Missouri Police Officer guns down unarmed 18 year old

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Jan 31, 2010
WHAT robbery? He left money on the counter and they put back the extra cigars they had took which they apparently didn't have money for. I've never in my life seen a robbery where they put shit back before they left. So the robbery has been debunked, as for the strong-armed part. The cashier put his hands on Brown and Brown lightly pushed him away. In a situation where someone puts their hands on you, in every instance you have a right to push them off. You can't just put your hands on someone, remember brown left money on the counter so you can't even excuse the cashier's actions with "oh Brown was stealing" no he wasn't.

I understand a random customer who didn't see the entire encounter who thought they saw a robbery called the police. But since the cashier didn't call the cops and has said it wasn't what people are saying, I can't see how Brown was walking down the street paranoid the police would be looking for him.

Here's the police report for the robbery you seem to think didn't happen.



Jan 6, 2002

I watched the video, I saw money being put on the counter and I saw the teens putting some cigars back. Are you disputing these facts that you can clearly see on the video? I'm also speaking as a dude who works at a liquor store, and I've been robbed multiple times. The morons in this thread are laughable. I wish people would leave money and walk out when they robbed me.

It's weird all the people who have made out the exact brand and type of cigars in the video, yet they can't see the money placed on the counter or the excess cigars being put back.


Jan 6, 2002
Here's the police report for the robbery you seem to think didn't happen.


Someone called the police, so a report was filed. that's how it works. I can call the police saying my next door neighbor's cooking meth in his garage. Guess what they'll do? File a report because, why? Because I called it it, but that doesn't mean my neighbor's cooking meth, it just means I made a report to the police.

Police investigate and make a report for anything... reported, crazy huh? And that report is clearly before they even investigated because I've already established proof that there's no way in hell the box of cigars stolen was $48. I mean paid for that a random customer thought was stolen.
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Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2011
I watched the video, I saw money being put on the counter and I saw the teens putting some cigars back. Are you disputing these facts that you can clearly see on the video? I'm also speaking as a dude who works at a liquor store, and I've been robbed multiple times. The morons in this thread are laughable. I wish people would leave money and walk out when they robbed me.

It's weird all the people who have made out the exact brand and type of cigars in the video, yet they can't see the money placed on the counter or the excess cigars being put back.

I see no money in the video. Even if there was money exchanged, doesn't mean that Brown didn't take what he didn't pay for. That is, if the cigars he took cost $40 and he only gave the clerk $10 then its still robbery.

Also, what I did see was Brown taking something off the counter and then handing to his friend while he continued to distract the clerk. The friend was smart enough to put it back but that doesn't exonerate Brown.


Golden Member
Jun 8, 2010
Police pointing a loaded weapon at someone isn't assault when its part of their normal duty. Apprehending criminals or defusing a riot would fit this description.

Pointing a gun at a peaceful protester isn't "defusing a riot", in fact it's more likely to start one.

If they had only brandished their weapons when needed, I would have no problem with it, but instead they shoved up in full riot gear even when there was just a peaceful protest.
They looked and acted like an occupying force, when they should have been serving and protecting.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2011
Pointing a gun at a peaceful protester isn't "defusing a riot", in fact it's more likely to start one.

If they had only brandished their weapons when needed, I would have no problem with it, but instead they shoved up in full riot gear even when there was just a peaceful protest.
They looked and acted like an occupying force, when they should have been serving and protecting.

When there are non peaceful, law breakers behind or among said peaceful protesters, you still aren't convincing anyone that the police are in the wrong. They are acting on a perceived threat.

I'm not going to argue about the use of force and gear here, I think it was excessive. That a difference discussion. But that doesn't mean that I'll agree that the cops were acting criminal.


May 24, 2004
I've never in my life seen a robbery where they put shit back before they left.

I've also never in my life seen a normal paying customer reach so far over the counter and come back with an armful of products he previously wasn't holding.

It's weird all the people who have made out the exact brand and type of cigars in the video

The exact brand and type of cigars was reported, not necessarily observed from the video. Try to keep up.
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Jan 6, 2002
I see no money in the video. Even if there was money exchanged, doesn't mean that Brown didn't take what he didn't pay for. That is, if the cigars he took cost $40 and he only gave the clerk $10 then its still robbery.

