Men: Top 10 Reasons Why Men Fail With Women


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2005
Can your girl friend save the world?

"Topic Title: Ladies: Top 10 Reasons Why Women Fail With Men
Topic Summary: really L-O-N-G, no cliffs... sorry"

1. whine & complain

2. drugs, sexual abuse and substance/internet addiction

3. it's not how much money exactly, it's how the guy invests his money

4. anti-social behavior and poor communication skills

5. impulsive and disrepectful. short and long term goals, but what about manners?

6. boring and uninteresting point of views, morals, standards and obligations.

7. hygeine & maintenance. the way you dress, how many showes do you take?

8. frequently late to appoinments, doesn't return calls; integrity is a bit dissapointing

9. education. lack of interest on a larger scale, and is not very well rounded

10. compassion and determination.

sleep in until 12 in the afternoon or go for an early morning run?
spend time with your friends at the park or play World of Warcraft for ten hours straight?

p.s. "Wrong forum.......

Hardly any women here"


re: well here's the guy's version, then. and much shorter, too!

can your girl friend save the world?


Jun 3, 2001
Originally posted by: fire400
"Topic Title: Ladies: Top 10 Reasons Why Women Fail With Men
Topic Summary: really L-O-N-G, no cliffs... sorry"

1. whine & complain

only she can do this. counter whining will result in a fiery demise

2. drugs, sexual abuse and substance/internet addiction

they fail to realize these are the ways to escape from #1

3. it's not how much money exactly, it's how the guy invests his money

girlfriend mutuals have a low return (-100%)

4. anti-social behavior and poor communication skills

how can you shut her up faster than a few grunts and then hiding in the bathroom 'pooping'?

5. impulsive and disrepectful. short and long term goals, but what about manners?

the manner in which you agree with everything she says is critical for a quick end to #1

6. boring and uninteresting point of views, morals, standards and obligations.

they are boring because they aren't her viewpoints

7. hygeine & maintenance. the way you dress, how many showes do you take?

if i dont shower you don't come near me...

8. frequently late to appoinments, doesn't return calls; integrity is a bit dissapointing

do you want me to answer the phone when im banging your sister late for our appointment to see if your pregnant?

9. education. lack of interest on a larger scale, and is not very well rounded

i dont care about clothes and the new events on the OC

10. compassion and determination.

why do i need compassion or determination for something like you?



Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Scouzer
Originally posted by: fire400
"Topic Title: Ladies: Top 10 Reasons Why Women Fail With Men
Topic Summary: really L-O-N-G, no cliffs... sorry"

1. whine & complain

only she can do this. counter whining will result in a fiery demise

2. drugs, sexual abuse and substance/internet addiction

they fail to realize these are the ways to escape from #1

3. it's not how much money exactly, it's how the guy invests his money

girlfriend mutuals have a low return (-100%)

4. anti-social behavior and poor communication skills

how can you shut her up faster than a few grunts and then hiding in the bathroom 'pooping'?

5. impulsive and disrepectful. short and long term goals, but what about manners?

the manner in which you agree with everything she says is critical for a quick end to #1

6. boring and uninteresting point of views, morals, standards and obligations.

they are boring because they aren't her viewpoints

7. hygeine & maintenance. the way you dress, how many showes do you take?

if i dont shower you don't come near me...

8. frequently late to appoinments, doesn't return calls; integrity is a bit dissapointing

do you want me to answer the phone when im banging your sister late for our appointment to see if your pregnant?

9. education. lack of interest on a larger scale, and is not very well rounded

i dont care about clothes and the new events on the OC

10. compassion and determination.

why do i need compassion or determination for something like you?



Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Mucho
BS... Easier for jerks to get women than nice guys!

depends on the back bone of both the guy and girl. people fall in love for different reasonz from different scenarios.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2004
Originally posted by: Mucho
BS... Easier for confident to get women than a spineless nice guy!

be confident, a little jerky(in a fun sort of way) and for the most part nice and you wont have problem.


