Maybe Democrats are starting to get it:

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Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2015
I respect your opinion, but I don't see that as his contribution, and he's never made anyone crumble. What I do see is a lot of people of a variety of political persuasions getting tired of his sh!t, and because he can't handle it, he just keeps lumping more and more people into his ever expanding basket of degenerates.

Really? It's happened loads of times. It's when they start going "Well AgentFAIL you are the real racist", as they've run out of ammo so to speak.


Nov 11, 1999
All Agent has been doing, is throwing at the forum's righties the same shit they fling at everybody else. It's obvious, and we all know it, and you can't stand someone responding in kind. Fuckin' diddums.

It's more than that. He turns every discussion towards raving about degens & their supposed enablers, even this one which isn't about race at all.

What Schumer fails to do is point out that trickle down economics has turned out to be very successful top down class warfare. He doesn't come right out & say that half the country is poorer so that the richest could get richer. He doesn't really challenge the tax & regulation structure that has enabled it entirely. He doesn't tell the truth, that the only way we'll get more out of the revered jerb creators is to use the power of democracy to take it like we did during the progressive era & the New Deal, the foundations of middle class prosperity being slowly dismantled by the Repubs. We just have to find new ways to do the same things in order to counter the effects of ongoing automation & higher levels of organization for multinational capitalism.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I respect your opinion, but I don't see that as his contribution, and he's never made anyone crumble. What I do see is a lot of people of a variety of political persuasions getting tired of his sh!t, and because he can't handle it, he just keeps lumping more and more people into his ever expanding basket of degenerates.
MajinCry will find that out as soon as he becomes a racist apologist himself.
Reactions: Starbuck1975


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
You know them as well as everybody else, there's no need to play pretend. But let's take a good example.

Agent constantly goes at the righties who denounce welfare and such, due to the prime reason being racism (a la Lee Atwater), with them calling him racist for saying what they actually meant. Lo' and behold, we get the righties playing victim like typical neo-nazis, with them then playing the childish "I know you are but what am I?" retort. Agent points out the hypocrisy, and it continues until said righties get fed up after being played at their own game.

It's rather fun to watch them crumble.
Let me give you an example of what a racist apologist traitor liberal looks like. The question of whether conservatives are flat out racists in their attitude toward Blacks is a raging debate among political scientists that make that a study of interest because a great deal hangs in the balance between whether they are flat out racists or have some other non racist motivation causing their objections to say things like affirmative action. The obvious and simplest answer appears to be racism, that conservatives are biased against affirmative action because the recipients are generally black.

This has been scientifically tested and a small amount of racism is found, a very small amount, the huge portion of the dislike equal toward any race or nationality that is substituted in for special treatment. Conservatives, it turns out, object to that also because they see it as unequal treatment and they believe in equality as an American value, It turns out that it is liberals who see affirmative action in terms of race. They see the historical damage that racism has done to blacks and what to fix it by a broader demand for inclusion. I have suggest just this very thing now for quite some time, after reading about the brain differences between conservatives and liberals and the fact that conservatives have many more areas of moral concern than do liberals resulting in the fact that conservatives understand liberals better than liberals understand conservatives.

I have raised this point now for quite some time to liberals evoking much rage in the process, because I also maintain that it is this moral lack of understanding of conservatives that cause liberals to lose elections.

I am not saying that conservatives are more moral than liberals or the other way round. I am saying that liberals misjudge what they think is conservative moral failure. Liberals can't see and will not credit the moral basis for conservative feelings which produces the phenomena of hatred and contempt for them.

That is the wrong approach. In the above case of affirmative action the question liberals should be focusing on is whether modern day people who are not racists but who are members of a group that has benefitted enormously economically in the past from the fact they were not the targets of racism owe anything to those who were historic targets. Can they be brought to the awareness that black people live with the consequences of having been handed a really shitty deal, and one that is profoundly difficult to fix. A culture that has been made to experience constant humiliation and claims of inferiority will internalize those inputs and develop negative compensatory devices. When conservatives look at black people say in Detroit or Chicago, they see that ugliness and that makes racism easier to acquire which in part accounts for some overlap.

So nobody is apologizing for racism. Racism is ugly shit and the actual practice of racism must be made illegal where such actions violate people's rights. One can condemn racism to the hilt, but when one demonizes the other, the conservative who opposes liberal policies on the basis of their innate inequality, claiming they are racist in nature, this is a moral belief that can be rationally debated if liberals could get past their confusion as to where most conservatives are coming from on this issue.

