Marijuana is by far the safest recreational drug, study finds


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
A new study published in Nature establishes that cannibas has - by far - the highest "margin of exposure" (the ratio of the median lethal dose to the average actual dose) of all common recreational drugs, both legal and illegal. With an MOE of greater than 10,000 it's almost impossible for MJ to kill someone. By comparison, alcohol and tobacco - legal drugs - have MOE's less than 10. Here's the abstract from the study:

A comparative risk assessment of drugs including alcohol and tobacco using the margin of exposure (MOE) approach was conducted. The MOE is defined as ratio between toxicological threshold (benchmark dose) and estimated human intake. Median lethal dose values from animal experiments were used to derive the benchmark dose. The human intake was calculated for individual scenarios and population-based scenarios. The MOE was calculated using probabilistic Monte Carlo simulations. The benchmark dose values ranged from 2&#8197;mg/kg bodyweight for heroin to 531&#8197;mg/kg bodyweight for alcohol (ethanol). For individual exposure the four substances alcohol, nicotine, cocaine and heroin fall into the “high risk” category with MOE < 10, the rest of the compounds except THC fall into the “risk” category with MOE < 100. On a population scale, only alcohol would fall into the “high risk” category, and cigarette smoking would fall into the “risk” category, while all other agents (opiates, cocaine, amphetamine-type stimulants, ecstasy, and benzodiazepines) had MOEs > 100, and cannabis had a MOE > 10,000. The toxicological MOE approach validates epidemiological and social science-based drug ranking approaches especially in regard to the positions of alcohol and tobacco (high risk) and cannabis (low risk).

Of course, we'll continue to hear the same tired stories about how dangerous MJ is, about how many lives it ruins. "Sure alcohol and tobacco are bad, they'll acknowledge, but we don't want ANOTHER terrible drug legalized." Except that MJ isn't terrible. Another study released earlier this month (search the threads) concluded that MJ use doesn't lead to a significant increase in motor vehicle accidents.

Legalize, regulate, tax. Legalize, regulate, tax. Legalize, regulate, tax.

Why is this such a difficult message to believe? Oh, I know. It's those damn scientists, again, making stuff up.


Jan 12, 2005
Most people know it is a safe substance. The laws today aren't about public safety. They're about warrants, seizures of property, keeping budgets in police departments, lobbyists, and keeping extra power over citizens.


Jul 16, 2001
you guys and your dope..always bending over backwards to fool your selves about fooling your selves.

Researchers in New Zealand found that those who used cannabis by the age of 15 were more than three times (300%) more likely to develop illnesses such as schizophrenia. Other research has backed this up, showing that cannabis use increases the risk of psychosis by up to 700% for heavy users, and that the risk increases in proportion to the amount of cannabis used (smoked or consumed). Additionally, the younger a person smokes/uses cannabis, the higher the risk for schizophrenia, and the worse the schizophrenia is when the person does develop it. Research by psychiatrists in inner-city areas speak of cannabis being a factor in up to 80 percent of schizophrenia cases.

* Cannabis impacts on neurotransmitters that regulate how arousal and stress are managed in the brain. Cannabis takes a long time to metabolise, and can quickly build up to high levels in the body. Once you get to this point, there is a real risk of depression or schizophrenia being triggered.

* A Swedish study of 50,000 military conscripts found heavy use of cannabis increased the risk of suicide by four times (400%). A Victorian study of 2332 adolescents found weekly use increased the risk of suicide attempts among females by five times. Weekly use as a teenager doubled the risk of depression and anxiety. Daily use at the age of 20 boosted the risk of depression and anxiety by five times (500%).


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2014
A friend of mine back in high school tried marijuana once. He ended up freaking out and got in a high speed police chase and they ended up shooting him in the spine after he flipped his car several times, now he's in a wheelchair and worse off than Stephen Hawking. He had everything going for him too, a 4.0 GPA, scholarship to harvard, and the sweetest gal you could imagine. His girlfriend waited for a few months for him, but now she has 5 kids with 5 different guys and she's had to resort to making pornographic films to feed them because he's not there for support. Little did he know that a little of the 'mary-jane' would ruin his life, and his girlfriend's overnight. The doctors say that he's lucky to be alive, but the brain damage he suffered at the hands of the devil weed...I don't know. Maybe it would have been better for him to just pass. Think about it. Weed kills.



Golden Member
Jul 25, 2011
I would say it's probably the safest too, but it still causes cancer and, for most people, kills any high level drive and/or purpose in life. Most weed users I know are just fooling themselves with it.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2014

I could have told them that and saved them the work. I've been doing my own study for decades now. In fact, I just got done with some heavy studying just a few minutes ago!


Apr 8, 2002
you guys and your dope..always bending over backwards to fool your selves about fooling your selves.

