Man walks around Seattle with swastika armband and gets punched to ground by passerby

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Nov 11, 1999
Another poster did bring a good point about political views are not tied to a person birthplace/background. I replied if it was so, then why some pathetic losers in here whined and bitched about my background? Say it ain't so.

Totally on topic about that post.

You disregarded the topic at hand & had to make it all about you, as usual, calling out posters you've disagreed with in the past. If you can't recognize that as trolling, look again.


Senior member
Oct 27, 2013
Righties will never understand. When it comes to 1st amendment they will go with white nazis vs brown quarterback
These right wingers need to get punched in the face, Nazis sign or not. Pathetic Nazis sympathysers. WWII didn't teach these sissies anything. Little snow flakes with their Nazi flags. Defending Nazis, really?

STFU about not getting arrested or not being violent. You see an ISIS flag you burn that shit to ashes, you see a Nazi sign you shoot it with an AR15, 1911 45 cal, or whatever is allowed in California, how about a Glock 17. You see a douche with swastika armband, you punch him in the face to make sure he doesn't get jumped by real murderers two blocks down the road. You are not commiting a crime, you are saving the life of a douche bag.
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Jun 4, 2004
These right wingers need to get punched in the face, Nazis sign or not. Pathetic Nazis sympathysers. WWII didn't teach these sissies anything. Little snow flakes with their Nazi flags. Defending Nazis, really?

You really need to stop calling them Nazis. It's hurts their feelings. The PC term is alt-right. /s
Reactions: umbrella39


Senior member
Oct 27, 2013
Remember folks, white supremacists / neo Nazis - need to respect their 1st amendment rights.

Colin Kaepernick - son of a bitch for disrespecting our flag.
Kaepernick is a real man unlike the little Nazi bitch who fell with a little slap to the face.

Funny how us good looking white guys are not afraid of immigrants, not wearing swastikas, not carrying tiki torches, and not crying to uncle Sam for jobs. We are comfortable in our own skin, we are not lazy, and we make shit happen for ourselves. We eat sushi and we travel the World. You ugly fat uneducated fucks won't leave your daddy's home town. You eat steaks well done with ketchup, you take pictures of your ugly child with cheap guns, your gut is so big you can't see your own dick standing up. You blame everything wrong with your life on Obama, Clinton and Pelosi. You are exactly what is wrong with the Republican party, your have ruined the GOP.


Jun 4, 2004
The argument our conservative friends seem to be having over this is the old ideal of "I disagree with what you say but I'll defend your right to say it."

It's a good ideal and one I've believed for most of my life.

The problem is it requires a robust civil society to be able to absorb these kinds of hateful speech. That is not the society we currently inhabit.

If the virus of racial supremacy is allowed to propigate it will result in a society where speech will not be allowed except for the powerful minority. That must not be allowed to happen.

In this specific instance if the the guy who knocked out the glass jawed nazi did assault him then that's illegal.

I think in that case, arrest and prosecution for misdemeanor assault would be appropriate. A sentence of community service followed by the judge thanking him for his service to the community for punching a Nazi would also be appropriate.


May 19, 2011
The argument our conservative friends seem to be having over this is the old ideal of "I disagree with what you say but I'll defend your right to say it."

It's a good ideal and one I've believed for most of my life.

The problem is it requires a robust civil society to be able to absorb these kinds of hateful speech. That is not the society we currently inhabit.

If the virus of racial supremacy is allowed to propigate it will result in a society where speech will not be allowed except for the powerful minority. That must not be allowed to happen.

In this specific instance if the the guy who knocked out the glass jawed nazi did assault him then that's illegal.

I think in that case, arrest and prosecution for misdemeanor assault would be appropriate. A sentence of community service followed by the judge thanking him for his service to the community for punching a Nazi would also be appropriate.


We live in a society where inequality (including access to opportunity for advancement) is still commonplace (and I'm not just talking about for non-whites and non-males), and where there is inequality there is a breeding ground for resentment. Our society also favours giving more power to the powerful (for example, giving more opportunity or not reigning in business practices that target the disadvantaged), which adds to that resentment. Elements in our society (such as some media outlets) then expertly misdirect that resentment to whatever the current bogeyman figures are (Islam, people on benefits, etc). One of the inevitable results is the repeated rise of white supremacy and the increasing acceptance of xenophobic/racist attitudes, and our society seems to be going in a Nazi-ish direction that reminds me of one of my nephews when he was a toddler: He put his hand beneath the curved edge of a rocking chair while his dad was sitting in it, and below his fingers was a hard floor. The inevitable happened, he screamed in pain, then two minutes later he literally did the same thing again and was pulled away, then did the same two minutes after that.

After seeing the disastrous (and obvious to predict for anyone who had read Mein Kampf) effects of Nazi-ism, to shrug and let such attitudes breed a second time is pure lunacy. It would be like witnessing an outbreak of cholera our society and shrugging, and hoping for the best that it'll just burn itself out with minimal casualties instead of engaging in mass vaccination and not addressing the causes of the outbreak. Although our society is going one derpy step further and condemning people who are trying to rein in the outbreak.


