Michelle Obama Involved in Racism: "I Was Asked to Take Something off the Shelf"

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Jun 24, 2001
I have no problem with this as an ideal. I note that you begin with agreeing that the injustice mostly has gone one way, and then introduce your own kind of but, when you say "however...." My opinion is that when you demand balance so far into the game, when one side has takes so much damage, you aren't asking for balance at all. You are asking for immunity from the consequences of the racism of the past while we still owe a great debt and millions have not healed. You don't kick people in the balls and then declare time out.

So, racial justice would be allowing the grandchildren of the oppressed to kick their opressor's grandchildren in the balls? Even if you think current generations owe a debt for past injustices, two wrongs don't make a right. Bad analogy.
Nov 8, 2012
PS: I completely understand the point you are making. Bad behavior is bad behavior. But what I see when I look at American society is not massive damage to white people because of trigger happy black racists turning everything into a racial issue, but centuries of damage to the black communities and ghettos cause by racism. I would like to see a bit of balance in social conditions before I worry too much about the excesses coming from the black side.

And we understand the ol' "centuries before" of oppression argument that we continue to hear. The problem, Moonbeam, is that just like black people that feel oppressed - we would love nothing more than to get past these racial issues of divide. But this is what keeps us divided. This is what keeps people angered and divided. How do you expect anyone to come together when you elect a black president for the first time and the wife of him is retarded enough to say something like this?

How do you expect any progress when this is coming from our first lady that is supposed to represent an ideal and proper image? It's a great way to keep dividing. Divded States of America, here we come!

I have no problem with this as an ideal. I note that you begin with agreeing that the injustice mostly has gone one way, and then introduce your own kind of but, when you say "however...." My opinion is that when you demand balance so far into the game, when one side has takes so much damage, you aren't asking for balance at all. You are asking for immunity from the consequences of the racism of the past while we still owe a great debt and millions have not healed. You don't kick people in the balls and then declare time out.

How do you expect racism to ever be at a reasonable level, when by our "Balance" of allowing massive amounts of immunity on one side is going to always piss off the other side?

This will especially be true with new generations that come into the world not knowing or experiencing the past generations of black people. Vice versa, you will have black people that no longer know the past oppression and previous causes they legitimately had to fight for. All you will end up with is pissing off the other side....oh and looting. How does that solve the problem?
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Nov 8, 2012
Stop treating white people (or whoever you consider as qualifying as that label) as some unified group that deserves collective punishment. Racism is never going to go anywhere with attitudes like this.

This isn't about demanding balance, it's about having standards of fair conduct and respectful attitudes that aren't circumstantial.

+1. Very well said.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
s0me0nesmind1: And we understand the ol' "centuries before" of oppression argument that we continue to hear. The problem, Moonbeam, is that just like black people that feel oppressed - we would love nothing more than to get past these racial issues of divide. But this is what keeps us divided. This is what keeps people angered and divided. How do you expect anyone to come together when you elect a black president for the first time and the wife of him is retarded enough to say something like this?

M: Very simple. If something tries to divide me I don't let it. I don't care what the President's wife does or doesn't do. I view most attacks on her and most praise to be politically motivated and politically based. I don't give a shit. Race is not an issue with me. No black person or white person or chartreuse person is going to cause me to be prejudiced. And you are telling me the President is black and has some black role modeling to perform. That fucker acts as white as me and I guess I'm white. Your problem is not the right or wrong of things but that you have racism up your ass, as it were, that you are all caught up in the issue because you're still dealing with racism. You don't move on by focusing on how the other guy or gal still has problems. You have problems. You just think the problem you have is more real than the problem the other person sees. You don't know what the other person has experienced to create their world view.

s: How do you expect any progress when this is coming from our first lady that is supposed to represent an ideal and proper image? It's a great way to keep dividing. Divded States of America, here we come!

M: It divides you but it doesn't divide me and that is the issue. I have no idea what proper image means. I'm a nobody

s: How do you expect racism to ever be at a reasonable level, when by our "Balance" of allowing massive amounts of immunity on one side is going to always piss off the other side?