No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by: mwmorph
Originally posted by: Mucho
BS... Easier for confident to get women than nice guys with no backbone!

be confident, a little jerky(just a bit) and for the most part nice and you wont have problem.
well yeh, you don't want to be a pushover, but these people saying jerks get all the women don't know what they are talking about.


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 1999
actually, mosh, what most people are referring to is the fact that the dominant alpha male of any animal species (human included) mates more often than the passive beta males. Among humans, the "jerk" has many more alpha tendencies than the "nice guy". He doesnt get ALL the women, but on average, he's more successful than his nice guy counterpart.


Dec 28, 2003
Originally posted by: DJFuji
actually, mosh, what most people are referring to is the fact that the dominant alpha male of any animal species (human included) mates more often than the passive beta males. Among humans, the "jerk" has many more alpha tendencies than the "nice guy". He doesnt get ALL the women, but on average, he's more successful than his nice guy counterpart.



No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Originally posted by: DJFuji
actually, mosh, what most people are referring to is the fact that the dominant alpha male of any animal species (human included) mates more often than the passive beta males. Among humans, the "jerk" has many more alpha tendencies than the "nice guy". He doesnt get ALL the women, but on average, he's more successful than his nice guy counterpart.
The alpha males traits are subjective and the physical traits possessed are not subject to the environment.
Feb 9, 2005
The reason why "jerks" get all the women is because that's the woman's opinion of the man they're with. When they're trying to cheat on him and take a step up the social and money ladder, you'll hear them call their boyfriend/husband a jerk all the time. When they finally found someone who makes more money than they can spend, and doesn't complain when they spend it, you'll hear the woman tell you how "wonderful" her other half is. Personally I'm 47 and married to a 29yr old hottie, but it took a few bumps in the road to get to her.


Senior member
May 27, 2003
Women are more to blame than men most of the time, despite womens desire to pin it all on men.

1. The woman demands unrealistic perfection from her man in all areas.

2. Instead of being compassionate with their mans flaws, uses them as an excuse to attack them and put them down.

3. Women rarely satisfied with a mans income. A man can work a 40 hour week slaving away and a woman can have the nerve to put him down because he's not making 'enough'.

4. Women selfishly resent any time men spend with the 'boys'

5. Women have no respect for mens hobbies and diversions, and think what they do is silly and attack them over it. Yet believe endlessly shopping and nattering on the phone are their birthright.

6. Women constantly nag and make an ass of themselves when they dont get exactly what they want

7. Lack of censorship in their brain, make demands and say things that a man would never think of saying because of its insulting, hurtful nature.

8. Spend your money on useless crap without asking you and when you ask her why, she will get furious at you and blame you for her bad behavoir.

9. Expectation that you will be a performing monkey for endless events with her friends, her family, her acquaintances. Sees it as an insult to her that you may want to stay in every now and then because your tired from working endlessly.

10. Most women want you to say what they want to hear rather than let you express what you feel even if saying what they want to hear is a total lie.


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Originally posted by: SilverTrine
3. Women rarely satisfied with a mans income. A man can work a 40 hour week slaving away and a woman can have the nerve to put him down because he's not making 'enough'.
And at the same time demand that he spend more time with her.


May 3, 2004
Originally posted by: SilverTrine
Women are more to blame than men most of the time, despite womens desire to pin it all on men.

1. The woman demands unrealistic perfection from her man in all areas.

2. Instead of being compassionate with their mans flaws, uses them as an excuse to attack them and put them down.

3. Women rarely satisfied with a mans income. A man can work a 40 hour week slaving away and a woman can have the nerve to put him down because he's not making 'enough'.

4. Women selfishly resent any time men spend with the 'boys'

5. Women have no respect for mens hobbies and diversions, and think what they do is silly and attack them over it. Yet believe endlessly shopping and nattering on the phone are their birthright.

6. Women constantly nag and make an ass of themselves when they dont get exactly what they want

7. Lack of censorship in their brain, make demands and say things that a man would never think of saying because of its insulting, hurtful nature.

