Mass Building Program and Diet - Advice?

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Nov 18, 2005
I was thinking of a title, and absolutely could not come up with one that hammered home the point. This post isn't about one thing or another, more or less seeking opinions about my plan, with some questions. Also sort of an introduction to my fitness, since I've largely ignored this section of ATOT for too long.

[edit - ha, nevermind!]

So far I've been committing to this training plan:

I only recently joined a gym, and I"d been off and on with my own crossfit-inspired own-body-weight exercise routines.

I'm also decently fit, and must maintain some level of "in shape" for Army Reserve PT tests. I usually yo-yo with my cardio, build up for test, drop off completely; strength-wise, I usually did to some degree, but I would also more often at least try to do something on my own with strength - though usually very very very infrequent.

I really avoided the gym at school, though we did stuff for physical fitness multiple times a week for ROTC so there's that too.

But now, here I am, and I went and signed a damned three year contract at a local gym. BAH. Well shit, look's like I'm doing this thing after all!

26 - 5'11" - 170lbs (might be between 170-175 - 9v battery died in the scale. Keep forgetting to buy some)

The past three weeks, I have missed a day or two in a given week due to sleeping in. I was sick with a one-day fever on my rest day last week and wanted to rest the next to ensure my immune system had priority so I wouldn't bounce back. This week, I've been able to hit each day (all two of them ), so I'm calling this Week 2, rolling the three previous weeks (one or two days sampling some of them before I "started" the following Monday).

Except for the one day sick, and the following day I didn't feel like eating much either, I've definitely been hungry more. And I've been drinking three or four protein drinks (one scoop) through each day, which at the high end was 90-110g (perhaps a little more on a few days I think) in supplements. I feel like normal days, no supplements, I probably get between 45-80 from the rest of my diet. My low guess is probably much too low, I might rarely hit 60 as a low, though I can bet I have had lower intake at least a few times.

Some questions:

Anyone have any advice, tips/pointers for that 10-week workout plan? Is that an ill-advised plan?
I've heard it's best to introduce a change of plans after 4-5 weeks, and that changing things shocks the muscles out of routine, which maximizes growth. There would seem to be two ways to do that: entirely different exercises with the same muscle group focuses; or, keep the same exercise routines, but change from the mid-higher rep sets to either really high, lower-weight sets, or low-rep max-type-weight sets.

Right now, for exercises like the bench, I already maintain a lower weight that 1) allows me to finish the sets (though with struggle toward the end of each set), and 2) not feel like I will kill myself.
Right now, that's 115. I was trying a 45 plate per side, but got halfway into the set and did NOT feel comfortable.
See, I've got no spotter - no gym buddy. I really want to do a few max reps, but I've already felt the first few drops of adrenaline hitting and that first pang of fear that makes you think "shit.. you gotta power through, you can't let it drop" - yeah, a spotter would make a world of a difference. Sure, you push more with that adrenaline, but you can't risk riding that boost too long.

My goal is as much mass as possible, while also allowing for perhaps a LITTLE bit of trim (I have abs, I'm sure of it - I just can't see them. I do have a slight gut. Not GUT, but, because... beer. And sweets. Mmmm. Seriously though, it does need to go. It'll cause less torso confusion with my "hole"; "sunken chest"; "cereal bowl chest"; etc:
A very personal goal of mine is to fill out a lot more in the chest, lats/back, and abs (and obliques) to fill in around and minimize the dented chest. Sure, it's sort of a vain thing, and revolves around a confidence issue of sorts, but having shirts properly fit (especially dress shirts and suit jackets) would be a wonderful thing.
Biceps and forearms gains are definitely things I need, very much so, because everything.
And I'm glad legs are in that program - my calves are still complaining from Friday (that was my first legs day - I usually made up a missed day on Friday). I love it. :biggrin:
Hams/quads need lovin' too

So there are those four days. Is it best to just concentrate on those and only those throughout the week? Or, should I also be doing a few days of ab/oblique exercises either at home or tacked on after while at the gym? Any voted best, or is it good to just find a 8-minute abs guide or whatever and do that workout program on top of this program? So far, I do feel like that would be the best way to tack on targeted exercises for the abs.