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2013
What's the difference between a wannabe nazi and an actual nazi from a time nazis were relevant? Quite a lot, actually. What's the difference between a wannabe nazi and a regressive? Not much. Both love fascism.
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Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
It's more than a little sad when people willfully ignore the meaning of nazis. As I wrote in another thread:

"A point that some seem to forget. To declare oneself a Nazi is to declare that one is willing, even eager, to commit genocide against Jews, Roma, LGBT folks and a few others. It's a declaration/promise of intent to kill a buncha folks. And, if they're lucky, they also get to toss a few bodies into an oven. Some folks don't react peacefully to threats like that. Quelle surprise!"

There is zero evidence the guy wearing the arm band did anything close to what you describe. Yes what happened by the hand of Nazi's is indescribably bad. A terrible time for the world, no denying that. That does not give someone the right to knock a guy out, for wearing an arm band.

Few examples, I think we all know the Westbro Baptist church. They cheer the deaths of all sorts of people, military, gays, miners, just recently the deaths of the hurricane victims. They protest and picket these deaths, show up at funerals. Truly disgusting behavior. That being said, when done legally it is their right to free speech. Would it feel awesome punching out a guy protesting a loved one's death? Hell yeah it would. It would also be illegal, and land us in jail. I do not support their message or how they deliver it, I do support their right to do so however. As bad as it is, I still support it.

From a personal experience. We have a group of individuals who belong to the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ.

The ICGJC teaches that the descendants of the lost 12 tribes of Israel and true Biblical /Jews are the Black Americans/Negros, West Indians, and Native Americans of North and South America and those scattered throughout the whole planet, but not the Jewish people or the Africans. The group claims that the "Black Israelites" have divine favor and inspiration and are a race superior to "Edomites", whom they believe to be white people, and also have superiority over all other non-Israelite people.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the group's leaders are "obsessed with hatred for Edomites", and is one of several extremist/supremacist Hebrew Israelite groups that have expanded since 2000 from black inner-city neighborhoods on the East Coast, to cities in 10 US States.[3] Its headquarters are in New York City,[4][5] and its leader is known as "Chief High Priest Tazadaqyah".[

In late 2008, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) described the ICGJC and other black supremacist Hebrew Israelite groups as "the extremist fringe" of the movement. It wrote that the members of such groups "believe that Jews are devilish impostors and ... openly condemn whites as evil personified, deserving only death or slavery".

They like to hang out downtown on nice days, and to go to UT football games. Anywhere that has a large population of civilians where they can shout at people. Where the stadium fits over 100k and many more tailgate, etc. What do they do? They yell at people walking by. Insult them, mock them, etc. Even wives and kids. Wife and I were going by them last year when she was pregnant, and they shouted out that she was dressed like a whore, and our child was an abomination. Can't really get much more offensive than that for a man. Would I have liked to beat his ass? Did I slow my walk and really think about it? Yes, I did. But that is what they want, to bait people into a fight. They had a guy dedicated to recording confrontations. Much like Westbro.

They're allowed to yell at people in public places with their sexism, racism, bigotry and hatred. Why? Protected by free speech. Their entire purpose is to troll people into an argument with insults and personal attacks. Much like a few people here, they just do it irl. Again, I do not support their views, or how they go about it, but I do support their right to do so. They have ruined a few days for us before, you simply cannot enjoy yourself when people like that are yelling like that. I don't want the kids to hear that either. It would have been personally gratifying to beat his ass after he called my wife a whore for how she was dressed, and our unborn child an abomination. It also would have landed me in jail and without a job. There are plenty of videos of them online.

I also support Kap's right to kneel. That is his right. It is also the right of a business owner to not hire him for the fear of losing money via ticket sales and sponsors.

There was a KKK march recently here in town. I forget the exact number, I am pretty sure it was like 70:1, protesters to marchers. One person arrested, no fighting, no property damage. As pathetic as their views are, how little I think of them as a person, they had the right to march. They got the permits, and were within the law. They were far overshadowed by people who disagreed with them, which was a great thing. I don't agree with their message, I do support their ability to be able to deliver that message in peace.

There are countless examples of free speech that can be offensive to people. It comes in many forms, clothing, words, signs, etc. There is no sliding scale of offensiveness to warrant a stern talking to, to an actual assault. We have to allow the bad, to get the good. We cannot dictate on a personal level what someone is allowed to say, allowed to wear, how they look, etc and if they don't line up with our way of thinking, we assault them. No matter how despicable the views of people who really believe in hatred, bigotry, racism, sexism, etc. Which is exactly what the views of Nazi's are. Yet, when they express their views legally, that is their right. I am legally allowed to say I am better than you for whatever reason I come up with. I could call you ugly, fat, short, gay, say my race is better than your race. You are allowed to refute my allegations and argue back to me. We are not allowed to assault each other for these words. There really is nothing else to say, the law backs up my stance. Assaulting someone for what they wear or say, is going backwards. We don't have to like what is being expressed, but we do have to allow it when done legally. I really can't even believe this is a discussion, but seeing how many people support the violence at protests I shouldn't have been surprised.