M: By detachment from the issue. It doesn't piss me off. I expect people who have been violated to react. It's not my fault they were violated so I don't reach out and stab myself with the daggers they throw. I don't have a guilty conscience and I forgive. I'm not a racist and don't add emotion to it.

s: This will especially be true with new generations that come into the world not knowing or experiencing the past generations of black people. Vice versa, you will have black people that no longer know the past oppression and previous causes they legitimately had to fight for. All you will end up with is pissing off the other side....oh and looting. How does that solve the problem?

M: What you see is the operation of a mechanical process that is in an endless feedback loop. Only realization of the karma of attachment to things can allow the individual to step off the treadmill. The only thing in the world you can change is yourself.
Nov 8, 2012
s0me0nesmind1: And we understand the ol' "centuries before" of oppression argument that we continue to hear. The problem, Moonbeam, is that just like black people that feel oppressed - we would love nothing more than to get past these racial issues of divide. But this is what keeps us divided. This is what keeps people angered and divided. How do you expect anyone to come together when you elect a black president for the first time and the wife of him is retarded enough to say something like this?

M: Very simple. If something tries to divide me I don't let it. I don't care what the President's wife does or doesn't do. I view most attacks on her and most praise to be politically motivated and politically based. I don't give a shit. Race is not an issue with me. No black person or white person or chartreuse person is going to cause me to be prejudiced. And you are telling me the President is black and has some black role modeling to perform. That fucker acts as white as me and I guess I'm white. Your problem is not the right or wrong of things but that you have racism up your ass, as it were, that you are all caught up in the issue because you're still dealing with racism. You don't move on by focusing on how the other guy or gal still has problems. You have problems. You just think the problem you have is more real than the problem the other person sees. You don't know what the other person has experienced to create their world view.

And this is your problem.

You are thinking of everything narrow minded. You are only thinking in terms of how you would take things, and not how the general public will take it. I can talk all-day about how to be successful in terms of personal economics, but do you think anyone else in this world has the courage to do something like go without Cable TV or a cell-phone? Fuck no. So quit thinking in terms of how you would take the public image of the first lady and think in terms of how the general public does.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
I can kind-of agree with your message here in that a massive injustice has been flowing in mostly one racial direction, and it has been for centuries. It still is today, as evidenced by the proportion of black people in jail for drugs as compared to white people in jail for drugs (amongst many other measures).

However, it's always fair to call out race-baiting (aka racism) when observed. We should worry about racism regardless of social conditions. The overall balance of racism should never be required in order to dislike racism from one particular side. We need to reach a place where racism is always wrong, no matter which side it is coming from, no matter which side has had it vastly worse, and no matter how racist it is on the scale. "Bad behavior is bad behavior" should never be followed by "But".

Race-baiting only furthers racist agendas on both sides and seeks to stereotype individual human beings into groups that are unrelated beyond perceived ethnic/racial identity. This only serves the purpose of those who desire the further Balkanization of our society. Dismissing or belittling a negative reaction to race-baiting only serves to further that agenda.

This is well said.

Pipeline 1010

Golden Member
Dec 2, 2005
You are asking for immunity from the consequences of the racism of the past while we still owe a great debt and millions have not healed. You don't kick people in the balls and then declare time out.

I'm simply saying don't be racist. I don't think it's too much to ask.

You don't kick people in the balls and then declare time out.

I didn't kick anyone's balls. Am I permitted to declare time out?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
Sure miss the days when first ladies had some class. This one, even though she looks like a bull moose, could at least display some of what a proper first lady should be. Her attempt to race bait = fail.

Yea, she has no class...but you resort to making childish comments about her appearance. I bet that even on her worst days, she looks better than your wife.

Stay classy.
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Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
I didn't compare his wife's appearance to an animal. I just said that Michelle Obama is probably more attractive. I bet she doesn't sit on the internet talking about how ugly other people are.

If you are going to call someone else's wife/husband ugly, yours better be on point. So, I'm guessing that Compuwiz is married to a beauty queen. Probably not, though.