8. Spend your money on useless crap without asking you and when you ask her why, she will get furious at you and blame you for her bad behavoir.

9. Expectation that you will be a performing monkey for endless events with her friends, her family, her acquaintances. Sees it as an insult to her that you may want to stay in every now and then because your tired from working endlessly.

10. Most women want you to say what they want to hear rather than let you express what you feel even if saying what they want to hear is a total lie.

What a load of horsesh!t. I don't know what kind of women you're hanging out with, but I don't know a single one who does any of that crap.



Senior member
May 27, 2003
Originally posted by: sixone
Originally posted by: SilverTrine
Women are more to blame than men most of the time, despite womens desire to pin it all on men.

1. The woman demands unrealistic perfection from her man in all areas.

2. Instead of being compassionate with their mans flaws, uses them as an excuse to attack them and put them down.

3. Women rarely satisfied with a mans income. A man can work a 40 hour week slaving away and a woman can have the nerve to put him down because he's not making 'enough'.

4. Women selfishly resent any time men spend with the 'boys'

5. Women have no respect for mens hobbies and diversions, and think what they do is silly and attack them over it. Yet believe endlessly shopping and nattering on the phone are their birthright.

6. Women constantly nag and make an ass of themselves when they dont get exactly what they want

7. Lack of censorship in their brain, make demands and say things that a man would never think of saying because of its insulting, hurtful nature.

8. Spend your money on useless crap without asking you and when you ask her why, she will get furious at you and blame you for her bad behavoir.

9. Expectation that you will be a performing monkey for endless events with her friends, her family, her acquaintances. Sees it as an insult to her that you may want to stay in every now and then because your tired from working endlessly.

10. Most women want you to say what they want to hear rather than let you express what you feel even if saying what they want to hear is a total lie.

What a load of horsesh!t. I don't know what kind of women you're hanging out with, but I don't know a single one who does any of that crap.

You inspired me to add another one:

11. Despite being naggy and overly demanding always sees you as the source of all the trouble in a relationship and sees themself as blameless


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: SilverTrine
Women are more to blame than men most of the time, despite womens desire to pin it all on men.

1. The woman demands unrealistic perfection from her man in all areas.

2. Instead of being compassionate with their mans flaws, uses them as an excuse to attack them and put them down.

3. Women rarely satisfied with a mans income. A man can work a 40 hour week slaving away and a woman can have the nerve to put him down because he's not making 'enough'.

4. Women selfishly resent any time men spend with the 'boys'

5. Women have no respect for mens hobbies and diversions, and think what they do is silly and attack them over it. Yet believe endlessly shopping and nattering on the phone are their birthright.

6. Women constantly nag and make an ass of themselves when they dont get exactly what they want

7. Lack of censorship in their brain, make demands and say things that a man would never think of saying because of its insulting, hurtful nature.

8. Spend your money on useless crap without asking you and when you ask her why, she will get furious at you and blame you for her bad behavoir.

9. Expectation that you will be a performing monkey for endless events with her friends, her family, her acquaintances. Sees it as an insult to her that you may want to stay in every now and then because your tired from working endlessly.

10. Most women want you to say what they want to hear rather than let you express what you feel even if saying what they want to hear is a total lie.

I like your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by: SilverTrine
Women are more to blame than men most of the time, despite womens desire to pin it all on men.

1. The woman demands unrealistic perfection from her man in all areas.

2. Instead of being compassionate with their mans flaws, uses them as an excuse to attack them and put them down.

3. Women rarely satisfied with a mans income. A man can work a 40 hour week slaving away and a woman can have the nerve to put him down because he's not making 'enough'.

4. Women selfishly resent any time men spend with the 'boys'

5. Women have no respect for mens hobbies and diversions, and think what they do is silly and attack them over it. Yet believe endlessly shopping and nattering on the phone are their birthright.

6. Women constantly nag and make an ass of themselves when they dont get exactly what they want

7. Lack of censorship in their brain, make demands and say things that a man would never think of saying because of its insulting, hurtful nature.

