Mass Shooting at Dark Knight Rises Premier in Aurora Colorado (12 Dead, 59 Injured)

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Mar 19, 2007
Restricting manufacture and supply means expensive. The risk of police confiscation raises costs and prices. The lack of legitimate manufacturing means that supply is limited, raising prices.

Gun idiots bring up the black market fairy all the time. It's so fucking stupid.

Black market guns are sold in the ghetto and high crime area all the time for next to nothing. And manufacturing happens all over the world and are smuggled into the US on a daily basis. You are just speculating on what you think happens on the black market but you way off.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
There is no way that he could have injured 71 people with a car. Yes, I do blame easy access to guns. They act basically as multipliers for horrific events like this.

Put another way, why do you care so much about guns? Why not find a different hobby?

Yes, he could have ...easily. Driven through a parade. You don't have a very creative mind. Guns are not even an efficient way to kill lots of people at once, one word ...explosives.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
Restricting manufacture and supply means expensive. The risk of police confiscation raises costs and prices. The lack of legitimate manufacturing means that supply is limited, raising prices.

Gun idiots bring up the black market fairy all the time. It's so fucking stupid.

Ignorant people bring it up pretending that people are paying top dollar for something that just get caught with is a felony. I've had a few dealings with "black marketeers" and guns are WAY cheaper on the streets than in a dealer. This gangbanger I knew tried to sell me a Desert Eagle .50 for $150, a week later he went to jail, turns out he blew some dudes head off with it, glad I stayed far away from that one.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2010
Black market guns are sold in the ghetto and high crime area all the time for next to nothing. And manufacturing happens all over the world and are smuggled into the US on a daily basis. You are just speculating on what you think happens on the black market but you way off.

concrete examples, please. You sound like you're just repeating NRA myths without putting much thought into it.
Feb 10, 2000
To change the emphasis, if not the topic, I was musing with some co-workers today about how Christopher Nolan and the other creative folks who made this movie might feel about last night's events, as well as about the commercial repercussions of this awful event.

I do not believe with one cell of my being that Nolan or anyone else involved with this movie did anything wrong or has any reason to blame himself. This was clearly a heavily-planned attack, and it seems to me that Holmes chose this movie mostly because it was a midnight premiere - there were fewer employees and customers to worry about than any normal night showing, and it would definitely attract a packed house. I have no reason to think the subject matter itself inspired him to do this, and even if it did, there is nothing gratuitously violent or exploitative about either of the first two Nolan Batman films - in fact I think they are at the apex of quality for superhero movies.

I greatly admire Nolan - I think he is the most talented filmmaker of his generation. His ability to make movies with great intelligence and quality, ranging from eccentric indie fare to giant-budget action spectaculars, is really unrivaled (Steven Soderbergh has done kind of the same thing, but with, IMO, a lower level of quality). I have seen all his films and enjoyed all of them a great deal.

All of that being said, I'd have to think this must feel surreal and queasy for Christopher Nolan and company. James Holmes had apparently colored his hair to resemble the Joker, and told the police he was the Joker. Obviously the persona he adopted - a menacing figure in black, armed to the teeth and operating in darkness - had much in common with Batman. I think if I'd made this movie, and I were as bright and thoughtful a person as Nolan seems to be, I'd be feeling very mournful and weirded-out today.

It also occurs to me that Warner Brothers and everyone else involved with this movie will likely take a completely undeserved financial hit from all of this. It seems to me this shooting will already deter a tiny percentage of people from going to the theatre, and given the enormous volume of potential theatre viewers of this movie, that probably means millions of dollars. If, God forbid, there were a copycat incident, you'd expect that number to increase exponentially. I don't mean to be coarse or insensitive but it's interesting to think of a huge company as another real victim in this tragedy.
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Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2010
Ignorant people bring it up pretending that people are paying top dollar for something that just get caught with is a felony. I've had a few dealings with "black marketeers" and guns are WAY cheaper on the streets than in a dealer.

They get the guns from illegal channels, which often operate with the knowledge of gun manufacturers.

But clamp down on the source itself, and yes prices will go way up.

You lack imagination.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
They get the guns from illegal channels, which often operate with the knowledge of gun manufacturers.

But clamp down on the source itself, and yes prices will go way up.

You lack imagination.

No, they are usually stolen. The liberal morons have this fantasy that there are all these underground gun dealers selling straight from the manufacturers floor at bargain basements prices, this is just made up liberal bullshit.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
One argument I have not been able to refute is that even though many of them end up in criminal hands, ALL guns originate from legitimate sources. There is no black market weapons manufacture, only sales. So while in theory stopping current manufacture would reduce the quantity of guns somewhat, you have to remember Russia and China manufactured about a hundred million AK's over the years and they can take decades of abuse.

And I woudnlt worry too much about 3D printers. Criminals can get stockpiles of fully automatic weapons with relative ease, despite American law.


Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2006
To change the emphasis, if not the topic, I was musing with some co-workers today about how Christopher Nolan and the other creative folks who made this movie might feel about last night's events, as well as about the commercial repercussions of this awful event.

I do not believe with one cell of my being that Nolan or anyone else involved with this movie did anything wrong or has any reason to blame himself. This was clearly a heavily-planned attack, and it seems to me that Holmes chose this movie mostly because it was a midnight premiere - fewer employees and customers to worry about than any normal night showing - and it would definitely attract a packed out. I have no reason to think the subject matter itself inspired him to do this, and even if it did, there is nothing gratuitously violent or exploitative about either of the first two Nolan Batman films - in fact I think they are at the apex of quality for superhero movies.

I greatly admire Nolan - I think he is the most talented filmmaker of his generation. His ability to make movies with great intelligence and quality, ranging from eccentric indie fare to giant-budget action spectaculars, is really unrivaled. I have seen all his films and enjoyed all of them a great deal.

All of that being said, I'd have to think this must feel surreal and queasy for Christopher Nolan and company. James Holmes had apparently colored his hair to resemble the Joker, and told the police he was the Joker. Obviously the persona he adopted - a menacing figure in black, armed to the teeth and operating in darkness - had much in common with Batman. I think if I'd made this movie, and I were as bright and thoughtful a person as Nolan seems to be, I'd be feeling very sad and mournful today.

It also occurs to me that Warner Brothers and everyone else involved with this movie will likely take a completely undeserved financial hit from all of this. It seems to me this shooting will already deter a tiny percentage of people from going to the theatre, and given the enormous volume of potential theatre viewers of this movie, that probably means millions of dollars. If, God forbid, there were a copycat incident, you'd expect that number to increase exponentially. I don't mean to be coarse or insensitive but it's interesting to think of a huge company as another real victim in this tragedy.

So far, it doesn't appear to have put a dent in ticket sales. Sales were strong/as expected all day today. Did $80million. Its original projections were $80-85million. Still on track for its expected $180-200million weekend. We will see if people don't go out tomorrow.

But yeah its got to suck for everyone involved with the movie even though they had nothing to do with it.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
One argument I have not been able to refute is that even though many of them end up in criminal hands, ALL guns originate from legitimate sources. There is no black market weapons manufacture, only sales.

And I woudnlt worry too much about 3D printers. Criminals can get stockpiles of fully automatic weapons with relative ease, despite American law.

Most full autos are after market conversions, or foreign military weapons smuggled in. Full autos in the US are ridiculously expensive to buy because since 1986 none have been allowed to be imported, or manufactured for sale on the civilian market.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2010
One argument I have not been able to refute is that even though many of them end up in criminal hands, ALL guns originate from legitimate sources. There is no black market weapons manufacture, only sales. So while in theory stopping current manufacture would reduce the quantity of guns somewhat, you have to remember Russia and China manufactured about a hundred million AK's over the years and they can take decades of abuse.

And I woudnlt worry too much about 3D printers. Criminals can get stockpiles of fully automatic weapons with relative ease, despite American law.

Again, letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.

Yes, a ban is never 100% effective.

but it is effective.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2010
So far, it doesn't appear to have put a dent in ticket sales. Sales were strong/as expected all day today. Did $80million. Its original projections were $80-85million. Still on track for its expected $180-200million weekend. We will see if people don't go out tomorrow.

But yeah its got to suck for everyone involved with the movie even though they had nothing to do with it.

I have tickets, but I feel that it would be wrong to enjoy the movie in the aftermath. Maybe in a months time...


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
Again, letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.

Yes, a ban is never 100% effective.

but it is effective.

No, it is NOT. I guess you really are too young to remember the last AWB, that had absolutely no effect on whether you could buy an assault rifle. You can't seriously be this stupid? Look at the bastions of gun control, Chicago, New York, California, DC, murder was rampant, gun crime was rampant. All laws do is keep guns out of the hands of people that already don't break laws.
Feb 10, 2000
No, they are usually stolen. The liberal morons have this fantasy that there are all these underground gun dealers selling straight from the manufacturers floor at bargain basements prices, this is just made up liberal bullshit.

In fairness it's also not uncommon for gun stores to claim guns are stolen, then sell them at an inflated price without owner registration. I used to go shooting at a store in Tacoma, Washington called Bullseye Shooters Supply almost every weekend while I was stationed at McChord AFB. The Bsuhmaster AR-15 used by the D.C. sniping team was "stolen" from that store while John Allen Mohammed was stationed at the nearby Fort Lewis, but never reported as stolen to ATF. After the D.C. snipers were caught, ATF looked into it and found that hundreds of guns from the store had been "stolen," but never reported. Once the Feds started a seizure and prosecution, the store was closed and I had to find another range. They had apparently been selling guns illegally, in significant quantity, for years.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2010
No, it is NOT. I guess you really are too young to remember the last AWB, that had absolutely no effect on whether you could buy an assault rifle.