Just like that silly goose that came after Obama's kids. She got shut down real quick because she had some skeletons in her closet from when she was a teenager.
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Jun 23, 2004
Because she didn’t see me as the first lady, she saw me as someone who could help her.
Whoa... the privilege!

First time I decided to wade into this one, and I'm glad I did. I couldn't have imagined such a telling and juicy quote. My expectations of the mundane were underestimating her power hunger.

"Never proud of America", indeed. The two lines fit together for an open book. One word to surmise it all: abrasive.


Mar 19, 2007
I didn't compare his wife's appearance to an animal. I just said that Michelle Obama is probably more attractive. I bet she doesn't sit on the internet talking about how ugly other people are.

If you are going to call someone else's wife/husband ugly, yours better be on point. So, I'm guessing that Compuwiz is married to a beauty queen. Probably not, though.

Just like that silly goose that came after Obama's kids. She got shut down real quick because she had some skeletons in her closet from when she was a teenager.

And you know this how?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
And you know this how?

So, it seems you are not familiar with the words, "Guess", "Probably", or the phrase "I bet".

Let me reiterate. I'm betting that while Compuwiz is online calling someone else's wife a "Bull Moose", his wife probably does not look any better.

Anyway, regardless of whether or not Lady O thought it was racist that someone asked her to hand them detergent in the store....making stupid comments about her appearance is way off topic.
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Mar 19, 2007
So, it seems you are not familiar with the words, "Guess", "Probably", or the phrase "I bet".

Let me reiterate. I'm betting that while Compuwiz is online calling someone else's wife a "Bull Moose", his wife probably does not look any better.

It seems you are not familiar with the phrase "I bet"

l bet

l('ll) bet

1. Inf. I'm pretty sure that something is so or that something will happen. Bob: You're late. I bet you miss your plane. Rachel: No, I won't. Sue: I'll bet it rains today. Alice: No way! There's not a cloud in the sky.


While I will disagree with compuwiz1, I think Michelle Obama is a very attractive woman, at least he was going by known images. We know what she looks like. You know Jack Shit about what his wife looks like.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
at least he was going by known images. We know what she looks like. You know Jack Shit about what his wife looks like.

You mean the ones that people cherry pick because they make her look bad? She is attractive, without a doubt. Everyone takes some shitty pictures that don't make them look the best. Overall, it is clearly obvious that she is good looking. I think its funny that someone could seriously compare her likeness to an animal as a response to something she felt was a racial incident (I'm not going to make any further implications..)

I'll concede that I don't know what his wife looks like and I honestly don't care. What I don't like about people who throw stones is that their shit is probably not all together. So, while he finds it necessary to compare someone's Wife to a "bull moose", its absolutely fair to consider that his own wife is probably not as attractive.

But, you know what....whatever. He's a mod and if I continue commenting on this, people will start coming here to jump on me. I already know how this works.

So, lets just dial this back to the post about Michelle looking like a "bull moose" being a valid response to her personal anecdote about racism. This is P&N, after all.
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Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2012
You mean the ones that people cherry pick because they make her look bad? She is attractive, without a doubt. Everyone takes some shitty pictures that don't make them look the best. Overall, it is clearly obvious that she is good looking. I think its funny that someone could seriously compare her likeness to an animal as a response to something she felt was a racial incident (I'm not going to make any further implications..)

Attraction is in fact subjective and he's entitled to state his preferences and opinion. It's not "obvious she's good looking" because that means different things to different people. Maybe he's just not into such tall women and that's why he called her a bull moose. Maybe his wife (is he even married?) is not nearly so tall and that's enough for her to be more attractive to him.

I know your point is that he's not being sincere when he's ragging on her looks and is just doing it to further insult her but that's not necessarily the case.


Mar 19, 2007
You mean the ones that people cherry pick because they make her look bad? She is attractive, without a doubt. Everyone takes some shitty pictures that don't make them look the best. Overall, it is clearly obvious that she is good looking. I think its funny that someone could seriously compare her likeness to an animal as a response to something she felt was a racial incident (I'm not going to make any further implications..)

