Milo Yiannopoulos, has officially opened up a college scholarship exclusively for young white men.

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Senior member
Jul 29, 2007
You accuse me of using catchphrases and claims shorn of context and of moving goal posts, wow! Am I required to compile a detailed list of events and cases when debating generalized hot button issues? Am I supposed to forget the party that occurred at Berkeley a few weeks ago? Am I supposed ignore the violence that we all saw during the election? What is intellectually lazy is to feign ignorance of the current context in an attempt to burden the person you are debating.

Secondly do you even know me? What my political positions are? What I do, believe and am? You come across like someone making a lot of assumptions, a bit ironic for someone who cares so highly about intellectual standards and respectfulness. I will give you a hint, I am no Trump supporter, think Milo is an opportunist, not a conservative (though somewhat anti progressive), but mostly someone who is tired of the left.

Also you still failed to point to any specific offending post to justify any dismissal, instead you made a generalized attack on my honesty. I am really curious as to what set you off? Was it my criticisms of an article posted, my reasons as to why Milo has supporters, or my push back against superficial dismissals. I really hope that a paragon of intellectual standards and debate such as yourself does not lazily double down.
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Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
It is pretty undeniable that free speech is under attack on college campuses, one of the places it should be freest. College is where bad ideas should go to die, NOT TO BE SUPPRESSED. Suppression can not work and will not work to marginalize bad ideas. Bad ideas should be exposed for how truly bad they are and countered in a free marketplace of ideas. I feel very strongly about this and consider it a core constituent to a healthy secular society.

Since FIRE’s first “worst of the worst” list was released in 2011, the number of colleges and universities with the most restrictive speech codes has declined. However, 92 percent of American colleges still maintain speech codes that either clearly restrict—or could too easily be used to restrict—free speech. Students still find themselves corralled into absurdly-named “free speech zones,” taxed when they invite speakers deemed “controversial” by administrators, or even anonymously reported on by their fellow students when their speech is subjectively perceived to be “biased.”


Apr 8, 2013
To me, free speech crosses a line when you advocate harassment or threats, which Milo has done (even if just by stoking anger knowing what the response will be). I'd say Mike Brown and the Seattle victim weren't innocent doves, but what happened to them wasn't warranted.

And I don't think the US has much of a far left, really, certainly not Laurie Penny (she's British, for one thing). Far left in the classic sense is communism; much of what constitutes left-wing in the US is actually moderate or centrist on the world stage. However, the US definitely has a problem with the far right... arguably, some of it's in office right now.

It depends on what is meant by "far left." If it means taking politically extreme positions, then I would agree. Communism is near dead in the US, and the soft socialism of the left wing of the democratic party is mainstream in other western countries.

However, extremism is better defined as ideological rigidity and militancy. Excessive political correctness, whereby we minutely police every word or phrase said publicly for possible insensitivity to this group or that, is a form of extremism.

In that sense, yes we do have a growing "far left." It hasn't caught up with the "far right" yet but who knows where it goes in the future. We've become increasingly polarized.
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Reactions: bshole


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
I hope Milo can now go to speaking engagements unmolested by hostile and violent leftists.

LoL.... I don't know if a guy that has been outed as pro-pedophilia is going to get many speaking engagements.

Here is Milo, verbatim:
Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13 years old who is sexually mature. Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty,” he adds, dismissing the fact that 13-year-olds are children. The notion of consent, he says, is “arbitrary and oppressive.”

Of course if the right is secretly pro-child molestation, perhaps I am wrong.
Reactions: twelfth
Feb 16, 2005
LoL.... I don't know if a guy that has been outed as pro-pedophilia is going to get many speaking engagements.

Here is Milo, verbatim:

Of course if the right is secretly pro-child molestation, perhaps I am wrong.
seems like felix would buy a ticket, I guess his deeply religious beliefs are totally ok with pedophilia. Unless he's just a poseur.


Aug 4, 2000
I'm sure the list of invites is growing by the minute.

Well, you never know. He has made contradictory statements about the subject oft mentioned in this thread, one that a search of my own posts would reveal I have spoken against for the last 17 years right here on this board, including all the idiots who were fascinated by boys who were made "men" by older women. I will continue to speak against pedophilia.

Yet the point of this multifaceted thread is not to condemn pedophilia but to silence Milo for good.

Should he be silenced? I don't know.

Will he be silenced? Probably not.
Nov 25, 2013
Well, you never know. He has made contradictory statements about the subject oft mentioned in this thread, one that a search of my own posts would reveal I have spoken against for the last 17 years right here on this board, including all the idiots who were fascinated by boys who were made "men" by older women. I will continue to speak against pedophilia.

