that district does in regard to that vile slavery whitewashing and new push to allow right-wing materials to be presented...Desantis has shown he's willing to threaten school systems before if they dare defy him.

Good luck to anyone here trying to get insurance in the years ahead. It's already a bigger expense than mortgages for many people.
Reactions: Pohemi


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Answer - because he has his metal penis
I disagree. It wasn’t that he had it, but that he had it while because he lacking the judgement only to only use it to defend his life instead of property that was not necessary for his own survival.

If we were justified in what he did thieves would not be protected by laws against cruel and unusual punishment. His lack of concern for the potential that his actions could have lead to his own death, the deaths of bystanders, or the death of a car thief and a possibly innocent passenger was reckless and self indulgent.
Reactions: Pohemi


Aug 5, 2000
Too impatient/pissed off/revenge minded/seeking instant gratification to wait for the cops to handle the situation I guess. I'd rather wait for the cops or follow if necessary and lead the cops to them. Not necessary to risk my own life for the sake of a freak'in truck. Risk my life for a truck in a gun crazy state; there's no logical comparison in that equation..


Mar 17, 2008
Well most criminals get whatever is available off the street.

The truck owner on the other hand probably did a great deal of research and likely practiced with his weapon.

So I'm quite curious what the two sides were armed with.
Unless its a meth addict, its not gonna be a 22 .. call me nostradumbass .
Reactions: Drach


Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2000
I'm kind of ok in this situation as rare as it is. The dead guy made the choice to pull a gun when confronted. He made the choice that for him killed. The vehicle owner had him on the ground, he made the choice, death >prison.


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
I'm against vigilante justice because this could have just as easily ended with the truck owner dead.

I'm not telling you I have all the answers. I just don't think this was worth anyone dying over.


Golden Member
Jun 5, 2017
The worst part is that it's likely to inflame all the other wannabe heroes who have watched Taken too many times. My former coworker was one of these, every year we'd have an active shooter talk from security and every year he'd get all hyped and would ask why he wasn't allowed to bring his weapon on campus. And every year security would tell him no, we are the only ones with guns, and I'd breathe a big sigh of relief. I figured I'm far more likely to get shot by this action hero when he mistakes me for a bad guy as I walk into a meeting than an actual active shooter. I'm sure he has a George Zimmerman poster on his wall, hey everyone has to have heroes.
Reactions: cytg111 and Pohemi


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
I'm against vigilante justice because this could have just as easily ended with the truck owner dead.

I'm not telling you I have all the answers. I just don't think this was worth anyone dying over.
Agree. This is basically vigilantism. I don't think people should be taking the work of the police into their own hands. It can end very very poorly with innocents being involved.
Reactions: Pohemi


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001

A Texas man whose truck was stolen tracked it down and confronted the suspected thief, killing him in a public shootout on Thursday, police said.

The owner of the Ford truck found it at the South Park Mall in San Antonio and confronted the man who had been driving it and a woman passenger, demanding at gunpoint they get out of the vehicle, Police Chief William McManus said at a press briefing.

The owner then called the police and made the two sit on the ground beside the truck’s tire to wait, but the man pulled his gun and fired at the truck’s owner, injuring him, police said.

The truck’s owner then returned fire, killing the man in the parking lot and injuring the woman, police said.

“The bad guy is the one dead, yes,” McManus told reporters. “The driver of the stolen vehicle is deceased, shot by the owner of the stolen vehicle.”

Police said the truck owner and the woman passenger were taken to the hospital with gunshot wounds. The woman is in critical condition, and the truck owner is in stable condition.

Give this guy a medal.. and a reward of something meaningful like no taxes for 5 years for removing criminals and their girlfriends for free.. doing tax payers a service and using his 2nd amendment rights responsibly!

Like this is a perfect case.. no innocents hurt.. criminal dead, victim gets his car back!
How did the truck owner know the person driving his truck was the thief who stole it before holding him and his GF at gunpoint?
What if it had been an innocent person who had unknowingly purchased the truck from the thief in good faith?
What if he thought he was borrowing his brother-in-law's new truck not knowing it wasn't paid for?
We're holding up this incident of lawless street violence as an example of good behavior, but the reality is the truck owner got lucky. Lucky he didn't shoot the wrong person. Lucky he didn't get shot himself.
The first purpose of law and order is for people to resolve their disputes peacefully. This wasn't that.
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Reactions: Paratus and Pohemi


Oct 11, 2005
Stealing a car does not get a death sentence. No one needed to die (or even be injured).

Fuck this guy.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
The hell it doesn't...we're WAY too soft on crime in this country.

(this coming from someone with a lengthy felony record)

The thief wasn't killed because he stole the truck...he was killed because he shot the truck's owner who was trying to retrieve his vehicle and restrain the thief for the cops.

How is the country with greatest percentage population of people incarcerated "soft on crime"?