Of course, that's only the building part. What would cutting? Is that something that should weight until I'm finished with this program, so I can concentrate on mass-gaining and high caloric intake without worrying about cutting into my mass-gaining potential? Or, should I try to consume enough protein and some extra carb calories (oh, my cutting work is typically low carbs) for the recovery/repair fuel, but, ultimately, not as much as I should probably add? Would the body kind of work the difference still? As in, feeling like it could get more energy for the muscle-building process by digging into the fat reserves?
Usually the body, if it doesn't get enough energy from fat and carbs, it burns the protein for energy first, and whatever's left gets to go toward muscle. I don't know entirely though, I can't remember if the body will burn protein intake before it starts burning the fat intake. I do know the body will focus on fat reserves before it digs into actual protein (muscles). But if you don't eat enough everything, especially protein in this case, and the body has thus run out of immediate fuel and has to hit the reserves, if there wasn't any available protein left (makes me think it burns available fat before, now thinking of this), and the body digs into fat, it'll need to actually dig into muscle mass for extra protein.
I cannot guarantee the above is something I have remembered correctly from a few classes and wiki and journal research. I find the stuff fascinating, but the the more technical analysis of digestion and energy and delivery of proteins, amino acids, and proteins... I know I have mixed things up.

So - pointers, tips, suggestions, helpful guidance, etc?


Nov 10, 2013
i have joined gym. i have a proper diet as per my gym instructor. but only my weight and height are increasing but i am still thin and i need somethin in food from which i can increase my fats.


Junior Member
Nov 12, 2013
I've heard it's best to introduce a change of plans after 4-5 weeks, and that changing things shocks the muscles out of routine, which maximizes growth. There would seem to be two ways to do that: entirely different exercises with the same muscle group focuses; or, keep the same exercise routines, but change from the mid-higher rep sets to either really high, lower-weight sets, or low-rep max-type-weight sets.

The best way to progressively change things up in a plan without really having to change things up is keep adding more weight.. Why this and not change in exercises? A basic plan runs for 10-12 weeks, you are gonna want to follow it religiously to see any results and changing the actual exercises you do too often can be counter intuitive (Think of it as starting a new project when one is not finished and expecting progress on both with the same amount of effort, Not gonna happen) so stick to a full plan @ 10-12 weeks and instead of changing the routine increase the weight constantly (progressive overload) and you should see good gains in about 10 weeks depending on the routine you pick, try to get one that incorporates Super sets, Drop sets and isolation and compound movements and you will be Shap!

Trust me I'm a "Brogenieer"


Feb 8, 2004
I would just do stronglifts 5x5. Theres only 5 moves, so much less to potentially ah heck up. Its 12 weeks but the general idea is you keep going with it until you cant anymore then switch to 3x5.

Its squats every workout, you can focus on the chest as well if you want by doing the required 5x5 then do some drop sets.

Thats the spreadsheet for it:

I dont know all that much about diet tbh, i just get my 1g of protein per 1lb of bodyweight and keep it clean, plenty of veg and whole foods, good fats etc. Im sure SociallyChallenged will show up and drop a knowledge bomb though :thumbsup:


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2007
Agreed. Starting Strength or Stronglifts is absolutely the way to go if you are starting out.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2007
Like they said above, I would recommend Starting Strength but they're both pretty similar. And as far as changing it up it's all BS. I stuck with the same linear progression for over a year, probably close to 2 years and made steady gains. Which I'll admit was a bit too long but I'm hard headed.

I'm also a fan of Juggernaut Training Systems for getting strong, but West Side for Skinny Bastards would probably do you just as much good initially. And by initially, I mean after you've plateaued on linear progression and are ready for something 'new'.

The key to gaining mass is eating more, it doesn't matter how much you lift if you're not eating enough. eating Healthy is important too if you don't want to be a strong fat ass. Diet is pretty simple, I stick to paleo-ish meals don't drink calories except maybe protein shakes. Creatine is your friend, I've heard good things about HMB but never taken it. BCAA's aren't bad for a bit of a boost, I normally use them while I'm cutting to reduce muscle loss but some people use them all the time in addition to whey. But try to get most of your calories from whole food and SUPPLEMENT as needed. Speaking of supplements, orange triad is a good multi if you need one.