Yet the point of this multifaceted thread is not to condemn pedophilia but to silence Milo for good.

Should he be silenced? I don't know.

Will he be silenced? Probably not.

This thread can't "silence" anybody. Milo is finally learning the lesson that speech/action has consequences. Maybe it will make him a better person.


Aug 4, 2000
This thread can't "silence" anybody. Milo is finally learning the lesson that speech/action has consequences. Maybe it will make him a better person.

Who knows. I never was a really big supporter or defender of Milo, just a casual observer. But I did think it was funny how some people got so worked up - TO THE POINT OF VIOLENCE - over the things he said.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Well, you never know. He has made contradictory statements about the subject oft mentioned in this thread, one that a search of my own posts would reveal I have spoken against for the last 17 years right here on this board, including all the idiots who were fascinated by boys who were made "men" by older women. I will continue to speak against pedophilia.

Yet the point of this multifaceted thread is not to condemn pedophilia but to silence Milo for good.

Should he be silenced? I don't know.

Will he be silenced? Probably not.
I have generally liked Milo and consider him smart and funny. But when he's arguing for sex with thirteen year old boys, he deserves what he gets. No "luckiest boy in America" tee shirt for getting nailed by Milo.


Aug 4, 2000
I have generally liked Milo and consider him smart and funny. But when he's arguing for sex with thirteen year old boys, he deserves what he gets. No "luckiest boy in America" tee shirt for getting nailed by Milo.

"Luckiest boy in America"? Congrats werepossum, you have officially creeped me out!

Milo should probably just slink away for now.


Sep 10, 2015
I hope Milo can now go to speaking engagements unmolested by hostile and violent leftists.

Violent leftists, you say?
Your turn.


Jun 9, 2016
So there are no issues with language policing on campuses, no valid reasons as to why people oppose various progressive social movements other than bigotry, no issues with the hysterical games the left plays in the media, no problems with glossing over difficult and controversial subjects in fields such as sociology or biology or anthropology because those subjects might offend someone, ect.

Um, what? Please point to the offending posts in this thread. It would be more helpful than implying that the root reasons for my opposition to the illiberal left is just me seeking a validation of a personal pathology, that I am a troll, and that I should be dismissed.

Pathologize, label, and dismiss is a pretty good description of the left's modus operandi when dealing with opposition.

This is basically you & friends:


Senior member
Jul 29, 2007
Great meme. It does a really great job of putting words into my mouth, though I am unsure as to why you included that quote of mine since it contradicts the cartoon. Perhaps you are going for some form of meta irony that is flying over my head. I have a meme to share as well, this is basically you and your friends springing into action to stop the hateful and dangerous free speech Nazis.
Reactions: FelixDeCat


Jun 9, 2016
Great meme. It does a really great job of putting words into my mouth, though I am unsure as to why you included that quote of mine since it contradicts the cartoon. Perhaps you are going for some form of meta irony that is flying over my head. I have a meme to share as well, this is basically you and your friends springing into action to stop the hateful and dangerous free speech Nazis.

Do you consider yourself some kind of thinker? Then why are you always on the same side of the argument as the low edu/iq crowd.
Reactions: twelfth


Senior member
Jul 29, 2007
Do you consider yourself some kind of thinker? Then why are you always on the same side of the argument as the low edu/iq crowd.

No. I consider myself a knuckle-dragging meat Popsicle, one that believes that freedom of speech and open debate are not about sides but are about universal rules. Do you consider yourself a thinker? If so why do you deffer to ideology, meta arguments, and sides instead of evidence and reasoning?


Apr 12, 2004
An angry, spoiled man-child who believes that they can do or say whatever they want, regardless of how it might harm others, is exactly what fascism has always looked like. Case in point: when Nazi Germany invaded neighboring countries, stealing their land and putting those people in work camps, Hitler said it was because the German people needed Lebensraum, or "living space," and that anyone who opposed this was an enemy of the German people. Sound familiar?
The 'far left' are powerless loons, rabble who protest in the streets. Milo OTOH gets his paychecks from White House surrogates. Your sense of danger is grossly skewed from reality.

Yeah, that's exactly how it happened, one day some bottle blonde troll offended people on campuses, the next day Hitler invaded Poland, lol.

LoL.... I don't know if a guy that has been outed as pro-pedophilia is going to get many speaking engagements.

Here is Milo, verbatim:

Of course if the right is secretly pro-child molestation, perhaps I am wrong.

You'd know all about that, wouldn't you?

