Meanwhile in Venezuela


Golden Member
Oct 3, 2013
Venezuela: Several shot dead in anti-government street protests

At least three people have been shot dead during anti-government protests in Venezuela.
Both sides are blaming each other for the killings while social media reports allege government backed armed groups were responsible.
The protesters are angry with President Nicolas Maduro’s failure to control inflation, crime and a lack of opportunities for the country’s young.
The marches took place on Venezuela’s National Youth Day.
One protester explained why he was there: “Venezuela is waking up, we’ve had enough of so much insecurity and repression on the part of the state’s public authorities and we are tired and showing it.”
It is the worst bout of unrest seen on the streets of the country’s capital Caracas since the turmoil which followed Maduro’s election last year.
The government has accused opposition hardliners of trying to mount a coup similar to the one a decade ago that briefly ousted the late socialist leader Hugo Chavez.

Political tensions in Venezuela have spilled into the streets during recent weeks. The opposition and supporters of President Nicolas Maduro have also taken to social media to spread their messages for and against the regime.

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., condemned the Venezuelan government Thursday for human rights violations.

“The world must wake up to what’s happening in Venezuela as the government’s unprecedented wave of repression is beating, jailing and even killing innocent Venezuelans, particularly its young people,” Rubio, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said in a statement. “Courageous Venezuelans who want nothing more than a better future dictated by true democratic order deserve the American people’s solidarity.”
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Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2012

In defiance of President Nicholas Maduro’s ban on public protest, Venezeulans gathered around the country on Friday to protest creeping authoritarianism, devastating inflation, and skyrocketing crime. Dozens of students remain in jail after the third day of mass demonstrations, and the government (despite its denials) has blocked access to Twitter photos, which the opposition had been using to disseminate images of demonstrations. Three protestors have been killed to date, and the growing unrest may well amount to a crisis of legitimacy for the late Hugo Chavez’ successor...

Chavez’ “economic bomb,” as one Venezuelan economist terms it, went off under Maduro’s Presidency. Venezuela’s real inflation rate is an impossibly high 56 percent, and its scarcity index, which measures how hard it is to purchase necessities, has hit a record high. “Venezuelans have for months been struggling to find basic consumption items including cooking oil, toilet paper, and corn flour,” Reuters’ Brian Ellsworth reports.

The protestors’ second big complaint, high crime, also started under Chavez. During Chavez’ 14 years in power, crime rates roughly quadrupled. The government’s inability to successfully prosecute criminals, together with economic insecurity and wide availability of firearms, created an environment ripe for criminal violence.

Best of luck to those fighting for freedom in Venezuela.



Diamond Member
May 5, 2013
lack of opportunities for the country’s young.

That seems to be a common thread in these uprisings around the world. If you're working and happy, you're not protesting. Fortunately in the U.S. there's plenty of opportunity for the young... oh wait.


Jan 31, 2010
I knew it was only a matter of time that this would happen after Chavez's passing.

I hope my colleagues working there are safe. I expect the company is in the process of getting non-local personnel out.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
In other countries people fight for freedom. In this country the liberal / progressives think it's ok for our freedom to be compromised. They will be the demise of the USA if we don't reign them in. Remember, socialism only works as long as other people's money is being utilized. This will change back to where it should be when people wake up and vote properly.


Feb 5, 2006
Something for Republicans to think about as they block minimum wage increases and cut unemployment benefits.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Something for Republicans to think about as they block minimum wage increases and cut unemployment benefits.

How many damn weeks or months does it take someone to find a job, if they actually look for work? Should we just allow people to sit on their asses forever? Might as well just put most of them on welfare for all the effort they are making. I know a couple people who don't even apply for work. They think the goverment should continue to extend unemployment benefits and get outraged when it doesn't happen. This shouldn't be a partisan want money? Earn it!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 12, 2013
Venezuela's problems are complicated. From an American point of view it would be like the Democrats getting full control and going batshit crazy with giving all the poor people houses, forcing Microsoft, Intel, and Oracle to sell their products cheaper, and so on. If the Republicans were to get full control it would be like all the money being funneled to the top 1% and everyone else being told to go fuck themselves. Both result in class warfare and a huge class divide.

So in Venezuela you had Chavez giving free houses to the poor and trying to subsidize his Bolivarian dream with oil money. After all Venezuela does have the largest known oil reserves in the world. He forced companies to sell their products cheaper and pretty much was against all free market economics. Once he was dead though the new president tried to reverse a bunch of his policies. How does one do that? How do you tell people who have never worked in their life that they can't get a free house even though their neighbors have? How do you tell the "rich" that they can't get a free house even though everyone else does? Worse yet people who get free houses have no value for them so those houses just become parts of slums. So now you have a country with runaway inflation and a horrible economy. To solve this they have resorted to using dollars. Pretty common when there's crazy inflation. However the government, in their infinite wisdom, pegged the dollar to a fixed price. That causes a black market and you can buy 10x as many dollars on it. What this has done is cause even more class divide since those who are paid in dollars are even wealthier now and those who are paid in the local currency (bolivar) are poorer.