I rambled a bit, don't have anything else to say. Gearing up for a day of football. Either people support the 1st Amendment, or they don't. There is no pick and choose, depending on who says it and what the message is. That's the bottom line. So no point in me going back and forth about it, this is my stance. Which is founded in our Constitution, backed by laws.
Reactions: lopri

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
Kaepernick is a real man unlike the little Nazi bitch who fell with a little slap to the face.

Funny how us good looking white guys are not afraid of immigrants, not wearing swastikas, not carrying tiki torches, and not crying to uncle Sam for jobs. We are comfortable in our own skin, we are not lazy, and we make shit happen for ourselves. We eat sushi and we travel the World. You ugly fat uneducated fucks won't leave your daddy's home town. You eat steaks well done with ketchup, you take pictures of your ugly child with cheap guns, your gut is so big you can't see your own dick standing up. You blame everything wrong with your life on Obama, Clinton and Pelosi. You are exactly what is wrong with the Republican party, your have ruined the GOP.

Jesus man, there is lot's of good looking Nazis


Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
No one should be subject to violence because of what they wear on the street, except by law. Period.


Jun 19, 2006
If Naziman is truly a member of a superior race why is he riding
the bus and laid out on the floor like a little bitch?


Jul 17, 2003
Remember folks, white supremacists / neo Nazis - need to respect their 1st amendment rights.

Colin Kaepernick - son of a bitch for disrespecting our flag.

My distaste for the NFL has been completely validated with that. You'd think Colin drove a car into a crowd of people and killed someone. A non-violent, non-confrontational manner of protest is rebuked, leading to stalled career, from an org than routinely excuses and defends guys who commit assault, rape and murder. They get a slap on the wrist and then it's back to work. Fuck Nazis, but fuck the NFL while we're at it.
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Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
A group of people who explicitly want to racially cleanse the United States of America - that is, kill or forcibly deport all non-whites from the USA's borders - are now feeling that it's safer than ever to parade around in public with those views.

Realistically, violence is going to enter the equation when views this horrific are being openly shared. Just as is true with ISIS, there are no reasonable arguments with those who simply want to see you gone or dead.

The only balance that needs to be stuck here by anti-fascists is to continue making these cretins afraid to walk outside with said views, but also not let them be seen as sympathetic figures. As I'm writing this out I suppose that the ideal would be a combination of disavowed violence towards Nazis combined with some high-tech media suppression of these cases occurring. So hopefully the next time a Nazi gets knocked out we don't hear about it.

Edit: Thinking these goals through, I suppose the unknown/low-level Nazis are the ones who need to get a regular punching, and let the high-level ones walk around merely menaced? Don't do any punching that's in front of too many cameras. And for any cell phone camera caught footage just claim the Nazi started it. It helps that the Nazi does always start it.
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Reactions: Indus


Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
The only balance that needs to be stuck here by anti-fascists is to continue making these cretins afraid to walk outside with said views, but also not let them be seen as sympathetic figures. As I'm writing this out I suppose that the ideal would be a combination of disavowed violence towards Nazis combined with some high-tech media suppression of these cases occurring. So hopefully the next time a Nazi gets knocked out we don't hear about it.
So you want a secret police to monitor citizenry of abhorrent views, and people who have such views to disappear without traces, all of which aided by suppression of free press?

The irony is thick.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
So you want a secret police to monitor citizenry of abhorrent views, and people who have such views to disappear without traces, all of which aided by suppression of free press?

The irony is thick.
Thankfully as my country seems less inclined to allow white supremacist views to take hold in public, for me this is just an interesting thought experiment.

But to think your question through, I'd say that considering the entire problem is a result of your failed government institutions, and that keeping a veil of secrecy is paramount here, no official state agency should be used to suppress Nazis and Nazi viewpoints. Better to have the state simply look the other way as private citizens take care of the matter.


Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
Like the officials of Jim Crow South? Looking the other way while lynching took place?


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Like the officials of Jim Crow South? Looking the other way while lynching take place?
No doubt the Nazi movement would be quite pleased to see you drawing equivalence with their genocidal movement and aims and the peaceful black citizens of the South trying to leave in peace.


Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
No, I do not see the difference in each instance, when it comes to the State's actions (or inaction). The lesson of history is that a regime where State picks and chooses which viewpoints are worthy inevitably turns to oppressing minorities. The hard question today is what constitutes "speech" and where we draw that line. But once we agree on what permissible form of speech is (wearing arm bands, for example), we must allow everyone to speak their minds without fear of state-sanctioned violence.
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