How does that work out?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Lol come to Canada. We’re even more lenient on sentencing.
Soft on crime for some is a gift they may apply having tasted bad consequences and said to themselves that's enough of that. Others will see it as a sign of weakness in the law and take advantage of it. Hard on crime will mean that some will kill every possible witness to their crime to keep from being caught and the same when there is an attempt to apprehend them. Others will live a life full of lust and hatred for others but act out only when they sense it's safe to do so.

Punishment and leniency and their balance isn't the real issue in my opinion. The issue I believe is that people commit crimes because they were taught to hate themselves as children and grew up feeling so worthless they believed a productive life is not possible for them. That is what we need to change to move the dial on crime.

Pipeline 1010

Golden Member
Dec 2, 2005
I'm anti-crime, but grand theft auto does not deserve a death sentence.

He wasn't killed for grand theft auto. The victim was perfectly OK with waiting for the cops to come handle it. The evil violent criminal was killed because he shot the victim. He literally shot the victim and the victim shot back. There aren't a whole lot of scenarios where I'm good with killing the bad guy. But the bad guy shooting you after you track him down is one of those scenarios.

Don't make this into something that it's not.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2014
I am delighted this sort of thing is literally impossible in my town.

There is no chance I would be caught by any random stray bullets from this type of stupidity.

Oh, yea, the truck could get stolen. And yea, the owner could have chased the theft down. But at that point that would be the end of it. The owner would have stayed* in their vechile and called the cops. And the cops would have ended the situation in a trained and proper manner. Which most likely would have ended in the peaceful surrender of the suspect and nobody being seriously injured.

But even if it went the other way, it still would not have been a shoot out. I have seen the Palm Springs Police designated marksmen. The whole uncontrolled spraying of bullets by two factions and wounding of the girl friend would not have happened. The situation would still have been controlled and the general public not put in danger.

*because this is the golden state of California, and going vigilante is just going to get said vigilante locked up right next to the idiot who stole vigilante's truck, exactly where he belongs
Cops are useless in Texas. Did you not see like 400 of them just stand around in the parking lot for an hour while elementary school children were being mowed down in Uvalde? Got no problem with dude going back and getting his truck and then killing the pos who shot at him. The police in Texas don't give a shit about anything that doesn't make them money.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2014
Stealing a car does not get a death sentence. No one needed to die (or even be injured).

Fuck this guy.
Here's my problem with this. The cops out here don't give a shit about a stolen truck, or really anything not involving drugs since they can't seize property to auction by doing any kind of service for the people. And a vehicle is pretty much a necessity to work out here since we don't have any kind of reasonable public transportation system. People are struggling because this nation doesn't give a shit about us and our wages are stagnant while everything important in this nation, from housing to healthcare to education to vehicles to groceries has shot up like a rocket in price in the last 25 years. Like 60% of the nation can't handle a $400 surprise expense. So how are we supposed to be able to handle losing a vehicle? A vehicle that's once again necessary for the right to work and exist because of the United States' toxic car culture. If some asshole steals my car and I know where it's at I'm taking it back and if the robber pulls a gun on me he's getting a hollow point to the chest if he doesn't kill me first. Because I know damn well the SAPD isn't going to be useful.
Reactions: Indus


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Cops are useless in Texas. Did you not see like 400 of them just stand around in the parking lot for an hour while elementary school children were being mowed down in Uvalde? Got no problem with dude going back and getting his truck and then killing the pos who shot at him. The police in Texas don't give a shit about anything that doesn't make them money.
If citizens in TX have no choice but to take the law into their own hands, then the real impediment to law and order there is the police.


May 11, 2002
Here's my problem with this. The cops out here don't give a shit about a stolen truck, or really anything not involving drugs since they can't seize property to auction by doing any kind of service for the people. And a vehicle is pretty much a necessity to work out here since we don't have any kind of reasonable public transportation system. People are struggling because this nation doesn't give a shit about us and our wages are stagnant while everything important in this nation, from housing to healthcare to education to vehicles to groceries has shot up like a rocket in price in the last 25 years. Like 60% of the nation can't handle a $400 surprise expense. So how are we supposed to be able to handle losing a vehicle? A vehicle that's once again necessary for the right to work and exist because of the United States' toxic car culture. If some asshole steals my car and I know where it's at I'm taking it back and if the robber pulls a gun on me he's getting a hollow point to the chest if he doesn't kill me first. Because I know damn well the SAPD isn't going to be useful.

Well said.

You can be 100 football fields liberal left of AOC, but when you're affected by crime personally and the cops don't prioritize it.. you end up having to protect yourself, your family and your livelihood sometimes by force!
Reactions: SteveGrabowski


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2020
Just move. It doesn't have to be a blue state.

Plenty of blue, purple, and red states that have working law enforcement.
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