Marvel Heroes, F2P "Diablo-like" game... **Official Thread**

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Apr 8, 2001
Ah yes, seems I was mixing new and old memories in need for sleep time last night

When checking for waypoints I was looking at quest log status instead of just stepping on the pad, doh!

At least I'm rested now.



Apr 8, 2001
Have scarlet up to about 50, anyone else having major spirit problems with her?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Have scarlet up to about 50, anyone else having major spirit problems with her?

Scarlet Witch? I remember having huge spirit problems while leveling her, but that was prior to her review.

At least at level 60, current review, geared out, I don't recall having any spirit issues with her. Off the top of my head I can't say how to build her to fix that, though. It could be her unique set but also through Omegas--I even have the Xavier or whatever other Omega that lowers spirit significantly for +% mental damage output.

All I know is that I barely notice her spirit meter dropping while everything explodes around her very quickly. She is probably the best example of a hero for using the Legion node in Omega, because it syncs extremely well with her signature. So much so that you find yourself limiting all of the random buff functions on Legendaries (like those level 5 legendary damage boosts and Uru inscriptions like Loki that pop the spirit minions) because any outside buff will limit the potential Legion buffs when you pop her sig and keep it on constant rotation (takes some gearing and tweaking, but once you get rolling, you can keep her sig buffs going ~forever). People actually keep a 2nd Legendary for her with only 4 levels on it and switch to it for RAIDs and Cosmic Ultron or whatever because ultra min-maxers simply can't abide that one extra buff eating into Legion.

...maybe it is her sig alone that offers a lot of that spirit regen or something? I forget. Anyway, one strategy is to make her kill fast enough to where it doesn't matter, and she is very good at that.

There's that guy in her forum on MarvelHeroes community page that has the Scarlet Witch build that hasn't really fallen out of favor since her review hit over a year ago. It's extremely well done and detailed as to how to tune her toolkit with gear, omegas, skill rotation. She's quite devastating once you get her rolling.
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May 1, 2006
I found that in high 30's, the leveling in story mode doesn't quite keep up - I got to an area around chapter 7 I just couldn't damage things and had to do some legendaries.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Here's the guide for Wanda

I just noticed that it actually hasn't been updated in a while/no real mention of the artifacts and uniques that came about with danger room and after (even if they aren't BiS, this guy would have discussed them), and Omega cap still at 7500.

But yeah, I haven't played regularly since Danger room, either, so I barely recognize any of that gear.

Still, I imagine that build pretty much wrecks face and the best part is that a lot of those artifacts are pretty easy to get/standard.

It's a good write-up on how to maximize Legion effectiveness.


Apr 8, 2001
Looks like some significant changes last patch, logged in and I was on some vtol platform attached to the tower.


Apr 8, 2001
Just looked through the patch notes, pretty massive indeed. Big changes to high end buff system, dynamic level scaling added to most of the game with remaining sections coming soon are the big ones.
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Aug 22, 2004
This would be far more interesting if you weren't running around with real people.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
This would be far more interesting if you weren't running around with real people.

You don't need to group for anything except some endgame raids that you don't need to do unless you want to.

There are shared zones with typical "kill N foozles" side quests, but the story missions are solo instances unless you choose to play them co-op with a friend.


Aug 22, 2004
You don't need to group for anything except some endgame raids that you don't need to do unless you want to.

There are shared zones with typical "kill N foozles" side quests, but the story missions are solo instances unless you choose to play them co-op with a friend.

Is there a "personal instance" type place, somewhere you can go where there's no other players around, and no combat happens?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Is there a "personal instance" type place, somewhere you can go where there's no other players around, and no combat happens?

The Shield training room and the Danger room generates personal instances. I don't think the danger room has all of the NPCs, though--like crafters and enchanters. Or it does, I forget.

The Training room only has your storage, iirc.


May 1, 2006
What level is good to do the danger rooms?

There are a ton of choices even at level 46 - terminals, daily mission, farm items for other items, and so on.

Also, should any of these things I'm saving until 60 be used now:

15 Rune Glyphs
Probably 20-25 random artifacts
Worldstone cache
At least 4 Random Unique Item Box
6 Midtown Madness Fortune Cards
Supply Kit from agent 13 (random unique at hero level)
Several Chest of Odin's Bounty
43 Coffer of Achievement
9 Mystic Mayhem Coffer
6 Bounty Hunter Box
16 Uru items
13 stacks of relics
2 costume core boxes (says it'll be a level 60 core)
Case of epic gear (early daily gift)

Add more to the numbers above on some items.