Also, what I did see was Brown taking something off the counter and then handing to his friend while he continued to distract the clerk. The friend was smart enough to put it back but that doesn't exonerate Brown.

ah, *if* so neither of us know what happened here? What I do know is the store cashier has said he wasn't robbed. Now I know the "Brown's a thug" crowd are saying this is because the store feared retaliation. But, that's just assumption and hearsay. What we do know is the store owner or cashier did not call to report anything and weren't going to. And as I explained, the fact there's a police report doesn't mean anything except a person called the police to report something.


May 24, 2004
ah, *if* so neither of us know what happened here?

Are you trying to say people shouldn't form judgments and demand convictions before they fully understand what occurred? Because that's kind of what a lot of this protest was all about - forming immediate judgments and pursuing them as if they were true.


Jan 31, 2010
ah, *if* so neither of us know what happened here? What I do know is the store cashier has said he wasn't robbed. Now I know the "Brown's a thug" crowd are saying this is because the store feared retaliation. But, that's just assumption and hearsay. What we do know is the store owner or cashier did not call to report anything and weren't going to. And as I explained, the fact there's a police report doesn't mean anything except a person called the police to report something.

Maybe you should actually read the police report as it cites the video and enters it into evidence.
Jan 25, 2011
ah, *if* so neither of us know what happened here? What I do know is the store cashier has said he wasn't robbed. Now I know the "Brown's a thug" crowd are saying this is because the store feared retaliation. But, that's just assumption and hearsay. What we do know is the store owner or cashier did not call to report anything and weren't going to. And as I explained, the fact there's a police report doesn't mean anything except a person called the police to report something.

Can you please provide some link to this statement from the store owner or his attorney?


Jan 6, 2002
Maybe you should actually read the police report as it cites the video and enters it into evidence.

You mean the same report that lists a $3.75 pack of Swishers as $48.99 box of cigars? The cops forced the store owners to give up the video because Brown had been shot by the officers and they needed anything to make Brown look like a super thug

Can you please provide some link to this statement from the store owner or his attorney?


Again I know, I know he's only saying this because he fears retaliation! The owner was also on CNN talking about it was a non issue and they only reason the tapes were released is because a warrant was issued for them. It's highly unusual for the police to continue to purse a report like this after they interview the source and get told "nothing happened"
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May 24, 2004
Here is another possible explanation for the cashier to not report the incident - many clerks are under the threat of being fired if theft occurs during their shift. Owners of these places often are not employee friendly. Is $50 worth risking being fired over?

Again, the whole point is don't jump to conclusions. There are a lot of possible explanations, and as a result of the protestor's assumptions, the community is in ruins.
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May 15, 2000
Just because the officer wasn't aware doesn't mean that Brown knew that. Guilty people tend to act pretty sketchy around cops, maybe the officer picked up on that and was put on guard. Police have a lot of experience dealing with people on their best and worst days, it's likely in this case something didn't feel right about the situation and that escalated things.

Either way, you don't get shot for robbing a store, so I don't understand why the officer being aware or not of the incident really matters.

Lol! Try making up more shit to fit your conclusion.


Jan 31, 2010
You mean the same report that lists a $3.75 pack of Swishers as $48.99 box of cigars? The cops forced the store owners to give up the video because Brown had been shot by the officers and they needed anything to make Brown look like a super thug

I doubt the police forced the owner to give up the tape, I'm quite certain they acquired a subpoena for evidence that was signed by a county judge.


Jan 6, 2002

Nice try but they burned down the store because the police killed someone, they also burned down numerous other stores. It had nothing to do with the police report (which they didn't even file) nothing at all.

I doubt the police forced the owner to give up the tape, I'm quite certain they acquired a subpoena for evidence that was signed by a county judge.

But it wasn’t until Friday that St. Louis County investigators issued a warrant for the video many of you have already seen.

They don't issue a warrant until after they've asked and been told no in a situation like this, there's no reason to issue a warrant if the person's cooperating.
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May 15, 2000
How is detaining reporters who aren't following police orders criminal? Telling them to stop recording perhaps was criminal but if the police were trying to detain them (again for failing to follow a lawful order), well that would be why.

Lol! Not only are you a hypocrite and deep in the river of denial but you are quite the apologist!

Btw, pointing a gun at someone whether it's considered an assault or improper use of a weapon it's still against the law. Breaking the law makes one a criminal.