I'll concede that I don't know what his wife looks like and I honestly don't care. What I don't like about people who throw stones is that their shit is probably not all together. So, while he finds it necessary to compare someone's Wife to a "bull moose", its absolutely fair to consider that his own wife is probably not as attractive.

But, you know what....whatever. He's a mod and if I continue commenting on this, people will start coming here to jump on me. I already know how this works.

So, lets just dial this back to the post about Michelle looking like a "bull moose" being a valid response to her personal anecdote about racism. This is P&N, after all.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I had a friend who thought Cindy Crawford was ugly. His opinion I think was swayed by envy because his wife did look like a bull moose and that was probably the best he could get.


Jul 16, 2001
she and the oval office are a bunch of megaphone grievance mongering racists. Their illusory view of the world is thru the prism of color and hate.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Yea, she has no class...but you resort to making childish comments about her appearance. I bet that even on her worst days, she looks better than your wife.

Stay classy.

In order to stay classy a person needs organic shame. A bigot is a person who has been shamed so badly he or she has lost the capacity to feel it. A bigot is a person who has been made to feel so disgusting to cause them to conform to this or that line of thinking their only road to safety is to become fanatical believers. They become the proponents and guardians of bigotry, the self righteous believers. Their job is to dispense misery. When you answer a bigot with who has lost the capacity to feel shame, you will get a load of shit thrown in your face. If you can feel how deeply they were hurt to need to do that, you can turn that shit to flowers. We can't be harmed by the words of such people. They can only remind us of the past when the same shaming techniques were used on us. We were all born perfect and in the image of God. You can tell a bigot, but you can't tell him much. But you won't be alone in your own capacity to see. The love of life and truth will help us step over such shit.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
And this is your problem.

You are thinking of everything narrow minded. You are only thinking in terms of how you would take things, and not how the general public will take it. I can talk all-day about how to be successful in terms of personal economics, but do you think anyone else in this world has the courage to do something like go without Cable TV or a cell-phone? Fuck no. So quit thinking in terms of how you would take the public image of the first lady and think in terms of how the general public does.

Hehehehehe My job as a deprogrammed lemming is to have a little talk with you about where your running off to. But naturally, you don't have to listen. You're on a holy mission. I can't make you see you have an inferiority complex as a self assuming non racists who is terrified of how Obama's wife might also feel some of that. Everybody longs to have dignity in the eyes of others and when it's assaulted they can get mean. You are exactly the same, a snowflake who demands the world change rather than working to change the way you see it.


Jun 24, 2001
In order to stay classy a person needs organic shame. A bigot is a person who has been shamed so badly he or she has lost the capacity to feel it. A bigot is a person who has been made to feel so disgusting to cause them to conform to this or that line of thinking their only road to safety is to become fanatical believers. They become the proponents and guardians of bigotry, the self righteous believers. Their job is to dispense misery. When you answer a bigot with who has lost the capacity to feel shame, you will get a load of shit thrown in your face. If you can feel how deeply they were hurt to need to do that, you can turn that shit to flowers. We can't be harmed by the words of such people. They can only remind us of the past when the same shaming techniques were used on us. We were all born perfect and in the image of God. You can tell a bigot, but you can't tell him much. But you won't be alone in your own capacity to see. The love of life and truth will help us step over such shit.
Because you say so. Thanks, Webster.


Diamond Member
May 4, 2009
Yesterday I was at a Walmart and an individual who was much shorter than I am asked me to get a bag of dark chocolate off the top of a shelf.

Clearly this was racist... wait what...


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2013
She probably has dealt with racism her entire life, and who the fuck asks random women to pick things up of shelves for them?

Whether or not this specific instance was racism is irrelevant, the First Lady's point is that black people face racism everywhere, which they do.

I am a Lebanese arab Christian, but I look 100% white so white people always assume it's ok to make racist comments. I don't hear racist comments every day, but at least once a week some coworker will say something involving "hajis" "ni**ers" or "spicks". White people are racist as fuck and they are even worse about Arabs than blacks!

So next time you're with your "white" Coworkers and you decide to show your shitty racist self, consider that any one of these coworkers might be an imposter!
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