Researchers in New Zealand found that those who used cannabis by the age of 15 were more than three times (300%) more likely to develop illnesses such as schizophrenia. Other research has backed this up, showing that cannabis use increases the risk of psychosis by up to 700% for heavy users, and that the risk increases in proportion to the amount of cannabis used (smoked or consumed). Additionally, the younger a person smokes/uses cannabis, the higher the risk for schizophrenia, and the worse the schizophrenia is when the person does develop it. Research by psychiatrists in inner-city areas speak of cannabis being a factor in up to 80 percent of schizophrenia cases.

* Cannabis impacts on neurotransmitters that regulate how arousal and stress are managed in the brain. Cannabis takes a long time to metabolise, and can quickly build up to high levels in the body. Once you get to this point, there is a real risk of depression or schizophrenia being triggered.

* A Swedish study of 50,000 military conscripts found heavy use of cannabis increased the risk of suicide by four times (400%). A Victorian study of 2332 adolescents found weekly use increased the risk of suicide attempts among females by five times. Weekly use as a teenager doubled the risk of depression and anxiety. Daily use at the age of 20 boosted the risk of depression and anxiety by five times (500%).

Sure it is the drugs and not the situation these people are within? Anybody using a drug daily is typically not in a good part of their life.


Apr 8, 2002
Cigarettes were sold using doctors. Medicinal marijuana is the same charade. I could make a case for medicinal beer, medicinal wine etc. Its all a money grab and/or a desire for more zonked out American sheeple. States do gambling, pot so prostitution can't be far behind. States do what they use to throw mafiosi in jail for Doctors Smoke Camels

The humanity, allowing people to consume what they want. The end is near, make your time.


Jan 12, 2005
you guys and your dope..always bending over backwards to fool your selves about fooling your selves.

Researchers in New Zealand found that those who used cannabis by the age of 15 were more than three times (300%) more likely to develop illnesses such as schizophrenia. Other research has backed this up, showing that cannabis use increases the risk of psychosis by up to 700% for heavy users, and that the risk increases in proportion to the amount of cannabis used (smoked or consumed). Additionally, the younger a person smokes/uses cannabis, the higher the risk for schizophrenia, and the worse the schizophrenia is when the person does develop it. Research by psychiatrists in inner-city areas speak of cannabis being a factor in up to 80 percent of schizophrenia cases.

* Cannabis impacts on neurotransmitters that regulate how arousal and stress are managed in the brain. Cannabis takes a long time to metabolise, and can quickly build up to high levels in the body. Once you get to this point, there is a real risk of depression or schizophrenia being triggered.

* A Swedish study of 50,000 military conscripts found heavy use of cannabis increased the risk of suicide by four times (400%). A Victorian study of 2332 adolescents found weekly use increased the risk of suicide attempts among females by five times. Weekly use as a teenager doubled the risk of depression and anxiety. Daily use at the age of 20 boosted the risk of depression and anxiety by five times (500%).

No one is advocating for 15 year olds to smoke. From the studies I'v read, once someone is 21 - 24 smoking has very little impact on brain function, but before that time it can.

I'm also not suggesting that there is zero risk of problems for 100% of people who smoke it. But that has never been a criteria for legalization of other substances. Alcohol, tobacco, even many processed / sugary food are far worse for your health than marijuana. That doesn't mean those things should be illegal.

I would say it's probably the safest too, but it still causes cancer and, for most people, kills any high level drive and/or purpose in life. Most weed users I know are just fooling themselves with it.

There is no link between marijuana and cancer that I know of, can you post something that shows there is? I know many successful people who smoke. Like anything, the trick is to use to compliment life, don't live life just to smoke. The same can be said about many things, from certain foods to alcohol to even some healthy habits.

I don't get why people want to live in a nanny state where the government is that involved that they tell you which substances that harm your body are ok and which ones are not even if less harmful.
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Nov 11, 1999
you guys and your dope..always bending over backwards to fool your selves about fooling your selves.

Researchers in New Zealand found that those who used cannabis by the age of 15 were more than three times (300%) more likely to develop illnesses such as schizophrenia. Other research has backed this up, showing that cannabis use increases the risk of psychosis by up to 700% for heavy users, and that the risk increases in proportion to the amount of cannabis used (smoked or consumed). Additionally, the younger a person smokes/uses cannabis, the higher the risk for schizophrenia, and the worse the schizophrenia is when the person does develop it. Research by psychiatrists in inner-city areas speak of cannabis being a factor in up to 80 percent of schizophrenia cases.

* Cannabis impacts on neurotransmitters that regulate how arousal and stress are managed in the brain. Cannabis takes a long time to metabolise, and can quickly build up to high levels in the body. Once you get to this point, there is a real risk of depression or schizophrenia being triggered.