8. Spend your money on useless crap without asking you and when you ask her why, she will get furious at you and blame you for her bad behavoir.

9. Expectation that you will be a performing monkey for endless events with her friends, her family, her acquaintances. Sees it as an insult to her that you may want to stay in every now and then because your tired from working endlessly.

10. Most women want you to say what they want to hear rather than let you express what you feel even if saying what they want to hear is a total lie.

You seem like a bitter pos.


Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2003
Originally posted by: SilverTrine
Originally posted by: sixone
Originally posted by: SilverTrine
Women are more to blame than men most of the time, despite womens desire to pin it all on men.

1. The woman demands unrealistic perfection from her man in all areas.

2. Instead of being compassionate with their mans flaws, uses them as an excuse to attack them and put them down.

3. Women rarely satisfied with a mans income. A man can work a 40 hour week slaving away and a woman can have the nerve to put him down because he's not making 'enough'.

4. Women selfishly resent any time men spend with the 'boys'

5. Women have no respect for mens hobbies and diversions, and think what they do is silly and attack them over it. Yet believe endlessly shopping and nattering on the phone are their birthright.

6. Women constantly nag and make an ass of themselves when they dont get exactly what they want

7. Lack of censorship in their brain, make demands and say things that a man would never think of saying because of its insulting, hurtful nature.

8. Spend your money on useless crap without asking you and when you ask her why, she will get furious at you and blame you for her bad behavoir.

9. Expectation that you will be a performing monkey for endless events with her friends, her family, her acquaintances. Sees it as an insult to her that you may want to stay in every now and then because your tired from working endlessly.

10. Most women want you to say what they want to hear rather than let you express what you feel even if saying what they want to hear is a total lie.

What a load of horsesh!t. I don't know what kind of women you're hanging out with, but I don't know a single one who does any of that crap.

You inspired me to add another one:

11. Despite being naggy and overly demanding always sees you as the source of all the trouble in a relationship and sees themself as blameless

Quoted for the truth :thumbsup:

Two wives, my mother and my three sisters are all in your eleven points.
Iron clad pre-nup for the win



Golden Member
Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: sixone
Originally posted by: SilverTrine
Women are more to blame than men most of the time, despite womens desire to pin it all on men.

1. The woman demands unrealistic perfection from her man in all areas.

2. Instead of being compassionate with their mans flaws, uses them as an excuse to attack them and put them down.

3. Women rarely satisfied with a mans income. A man can work a 40 hour week slaving away and a woman can have the nerve to put him down because he's not making 'enough'.

4. Women selfishly resent any time men spend with the 'boys'

5. Women have no respect for mens hobbies and diversions, and think what they do is silly and attack them over it. Yet believe endlessly shopping and nattering on the phone are their birthright.

6. Women constantly nag and make an ass of themselves when they dont get exactly what they want

7. Lack of censorship in their brain, make demands and say things that a man would never think of saying because of its insulting, hurtful nature.

8. Spend your money on useless crap without asking you and when you ask her why, she will get furious at you and blame you for her bad behavoir.

9. Expectation that you will be a performing monkey for endless events with her friends, her family, her acquaintances. Sees it as an insult to her that you may want to stay in every now and then because your tired from working endlessly.

10. Most women want you to say what they want to hear rather than let you express what you feel even if saying what they want to hear is a total lie.

What a load of horsesh!t. I don't know what kind of women you're hanging out with, but I don't know a single one who does any of that crap.

I don't either. I'm sure there are a couple women like this that give the rest of us a bad name. But I don't know of any.
Also I don't think either gender is more 'to blame' than the other. It's different for every relationship.
There is obviously a lot of bitterness on both sides in these lists though.


Golden Member
Aug 28, 2003
Heh... I still live by my adage (feel free to steal it):

Men are stupid
Women are crazy.

Accurate about 90% of the time.

Proof: Most men know why men do the things they do... Most women don't know why other women do what they do.

(Tongue firmly in cheek here, but it's still pretty accurate!)
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