It's messed up. I have no clue how you would solve something as messed up as this. I've been to Zimbabwe and seen messed up but this is taking it to a whole new level. The violence is out of control. There's a murder every 15 minutes or something in Venezuela.


Sep 12, 2012
Something for Republicans to think about as they block minimum wage increases and cut unemployment benefits.

lol. I seriously doubt Americans are going to take to the streets any time soon. Maybe if the government were handing out chocolate chip cookies.


The World

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Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2012
This is a picture of our central planners watching the S&P 500 hit all time highs while the underlying economy is a disaster.

Venezuela's problems are complicated. From an American point of view it would be like the Democrats getting full control and going batshit crazy with giving all the poor people houses, forcing Microsoft, Intel, and Oracle to sell their products cheaper, and so on. If the Republicans were to get full control it would be like all the money being funneled to the top 1% and everyone else being told to go fuck themselves. Both result in class warfare and a huge class divide.
Even simpler: watch California. Venezuela is what California will look like in 20 years. New regulations every day that are nearly impossible to comply with, never ending capital flight, always selling out to the Free Shit Army by promising free everything.


Platinum Member
Sep 12, 2013
Even simpler: watch California. Venezuela is what California will look like in 20 years. New regulations every day that are nearly impossible to comply with, never ending capital flight, always selling out to the Free Shit Army by promising free everything.

I don't think that's a great analogy. CA will never look like Venezuela. CA would be more like South Africa where you have insane wealth surrounded by insane poverty. Venezuela does not have that. I suppose one day all businesses could leave CA as it becomes too big of a burden on them to continue business there but at that point you're just going to have Zimbabwe where everyone is poor.

Slew Foot

Sep 22, 2005
That seems to be a common thread in these uprisings around the world. If you're working and happy, you're not protesting. Fortunately in the U.S. there's plenty of opportunity for the young... oh wait.

Americas youth are too busy playing Candy Crush Fantasy football to be concerned with things like jobs or freedom


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2008
This is what the U.S. will look like once the unemployed rise up against the Corporations especially the Oil Thugs.

Because we're so pissed off over the low gas prices? Venezuela has the lowest prices in the world, but no one there has a car to put gas into.

They're protesting their Far-Left, socialist, masters who have bankrupted their countries with unsustainable programs used to appease one group, the welfare addicts (and pad their own pockets), at the expense of the middle class, which is disappearing everywhere due to globalization and overly aggressive environmental laws, that are stacked to push manufacturing to the developing 3rd world who doesn't have to abide by them.

Venezuela's Progressive regime is crumbling, and so will the others around the world, when people finally wake up and realize that their governments can't and won't provide for them forever. Hard work won't put everyone into the 1%, that's absurd, luck has a lot to do with that, but it, combined with innovation, lifts everyone up and will provide direct benefits to you, in the form of substantially more money in your pockets.

Sitting online and whining about "the rich", and how you want what they have (even making ridiculous comments about murdering them in their homes and plundering their estates), doesn't help you, what does are ideas and elbow grease.


Platinum Member
Sep 12, 2013
Because we're so pissed off over the low gas prices? Venezuela has the lowest prices in the world, but no one there has a car to put gas into.

They're protesting their Far-Left, socialist, masters who have bankrupted their countries with unsustainable programs used to appease one group, the welfare addicts (and pad their own pockets), at the expense of the middle class, which is disappearing everywhere due to globalization and overly aggressive environmental laws, that are stacked to push manufacturing to the developing 3rd world who doesn't have to abide by them.

Venezuela's Progressive regime is crumbling, and so will the others around the world, when people finally wake up and realize that their governments can't and won't provide for them forever. Hard work won't put everyone into the 1%, that's absurd, luck has a lot to do with that, but it, combined with innovation, lifts everyone up and will provide direct benefits to you, in the form of substantially more money in your pockets.

Sitting online and whining about "the rich", and how you want what they have (even making ridiculous comments about murdering them in their homes and plundering their estates), doesn't help you, what does are ideas and elbow grease.

Yes and I can see Americans being pretty pissed off and rising up against their corporate overlords when only the rich can afford to go to $75,000 schools or else have $1,500 /mo student loan payments for their whole lives, there is no vacation, healthcare costs $15,000 a year, and the only thing Americans can afford is cheap gas to get them to work to pay for the right to breath and work.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2008
That's not why.

You have a lot of growing up to do.

You are so wrong on so many things and demonstrate inability to comprehend written words.

What grade are you in? Still in Junior High?

No substance, more trolling, you're just another fat, stupid douche. Find something constructive to do with your life. :\


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2008
Yes and I can see Americans being pretty pissed off and rising up against their corporate overlords when only the rich can afford to go to $75,000 schools or else have $1,500 /mo student loan payments for their whole lives, there is no vacation, healthcare costs $15,000 a year, and the only thing Americans can afford is cheap gas to get them to work to pay for the right to breath and work.