* A Swedish study of 50,000 military conscripts found heavy use of cannabis increased the risk of suicide by four times (400%). A Victorian study of 2332 adolescents found weekly use increased the risk of suicide attempts among females by five times. Weekly use as a teenager doubled the risk of depression and anxiety. Daily use at the age of 20 boosted the risk of depression and anxiety by five times (500%).

As usual, such studies fail to establish cause & effect. Does cannabis use trigger schizophrenia, or do pre-schizophrenic teens have an affinity for cannabis? Are they merely attempting to self-medicate?

It's a pseudo-scientific hit piece designed to reinforce existing belief that never was based on reason or fact, reefer madness wearing a new lab coat.

Parse this bit of nonsense-

Research by psychiatrists in inner-city areas speak of cannabis being a factor in up to 80 percent of schizophrenia cases.

"Intelligence reports" also "spoke of" an "Iraqi nuclear weapons" program, too.

There's this lovely lie, as well-

Cannabis takes a long time to metabolise, and can quickly build up to high levels in the body. Once you get to this point, there is a real risk of depression or schizophrenia being triggered.

The lingering metabolite of THC, THC-COOH, is not psychoactive. That's well established in the literature & something any literate 7 year old could google up in a minute or few. If the author doesn't know that, they don't know what they're talking about.

OTOH, I'm confident that your Faith in authority is unshakeable wrt cannabis, another wonderful example of truthiness & its pivotal role in what passes for rational thought among the True Believers.

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
What was the big deal with weed to begin with?

Oh yeah,.. we wanted to save the white women,...
Harry J. Anslinger of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (the original DEA):

&#8220;Most marijuana smokers are Negroes, Hispanics, jazz musicians, and entertainers. Their satanic music is driven by marijuana, and marijuana smoking by white women makes them want to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and others.&#8221;

So, it all had to do with preventing women from getting their freak on.
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Nov 4, 2004
Money, the big deal was and IS money. Want to know why a capitalist society does something? Follow that money.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2007
If I were a drug dealer or distributor, I'd be begging the government to legalize, tax, and regulate. That way I can undercut the government - which would probably still be a price INCREASE for me - and sell cheaper to a much larger population for more money.


Nov 11, 1999
If I were a drug dealer or distributor, I'd be begging the government to legalize, tax, and regulate. That way I can undercut the government - which would probably still be a price INCREASE for me - and sell cheaper to a much larger population for more money.

How well did that work for bootleggers?


Apr 8, 2002
If I were a drug dealer or distributor, I'd be begging the government to legalize, tax, and regulate. That way I can undercut the government - which would probably still be a price INCREASE for me - and sell cheaper to a much larger population for more money.

It wouldnt be an increase for you. However you could sell your product without having to deal with the fear of going to jail or fighting a turf war to settle disputes.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2007
No way. I'd stick to selling on the streets rather than open a legit distribution Centre. I don't want to pay taxes and neither would those that come to me to buy. Anyone that wants to pay tax can go buy government weed.


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2010
With an MOE of greater than 10,000 it's almost impossible for MJ to kill someone.

MJ won't kill you immediately, sure, but the smoke itself isn't good for lungs. There haven't been a lot of large, definitive studies but common sense would tell you that we weren't evolved to breathe in smoke.

I am in no way defending tobacco or alcohol. I'm just saying MJ isn't risk-free, that's all.


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2003
MJ won't kill you immediately, sure, but the smoke itself isn't good for lungs. There haven't been a lot of large, definitive studies but common sense would tell you that we weren't evolved to breathe in smoke.

I am in no way defending tobacco or alcohol. I'm just saying MJ isn't risk-free, that's all.

When consumed via a vaporizer or in edibles, it takes the potentially carcinogenic aspect completely out of the equation.


Jan 12, 2005
MJ won't kill you immediately, sure, but the smoke itself isn't good for lungs. There haven't been a lot of large, definitive studies but common sense would tell you that we weren't evolved to breathe in smoke.

I am in no way defending tobacco or alcohol. I'm just saying MJ isn't risk-free, that's all.

But should something be illegal because it isn't 100% risk free? Especially in light of other things being a higher risk and legal?

Smoke is an irritant, but that doesn't automatically mean unhealthy. The chemical in hot sauces that makes it 'hot' is an irritant, but we all agree that doesn't mean it is bad for you.

From the largest study done:

We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use," he said. "What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect.

From the American Lung Association.

Marijuana is often thought to not be addictive. However, about 9% of those who try
marijuana will become addicted. Youth are more likely than adults to become addicted
to marijuana. About 2.7 million people in the U.S. meet clinical criteria for
marijuana dependence.

As little as two cups of coffee a day can cause a caffeine dependence.


Nov 20, 2005
Most weed users I know are just fooling themselves with it.

Maybe everyone else is fooling themselves the rat race is worth running and that there is a big hunk of cheese waiting for you at the end if you are a good boy, work hard and follow the rules.
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