These facts have been presented to agent but he simply denies the actual science and can't substantiate the fact that conservatives and anybody who sees them as anything other than worthless racists deserves nothing but contempt. That is the exact kind of blind bigoted contempt that racists feel. And he isn't the only liberal who is having trouble with this news.
Reactions: Starbuck1975
Sep 12, 2004
No, what's stated about you et al is empirically accurate, for example agreeing with politically allied race realists on just about everything as you so kindly continue to demonstrate.

These are simple facts anyone can observe and verify.
Verify? Please do. Of course you can't provide any such verification. Everyone knows this because, first of all, it's not true whatsoever, and it's purely wild spewing on your part in some sort of adolescent attempt to malign me.

But press on because you are a clueless glutton for punishment. It's been a pleasure watching your own side call you out for the complete fool that you are.

/edited for brevity
Last edited:
Reactions: Starbuck1975


Jun 9, 2016
Enabling the degens... like with the healthcare votes, right?

You can sure play dumb with the best of them. Seems obvious the degen strategy, which is pretty smart I might add, is to get democrats to lay off trumpsters when the populist tide is turning against them and instead make policy speeches nobody gives a shit about. Gee I wonder why they'd want that. Regrettably something like half of democrats are slow so it'll probably work.

Right. agent is the Rand Paul of the left. The democrats should have done away with all healthcare until the Republicans cried uncle and voted for single payer. agent, like all fanatical purists, wants the perfect to prevent anything good from happening. His self contempt is so great that there must be not the slightest tinge of the evil of compromise in his pure lily white hands. He is the enemy of the art of politics without respect for the fact that the whole human race has become more and more liberal incrementally. The psychological health and progress of the human race depends on inclusion of the other, not contempt and hate for the other, whoever the other is. agent wants to reject the least inclusive among us and any who would try to include them because he is filled with the rage of having been rejected. That fear now causes such an ugliness, as we come to see more of his character, that he creates that very rejection. He becomes what he fears, a conservative who will rationalize away anything that sheds light on his inner state of egotism. His version of morality is a one true religion just as is that of any degen, as he likes to call them. Sadly for liberals, he pretends to be one himself and thus works to destroy real liberalism, the very thing he sees in others.

Riveting party line support from the resident nazi/confederate apologist for his new friends.

I respect your opinion, but I don't see that as his contribution, and he's never made anyone crumble. What I do see is a lot of people of a variety of political persuasions getting tired of his sh!t, and because he can't handle it, he just keeps lumping more and more people into his ever expanding basket of degenerates.

A matter of record that's what all the racists & friend before you said, too. Keep in mind your friend Chicken is a big fan of slurs like "welfare queen", and also generally keeping company with self-avowed race realists.


Jun 9, 2016
Let me give you an example of what a racist apologist traitor liberal looks like. The question of whether conservatives are flat out racists in their attitude toward Blacks is a raging debate among political scientists that make that a study of interest because a great deal hangs in the balance between whether they are flat out racists or have some other non racist motivation causing their objections to say things like affirmative action. The obvious and simplest answer appears to be racism, that conservatives are biased against affirmative action because the recipients are generally black.

This has been scientifically tested and a small amount of racism is found, a very small amount, the huge portion of the dislike equal toward any race or nationality that is substituted in for special treatment. Conservatives, it turns out, object to that also because they see it as unequal treatment and they believe in equality as an American value, It turns out that it is liberals who see affirmative action in terms of race. They see the historical damage that racism has done to blacks and what to fix it by a broader demand for inclusion. I have suggest just this very thing now for quite some time, after reading about the brain differences between conservatives and liberals and the fact that conservatives have many more areas of moral concern than do liberals resulting in the fact that conservatives understand liberals better than liberals understand conservatives.

I have raised this point now for quite some time to liberals evoking much rage in the process, because I also maintain that it is this moral lack of understanding of conservatives that cause liberals to lose elections.

I am not saying that conservatives are more moral than liberals or the other way round. I am saying that liberals misjudge what they think is conservative moral failure. Liberals can't see and will not credit the moral basis for conservative feelings which produces the phenomena of hatred and contempt for them.

