"Michelle Obama Lowers Use of School Lunch Program,


Jun 19, 2000
Students Refuse to Embrace the Suckage"

FLOTUS has managed to reduce participation in the school lunch program. Just what has this administration touched that hasn't turn to shit?


A Million Kids Flee Michelle's School Lunch Program

In a shocking turn, Michelle Obama, as democratic FLOTUS, has actually caused a decrease in participation in school lunch program! While decreasing participation in an entitlement is completely antithetical to a democrat, this is really a case of the “law of unintended consequences.”
But wait, there’s more! The Government Accountability Office (GAO) audited the program and found that more than 1 million children abandoned school lunches entirely.
Nationwide, student participation in the National School Lunch Program declined by 1.2 million students (or 3.7 percent) from school year 2010-2011 through school year 2012-2013, after having increased steadily for many years… State and local officials reported that the changes to lunch content and nutrition requirements, as well as other factors, influenced student participation.
The GAO also noted that 48 of 50 states faced challenges complying with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act.
The new standards led to kids throwing out their fruits and vegetables, student boycotts, higher lunch costs, and odd food pairings such as “cheese stick with shrimp” in order for schools to comply with the complicated rules…
The standards forced some schools to stop serving peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and led middle school and high school students to opt for vending machines or buying food off campus to avoid the lunch line…
The new standards are exhaustive, including calorie ranges for each age group, sodium limits, zero tolerance for trans fats, and specific ounce amounts for meats and grains. White bread will be mostly phased out beginning in 2014 because only “whole grain rich” items will be allowed.
Of course, it would be a great time to invoke Quinn’s Law…
Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of it’s stated intent.
This is why East Germany built a wall. People, when they are able, always attempt to flee liberalism. Anyone with talent or a business fled liberal policies in Detroit. Now, that city is a wasteland. Other cities are also on that path. Maryland passed a millionaire tax, so the millionaires left, resulting in a LOSS in tax revenue. School lunches over over-controlled, unappetizing, and unfilling disasters, so kids flee elsewhere to escape them. Bill de Blasio is dead set on turning NYC into another rotting mess like Detroit, so people are leaving.
In the end, the only way that liberalism can work is to build walls and make people prisoners. They’ll have to ban outside foods from school children, and keep them from sneaking out to eat. Perhaps that will be Michelle Obama’s next move.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
What's funny is that the GAO also thinks this decrease will be short lived and will disappear in the relatively near future. Considering the absolutely atrocious content of school lunches before this time that seems like an exceedingly small price to pay.

I never cease to be amused by the sites you link to, btw. They are a great window into just how far into the ultra right wing media bubble you are. Every time you do things like this I have to remind myself that a real person actually thinks this way. It's about 50% funny and 50% scary.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I figured you'd support fewer government sponsored lunches Boomer.

I think his argument is that we should keep serving kids shit because they like it more. I wish someone had told my parents this so that I could have eaten pizza 3 meals a day when I was 5.


Jun 19, 2006

You really need to loose those websites you are going to rage explode


May 15, 2000
I think his argument is that we should keep serving kids shit because they like it more. I wish someone had told my parents this so that I could have eaten pizza 3 meals a day when I was 5.

I think his argument is that we should build a wall to stop liberalism. At least I think that's what his argument is but it's so hard to tell because all of his posts add so little to any discussion.

I'm just waiting for the day when we hear a story about some white guy that just got so mad at the "liberal government" and decided to kill a few people because he just "couldn't take it any more". With the following investigation showing he was a hardcore right winger who frequented many extreme right wing websites and went by the handle, "boomerang".

It must be a tough life living with so much rage inside!


Jun 19, 2000
Ah, rage, the final argument. I'm not in a rage fella's, I glory in bringing the failures of Dear Leader and his regime further out into the light of day. It brings me joy. Incompetence is not a trait to be admired.

I hold out hope that one day you guys will change and show me some rspect.
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Jun 19, 2000
I figured you'd support fewer government sponsored lunches Boomer.
That's not how I would look at it. What I don't support is the increased cost of meal planning and meals that then get thrown away because kids won't eat them. The program is not a success if the kids won't eat what they're being served. It's the waste that bothers me.


