Md. forces Wal-Mart to spend more on health

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Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: mercanucaribe
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: eits
Originally posted by: Amused
This is completely absurd, and will hopefully be shot down in the courts.

yeah, this is complete crap. that's not fair! the largest multinational corporation in the world SHOULD treat their employees like crap.... how dare maryland have enough balls to step forward and do the right thing. those maryland BASTARDS!

... give me a break. this is awesome. i hope every state starts this trend.

fvck walmart with a chainsaw.

Working at Walmart is a CHOICE. Not a right, nor an obligation. Those who work there do so by choice. If they choose to work at Walmart knowing they have an expensive health care plan (Walmart offers health care plans to all their employees after the probationary period) that is their CHOICE. If they CHOOSE to not buy Walmart's health care plan, that is their choice.

Walmart owes their employees NOTHING MORE than what was mutually agreed upon when the employment relationship started.

And since when is a health care plan even mandated by law? It NEVER has been, and never should be. It is a benefit offered VOLUNTARILY by employers to attract employees and compete with other employers for employees.

Obviously Walmart treats their employees well enough to employ millions of them... if they didn't, no one would want to work there.

And that drives nanny-state buffoons like you crazy. The general public wont react the way you wish they would, so you seek to control them through laws and regulations. It drives you bat-sh!t that Walmart is so popular, and so many people choose to work there even though you disapprove.

Nanny-state moralists like yourself are no better than religious moralists. You both seek to control others and force them to conform to your standards and morals. You're both authoritarian fascists.

How dare they be free to choose for themselves and fend for themselves, right?

And when Wal Mart drives other stores out of business? The fewer competitors, the less choice workers and consumers have, and the more like a communist state we actually are. Of course, Wal Mart also gets million dollar subsidies.

If the other stores cannot compete, they go by the wayside. That's the root of capitalism. But Walmart HAS competition. PLENTY of competition. That so-called "mom and pop" stores are dying is not, by any means, due to Walmart alone. The era of the "mom and pop" store has been long dead. People like Target, Walmart, grocery, and other retail chains have figured out how to deliver superior selections and prices by dealing in large volumes. If the "mom and pop" wanted to compete, they'd find investors, branch out, and realize that without high volume, they cannot compete on prices.

Communist state? Hardly. But if laws like this keep leading us down the slippery slope, we'll be there in no time at all as our freedoms erode and the nanny-state watches over us.


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: mugs
Originally posted by: PaulNEPats
No, I just believe that a large corporation who opens new stores daily, and crushes its competitors should pay for a decent healthcare system for its workers. It's called decency.

Do you ever shop at Walmart?



Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: PaulNEPats
Originally posted by: mugs
Originally posted by: PaulNEPats
No, I just believe that a large corporation who opens new stores daily, and crushes its competitors should pay for a decent healthcare system for its workers. It's called decency.

Do you ever shop at Walmart?


Good, you're exercising your right as a consumer to choose who you buy from (based on more than just price). :thumbsup:


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
IF the government is going to force them to pay for health care should walmart be able to fire those that smoke, drink or engage in dangerous Hobie's? (skydiving, motorcycles etc)


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2005
Hey operating a Business is a choice, if Walmart finds that when other States enact same laws, they dont like doing business in America they can just send their ****** overseas.

Target, Kmart, Costco and many other will be happy to fill the voids and employ the workers.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: bctbct
Hey operating a Business is a choice, if Walmart finds that when other States enact same laws, they dont like doing business in America they can just send their ****** overseas.

Target, Kmart, Costco and many other will be happy to fill the voids and employ the workers.

The policies of Target, Cosco and Kmart are not that wildly different from Walmart.

And your attitude is why the US has lost so many manufacturing jobs. The US worker and unions have priced and regulated themselves out of many jobs, including most manufacturing jobs.

Again, employment is a MUTUAL agreement. Walmart is able to employ millions happily because millions find the employment conditions agreeable. Now nanny-staters like yourself feel the need to tell those millions they are stupid, and need big brother to take care of them.

Thanks to people like you, practically the only jobs left in the US are those unable to be "shipped overseas."


Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2005
They should go after for profit hospitals and insurance companies too. Or maybe just tax all businesses and provide free healthcare for everyone.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: RCN
They should go after for profit hospitals and insurance companies too. Or maybe just tax all businesses and provide free healthcare for everyone.

businesses are a legal farce. there are only people. so, people would be paying for that healthcare, just in some roundabout way designed to trick the masses into thinking they're getting something for nothing.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2005
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: bctbct
Hey operating a Business is a choice, if Walmart finds that when other States enact same laws, they dont like doing business in America they can just send their ****** overseas.