That is the wrong approach. In the above case of affirmative action the question liberals should be focusing on is whether modern day people who are not racists but who are members of a group that has benefitted enormously economically in the past from the fact they were not the targets of racism owe anything to those who were historic targets. Can they be brought to the awareness that black people live with the consequences of having been handed a really shitty deal, and one that is profoundly difficult to fix. A culture that has been made to experience constant humiliation and claims of inferiority will internalize those inputs and develop negative compensatory devices. When conservatives look at black people say in Detroit or Chicago, they see that ugliness and that makes racism easier to acquire which in part accounts for some overlap.

So nobody is apologizing for racism. Racism is ugly shit and the actual practice of racism must be made illegal where such actions violate people's rights. One can condemn racism to the hilt, but when one demonizes the other, the conservative who opposes liberal policies on the basis of their innate inequality, claiming they are racist in nature, this is a moral belief that can be rationally debated if liberals could get past their confusion as to where most conservatives are coming from on this issue.

These facts have been presented to agent but he simply denies the actual science and can't substantiate the fact that conservatives and anybody who sees them as anything other than worthless racists deserves nothing but contempt. That is the exact kind of blind bigoted contempt that racists feel. And he isn't the only liberal who is having trouble with this news.

Poor racists who score off the charts on racial resentment, seems your new prospective flock were right all along they're the Real victims of prejudice, and also right about so many other things now, too. A real mystery this about face, same as trump's when he found the GOP base more receptive to him than D's.

Verify? Please do. Of course you can't provide any such verification. Everyone knows this because, first of all, it's not true whatsoever, and it's purely wild spewing on your part in some sort of adolescent attempt to malign me.

But press on because you are a clueless glutton for punishment. It's been a pleasure watching your own side call you out for the complete fool that you are.

/edited for brevity

Amusing when republicans pretend theirs isn't a capitalist-racist alliance. Keep in mind all your comments with identical political positions to the hardcore racists are matter of record.


Jun 9, 2016
It's Agent's way of saying cuck...

No, it's entirely accurate that the racists of this country can't do it without you. Trump & co really can't ask for more helpful patsies than the dumbshit tier of democrats. He can pander to all the race realists he wants and they always got his back that mexican rapists and kenyan muslims are really about economics. And that guy hitler, too; quite the economist I hear. No joke, imbeciles literally blame the holocaust on a bad german economy, no need to name names of those above because they know who they are. Good thing our last recession didn't get worse or it would've been brown genocide or at least slavery all over again.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Poor racists who score off the charts on racial resentment, seems your new prospective flock were right all along they're the Real victims of prejudice, and also right about so many other things now, too. A real mystery this about face, same as trump's when he found the GOP base more receptive to him than D's.
As has been pointed out to you over and over again, the latest and most up to date scientific thinking, based on research data both by political scientists and neuroscientists indicate that a great deal of opposition to addressing the damage caused by racism in the past in not rooted in racial attitudes themselves, but in moral concerns about equality, the belief being that affirmative action, say, is punishing one group now for racism of the past that no longer exists. The battle ground here is over whether the damage done in the past is real and still present and what that implies as to mainstream responsibility, not as you suggest, a no holds bared assault on racists that aren't actually racists and can actually see that affirmative action is racists because it is generated by the recognition of damage done to a race.

You are simply part of the fall out of past racial hatred that seeks to keep that hatred alive by returning it to the racists which science has indicated aren't exactly racists but people with moral concerns about fairness. Your deafness to that fact makes you just like any real racists of the past or the present, a monster who believes in the inferiority and evil of other people. You are a product of the disease of racism, a continuing catalyst that feeds it, and not any part of the direction in which a solution to racism in America will be addressed. You are the new backwards, the new degens on the left. We become what we hate and fear.

And you in turn create what you hate and fear.

You are a sower of discord in a nation that preaches unity out of the many as one of its highest aspirations. Maybe America is your enemy or has in some way disappointed you. Perhaps you have been rejected as I reject your thinking, not because of racism but because you're a bigoted fanatic.

At any rate, you are neither particularly smart nor scientific in your logic and thinking, as you so love to see yourself being. Your fanaticism and bigotry against conservatives as nothing but racists is being rejected at the most advanced levels of liberal thinking. You wave about your magic wand of flat out denial by opinion, but nobody is turning into a pumpkin any more than liberals buy into how great Trump is. You and he operate out of the same level of magical thinking. Gut certainty, the blindness of bigotry.