May 15, 2000
Ah, rage, the final argument. I'm not in a rage fella's, I glory in bringing the failures of Dear Leader and his regime further out into the light of day. It brings me joy. Incompetence is not a trait to be admired.

I hold out hope that one day you guys will change and show me some rspect.

You get joy out of the failures of our government? Color me surprised. I know a guy who enjoyed watching 3000 Americans die and would have enjoyed watching the US go bankrupt trying to fight a special kind of war. That guy is now dead. I also new a guy who was horrible at his job and almost fulfilled other guys wish to bankrupt the US. I certainly didn't enjoy his failures nor did I root for them and I certainly didn't enjoy the suffering and losses of the people his policies hurt. Nor did I get any joy from pointing out those failures but that's because I value solutions over blame.

I guess that's the difference between a normal human being and one with mental issues though. You enjoy the suffering of others that don't follow your beliefs where as I do not.


Jan 28, 2002
"This is why East Germany built a wall. People, when they are able, always attempt to flee liberalism. "

Oh, I see...the wall was built to keep people from flooding into EAST Germany.

Boomerang has gone into full wingnut mode.

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Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
when i was in public elementary school, the food sucked so bad that most would've rather have starved than eat it.

but compulsory education is a key to the wastage because parents dont have the right to not send their kids to school and both the parent and child have to go to court (and ultimately jail) if they dont go to school. most people cant benefit from it anyway except for the ones working for the system and the parents who dont want their kids at home... if you are smart, then your time is being wasted by going to school. if you are too dumb like i was to make the world a better place, then you waste everyone else's time.

most teachers are not that smart but most do like to control everything.


Jun 19, 2000
You get joy out of the failures of our government?
No, no, no, your reading comprehension is not up to par. I get joy from exposing their failures not from the carnage that ensues. My words are clear your interpretation, not so much.

Your anecdotal story was very moving. You say you value solutions over blame. What absolute rubbish. The only solution you would embrace would be yet another one that came from the very people that fucked it up in the first place along with their second attempt and their third. You're an intentions guy, not a results guy. If you cared about results you wouldn't worship the despicable failures we have in abundance in our government right now.

What's the youth black unemployment rate right now? Success or failure? Five years in. What's next, bar them from working, and call the resultant zero percent unemployment rate a resounding success? You'd lap it up like the good little prog that you are. Your posting history supports it.

It will be a cold day in Hell before any lecture from you will have any affect on me. I'd have to respect you first and I haven't seen anything worthy yet.


May 15, 2000
Lol. You do realize that unemployment is higher than normal regardless of race right? And do you know why unemployment is up? I'm sure you do, it's why you chose the last five years as your qualifyer. But go ahead preach on bubble dweller!
"Bar them from working" I'm not sure what your hyperbolic statement is trying to convey, purhaps you could put a little more thought into it, not everyone hears the same voices in their head as you do.

As I said, I welcome solutions, do you have a solution that wold make kids eat healthy food? I'm sure, not only would well intentioned people like Michelle Obama like to know but so would just about every parent out there. So please, share with us the solution you have and I could only assume that it won't include the government.

I wish I could be the "good little progie" like you want me to be but being a solutions kind of guy means I don't subscribe to any one ideology, sorry to bust your bubble again.

And I'm well aware that "any lecture" from me will have an affect on you but I'm also aware that any lecture from anyone that doesn't live in the same bubble you live in will also not have any affect on you. Your bubble is incorruptible

My hope is that those that read your posts see you for what you really are and look at your posts in disgust and sadness as opposed to embracing them. I also hope that someday someone you know will recognize your mental issues and get you help before you harm yourself or someone else. We all have dreams though, right?


May 15, 2000
It's also ironic that the poster whose links always comes from right wing sources is preaching to anyone about laping up anything.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Just an FYI: the West Berlin side of the wall was the liberal side.


Oct 18, 2005
So the OP is pissed kids don't want to eat healthier lunches? Probably says a lot more about the crap they are being fed at home than the quality of any government program.

