Mechwarrior Living Legends beta COMING TODAY!

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Oct 30, 2004
What if they made a new Mech game (for commercial release) that was aimed at and intended for PC online multiplayer? That might be neat.

Can people make custom maps for Living Legends?

Have the owners of Crysis said anything about LL yet? I don't see any reason why they should be hostile and not supportive of it since LL can't do anything but increase the sales of Crysis.
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Jun 30, 2003
how exactly do you get MWLL servers to show up in the server browser?

edit: apparently no one uses PB, lol
Sep 22, 2009
ok so any help or pointers on why exactly i cant get it to work? i have crysis patched to 1.2.1 and installed the mod as described and the mods hotfix but cannot get on whatsoever i go to the gamespy logon and it either gives me an incorrect password error or "crysis has stopped working" and shuts the whole thing down


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2006
-There is no option for custom load outs in this bata version but it is planned to be released in later builds.
-There are sound issues, entering "s_maxchannels 128" into the command console (~) does help some, but at some point it'll go fubar anyway.
-A all new stand alone MechWarrior is currently in development using the unreal engine.

ok so any help or pointers on why exactly i cant get it to work? i have crysis patched to 1.2.1 and installed the mod as described and the mods hotfix but cannot get on whatsoever i go to the gamespy logon and it either gives me an incorrect password error or "crysis has stopped working" and shuts the whole thing down
You would be better off posting on the MWLL forums,81.0.html


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
<3 Huit w/ quad LPLs.

That said, money needs to be adjusted. I think starting funds from rank should max out at like 50k because right now games play out for me like this (except on the vulcan map obviously): buy a quad MBL hovercraft and pew pew pew till I die, buy a quad LPL huit and pew pew pew till I die, have enough rank/money to buy whatever the hell I want for the rest of the game.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
<3 Huit w/ quad LPLs.

That said, money needs to be adjusted. I think starting funds from rank should max out at like 50k because right now games play out for me like this (except on the vulcan map obviously): buy a quad MBL hovercraft and pew pew pew till I die, buy a quad LPL huit and pew pew pew till I die, have enough rank/money to buy whatever the hell I want for the rest of the game.

I hate the Harasser. Quad MBL's might be good but they certainly aren't good with the Harasser and it's awful handling.

The Huit is an evil tank though it's a bit lightweight in the armour department. A side hit from a Hollander's Heavy Gauss only does ~70 damage to it though. Those LBL's can really dent an Assault mech's armour and I have used them to great effect on lesser vehicles too.

As far as C-Bills go I agree that the system needs tweaking. In my opinion there are way too many Heavy and Assault mechs running around by about 20-30 minutes into a round. I feel it affects the number of vehicles detrimentally. One solution may be to add heavier vehicles to the game.

I am having major issues with LRM's. Slow to lock in cases and many times they seem to just miss. I did take down an Atlas Prime with my Catapult Prime on the low-grav map but besides that I have found them lack lustre.

One of my new and favourite tactics is to use a Battle Armour with a TAG Laser. Being rather hard to hit and decently maneuverable makes you an ideal front line LRM guider. Having Partisans, Vultures, Timber Wolfs, Catapults etc. bringing in the pain really is a joy to watch.

I have to level a massive complaint against Battle Armours also. I find them impossible to hit. I have tried AC's, LBX's, Machine Guns, PPC's, Gauss Rifles, SRM's, LRM's and still fail to pop them. I have noted on several occasions that a direct hit to a BA with the basic BA laser has had no effect.

On the BA point, maybe I am just a bad aim or not doing it right.... but I am fine at hitting a fast moving mech or vehicle, no matter what I am driving (not flying) so I just cannot understand why they don't like dying for me.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2006
I hate the Harasser. Quad MBL's might be good but they certainly aren't good with the Harasser and it's awful handling.

The Huit is an evil tank though it's a bit lightweight in the armour department. A side hit from a Hollander's Heavy Gauss only does ~70 damage to it though. Those LBL's can really dent an Assault mech's armour and I have used them to great effect on lesser vehicles too.

As far as C-Bills go I agree that the system needs tweaking. In my opinion there are way too many Heavy and Assault mechs running around by about 20-30 minutes into a round. I feel it affects the number of vehicles detrimentally. One solution may be to add heavier vehicles to the game.

I am having major issues with LRM's. Slow to lock in cases and many times they seem to just miss. I did take down an Atlas Prime with my Catapult Prime on the low-grav map but besides that I have found them lack lustre.

One of my new and favourite tactics is to use a Battle Armour with a TAG Laser. Being rather hard to hit and decently maneuverable makes you an ideal front line LRM guider. Having Partisans, Vultures, Timber Wolfs, Catapults etc. bringing in the pain really is a joy to watch.

I have to level a massive complaint against Battle Armours also. I find them impossible to hit. I have tried AC's, LBX's, Machine Guns, PPC's, Gauss Rifles, SRM's, LRM's and still fail to pop them. I have noted on several occasions that a direct hit to a BA with the basic BA laser has had no effect.

