
Jan 12, 2005

I love how she abruptly ends the line of questioning once she realized how dumb her questions are (yes, there is a such thing as dumb questions). She obviously had no idea that the government has been in charge of student loans, aka she is part of the problem. I haven't seen a politician this dumb since Hank Johnson asked if Guam will tip over (in sig).


Jan 12, 2005
Guys, the Trump supporter is complaining about a politician not knowing what they’re talking about.

Who is going to break the news to him?

"But Trump..!" Our country is doing great, despite the lies from your side of the political spectrum about how terrible America is, how racist, the patriarchy, etc. people still are trying to get into this country at the tune of thousands of illegals per day. We are the shining beacon of opportunity, all of this has continued or even ramped up under Trump.

On the other hand, Maxine's district is considered one of the worst in America. And she seems so knowledgeable! You can whine about Trump all you'd like (and you do like it!), but the reality is we're doing quite well under his leadership.

Now, continue your deflections.
Reactions: Challenger


Oct 6, 2009
"But Trump..!" Our country is doing great, despite the lies from your side of the political spectrum about how terrible America is, how racist, the patriarchy, etc. people still are trying to get into this country at the tune of thousands of illegals per day. We are the shining beacon of opportunity, all of this has continued or even ramped up under Trump.

On the other hand, Maxine's district is considered one of the worst in America. And she seems so knowledgeable! You can whine about Trump all you'd like (and you do like it!), but the reality is we're doing quite well under his leadership.

Now, continue your deflections.
Trillion dollar deficit == quite well.


Jan 12, 2005
Trillion dollar deficit == quite well.

You act like a large deficit is unique to Trump. If you're measuring and comparing him fairly, you'll certainly see why while this isn't ideal, it isn't fair to single him out over it either. But, I don't expect a bunch of collusion delusion TDS sufferers to look at things fairly or logically.

P.S. - The debt went up nearly $10 trillion over Obama's eight years. So if Trump only is averaging a trillion per year, that's an improvement!
Reactions: Challenger


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
"But Trump..!" Our country is doing great, despite the lies from your side of the political spectrum about how terrible America is, how racist, the patriarchy, etc. people still are trying to get into this country at the tune of thousands of illegals per day. We are the shining beacon of opportunity, all of this has continued or even ramped up under Trump.

On the other hand, Maxine's district is considered one of the worst in America. And she seems so knowledgeable! You can whine about Trump all you'd like (and you do like it!), but the reality is we're doing quite well under his leadership.

Now, continue your deflections.

I have no idea what this nonsensical rant is about but it's irrelevant anyway.

I suspect I'm not the only person who finds it funny that you're complaining about a politician being ignorant about something they are talking about considering the staggering ignorance Trump shows constantly. Clearly it's not a problem for you when Trump does it on basically a daily basis so you're just being an obvious hypocrite.

I mean how stupid does someone have to be to not see that exact retort coming?


Oct 15, 1999
Guys, the Trump supporter is complaining about a politician not knowing what they’re talking about.

Who is going to break the news to him?
I thought that was one of the things the democrats didn't like about Trump, that he's often misinformed?
Maxine attacked the wrong people in an effort to grandstand and ended up being the fool.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I thought that was one of the things the democrats didn't like about Trump, that he's often misinformed?
Maxine attacked the wrong people in an effort to grandstand and ended up being the fool.

I don't like it when any politician is misinformed, I was simply pointing out that it's entirely obvious that Slowspyder doesn't give a shit if they are informed or not so long as they are on his political sports team.


Jan 12, 2005
I don't like it when any politician is misinformed, I was simply pointing out that it's entirely obvious that Slowspyder doesn't give a shit if they are informed or not so long as they are on his political sports team.

Says the guy that immediately deflected and brought up Trump, dismissing the OP. Stellar.
Reactions: Challenger


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2004
Yes, I was pointing out how funny your hypocrisy and dishonesty is. Was that difficult for you to understand?
The funny thing is he'll think this is the same as democrats complaining when republicans try to excuse Trump by pointing to the the bahavior of some obscure democrat.


Oct 6, 2009
You act like a large deficit is unique to Trump. If you're measuring and comparing him fairly, you'll certainly see why while this isn't ideal, it isn't fair to single him out over it either. But, I don't expect a bunch of collusion delusion TDS sufferers to look at things fairly or logically.