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2008
My gains on 5x5 have stalled badly so I'm thinking I've got a diet issue now. I'd like to know what caloric surplus over BMR should I be consuming on workout days vs rest days?


Senior member
Oct 10, 2011
My gains on 5x5 have stalled badly so I'm thinking I've got a diet issue now. I'd like to know what caloric surplus over BMR should I be consuming on workout days vs rest days?

Nobody can answer that question but you. Some people perform better fasted and others perform better in a fed state. Try both to see what works for you. I'd personally simplify it by consuming 10-20% over maintenance calories (not bmr) every day.

It's not that big of a deal to stall. Just be sure you're resetting the weights ad the program outlines.


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2008
I think it's a big deal. I was using the app for awhile until ios7 broke it. I went through 3 de-load cycles because of stalling.

Admittedly those 3 failures caused me to start tracking calories to eliminate that and it's only been a month now. So now I'm just kind of holding what I was working on and barely advancing back towards my previous max to see if it has any change.

Been doing 2.8-3kCals on workout days (maintenance is something like 2.3k) and 1.8-2.2kCals on rest days. This is why I wanted to know what to do because I just don't know how much I should be feeding myself at all.


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
I think it's a big deal. I was using the app for awhile until ios7 broke it. I went through 3 de-load cycles because of stalling.

Admittedly those 3 failures caused me to start tracking calories to eliminate that and it's only been a month now. So now I'm just kind of holding what I was working on and barely advancing back towards my previous max to see if it has any change.

Been doing 2.8-3kCals on workout days (maintenance is something like 2.3k) and 1.8-2.2kCals on rest days. This is why I wanted to know what to do because I just don't know how much I should be feeding myself at all.

Up your calories on your rest days. If your maintenance is 2.3k and you are eating 1.8-2.2k on your rest day this is why you have stalled out. You simply aren't eating enough and it's no wonder why you have stalled out. Your body can not magic calories that it does not have. You need to feed it. This will in turn should mean you progress your weights longer and you build more muscle. If you are getting *too fat* this means you are eating way too many carbs, so cut back a bit.

A beginner should be able to make SOLID gains in the first year.

20-25lbs if they eat and train properly.

I'm coaching a guy and he was 58-59kg pre meeting me. 59-62kg in his own half assed training and half assed eating. He has now gone from 62-69kg whilst training with me in the past 4months. No idea how much of it has been muscle but he has taken pics every few weeks and he is filling out. Granted he is only 17 so his metabolism is crazy but he now understands how much he has to eat and how hard he has to train to get results. He should be pretty monstrous in 3-5yrs time.



Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
Like they said above, I would recommend Starting Strength but they're both pretty similar. And as far as changing it up it's all BS. I stuck with the same linear progression for over a year, probably close to 2 years and made steady gains. Which I'll admit was a bit too long but I'm hard headed.

I'm also a fan of Juggernaut Training Systems for getting strong, but West Side for Skinny Bastards would probably do you just as much good initially. And by initially, I mean after you've plateaued on linear progression and are ready for something 'new'.

The key to gaining mass is eating more, it doesn't matter how much you lift if you're not eating enough. eating Healthy is important too if you don't want to be a strong fat ass. Diet is pretty simple, I stick to paleo-ish meals don't drink calories except maybe protein shakes. Creatine is your friend, I've heard good things about HMB but never taken it. BCAA's aren't bad for a bit of a boost, I normally use them while I'm cutting to reduce muscle loss but some people use them all the time in addition to whey. But try to get most of your calories from whole food and SUPPLEMENT as needed. Speaking of supplements, orange triad is a good multi if you need one.


Bulk for 12 weeks, see where you are at. Are you happy with your size? If not keep on bulking. When you have had enough then cut. Cut for 12-16 weeks. Drop 12-16lbs and that should show some abs and give you a much more muscular look. If not cut for longer and see how much muscle you actually have. If you aren't happy with your size then maintain for a bit and then bulk.

Don't be under any illusion, if you were 170-180 and shredded that would be a very impressive physique IMO. Being lean and shredded are two entirely different things.

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Junior Member
Dec 6, 2013
You gotta have stuff that is rich in substances so that hepls you in gaining mass because nothing helps like natural does this is what i have experienced.Have red meat,tuna,nuts and all they will surely help you.
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