What costume cores should I keep, for use now and at 60? I have like 25 or more stored.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Costume core box: be sure you open them with a hero that you want to keep playing. Each hero uses a specific kind of core (radioactive, x-gene for mutants, vibranium for cap ...) so if you open on cap then spidey can't use it.

The unique boxes I'd wait until 60 since that is the first point at which you need them.

Artifacts have a fixed level, so if you meet the level you can use them.

Epic gear is purple is common as dirt, so open them any time. They're more useful at low levels when purple drops happen less often.


May 1, 2006
OK thanks; anything more specific about some of the items?

"What level is good to do the danger rooms?" Are they 60 only?

"6 Midtown Madness Fortune Cards"

"16 Uru items"

I've been really filling the storage with artifacts thinking they can be used later - but maybe that was only uniques that should be saved. I think I'm saving 30-40.

I also just found every boss in Hightown drops a unique so need to know whether to save those. Is it worth it when playing hightown an hour gets several?

And which costume cores to save?

I've got a lot piling up.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
uru have fixed levels also--25 and 50. depends on hero which uru you use: ranged, mele, mental, defense? etc (the defense uru is very common for level 60 toons--the ones that are just too OP on offense, which is many of them)

Danger rooms...dunno. I only tried them at 60. If you have those modules piling up, you can combine them into higher-tiered modules in the danger room holding area.

as far as artifacts, it really depends on which artifacts. Most are garbage stats and extremely common, only good for leveling or just not good at all. Typically, people save the best of the best (go to the MH forums and poke around and good character build threads from hero to hero to start figuring this out--you'll see the artifacts worth saving are pretty consistent across all heroes, and then you can just ID stats and make your own decisions). If you are into trading, then junk artifacts are used for trading high-end items--because the way currency works in trading is that high-end gear is tied to specific top artifacts (like GOK...not as great as it once was, but is still considered currency, afaik) and blessings--you can bless the artifact (only ever the brutal blessing) for 100 Odin Marks, and trade it. so, essentially, it is a way to trade Odin Marks, which are very valuable.. People put these on junk artifacts for trading because the blessing can be transferred at crafters, or just traded again as currency

I think I mentioned some time ago about costume cores: trifecta is the only one worth keeping in terms of actual value. Other than that, keep what you want to use. But usually the health/spirit on medkit, invincibility on medkit, health on hit, and + fighting are the best, in that order. That's pretty much it. (you can guess what trifecta is, then--or just google it)

you can save midtown fortune cards or not--they come by super easy because on Mondays, it's every x minutes that a card drops in midtown manhattan. You aren't losing much by opening them early.

bosses in hightown--again, that depends on the unique item.


May 1, 2006
Thanks; part of what I was looking for is which items have some use worth saving, like combine 3 uniques for something apparently though since they're easy to get the don't seem worth saving - and which just donate. I'll donate costume cores. Those urus are starting to pile up...


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Yes, general crappy uniques are worth saving simply for the crafter recipes--as Dave Simmons mentioned, flip them at your crafter for the treasure chests and use those to upgrade all of your vendors until they are maxed. Then use the 4x or 3x unique swap for relic stacks, or whatever. The 5x unique recipe for an Any Hero unique used to be good, back when a lot of those rando any hero unique drops were considered good (like the Energy Rifle or Apocolypse armor), but those are pretty much trash and fodder for the exchange recipe. The only good any hero uniques now are the ones that you get from event vendors with special currency (and you can endlessly roll them for best stats before you buy it), or very specific bosses in game with extremely rare drop rates.

bear in mind, it has to be identical uniques for those recipes, so they can quickly pile up if you don't have enough storage space.

Good cheap storage is the hero-specific stashes, because you can load those up with any hero uniques (and of course that heroes unique) and any insignias, cores and a few other items that the specific hero can use. Bear in mind that you can't put unlocked artifacts in those hero stashes.