Jun 23, 2004
You can sure play dumb with the best of them. Seems obvious the degen strategy, which is pretty smart I might add, is to get democrats to lay off trumpsters when the populist tide is turning against them and instead make policy speeches nobody gives a shit about. Gee I wonder why they'd want that. Regrettably something like half of democrats are slow so it'll probably work.

Lay off, as in not shoot them? As I recall there are many who would happily impeach Trump if given the chance. Democrats stood 100% united in stopping the dismantling of the ACA. What is it you want them to do that they are not already doing? Myself, I'd like them to reach out and speak to the vital economic issues that caused people to turn away in 2016. To restore the hope for change Obama delivered in 2008.

So besides hatred and violence, what is it you think you offer?


Nov 11, 1999
No, it's entirely accurate that the racists of this country can't do it without you. Trump & co really can't ask for more helpful patsies than the dumbshit tier of democrats. He can pander to all the race realists he wants and they always got his back that mexican rapists and kenyan muslims are really about economics. And that guy hitler, too; quite the economist I hear. No joke, imbeciles literally blame the holocaust on a bad german economy, no need to name names of those above because they know who they are. Good thing our last recession didn't get worse or it would've been brown genocide or at least slavery all over again.

Your propaganda agenda is obviously to sow the FUD & create even greater discord than what we already have in this country. You merely employ the tactics of alt-right trolls in an attempt to put a wedge in a different place.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
Really? It's happened loads of times. It's when they start going "Well AgentFAIL you are the real racist", as they've run out of ammo so to speak.

He and those like him are so far to the left that they have gone full circle and ended up in the same place as the alt-right. That he can be a useful idiot at times does not change that he's an extremist plonker.


Nov 11, 1999
He and those like him are so far to the left that they have gone full circle and ended up in the same place as the alt-right. That he can be a useful idiot at times does not change that he's an extremist plonker.

He's not Left. His defense of Russian actions in Ukraine proves that. His goal is to cast false impressions about American liberals in pretending to be one while gaslighting & concern trolling those of us who are. He's somebody's propaganda shill.
Sep 12, 2004
Amusing when republicans pretend theirs isn't a capitalist-racist alliance. Keep in mind all your comments with identical political positions to the hardcore racists are matter of record.
I'm not a Republican so, whatever. I'll take that as more as your usual, mindless, blithering idiocy where you spew accusations with absolutely no facts on your side whatsoever.

In addition, I will keep in mind, and take much comfort in the fact, that all of your comments with identical positions to idiots are a matter of record; and those positions are vast and varied.

Remain in denial and obliviously defiant though. Your hard-headed, pretend stance-of-dominance in here is highly amusing.


Jun 9, 2016
As has been pointed out to you over and over again, the latest and most up to date scientific thinking, based on research data both by political scientists and neuroscientists indicate that a great deal of opposition to addressing the damage caused by racism in the past in not rooted in racial attitudes themselves, but in moral concerns about equality, the belief being that affirmative action, say, is punishing one group now for racism of the past that no longer exists. The battle ground here is over whether the damage done in the past is real and still present and what that implies as to mainstream responsibility, not as you suggest, a no holds bared assault on racists that aren't actually racists and can actually see that affirmative action is racists because it is generated by the recognition of damage done to a race.

You are simply part of the fall out of past racial hatred that seeks to keep that hatred alive by returning it to the racists which science has indicated aren't exactly racists but people with moral concerns about fairness. Your deafness to that fact makes you just like any real racists of the past or the present, a monster who believes in the inferiority and evil of other people. You are a product of the disease of racism, a continuing catalyst that feeds it, and not any part of the direction in which a solution to racism in America will be addressed. You are the new backwards, the new degens on the left. We become what we hate and fear.

And you in turn create what you hate and fear.

You are a sower of discord in a nation that preaches unity out of the many as one of its highest aspirations. Maybe America is your enemy or has in some way disappointed you. Perhaps you have been rejected as I reject your thinking, not because of racism but because you're a bigoted fanatic.

At any rate, you are neither particularly smart nor scientific in your logic and thinking, as you so love to see yourself being. Your fanaticism and bigotry against conservatives as nothing but racists is being rejected at the most advanced levels of liberal thinking. You wave about your magic wand of flat out denial by opinion, but nobody is turning into a pumpkin any more than liberals buy into how great Trump is. You and he operate out of the same level of magical thinking. Gut certainty, the blindness of bigotry.

Maybe someone would take your pet psych crackpot more seriously if you've ever read any basic psych text.