Target, Kmart, Costco and many other will be happy to fill the voids and employ the workers.

The policies of Target, Cosco and Kmart are not that wildly different from Walmart.

And your attitude is why the US has lost so many manufacturing jobs. The US worker and unions have priced and regulated themselves out of many jobs, including most manufacturing jobs.

Again, employment is a MUTUAL agreement. Walmart is able to employ millions happily because millions find the employment conditions agreeable. Now nanny-staters like yourself feel the need to tell those millions they are stupid, and need big brother to take care of them.

Thanks to people like you, practically the only jobs left in the US are those unable to be "shipped overseas."

Dude I have probably spent more money on American produced products in the last month than you have in the last year.

Walmart employee work at walmart because they have no other choice.

You shop at walmart because you can save three cents on an item. I shop at target because they treat their employees better.

Corporate greed will continue until we draw a line and say we are not going to take it anymore.

Walmart first...then Target so they dont go out of business, next thing you know nobody will be offering HC to their employees.

Walmart is the poster child for other companies to see that effing employees is very profitable.

How do you think outsourcing started? DUH

Cheap is not always a good thing.

I cannot think of a company that gets more negative news than walmart. There is a reason for that.


Golden Member
Oct 16, 2003
Originally posted by: JLGatsby
Drop the government health handouts to the poor and drop the laws requiring employers to give health care.
This is the "Land of the Free," not the "Land of the Free To Sit on Your @$$ and Do Nothing While Collecting Government Handouts."

Originally posted by: Ornery
Expecting businesses to take up the slack for slackers is simply some kind of entitlement mentality.

That would be fine... so let's exact the same standard on Walmart.

Walmart takes government handouts in the form of preferential tax status through tax abatements. Walmart takes incentives from local governments (Dallas gave Walmart $1 million dollars last year to build a store in the Lake Highlands neighborhood of Dallas). Walmart uses it's lobbyists and position to extract tax abatements and incentives, so Walmart is a slacker corporation that should cease to exist.

For the thread slackers that can't RTFT:
Originally posted by: Metron
I agree with you Mugs... people should stop working for them, people should stop shopping there, and more people should spread the word about their corporate practices.

Unfortunately, Walmart also begs for government subsidies in other areas. Do you realize that one of the largest corporations in the world begs your local government for tax abatements and preferrential status? For instance, the city of Dallas (read the local taxpayers) are giving Walmart $1 million dollars to build a new store in the Lake Highlands area. WTF?

Obviously, I don't like Walmart. I don't like the stores, I don't like their corporate morality, and I don't like the government wasting my tax dollars to support one of the biggest companies in the US.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: bctbct
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: bctbct
Hey operating a Business is a choice, if Walmart finds that when other States enact same laws, they dont like doing business in America they can just send their ****** overseas.

Target, Kmart, Costco and many other will be happy to fill the voids and employ the workers.

The policies of Target, Cosco and Kmart are not that wildly different from Walmart.

And your attitude is why the US has lost so many manufacturing jobs. The US worker and unions have priced and regulated themselves out of many jobs, including most manufacturing jobs.

Again, employment is a MUTUAL agreement. Walmart is able to employ millions happily because millions find the employment conditions agreeable. Now nanny-staters like yourself feel the need to tell those millions they are stupid, and need big brother to take care of them.

Thanks to people like you, practically the only jobs left in the US are those unable to be "shipped overseas."

Dude I have probably spent more money on American produced products in the last month than you have in the last year.

Walmart employee work at walmart because they have no other choice. You shop at walmart because you can save three cents on an item. I shop at target because they treat their employees better.

Corporate greed will continue until we draw a line and say we are not going to take it anymore.

Walmart first...then Target so they dont go out of business, next thing you know nobody will be offering HC to their employees.

Walmart is the poster child for other companies to see that effing employees is very profitable.

How do you think outsourcing started? DUH

Cheap is not always a good thing.

I cannot think of a company that gets more negative news than walmart. There is a reason for that.

Awesome post sir.

Hopefully someday the sheeple will wake up and we get the Country back from Corporate whores and greed.


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: Amused

The policies of Target, Costco and Kmart are not that wildly different from Walmart.

Where have you been? Costco is criticized for paying their employees too much and treating them too well.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2005
Originally posted by: mugs
Originally posted by: Amused

The policies of Target, Costco and Kmart are not that wildly different from Walmart.

Where have you been? Costco is criticized for paying their employees too much and treating them too well.

I predict 90% of the people that stick up for walmart know nothing about walmart...well except that they "fit in" when they shop there.



Golden Member
Oct 16, 2003
bctbct, I agree.

