Mass Shooting at Dark Knight Rises Premier in Aurora Colorado (12 Dead, 59 Injured)

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Jun 30, 2004
Barring any "application of standards," bashing Obama or some nutty things quoted from some evangelist pulpit, I'm more intrigued with what went on in the shooter's mind.

He was well-prepared. He was deliberate. He did not choose "which movie, which theater" at random, or -- to do so would be inconsistent with the body armor, weapons, gas cannisters and so on.

So maybe his dreams for being a Healer were set back or dashed?

Here, we might be interested in sorting out his actual political inclinations. Maybe they'll find something on his hard drives and internet caches.

Point being: there was one other news item from last week focusing on this "Dark Knight Rises" movie, comment observing that the name of the movie's villain had been created decades ago. The news involved screwy speculations broadcast by someone else who had flunked everything in college.

We've already been around this type of event in a single complete cycle from Tucson, AZ, January, 2011. Jared Loughner was certifiably nuts and qualified for medication, while speculation in the media focused on the speech of a failed Vice-Presidential candidate, who proceeded to back-peddle for three months thereafter -- both denying that she had anything at all to do with it, while demonstrating that she worried people thought she did.

Smells like . . . . Limburger? Nah, but a big cheese, nevertheless . . .

Sure . . . . the movie was a plot by Hollywood Dems to demonize Bain Capital. Except that the assertion is utter nonsense.

A person can be rabid with a microphone, or rabid with body armor. It's the season of "Crazy."


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2005
Jessica Ghawi, who was at the Toronto mass shooting & survived by walking out due to a feeling that something bad was about to happen, a 24 year old aspiring sports journalist was killed in this mass shooting sent out a tweet minutes before this happened:

"I can't get this odd feeling out of my chest. This empty, almost sickening feeling won't go away. I noticed this feeling when I was in the Eaton Center in Toronto just seconds before someone opened fire in the food court. An odd feeling which lead me to go outside and unknowingly out of harm's way. It's hard for me to wrap my mind around how a wierd feeling saved me from being in the middle of a deadly shooting."

"I say all the time that every moment we have to live our lives is a blessing. So often I have found myself taking it for granted. Every hug from a family member. Every laugh we share with friends. Even the times of solitude are all blessings. Every second of every day is a gift. After Saturday evening, I know I truly understand how blessed I am for each second I am given."

Prophetic words from someone who had been through this before and was about to die.


Golden Member
May 20, 2009
What scares me is I don't know if you quoted the shooter or said that yourself...

Hold the freaking horse there. Liberty and Jefferson have nothing to do with this depraved shooter. Such sick individuals always have, and always will exist. It should be our group function to properly identity them before they figure out the means to harm us.

Only way liberty plays a role is that we clearly don't have enough of it. A single CCW in that theater had the potential to end the threat before many people were killed. That didn't happen, because people feel like they aren't allowed to defend themselves.

When it is our policy to disarm the people, they will become helpless victims to depraved individuals.

I can't speak for him but I think that is what he is referring to.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2005
Another witness in the audience named Corbin saw a man sitting in the front right of the audience on a phone before the attack happened. This man went and opened the emergency door and seemed to be trying to direct someone to the door, remaining on the phone the entire time. Minutes later the shooter came in and began the assault.


Nov 20, 1999
Jessica Ghawi, who was at the Toronto mass shooting & survived by walking out due to a feeling that something bad was about to happen, a 24 year old aspiring sports journalist was killed in this mass shooting sent out a tweet minutes before this happened:

"I can't get this odd feeling out of my chest. This empty, almost sickening feeling won't go away. I noticed this feeling when I was in the Eaton Center in Toronto just seconds before someone opened fire in the food court. An odd feeling which lead me to go outside and unknowingly out of harm's way. It's hard for me to wrap my mind around how a wierd feeling saved me from being in the middle of a deadly shooting."

"I say all the time that every moment we have to live our lives is a blessing. So often I have found myself taking it for granted. Every hug from a family member. Every laugh we share with friends. Even the times of solitude are all blessings. Every second of every day is a gift. After Saturday evening, I know I truly understand how blessed I am for each second I am given."

Prophetic words from someone who had been through this before and was about to die.

That is pretty bad luck, what are the odds of being at two massacres in a short lifetime.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2001
Brian Ross of NBC couldn't wait to pin this on the Tea Party but was later forced to retract his statement.

For those that don't know, Brian Ross is a sex offender.

Edit: I may be mistaken. I do see some similarities but it will need further investigation. Below is a pic of Brian Ross that works for NBC.

And Brietbart couldn't wait to pin this on the Democrat party:


Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2008
No one here has mentioned how much the killer may or may not be motivated by the Batman movies.