Lay off, as in not shoot them? As I recall there are many who would happily impeach Trump if given the chance. Democrats stood 100% united in stopping the dismantling of the ACA. What is it you want them to do that they are not already doing? Myself, I'd like them to reach out and speak to the vital economic issues that caused people to turn away in 2016. To restore the hope for change Obama delivered in 2008.

So besides hatred and violence, what is it you think you offer?

Pretty obvious why nazi/confederate sympathizers know to STFU regarding denazification and just repeat yourself next time.

Also pretty comical, half-conservative simpletons trying to decide when I'm too left or not left at all:

He and those like him are so far to the left that they have gone full circle and ended up in the same place as the alt-right. That he can be a useful idiot at times does not change that he's an extremist plonker.

Your propaganda agenda is obviously to sow the FUD & create even greater discord than what we already have in this country. You merely employ the tactics of alt-right trolls in an attempt to put a wedge in a different place.


Jun 9, 2016
Hard to decide if it's even funnier when some fox news reciting parrot pretends to be anything but:

I'm not a Republican so, whatever. I'll take that as more as your usual, mindless, blithering idiocy where you spew accusations with absolutely no facts on your side whatsoever.

In addition, I will keep in mind, and take much comfort in the fact, that all of your comments with identical positions to idiots are a matter of record; and those positions are vast and varied.

Remain in denial and obliviously defiant though. Your hard-headed, pretend stance-of-dominance in here is highly amusing.


Oct 18, 2013
Really? It's happened loads of times. It's when they start going "Well AgentFAIL you are the real racist", as they've run out of ammo so to speak.

I don't think I have seen that. What I have seen is him constantly shifting every discussion and never really answering a question. For example, I said that wanting segregation no matter your political position is bad. He turned that into me saying I was against segregation but that was a ploy to get those on the left to let down their guard and actually get more segregation. How is it not a fail on his part when being anti in his mind is just a ploy to promote that thing?


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
He's not Left. His defense of Russian actions in Ukraine proves that. His goal is to cast false impressions about American liberals in pretending to be one while gaslighting & concern trolling those of us who are. He's somebody's propaganda shill.

He's a leftist but certainly not a liberal. The authoritarian left (anti-fa types) and fascist right (alt-right) are hard to distinguish because they are so close that they are almost exactly the same.

His types are the reason for my signature and yes, we have them over here too.

The weird idea that liberalism is a left wing philosophy is one I don't get though, the free market is per definition a liberal idea. I think people confuse terms and think that liberalism and conservatism are opposites or that liberalism is somehow entwined with socialism but that is certainly not true. Liberalism is the opposite of fascism/authoritarianism and the opposite to conservatism is progressivism.


Jun 9, 2016
I don't think I have seen that. What I have seen is him constantly shifting every discussion and never really answering a question. For example, I said that wanting segregation no matter your political position is bad. He turned that into me saying I was against segregation but that was a ploy to get those on the left to let down their guard and actually get more segregation. How is it not a fail on his part when being anti in his mind is just a ploy to promote that thing?
He's a leftist but certainly not a liberal. The authoritarian left (anti-fa types) and fascist right (alt-right) are hard to distinguish because they are so close that they are almost exactly the same.

His types are the reason for my signature and yes, we have them over here too.

The weird idea that liberalism is a left wing philosophy is one I don't get though, the free market is per definition a liberal idea. I think people confuse terms and think that liberalism and conservatism are opposites or that liberalism is somehow entwined with socialism but that is certainly not true. Liberalism is the opposite of fascism/authoritarianism and the opposite to conservatism is progressivism.

It's like a contest between these types to see who can never understand anything the longest.


Nov 11, 1999
I don't think I have seen that. What I have seen is him constantly shifting every discussion and never really answering a question. For example, I said that wanting segregation no matter your political position is bad. He turned that into me saying I was against segregation but that was a ploy to get those on the left to let down their guard and actually get more segregation. How is it not a fail on his part when being anti in his mind is just a ploy to promote that thing?

It's right wing argumentation technique coming from a different direction. He's utterly insincere, a troll & a shill.


Oct 18, 2013
It's right wing argumentation technique coming from a different direction. He's utterly insincere, a troll & a shill.

Is it right wing because those are the people you think use it the most, or is it right wing because it follows from right wing beliefs?

As for the labels, I disagree with those. I think he believes the things he says. So when I say that BLM has advocated for segregation and that is bad, he truly believes that I am actually saying that whites are the true victims.
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