Go ahead and make up some more excuses, I need the laughs!


Platinum Member
Dec 7, 1999
You mean the same report that lists a $3.75 pack of Swishers as $48.99 box of cigars? The cops forced the store owners to give up the video because Brown had been shot by the officers and they needed anything to make Brown look like a super thug


Again I know, I know he's only saying this because he fears retaliation! The owner was also on CNN talking about it was a non issue and they only reason the tapes were released is because a warrant was issued for them. It's highly unusual for the police to continue to purse a report like this after they interview the source and get told "nothing happened"

the article does not say the owners or the cashiers said they were not robbed. It only said they did not call police to report the incident. Someone inside the store who apparently witnessed the incident called police.

The police should obtain as much videos as possible of all those involved in the shooting. This incident occurred minutes before the shooting. If there was video of the police officer, that should be obtained as well. If there was a dashcam or if the officer was wearing a camera, there would be less debate about what happened. Regardless, I viewed the video completely differently then you and to me, it showed that he committed a strong arm robbery and intimated the clerk when the clerk tried to prevent him from leaving.


May 24, 2004
Nice try but they burned down the store because the police killed someone, they also burned down numerous other stores. It had nothing to do with the police report (which they didn't even file) nothing at all.

It seems we are in agreement that people in the community burn places to the ground because they don't like the police.

Is it so inconceivable for someone to realize this and decide a $50 robbery is not worth involving the police?


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
I don't get the incident at the store being framed as whether he robbed or not. Looks like he did, Dorian Johnson may have saved his butt there by returning an item (intent of Brown unchanged). From what I saw the bigger deal was the physical treatment of the clerk captured on tape. That made Brown a pretty unique individual apart from a petty thief, in a severely bad way. Decent people, gentle people, sound of mind people, don't treat others in this manner.

The other issue that is somewhat known is that Wilson suffered injuries to his face. Focusing on whether orbital was broken or not misplaces the significance of this information, a similar tactic some are using with the store incident.

No question in my mind that the PD screwed up the handling of the situation. They hid too much. The family should know much more at this point (this is hell just witnessing), Wilson should have spoken to the family at this point. I get that fairly quickly this couldn't have happened because of how things spiraled, but I think that was preventable. The race baiters, the PD, and some ambulance chasing idiots made things much more difficult from an early point.

Doesn't change the truth of what happened, which none us know, but how it was handled comes across somewhat like rattling the cage of caged animal (not intended to offend, rather illustrate taking advantage of someone). Community on edge and then the PD starts getting cheeky with some info and doesn't release much to answer questions.
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Jan 6, 2002
It seems we are in agreement that people in the community burn places to the ground because they don't like the police.

Is it so inconceivable for someone to realize this and decide a $50 robbery is not worth involving the police?

This is $50 worth of the Swishers that the media's claiming Brown stole.


Oct 30, 2000
I will say, in the video at the counter, it doesn't look like robbery to me. Looks to me like he was paying, but I do NOT see any form of payment exchanged. I mention that because it looks like Michael is putting something on the counter, takes others things off, and hands back what his friend is holding. He does lean over the counter, which I pretty sure would scare the shit out of that clerk if that area is prone to crime. No offense, but a 6'4" 300 pound guy reaching over the counter is going to scare just about anyone. To which I am sure the clerk said some pissed off things to Michael if that was the case. The clerk escorts Michael out, and you can clearly see in the video the clerk touches Brown's arm first to push him out while holding the door open. Brown retaliates and shoves the clerk back.

Supposedly, according to the link above, the clerk never reported the robbery. As for the touching, any charge of assault by Brown on the clerk would have gone no where as charge on its own since the clerk initiated contact with Brown first per the video. Least that is what I saw in the video.

I don't know, this looks more like the police are trying to use anything to justify their actions with Michael Brown and to demonize him for sympathy to their side. Again who knows at this point, I am just going off what I see in the video.

As for the assertions by some here that you can see "cash" exchange hands. Umm no. You cannot. Unless you have one of the magic CSI image enhancement computers that exist in fairyland. The resolution isn't there to make out exactly what is going in and out of Brown's hands and that of his friend. Except at one point you can see a "box" of something which can be assumed to be the cigars. However, that doesn't preclude that he didn't steal anything either. Brown may have paid for some, asked for more, and just walked out with the rest. Hard to see in that video.
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