Outrage not found.
Feb 4, 2009
This is exactly what is wrong with our current political environment. First I want to establish this is a 1st Lady project but I feel it summarizes what is wrong with all of us. The obvious goal is to get kids to eat better by changing school menus, kids don't like the change so they are bringing food from home thus fewer lunches served. I have a feeling that if school lunches increased OP would be upset about the added cost of these veggies we are adding to school menus and as we have seen if the amount of served lunches decreases OP is pissed off that fewer kids are buying lunch. What is the correct answer that allows anyone to succeed do nothing so there is no change in school lunches served? Like our Congress has been doing....nothing.
I am guilty too because my first instinct was to make fun of OP which is wrong. An open ended question would have been more appropriate like why is it bad that more kids are bringing lunch?


Jun 19, 2006
This is exactly what is wrong with our current political environment. First I want to establish this is a 1st Lady project but I feel it summarizes what is wrong with all of us. The obvious goal is to get kids to eat better by changing school menus, kids don't like the change so they are bringing food from home thus fewer lunches served. I have a feeling that if school lunches increased OP would be upset about the added cost of these veggies we are adding to school menus and as we have seen if the amount of served lunches decreases OP is pissed off that fewer kids are buying lunch. What is the correct answer that allows anyone to succeed do nothing so there is no change in school lunches served? Like our Congress has been doing....nothing.

I am guilty too because my first instinct was to make fun of OP which is wrong. An open ended question would have been more appropriate like why is it bad that more kids are bringing lunch?

Always follow your first instinct. In this case the OP is not looking for reasonable discussion he is looking to rage. We all know the pattern here same folks will say the same thing (me to) so really whats the point. I'm just here for the cookies.

Very interesting blog article about hate addiction.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001

You really need to loose those websites you are going to rage explode

So the OP is pissed kids don't want to eat healthier lunches? Probably says a lot more about the crap they are being fed at home than the quality of any government program.

Outrage not found.

There's nothing wrong with many foods, eaten in moderation. The problem is that all the foods seem to be dictated by some sort of a healthy food nazi. It's not that the meals have to be healthy, it's that every single item would have to be okayed by some sort of militant health nut. Whole wheat pizza, without pepperoni, but with shredded government turkey as a topping so it meets the protein requirement? Yeah, tell me again that it's because the lunches are "healthier" rather than taste like shit as a result of the requirements.
Nov 25, 2013
Ah, rage, the final argument. I'm not in a rage fella's, I glory in bringing the failures of Dear Leader and his regime further out into the light of day. It brings me joy. Incompetence is not a trait to be admired.

I hold out hope that one day you guys will change and show me some rspect.

Maybe when *you* get elected as President of the United States twice?


Mar 8, 2014
What should we do about school lunches? As far as I can tell, they've always been disgusting. It's just harder to recognize disgusting in a burger/PBJ.


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2005
I don't see the big deal with removing certain unhealthy food options from schools. Kids are not mature enough (as well as most Americans in general) to make good decisions when it comes to eating properly among many other things. How in the world can anyone support the idea of children boycotting school lunches (according to that article)? As long as the guidelines are simple and cheap enough to implement, I don't have a problem with these new regulations. From the sounds of it, the regulations are too complex- this is where the problem is if there is a problem at all. The rest of it sounds like spoiled kids who don't want to eat balanced meals.

Like Dr. Pizza said, it is about moderation more than anything else. There are some things that should be taken minimally like things with high sugar content and chemicals like soda.. but even that stuff is fine in small doses. SMALL doses.

One huge problem in our country also is nutrition fads. I can't wait until the whole "carbs bad" thing goes away. This is one of the most moronic thing to come out of the health sciences. I remember when eggs were "bad". There also is that thing about 100% fruit juice being bad... ridiculous.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Michelle Obama shouldn't be reducing her participation in any school lunch program because she is way too old to be in school and has no business eating lunch there for any reason. She has a cook at the White House.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
I wonder whats in the lunches some of those kids are bringing to school. Probably a Snickers bar, a Kool-Aid pouch, and some Chocolate pudding.

And some of these parents will be the first to blame McDonald's on their 8 year old being 150lbs.

Ugh, Michelle Obama is so fat. Stop worrying about all the unhealthy shit my kids eat for lunch, you cow.
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