Imagine that poor tramautized boy! Forced to endure orgasms and the adulation of all his jealous classmates. Ah the horror!

Dude I beat off to fantasies of fucking my teacher when I was 13. I would have cut off my pinkie finger to put it to my 7th grade english teacher. It's funny.... if I forced myself on her at that age I would be charged with rape.... if she allowed me to on the other hand..... she would be charged with rape!! It seems like the law just wants to deny teenage boys with raging hormones any fun.

Gotta confess I have a double standard. Hate to admit it, but it is true. So while I think its ok for a teenage boy to have sex with older women, the reverse strikes me as wrong. Dunno why.... its probably my male bias. I could never see having sex with a woman as a bad thing...... it was the ONLY thing I thought about from the age of 13 to my mid twenties.

Yea, the mean old lady forced him to have an orgasm. We all know how awful orgasms are.

Getting raped in the ass is NOT the same as getting a hard-on, inserting it into another person and climaxing.

and more.... My son is a freshman in high school. He inherited my good looks and athleticism.... but not my intelligence or drive.

So I have overheard conversations between him and various girls where he has the speaker phone on. I have heard the girls talking about masturbating and all manner of sex to him. I have looked at his cell phone chat logs and have seen messages where girls offer to have sex with him. I am pretty sure he has bedded at least two girls and possibly more since school started. Weirdly the shittier he treats them, the more desperately they chase him. The point is that there are plenty of horny girls out there.... plenty. Girls willing to have sex with boys if the boys will accept them as friends.

I think most woman want CERTAIN men to chase them. What they consider ok from a guy they are attracted to is offensive from a guy they are not.


Jun 9, 2016
No. I consider myself a knuckle-dragging meat Popsicle, one that believes that freedom of speech and open debate are not about sides but are about universal rules. Do you consider yourself a thinker? If so why do you deffer to ideology, meta arguments, and sides instead of evidence and reasoning?

I'm enough of a thinker to realize there's zero value to reasoning with people who have no use for it. Like alt-reich white nationalists always pretending to be the Real victims.
Reactions: twelfth


Senior member
Jul 29, 2007
I'm enough of a thinker to realize there's zero value to reasoning with people who have no use for it. Like alt-reich white nationalists always pretending to be the Real victims.

Very wise thinker to hold such absolute and undebatable truths, you must be.


Jun 9, 2016
Very wise thinker to hold such absolute and undebatable truths, you must be.

No great mystery what this refers to:

no problems with glossing over difficult and controversial subjects in fields such as sociology or biology or anthropology because those subjects might offend someone, ect.

I'm sure your klan buddies are the edumacated ones prepared to learn us some sociology/biology/anthropology.


Apr 12, 2004
twelfth, at least a couple of those stories are fake. The third link is fake news; the video revealed that the Hispanic hit first and both participants were charged. Of course, the WP never issued a correction either, despite claims here that the so-called "real media" always does. The pepper spray story is fake news as well; she was pepper sprayed for assaulting a man. The rest is just conjecture. You have to watch out for hoax hate crimes, Democrats push victim-worship onto minorities and some inevitably latch on due to their liberal brain defect that tells them they need to be victims.

Notice that the common element in the stories you've posted is that the attacks are publicized and the perpetrators arrested and tried when a crime is committed. Not true of ANTIFA at University of Washington, where the media and school president report violent protests as peaceful, and the Washington Post doesn't even cover the shooting.


Jun 9, 2016
twelfth, at least a couple of those stories are fake. The third link is fake news; the video revealed that the Hispanic hit first and both participants were charged. Of course, the WP never issued a correction either, despite claims here that the so-called "real media" always does. The pepper spray story is fake news as well; she was pepper sprayed for assaulting a man. The rest is just conjecture. You have to watch out for hoax hate crimes, Democrats push victim-worship onto minorities and some inevitably latch on due to their liberal brain defect that tells them they need to be victims.

Notice that the common element in the stories you've posted is that the attacks are publicized and the perpetrators arrested and tried when a crime is committed. Not true of ANTIFA at University of Washington, where the media and school president report violent protests as peaceful, and the Washington Post doesn't even cover the shooting.

The alt-reich are the real victims.
Reactions: twelfth


Senior member
Jul 29, 2007
No great mystery what this refers to:

I'm sure your klan buddies are the edumacated ones prepared to learn us some sociology/biology/anthropology.

Sure come down to Klan College where genetic determinism, sexual dimorphism, counter arguments to cultural relativism, and all of the fun stuff that gets us racists excited are openly discussed. We even have lectures on the failures of normative and anti-positivist theory.
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