The theme of all 3 movies were that the world has become a sick place, and needed to burn. (Raz, joker, bane) could he have done this just to push the world a little closer towards anarchy? Here's someone who just killed a bunch of people, and is about to make a mockery of our justice system that is indeed weak. He won't be executed, and if so, it'll be out of almost everyone's mind.

Not trying to be insensitive, but trying to guess his motives.

And on a side note, i think the world is lost. We've reached a point where we can't be saved. Corruption, greed, laziness, etc. Not to mention just too many people in the world. It's only a matter of time until we destroy ourselves.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2005
That is pretty bad luck, what are the odds of being at two massacres in a short lifetime.

I'd have to imagine it is like getting hit by lightning twice or being mauled by a grizzly and a polar bear on the same day. It's so sad that she died this time, too.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
Someone shut CPA the fuck up. This is a national tragedy and this ignoramus is trying to inject ridiculous pathetic conservative political bullshit into the thread. For the love of God, shut your fucking mouth the fuck up. Nobody cares that you hate Obama.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
I see no reason why anyone in the United States has a need for an AR-15 automatic assault rifle.

Gun control in this country is pathetic and needs to be addressed.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2005
No one here has mentioned how much the killer may or may not be motivated by the Batman movies.

The theme of all 3 movies were that the world has become a sick place, and needed to burn. (Raz, joker, bane) could he have done this just to push the world a little closer towards anarchy? Here's someone who just killed a bunch of people, and is about to make a mockery of our justice system that is indeed weak. He won't be executed, and if so, it'll be out of almost everyone's mind.

Not trying to be insensitive, but trying to guess his motives.

And on a side note, i think the world is lost. We've reached a point where we can't be saved. Corruption, greed, laziness, etc. Not to mention just too many people in the world. It's only a matter of time until we destroy ourselves.

Many conspiracy theorists are claiming that the Bilderbergs and the panel of leaders they serve have plotted to use the UN to disarm this country and begin a massive depopulation of the world. They claim that after America is disarmed they will begin using vaccines to infect people with a horrible strain of the swine flu that is meant to kill off up to 90-95% of the world population so that the remaining people can live out a utopian existence. I have to admit, as crazy as it sounded at first, it is not looking so crazy at this point.

What is known for sure is that American military has been training on American soil, in residential neighborhoods and cities all over the country.


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
As evident even in Canada with it's strict gun control laws... Toronto just a few days ago...
I will interject here. Just because you try to prevent something and it still happens, doesn't mean you're wrong in your method of trying to prevent the bad event. Vaccines for example, even the best ones, aren't 100 percent effective in preventing disease. The measles vaccine for example is only about 85% effective even when given to perfectly healthy individuals. The same goes for condoms and STDs. Heck even the existence of the police falls into that category (they exist to prevent crime, but it still happens at an inordinate rate).

Simply saying because there is an occasional gun shooting in canada (psychotic or non psychotic), a country that does have much stricter gun ownership laws, is proof that gun control laws are idiotic and need to be struck down. Thats like saying because a kid gets measles despite being vaccinated, all measles vaccines need to be removed from circulation.

The reality is canada is doing a damn fine job with gun homicide, at a overall rate of 0.5 per 100K, compared to the US which I believe is around 3-6 per 100K and rises to 12 per 100k as the populations get denser. Honestly, if you throw out all the tiny little communities of less than oh about 50K people, we'd probably be sitting on average at a homicide rate of around 10k as a country.

Who said it was? I merely pointed out that removing guns from law abiding citizens is only going to hurt the good people in this country, because it is JUST AS EASY to get a gun illegally as it is to get a bag of weed....which is SUPER easy.

Also, this guy had on a bullet proof vest and who wants to conceal at a movie anyways? That would get uncomfortable pretty fast.

First of all, I don't think its all that easy to get a bag of weed. It really depends on where you live.

And I don't think you can actually know what will happen if guns are removed because there are way to many variables to deal with. I don't think anyone knows, even myself. If there's any evidence at all we can look at (and its really bad evidence at that because their populations don't at all reflect our population), we can look at countries that have the strictest gun laws and see how they are doing (which in general is way better than us).

Honestly, as a country we should just put the damn thing to rest. Select 3 or so major cities, 3 or so mid major cities, and 3 or so small cities and say "damn it, no guns for 2 years" and see how their crime responds to previous statistics kept in that city as well to the rest of the country over that time period. Lets just solve the question once and for all as a country so we can stop bitching about it whilst millions of lobbying dollars are spent by opposing organizations going back and forth on the same issue no one actually knows the answer to.