On the BA point, maybe I am just a bad aim or not doing it right.... but I am fine at hitting a fast moving mech or vehicle, no matter what I am driving (not flying) so I just cannot understand why they don't like dying for me.

-I sometimes take out a demolisher end game and rank #2 often. You just need to know how to use it right (eg, don't be the first into a fight).

-Are you keeping a red lock while your missiles are lunching? You are required to keep that lock as you are firing for the missiles to track. Also arrows have next to no tracking ability and can really only be dumb fired at stationary targets or have someone Tag/NARC a target so they they will track. They also have a 3000m range so you can fire from very far back. There is also bugs with tracking, yesterday my arrows would not track on NARCs, leaving a Z trail as they head for the target then warp back to their original course.

-When tagging as BA, you are a big red dot, a red dot I like to shoot Arrows at.

-Some are better at killing BA then others. If you suck work around those who can kill BA so you have coverage. I like the cougar with AC's and MG's to hunt BA, SRMS are also good for when they land. On Extremity with all the BA flying around I like to engage them with the Sulla prime variant, their immunity to return fire vanishes and flying becomes a liability.

-Edit- Another good way to kill BA is to trick them with the Vulture. It's turret can keep spinning past 360 degrees so you can run away then turn right around and lay waste to him as he's sprinting to keep up. Most people are not aware of this ability of the Vulture.
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Feb 4, 2009
I plan on loading this mod today (thanks for the steam instructions). Forgive me ifthis is a dumb idea but everyone want to try the same server later this evening?


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
On the desert map I ranked #1 in the match with 12 kills.

Early game I took out an Uller C (Pulse Lasers and Lasers) and stormed the battlefield, took a few pot shots and managed to pop one or two decent shots in to rank me up twice.

Then I went for the Huit B (4 Clan Large Pulse Lasers). Down the right flank... took out some aircover and then both a Bushwhacker and Shadowcat with some light mech support. Popped open by aircraft.

Respawned in a Huit B and went for the left flank. A friendly Hollander was all orange and a green Bushwacker was wailing on him... peeked over the crest of a hill and took out it's legs and finished it off. I slipped quietly nearby a rock ledge facing the brunt of the enemy forces. We had a TAG guy and several missle boat mechs popping tin cans for fun... which obviously pissed off the locals who took to the skies. In all honesty, most of my round was played here and all I did was run air cover with the Large Pulse Lasers.

It turned out to be very successful until near the end when they finally said "sod it" and fired several Arrows at me.

For some fun I cracked open a Demolisher A and it's dual Gauss Rifles. Not forgetting to buy extra ammo
(PSSTT Demolishers with Gauss Rifles have 5 free tons of space so pick up some extra ammo with the . button before you leave)

With my Demolisher I was surprised with the results. I took out a Sulla before meeting an Awesome. Ducking and diving I managed to get the Awesome's centre torso red by which time he'd reduced my front armour to 13. A friendly Awesome managed to remove one of the enemy's legs but ended up getting destroyed by him (left me confused). A careful peek around the corner and a double gauss to his central armour and voila... an almost complete solo kill of an Awesome in a Demolisher tank.

My reign was short lived as an unfriendly Atlas... after taking 8 gauss rounds to the chest decided it was annoyed with me and blew me into next week.

On a side note, I do keep the red lock on symbol when firing LRM's until all of my missles have been loosed. I also try and keep the reticle hovering over the enemy until they hit, mainly so I can get in various laser type hits.

As for BA's on Extremity, I have found them to be effective against Air assets such as the Sulla. On more than one occasion I have managed to remove an Air asset from the map with merely my Manpack PPC and abuse of jet packs.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2006
Well, going parallel to incoming LRMS is a good way to avoid them, is that you issue?

And I have been killed by BA once in a Sulla on Extremity, I don't get many kills but I drive them down low where they get eaten alive (works real well when working with someone on the ground also hunting BA).


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
I realize the Huits have shitty armor, so I usually just sit behind cover (often w/ passive radar) and pop out where I can to get my shots in. Another aspect to LPL Huiting is to decide if you're supporting or killing, as with one blast you take out an arm or weapon pod on all but the heaviest assault mechs.

Yes Harassers suck horribly, I often pick it first because it gets me to the front lines fast and has good damage. I just need to rank up twice as quickly as possible, not actually be effective.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
Well, going parallel to incoming LRMS is a good way to avoid them, is that you issue?

And I have been killed by BA once in a Sulla on Extremity, I don't get many kills but I drive them down low where they get eaten alive (works real well when working with someone on the ground also hunting BA).

LRM's tend to 'not lock' or take a long time to lock for me, much different with the SSRM's used by the BA's. Apart from the time I beat an Atlas with a JJ Catapult in Extremity, I have always had an issue with all types of enemy avoiding an entire volley of LRM's when I can never seem to dodge them at all

Fenixgoon - I am running the 64-bit Version and suffer from sound issues, even after s_maxchannels 128 'fix'.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
Keep in mind LRMs have ~300m minimum range. If something is closer you might be able to dumbfire them by aiming down, but...