Urus...I would just keep a few of them around with a decent selection because they will always drop, and players tend to just leave them out randomly for people to pick up. The defense armor is the best overall, and generally axe, fist, bow are the only other ones that you would use (mele, physical, ranged, I think). For most mental-based toons, I think the Armor uru is preferred because in any of those mental heroes, the mental damage you can pump out of their skills, omegas, and gear is a bit excessive and most of them are lacking in defense. The Armor uru is actually either 1st or 2nd tier on all heroes, probably. Just remember to replace the level 25 uru with the level 50 one when your hero levels--and yes, you will have to add a new runeword to it.

Pro-tip: for leveling, you probably only ever want to use River of the Soul on those level 25 Urus because it really helps the leveling process. Most heroes are seriously spirit-starved in early levels, so it helps tremendously. Also, it's incredibly cheap and after you've piled up your runes (yes, you should keep an entire stash for runes, if you can), you should be able to craft it infinite times--at least certainly more than you would ever need.

And if you ever think to start spending money on this game, stashes are key, and those hero packages are generally pretty good as well: you get the hero, alternate costume, hero stash, and a set of fortune cards, xp pots. --and those packages offered through the MH store are different than the ones you get through Steam. I recall the MH store hero packages offer better items compared to Steam.


May 1, 2006
At what level of vendor should I start the unique turn in of three? What level of vendor is needed to do it? I have a 10 crafter.

I did spend some money and buy some stashes - big help.

I'm still just a bit amazed at how much this game is Diablo II.

It even has things like 'Bowazon' runewords.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
At what level of vendor should I start the unique turn in of three? What level of vendor is needed to do it? I have a 10 crafter.

I did spend some money and buy some stashes - big help.

I'm still just a bit amazed at how much this game is Diablo II.

It even has things like 'Bowazon' runewords.

I'm not sure at what level those recipes show up, because it's been a very long time since I was there. Best thing you can do with most of your items, now, is to donate them and get the crafter leveled.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
I think the first crafter chest recipe (3 uniques) is at rep level 16. It is the crafters (Hank Pym, ....?) not the enchanters, not the gear vendors. All the crafters share the same rep so you can donate to any of them, They all say "crafter" and they all have the costume and gear recipes.

The 4-unique recipe chest is I think 18, then the 5-unique chest is at 20. The 5-unique is worth saving for since it is 500,000 credits vs. I think 50,000 for the 3-unique recipe.

As soon as you hit 16, make 1 chest from uniques and donate it. Refresh the crafter if you see the blue refresh bar. If you don't have the 4-unique recipe yet then make just 1 more 3-unique chest and donate that. The point is to make as few 3-unique chests as possible to get you the 4-unique chest. 1 or 2 4-unique chests will get you the rest of the way to 20 / maxed out.

You should donate all stuff to the crafters until you reach 20, not the enchanters or gear vendors, since the chests will let you boost the enchanter very fast.


May 1, 2006
The uniques are easy to get I found - go to hightown, every boss drops one, so in a half hour you'll have maybe 3-5 uniques.

So now it's getting the crafter from 11 to 16, that takes a lot of stuff.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
For me the hard part is the urge to hoard -- I have 2 stash tabs for uniques I plan to use in the recipes, then a separate tab to keep the best one of each of the uniques that I've found, or the one(s) with a challenge bonus since that is harder to get than it is to re-roll the stats. Bad stats with +1 fighting is better to keep than good stats with no challenge bonus.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
For me the hard part is the urge to hoard -- I have 2 stash tabs for uniques I plan to use in the recipes, then a separate tab to keep the best one of each of the uniques that I've found, or the one(s) with a challenge bonus since that is harder to get than it is to re-roll the stats. Bad stats with +1 fighting is better to keep than good stats with no challenge bonus.

these games and hoarding...

Off the top of my head:

2 stashes for artifacts: 1 for the top/mid tier artifacts that I swap around for my top builds, 2nd tab for middling artifacts for leveling, selling blessings

Stashes for uniques
--One stash for uniques on heroes that I own/do not have individual stashes
--One stash for uniques of heroes I do not own, + spill over rando insigs, cores, whatever
--about 12 hero stashes: mix of replicate sets of their uniques as well as holding place for any hero uniques (garbage reed richards exists only as a tab to hold any hero uniques and FF insigs)

The worst: 3 stashes! for costume cores! D: What kind of psycopath does this? I do

1 stash for runes
...with the crafting element overhaul, I have now consolidated that into one of the costume core tabs/upgrade/crafting tab

Primary tab for relics, handful of urus, spillover event currency.
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