Golden Member
May 20, 2009
The crazies are beginning to chime in.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said Friday that the shootings that took place in an Aurora, Colo. movie theater hours earlier were a result of "ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs" and questioned why nobody else in the theater had a gun to take down the shooter.

"You know what really gets me, as a Christian, is to see the ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs, and then some senseless crazy act of terror like this takes place," Gohmert said.

"People say ... where was God in all of this?" Gohmert said. "We've threatened high school graduation participations, if they use God's name, they're going to be jailed ... I mean that kind of stuff. Where was God? What have we done with God? We don't want him around. I kind of like his protective hand being present."

Yup, that is exactly what he is: a crazy moron that is trying to be an opportunist. He needs to be voted out of office with thoughts like that. It's scary when they say these things. He probably believes what he says too, which makes it even scarier.

And to those that want to make it political in here--there will be plenty of stupid comments, statements and opinions from people on both side but right now, this politician is the king moron.


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
Many conspiracy theorists are claiming that the Bilderbergs and the panel of leaders they serve have plotted to use the UN to disarm this country and begin a massive depopulation of the world. They claim that after America is disarmed they will begin using vaccines to infect people with a horrible strain of the swine flu that is meant to kill off up to 90-95% of the world population so that the remaining people can live out a utopian existence. I have to admit, as crazy as it sounded at first, it is not looking so crazy at this point.

What is known for sure is that American military has been training on American soil, in residential neighborhoods and cities all over the country.

This is psychotic.

Sure it sounds great, wipe out everyone so I have the whole world to myself, but gee what happens when I break my leg going down the stairs? Where is the world class orthopedic surgeon to put a rod in it? Oh wait I killed him.

Or if I cut my hand and develop sepsis, where is the vancomycin to save my life? Oh right I killed all the biotech guys who run the factories that make the drug that will save my life?

And you want to know why you broke your leg? Because there is no one harvest the coal in a mine, no one to drive it 500 miles to the nearest plant, and no one to run the damn power plant to give you the light you need to not break your leg going down stairs.

Freaking ridiculous.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2005
Warner Brother is pulling the trailer for Gangster Squad, which depicted men going into a theater and lighting up the crowd, from their movies and cancelling the Paris opening scheduled for tonight in responce to the tragedy.


Mar 19, 2007
This is all the result of our people thinking our kids don't have enough rights. This kind of shit didn’t happen when you used to be able to knock your kid upside the head when he acted up. Look at where our little pansy ass “time-outs” are getting us. Kids just don’t have the same values they used to.


Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2008
Many conspiracy theorists are claiming that the Bilderbergs and the panel of leaders they serve have plotted to use the UN to disarm this country and begin a massive depopulation of the world. They claim that after America is disarmed they will begin using vaccines to infect people with a horrible strain of the swine flu that is meant to kill off up to 90-95% of the world population so that the remaining people can live out a utopian existence. I have to admit, as crazy as it sounded at first, it is not looking so crazy at this point.

What is known for sure is that American military has been training on American soil, in residential neighborhoods and cities all over the country.

Probably the best thing for humanity in the long term. No way people would agree to population reduction worldwide, and how many people are out there who are just worthless drains on society.

It's gotta/gonna happen, and if it's something that happens intentionally or unintentionally it really doesn't matter.

Sorry for being off topic (90% of posts in this thread)

Fuck this asshole who killed these people. Hearing the individual stories are the worst. Father killed in front of his daughters, 6 year old girl killed.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
I see no reason why anyone in the United States has a need for an AR-15 automatic assault rifle.

Gun control in this country is pathetic and needs to be addressed.

I see no reason why anyone in the United States has need for your opinion.

Free speech in this country is pathetic, and needs to be addressed.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2005
This is psychotic.

Sure it sounds great, wipe out everyone so I have the whole world to myself, but gee what happens when I break my leg going down the stairs? Where is the world class orthopedic surgeon to put a rod in it? Oh wait I killed him.

Or if I cut my hand and develop sepsis, where is the vancomycin to save my life? Oh right I killed all the biotech guys who run the factories that make the drug that will save my life?

And you want to know why you broke your leg? Because there is no one harvest the coal in a mine, no one to drive it 500 miles to the nearest plant, and no one to run the damn power plant to give you the light you need to not break your leg going down stairs.

Freaking ridiculous.

The doctors and scientists are exactly who they will protect. They won't need all those people to gather resources if there is only a small segment of the population left. Honestly, it certainly makes a world of sense in many respects. Most people do not realize the Industrial Revolution has lead to an exponential explosion in the world population and to think the people who run everything behind the scenes are considering this is not too shocking. I promise you, if this is happening, they have carefully discussed and planned for almost every possible event that could happen after this culling of the herd begins.
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