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
Keep in mind LRMs have ~300m minimum range. If something is closer you might be able to dumbfire them by aiming down, but...

Indeed GoodRevrnd but my play style is generally to play near the back or support a flank so I am rarely a killer but more of a contributer to a kill by providing some barrage of weaponary to scare an opponent or assist in it's destruction.

I am usually trying to attain LRM lock at ranges 500m to 1000m with varying degrees of success.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2006
I have discovered two man teams are devastating on public servers. Lasers also kick serious ass (bigger the better).

An example is one person in a assault mech followed by a heavy fitted with lasers (eg, Warhammer). Assault mech draws all the fire and deals killing blows while the heavy picks of BA, supports the assault mech by guarding it's rear and keeping him/her aware of the suroundings.

Also, no one gives a demolisher a second glance when a Warhammer or heavier is nearby.

Hell, two ullers with MBL's wreck the other team early on. The key is to have good anti BA ability and supporting each other. BA will often focus exclusively on one mech allowing for a easy kill by another mech.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
Unfortunately most of the servers are based in the US and typically have pings over 120.

The UK server I tend to use is a 16 player UK/EU server with a ping of ~60, giving me a ping of under 40 constantly. Loving it... except when it's full.


Aug 28, 2001
This seems like a good game judging from the videos.

How bad are the sound issues? Have they acknowledged the problem and is a fix in the works?

I'm debating whether to pick up crysis for $20 or not so i can play.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2006
This seems like a good game judging from the videos.

How bad are the sound issues? Have they acknowledged the problem and is a fix in the works?

I'm debating whether to pick up crysis for $20 or not so i can play.

Random sounds will drop, like laser fire or impacts. Sometimes you lose only one little thing, sometimes a bunch of things and other times everything. Entering s_maxchannels 128 into the console sometimes brings back the sounds, sometimes not.

It is known and being worked on. I expect it to be fixed in the next beta version.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
I love the game... I just suck really early on.

Until I can get my Huit... I feel very ineffective. Once the Huit B is in my hands, I can have some fun. Racked up a 5:1 kill ratio on Sandblasted primarily using the Huit B.

Experimented with the Partisan LRM and AC variants but they're too weedy. BA with MP PPC is pretty useless early on too. I have issues with the Harasser and I am poor with early Mechs.

The Hollander A is quite fun, Heavy Gauss with 16 rounds makes for some interesting sniping and support work when running passive.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
This seems like a good game judging from the videos.

How bad are the sound issues? Have they acknowledged the problem and is a fix in the works?

I'm debating whether to pick up crysis for $20 or not so i can play.

$20 for Crysis and this mod? I've spent alot more on far crappier games.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2006
I love the game... I just suck really early on.

Until I can get my Huit... I feel very ineffective. Once the Huit B is in my hands, I can have some fun. Racked up a 5:1 kill ratio on Sandblasted primarily using the Huit B.

Experimented with the Partisan LRM and AC variants but they're too weedy. BA with MP PPC is pretty useless early on too. I have issues with the Harasser and I am poor with early Mechs.

The Hollander A is quite fun, Heavy Gauss with 16 rounds makes for some interesting sniping and support work when running passive.

Ever try the aircraft? The Sulla B (one with duel thunderbolts) is a beast. One volley will take out the early mechs 90&#37; of the time and can wreck everything up to assault mechs. If you are working with someone firing arrows, god help the other team. To use it properly the target must either be stationary or walking in a straight line away from you to get a hit with the narc (you NEEd a narc lock as the tbolt will not track with your lock). You just have to be good at the "circle of death" in dog fights to either wait for help or bore the crap out of the guy chasing you so he gives up.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
Ever try the aircraft? The Sulla B (one with duel thunderbolts) is a beast. One volley will take out the early mechs 90% of the time and can wreck everything up to assault mechs. If you are working with someone firing arrows, god help the other team. To use it properly the target must either be stationary or walking in a straight line away from you to get a hit with the narc (you NEEd a narc lock as the tbolt will not track with your lock). You just have to be good at the "circle of death" in dog fights to either wait for help or bore the crap out of the guy chasing you so he gives up.

I have tried a couple of times....

My best attempt was nose-diving straight into an Uller who shot me to pieces before I even crashed into it.... I was trying to drop F Bombs...


Jun 30, 2003
I love the game... I just suck really early on.

Until I can get my Huit... I feel very ineffective. Once the Huit B is in my hands, I can have some fun. Racked up a 5:1 kill ratio on Sandblasted primarily using the Huit B.

Experimented with the Partisan LRM and AC variants but they're too weedy. BA with MP PPC is pretty useless early on too. I have issues with the Harasser and I am poor with early Mechs.

The Hollander A is quite fun, Heavy Gauss with 16 rounds makes for some interesting sniping and support work when running passive.

FTMFW. i love going hollander A!
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