I can address PaulNEPats point on decency with a previous post...
Originally posted by: PaulNEPats
Originally posted by: Ornery
Originally posted by: PaulNEPats

Give corporate america a hand, everyone!!!! :disgust:
Ah, another one of the "entitled", "world owes me a living" types, eh?

No, I just believe that a large corporation who opens new stores daily, and crushes its competitors should pay for a decent healthcare system for its workers. It's called decency.

The following one of my posts from a previous thread about Walmart:

Originally posted by: Metron
Originally posted by: ROTC1983
...and you like hopping on the anti-(insert whatever is popular at the moment) bandwagon. Not all the stores are like that and it really depends on the management on how a store is run. I have seen some awesome wal-mart stores that are run with A+ management then some others which I believe should have never been opened. I don't know why I am evening biting on this flamebait.

Are those the management teams that don't promote minorities or women?

The management that saves the company money by illegally altering employee timecards to avoid paying overtime?

The management teams that are mandated by corporate headquarters to keep higher numbers of part-time workers so they can avoid paying for benefits for full-time employees?

You mean the company that refuses to provide benefits for spouses and children of the few full-time employees they do have?

Now... are you a Walmart corporate employee... or a Walmart lobbyist?

Yeah... that's the ticket. Walmart is a really decent company that expects and lobbies for government handouts, while dicriminating against minorities and women, while illegally altering timecards to avoid paying overtime, and while denying benefits to employees. GREAT COMPANY!


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2005
Originally posted by: Metron

Yeah... that's the ticket. Walmart is a really decent company that expects and lobbies for government handouts, while dicriminating against minorities and women, while illegally altering timecards to avoid paying overtime, and while denying benefits to employees. GREAT COMPANY!

Forgot a few,

Routinely employs or subcontacts to illegal aliens

Numerous EPA violations

Calls the police on x-mas carolers



Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: RCN
They should go after for profit hospitals and insurance companies too. Or maybe just tax all businesses and provide free healthcare for everyone.
businesses are a legal farce. there are only people. so, people would be paying for that healthcare, just in some roundabout way designed to trick the masses into thinking they're getting something for nothing.
Seriously, you can expect these mystic idiots to understand such a basic aspect of reality.


Oct 9, 1999
(Dallas gave Walmart $1 million dollars last year to build a store in the Lake Highlands neighborhood of Dallas)

You cry when the government doesn't "create jobs", then bitch when they do! WTF else do you want, besides your Communist/Socialist utopia?


Golden Member
Oct 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Ornery
(Dallas gave Walmart $1 million dollars last year to build a store in the Lake Highlands neighborhood of Dallas)

You cry when the government doesn't "create jobs", then bitch when they do! WTF else do you want, besides your Communist/Socialist utopia?

Assumptions Assumptions... you know what they say about ASSumptions? You assume I'm some ultra liberal leftist.... tsk tsk tsk.

As usual, you're wrong! I'm for equitable treatment... If we're going to stop government handouts, then let's stop the government hand outs to the largest retailer in the United States... Walmart.

Oh but wait... you're a Walmart lobbyist, right? (You still haven't denied it.) If we stop the government handouts for your employer, then you're out of a job. *gasp*

Nice try at dodging my response, but you still haven't answered my question.

Lobbyists like you like to bitch about the government paying for your employees healthcare, but then your employer has no problem lining up at the government teat for tax abatements and subsidies. You can't have it both ways either...


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: Ornery
(Dallas gave Walmart $1 million dollars last year to build a store in the Lake Highlands neighborhood of Dallas)

You cry when the government doesn't "create jobs", then bitch when they do! WTF else do you want, besides your Communist/Socialist utopia?

Who would want their government to PAY $1 million to bring in 200 Walmart jobs? We've already established that Walmart is about the worst possible place to work.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2003
They did put on hold a large distribution center they were planning on opening in MD

I didn't know that. Whatever town that was going to be in lost a really nice employer to have. WM DC's are huge, employ a lot of people, pay decent wages and bennies, pay a lot of local property taxes, and really kick major a55.


Golden Member
Oct 16, 2003
Like I said earlier....

I don't like the stores, I don't like their corporate morality, and I don't like the government wasting my tax dollars to support one of the biggest companies in the US.


Golden Member
Oct 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Jadow
They did put on hold a large distribution center they were planning on opening in MD

I didn't know that. Whatever town that was going to be in lost a really nice employer to have. WM DC's are huge, employ a lot of people, pay decent wages and bennies, pay a lot of local property taxes, and really kick major a55.

Apparently, Maryland's Legislators disagree with you on a number of points. :shocked:
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