>>>You don't even want to know what supermarket steak cows are fed,i believe sawdust is one of the ingredients<<<
Yeah, just one of the ingredients...sawdust, sludge, sewage, pelletized newspapers, ink, downed cows, downed sheep, downed pigs, fecal matter, and much much more is being fed to cows. in the U.S. Add that to a nice mixture of growth stimulating hormones, antibiotics and more, and you have a fabulous feast for ghouls. Yum.
>>>Forget sawdust, most cows are at least partialy fed other cows. That's why Europe has Mad Cow Disease and the US is at serious risk for it too.<<<
True. Furthermore, even in many places in the U.S. where it is no longer permissable for cows to be fed the remains of downer (diseased) cows, it is still a widely accepted practice to allow cows to be fed the ground up carcasses of diseased pigs, sheep and other animals. Likewise, chickens and pigs can legally be fed the remains of diseased cows and other animals. The diseased remains of just 1 such animal can end up contaminating thousands of pounds of meat product. By the way, the same 'meat by-products' end up in commercial dog and cat foods.
Having said all that, if you're going to eat the foul stuff anyway, eat whatever tastes best to you...it really doesn't make THAT much of a difference if you buy it in a supermarket, a gourmet mailorder house, or an organic market...dead is dead and it sits in your body rotting at a balmy 98.6 degrees for up to 3 days anyway (yes, that's how long meat and other fatty foods take to get through your entire digestive system, as opposed to approximately 15 minutes for rice to pass through your system). Enjoy.
[Ediit to clarify the responses below: rice takes 15 minutes to get out of the stomach; of course it takes longer to get through your entire system, though certainly not nearly as long as fatty foods. These are biological facts, not my opinion].