Private schools wouldn't matter if the government didn't suck balls at administering education, and student loan payments would be a breeze if people weren't paying $150k for Masters in Poli Sci degrees, so they could get online and bitch about being broke, blaming others for the fact they're pissing their lives away.

The cycle of handout dependence can be stopped. It's no one's job to take care of you except your own. Sure, I support policies that help people get back on their feet, but not to let them sit online 16 hours /day, every day, whining about what they don't have. There should be programs for those who can't work, such as disability, and they should work better than they do now, but they don't exist for those who won't.

You're right, though, they should rise up... out of their chairs and find better ways to innovate and provide for themselves. That's REALITY. No one's taken anything from them, because they haven't earned anything. No corporation has robbed them, because they have nothing to steal. Bitching about not having money is the same as bitching about not getting laid, it doesn't happen unless you put yourself out there and try. Go and do likewise.


Jun 19, 2000
As with addicts, our nation will have to hit bottom before anything will change. Our political system has become lopsided with the power concentrated at the top instead of at the bottom. Politician's aren't servants, they're our masters. Our founders knew this would eventually happen. Our government has armed themselves against us. We watch it as it unfolds. When someone cries out in concern a cacophony of pro government voices shouts that person down. These people are convinced that our government at the local and national level need armored vehicles, military grade weapons and armaments, as well as the hollow point bullets being purchased by the millions. They believe those bullets are solely for practice. They believe this because they have been taught to trust their government without question. All who doubt the government are the enemy.

We are a people divided and there is nothing on the horizon that will unite us. We have a long fall ahead of us before we hit bottom. How quickly that happens remains to be seen.


Sep 12, 2012
As with addicts, our nation will have to hit bottom before anything will change. Our political system has become lopsided with the power concentrated at the top instead of at the bottom. Politician's aren't servants, they're our masters. Our founders knew this would eventually happen. Our government has armed themselves against us. We watch it as it unfolds. When someone cries out in concern a cacophony of pro government voices shouts that person down. These people are convinced that our government at the local and national level need armored vehicles, military grade weapons and armaments, as well as the hollow point bullets being purchased by the millions. They believe those bullets are solely for practice. They believe this because they have been taught to trust their government without question. All who doubt the government are the enemy.

We are a people divided and there is nothing on the horizon that will unite us. We have a long fall ahead of us before we hit bottom. How quickly that happens remains to be seen.

Thomas Jefferson knew of the dangers that could appear when BIG government rules over the American landscape.

"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government."

On the Federal Banks...

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." The Federal Reserve Bank (The FED) is a private bank."


Jun 19, 2000
Thomas Jefferson knew of the dangers that could appear when BIG government rules over the American landscape.

On the Federal Banks...
So, what to do? Rein in the government. How? By using the power within the Constitution put in there specifically to rein in an out of control government.

Article V of the Constitution

The Federal Government is broken.

Washington D.C. will never voluntarily relinquish its power. Left unchecked, the government will continue to bankrupt this nation and destroy the liberty of the people. It is time for citizens and the States to act and we have the solution.
I am 100% convinced this is our last hope. We cannot trust politicians to relinquish their power. They will never do so willingly and they will bring this nation down in their relentless quest to "win". To "one up" those they oppose.

There will be tremendous pushback. Especially in the next three years. Our government is using its power in ways that would not have been believed in the middle of the last century. The Hope and Change crowd is in power now and contrary to their slogan, they don't want any change. They like having the power and the status quo to them is increasing their power. Put Republicans in office and it will be the same, just implemented differently. More out of control government.

This movement is flying under the radar right now but it won't be forever. The media will eventually become interested and they will run enormous interference for the government. The government will use all its power (primarily via the IRS I would imagine) in an effort to maintain the status quo. Change is scary even if it means restoration. But maintaining our out of control, ever growing ginormous government is a sure-fire recipe for disaster. Our founders had the smarts and most importantly the intuition to envision that we could end up where we are today. They gave us a mechanism to counter it.


Mar 19, 2007
Something for Republicans to think about as they block minimum wage increases and cut unemployment benefits.

Who are you trying to kid here? Venezuela is the poster child for the liberal wet dream. You are seeing what total government control over an economy does here.


Mar 19, 2007
Yes and I can see Americans being pretty pissed off and rising up against their corporate overlords when only the rich can afford to go to $75,000 schools or else have $1,500 /mo student loan payments for their whole lives, there is no vacation, healthcare costs $15,000 a year, and the only thing Americans can afford is cheap gas to get them to work to pay for the right to breath and work.

I am glad you can see that but the vast majority of Americans are not living in squalor and have no desire to give up their lifestyles so a bunch of spoiled brats can try and take what they think is rightfully theirs.
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