P.S. - The debt went up nearly $10 trillion over Obama's eight years. So if Trump only is averaging a trillion per year, that's an improvement!
I act like saying we are doing fine when we have a trillion dollar deficit is a stupid thing to say, period.

For someone worried about someone deflecting to Trump when the thread is about Waters is a bad thing you certainly deflected from Trump's deficit to Obama's deficit pretty quickly, don't you think? And that deflection is into a straw man characterization of my argument: that my commenting on the complete absurdity that we are doing fine when we are running trillion dollar deficits somehow means I think large deficits are unique to Trump. That is equally stupid, because I am fully aware of our deficit history. That is two stupid strikes against you, but not surprising because you are a stupid man (boy-child).

Third, your "nearly $10 trillion" number is actually nearly $9 trillion, even using a flawed metric (see this article for an explanation, if you can manage to comprehend it) that saddles Obama with the 2009 deficit, much of which is a result of the budget Bush set for 2009. Three stupid strikes for you. You're out.

But wait, there's more! Trump's deficits are actually well over $1 trillion per year as you can also see in the second link above. So no, it is not an improvement. Four strikes. You're going to have to play in a sissy-leftist-everyone-wins-league now.

When discussing deficits you have to understand that deficits can be good and they can be bad. The way to determine which parts of the deficit are good vs. which parts are bad, you need to be able to understand a super technical term: ROI. Now I know this is very complicated but there are only three letters there which is less than your number of strikes so I believe in you. You can do it. The parts of the deficit that produce a positive ROI are good, and the parts that produce a negative ROI are bad. Do you think you can keep those two things straight? Most conservatives can't but you aren't a conservative, right? Right? This is how we can determine that a large portion of Trump's deficits are bad, because they are producing a negative ROI, while most of Obama's produced a positive ROI.

Now please, ignore everything I have posted here and all the posts in that old thread informing you why you sound stupid and tell us how you think that because revenues are up it means Trump's deficits are producing a positive ROI. Thanks.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
The funny thing is he'll think this is the same as democrats complaining when republicans try to excuse Trump by pointing to the the bahavior of some obscure democrat.

Right. The core of why whataboutism is a problem is that consistent bad actors will point out isolated cases of their critics not living up to their ideals as a way to say 'both sides are the same' despite that being demonstrably untrue. It's the same thing here. Do Democrats say stupid and ignorant shit sometimes? Absolutely, and it's not good! There is no major Democratic politician that comes within a country mile of saying the sheer quantity or quality of stupid shit that Trump says, however.

Odd that I never see Spidey create a thread about the latest stupid thing Trump has said. I wonder why?


Jan 12, 2005
So, no one has anything to say about the Democrat chair of the Finance Committee asking the bank reps about student loans, that they have next to nothing to do with? Shocking, absolutely shocking!

Back to your regularly scheduled TDS.
Reactions: Challenger


Oct 6, 2009
So, no one has anything to say about the Democrat chair of the Finance Committee asking the bank reps about student loans, that they have next to nothing to do with? Shocking, absolutely shocking!

Back to your regularly scheduled TDS.
Maxine Waters is stupid. There, I said it. Feel better? Please don't get hand cramps posting threads every time Trump says something stupid since you like to point out stupidity so much.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Jan 12, 2005
I act like saying we are doing fine when we have a trillion dollar deficit is a stupid thing to say, period.

For someone worried about someone deflecting to Trump when the thread is about Waters is a bad thing you certainly deflected from Trump's deficit to Obama's deficit pretty quickly, don't you think? And that deflection is into a straw man characterization of my argument: that my commenting on the complete absurdity that we are doing fine when we are running trillion dollar deficits somehow means I think large deficits are unique to Trump. That is equally stupid, because I am fully aware of our deficit history. That is two stupid strikes against you, but not surprising because you are a stupid man (boy-child).

Third, your "nearly $10 trillion" number is actually nearly $9 trillion, even using a flawed metric (see this article for an explanation, if you can manage to comprehend it) that saddles Obama with the 2009 deficit, much of which is a result of the budget Bush set for 2009. Three stupid strikes for you. You're out.

But wait, there's more! Trump's deficits are actually well over $1 trillion per year as you can also see in the second link above. So no, it is not an improvement. Four strikes. You're going to have to play in a sissy-leftist-everyone-wins-league now.