It could have been more strongly worded. I'm sure gun fetishists had a hand in making it weaker than it should have been otherwise.


Golden Member
Jul 31, 2006
karmypolitics, You've brought up a few reasons as to why you think violent crime would decrease if guns were prohibited in the US. For fear of losing sight of the big picture with specific points, I want to ask you the following. Surely you admit that the disarming law-abiding citizens argument is partially correct - at least a few people would indeed DIE at the hands of an armed criminal because they were not able to defend themselves as they would have with a legally-obtained gun. So then, guns being prohibited in the US would not result in a singular situation where lives would be saved unilaterally and in all cases - some lives would be saved, and some would be lost. The question is what the numbers are on either side. Do you agree?


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Again, letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.

Yes, a ban is never 100% effective.

but it is effective.

Not here, not yet anyway.

Our 94-2004 assault weapon ban saw an increase in violent crime especially gun related.
It doesnt help.
Guns arent causing the problems, people are. They did nothing to take away that human urge to kill your fellow man.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
In fairness it's also not uncommon for gun stores to claim guns are stolen, then sell them at an inflated price without owner registration. I used to go shooting at a store in Tacoma, Washington called Bullseye Shooters Supply almost every weekend while I was stationed at McChord AFB. The Bsuhmaster AR-15 used by the D.C. sniping team was "stolen" from that store while John Allen Mohammed was stationed at the nearby Fort Lewis, but never reported as stolen to ATF. After the D.C. snipers were caught, ATF looked into it and found that hundreds of guns from the store had been "stolen," but never reported. Once the Feds started a seizure and prosecution, the store was closed and I had to find another range. They had apparently been selling guns illegally, in significant quantity, for years.

So a store was selling guns out the back door ...that means this is how the nations illegal guns are fueled? Or is it just one anecdotal story? What's more likely, that there are lots of gun shops selling guns illegally, risking their livelihood, or that most illegal guns are actually stolen?

It could have been more strongly worded. I'm sure gun fetishists had a hand in making it weaker than it should have been otherwise.

No, they didn't, it is just a fantasy that you are going to be able to get rid of guns in this country. There are hundreds of millions of them, more than there are people.

Regardless this is America, don't like your rights, you are free to not engage in them, but don't be trying to dictate other people's rights to them.


Golden Member
Jul 31, 2006
Regardless this is America, don't like your rights, you are free to not engage in them, but don't be trying to dictate other people's rights to them.

This is a very important point that isn't being discussed. Nobody has the right to take my gun if I haven't done anything wrong.

It's just a physical object that happens to have the potential to be dangerous. Taking that object under threat of punishment from a perfectly law-abiding citizen is aggression on the part of the government and shouldn't be tolerated in a free society.
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Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
This is a very important point that isn't being discussed. Nobody has the right to take my gun if I haven't done anything wrong.

It's just a physical object that happens to have the potential to be dangerous. Taking that object under threat of punishment from a perfectly law-abiding citizen is aggression on the part of the government and shouldn't be tolerated in a free society.

Exactemundo. It's pretty disgusting that the gun grabbers almost seem to relish horrific incidents like this to use people's suffering to further their cause.
Feb 10, 2000
So a store was selling guns out the back door ...that means this is how the nations illegal guns are fueled? Or is it just one anecdotal story? What's more likely, that there are lots of gun shops selling guns illegally, risking their livelihood, or that most illegal guns are actually stolen?

I don't think it makes a great deal of difference whether the guns used by criminals are stolen or illegally purchased. The outcome is the same, and both are illustrations of how the bad guys are both inclined to, and likely to, lay their hands on guns whether they're illegal or not.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
lol at any mass shooter making a gun by himself that didn't jam after 3 shots.

Gun nuts always speak in absolutes, in that a 1% failure means that the entire policy is bunk. It is so incredibly stupid and illogical.

Are you calling me a gun nut? IF so then kindly go fuck yourself as your response to my statement has nothing to do with that part of the thread.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
You gun owners have proven time and time again you are not responsible enough to own them. End of story.

You car owners have proven time and time again you are not responsible enough to own them. End of Story.

You are just dripping with hyperbole, there are millions of gun owners that are never going to commit a crime with their firearm.

Protip: Guns don't kill people, people kill people with guns ...and knives, bats, cars, chemicals, etc, etc, etc ...


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010

Well put.

Lot of talented folks put in a ton of hardwork, passion and sacrifice to make this movie and i'm sure it hurts like hell to know this this devastating event will be forever tied to the movie.

I think the shooting is surreal for a lot folks beyond those involved in the making of the movie, the loss of life and those injured is not something most people can fathom in real terms.
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