When discussing deficits you have to understand that deficits can be good and they can be bad. The way to determine which parts of the deficit are good vs. which parts are bad, you need to be able to understand a super technical term: ROI. Now I know this is very complicated but there are only three letters there which is less than your number of strikes so I believe in you. You can do it. The parts of the deficit that produce a positive ROI are good, and the parts that produce a negative ROI are bad. Do you think you can keep those two things straight? Most conservatives can't but you aren't a conservative, right? Right? This is how we can determine that a large portion of Trump's deficits are bad, because they are producing a negative ROI, while most of Obama's produced a positive ROI.

Now please, ignore everything I have posted here and all the posts in that old thread informing you why you sound stupid and tell us how you think that because revenues are up it means Trump's deficits are producing a positive ROI. Thanks.

There has been a deficit with every admin going back to the 90's, and before Clinton's few years in the 90's you have to go back to the 60's to find a surplus. So whining about a deficit under Trump is nothing more than the same ol' TDS blinders.

Now please, continue your TDS in this thread about Maxine Waters, one of the loudest Democrat law makers today, and avoid the OP. Your M.O.


Jan 12, 2005
Maxine Waters is stupid. There, I said it. Feel better? Please don't get hand cramps posting threads every time Trump says something stupid since you like to point out stupidity so much.

That's a step towards coming back to reality, I appreciate that. May you continue your journey back to sanity. Today may be a breakthrough for you.
Reactions: Challenger


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
That's a step towards coming back to reality, I appreciate that. May you continue your journey back to sanity. Today may be a breakthrough for you.

Great, now that we have established Maxine Waters said something dumb how do you feel about this mind bogglingly stupid statement from Trump about trade, something he claims to be his signature issue?

He thinks trade deficits mean your country would be better off without trading. That’s incredibly stupid. Since you care about if politicians say stupid things and not which politician says that surely you will agree.

Let me guess though Trump’s statement wasn’t dumb because reasons.


Jun 23, 2004
That's a step towards coming back to reality, I appreciate that. May you continue your journey back to sanity. Today may be a breakthrough for you.

We're more concerned about you.

Example, should fire fighters listen to Trump and dump entire cargo loads of water onto buildings?


Oct 6, 2009
There has been a deficit with every admin going back to the 90's, and before Clinton's few years in the 90's you have to go back to the 60's to find a surplus. So whining about a deficit under Trump is nothing more than the same ol' TDS blinders.

Now please, continue your TDS in this thread about Maxine Waters, one of the loudest Democrat law makers today, and avoid the OP. Your M.O.
Thank you for ignoring the information in my post like I predicted you would.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Jan 12, 2005
Great, now that we have established Maxine Waters said something dumb how do you feel about this mind bogglingly stupid statement from Trump about trade, something he claims to be his signature issue?

He thinks trade deficits mean your country would be better off without trading. That’s incredibly stupid. Since you care about if politicians say stupid things and not which politician says that surely you will agree.

Let me guess though Trump’s statement wasn’t dumb because reasons.

I think what he said is fine. He talks off the cuff all the time, that's different than a congressional hearing. The man says things all the time, and to be honest I think most of us just sit back and have a chuckle while you guys rage, which only makes us laugh more. Let's talk meat and potatoes. How is America doing under Trump? Overall, very well when compared to his contemporaries, yet there is plenty of room for improvement. How is Maxine Water's district doing? Not as well.

Let's take a stroll through her district.
Reactions: Challenger


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I think what he said is fine. He talks off the cuff all the time, that's different than a congressional hearing. The man says things all the time, and to be honest I think most of us just sit back and have a chuckle while you guys rage, which only makes us laugh more. Let's talk meat and potatoes. How is America doing under Trump? Overall, very well when compared to his contemporaries, yet there is plenty of room for improvement. How is Maxine Water's district doing? Not as well.

Haha, called it!

Thanks for being a hypocrite, it’s always good for a laugh.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Dec 12, 2000
I think what he said is fine. He talks off the cuff all the time, that's different than a congressional hearing. The man says things all the time, and to be honest I think most of us just sit back and have a chuckle while you guys rage, which only makes us laugh more. Let's talk meat and potatoes. How is America doing under Trump? Overall, very well when compared to his contemporaries, yet there is plenty of room for improvement. How is Maxine Water's district doing? Not as well.

Let's take a stroll through her district.

You’re such a useful idiot. Only the best lies. That’s not her district—that’s skid row.
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