Mistakes made so far in this war ?


Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2001
1. Allowing Iraqi TV to stay on the air ( nothing like seeing the civilian casulties used as propagnada by Iraq plus they inflame the arab street )

2. Telephone lines still working ( I hate those videophone reports anyway )

3. Using 300,000 troops instead of the orignal planned 600,000 recommended by General Franks

4. Turkey: what good is having Nato allies if they don't help in time of need, not having a division coming from the North is hurting the campaign.

5. ....


Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000
I just heard on the news Turks raided a food convoy headed for Iraq and stole 200 tons of food and supplies. I hope I'm wrong (i'm waiting for more confirmation) but in my book, Turkey doesn't belong in NATO. They have forfited their membership in my book. I also want to search a link to NATO charter rules and regs for members.


Platinum Member
Aug 22, 2002
Treating this enemy as if they were an honorable foe. Not the guerilla, underhanded way in which they fight. Dressing in civilian clothes and attacking, wearing our own uniforms to commit atrocities, executing prisoners of war, feigning surrender and then attacking, suicide bombings...

We have lost too many soldiers to these dirty tricks. We need to stop looking at this as a conventional war, and start looking at it for what it is, a military campaign against terrorists.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
I don't think you can consider Turkey's reluctance to let us deploy from their country a mistake, since we don't really have control over that.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Imbedding Reporters with the troops.

Letting Rumsfeld decide the troop strength instead of Franks.

Fighting this war like it was a Prom Dance. War is brutal. If we are going to do it them do it right. If the Sodomized Fedayeen want to use Human shields then it is them who are guilty of civilian deaths when we shoot back at the Sodomized Fedayeen


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2000

Meddling with other region politics.

Your money is my money.

Morron vs. Rambo.

Lost of lives & properties.

And, last but not least is the ignoramus that listen to propagandas.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
Well, this one is Iraq's mistake...................................

Several TV news services now reporting the missiles which landed in Baghdad market and residential areas seem to have been Iraqi SAMS which missed their targets, armed, and then fell back to earth and detonated.................................Iraq as pretty much confirmed this by replacing it's air defense minister for gross mistakes. (i.e., he's probably dead by now!)


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Imbedding Reporters with the troops.

Letting Rumsfeld decide the troop strength instead of Franks.

Fighting this war like it was a Prom Dance. War is brutal. If we are going to do it them do it right. If the Sodomized Fedayeen want to use Human shields then it is them who are guilty of civilian deaths when we shoot back at the Sodomized Fedayeen
Iraq could be using human shields, but that happen in almost every war since the beginning of time. But, history has paint it as a heroic thing, such as the Scotts vs. English many years ago, and one of the most recent time were the Vietnamese women & children that took up arms against the French & US.

I?m not defending Saddam action, but the US propaganda machine twisted some of the truth in the Iraq war. If Iraq was anything like Vietnam, then many people can?t afford to built their own bomb shelter & has to take refuge in army bunkers, and that might make it look like human shields. As for the armies that adorn civilian clothing, which is nothing new, because every culture has done so to try to out wit the enemy.

There is nothing fair in war, because your life is more important than the enemy. Therefore you will do anything in your power to stay alive.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: lowtech
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Imbedding Reporters with the troops.

Letting Rumsfeld decide the troop strength instead of Franks.

Fighting this war like it was a Prom Dance. War is brutal. If we are going to do it them do it right. If the Sodomized Fedayeen want to use Human shields then it is them who are guilty of civilian deaths when we shoot back at the Sodomized Fedayeen
Iraq could be using human shields, but that happen in almost every war since the beginning of time. But, history has paint it as a heroic thing, such as the Scotts vs. English many years ago, and one of the most recent time were the Vietnamese women & children that took up arms against the French & US.

I?m not defending Saddam action, but the US propaganda machine twisted some of the truth in the Iraq war. If Iraq was anything like Vietnam, then many people can?t afford to built their own bomb shelter & has to take refuge in army bunkers, and that might make it look like human shields. As for the armies that adorn civilian clothing, which is nothing new, because every culture has done so to try to out wit the enemy.

There is nothing fair in war, because your life is more important than the enemy. Therefore you will do anything in your power to stay alive.
So we are being lied too and you know the truth


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: ToBeMe
Well, this one is Iraq's mistake...................................

Several TV news services now reporting the missiles which landed in Baghdad market and residential areas seem to have been Iraqi SAMS which missed their targets, armed, and then fell back to earth and detonated.................................Iraq as pretty much confirmed this by replacing it's air defense minister for gross mistakes. (i.e., he's probably dead by now!)
Are you sure it is Iraq missiles?
Or, it is just another lie from your propaganda machine?
It is hard to determine what info is the correct one, because 120 destroyed Iraqi tank convoy turned out to be 3. And, the Iraqi people that cheering the US/Brits turn out to be none. As for the liberation of one of Iraqi major city turn out to be untrue, and the WMD so far hasn't turn up.



Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: lowtech
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Imbedding Reporters with the troops.

Letting Rumsfeld decide the troop strength instead of Franks.

Fighting this war like it was a Prom Dance. War is brutal. If we are going to do it them do it right. If the Sodomized Fedayeen want to use Human shields then it is them who are guilty of civilian deaths when we shoot back at the Sodomized Fedayeen
Iraq could be using human shields, but that happen in almost every war since the beginning of time. But, history has paint it as a heroic thing, such as the Scotts vs. English many years ago, and one of the most recent time were the Vietnamese women & children that took up arms against the French & US.

I?m not defending Saddam action, but the US propaganda machine twisted some of the truth in the Iraq war. If Iraq was anything like Vietnam, then many people can?t afford to built their own bomb shelter & has to take refuge in army bunkers, and that might make it look like human shields. As for the armies that adorn civilian clothing, which is nothing new, because every culture has done so to try to out wit the enemy.

There is nothing fair in war, because your life is more important than the enemy. Therefore you will do anything in your power to stay alive.
So we are being lied too and you know the truth
I'm not saying that I know the truth, but I?m skeptical of medias from both side.


Jan 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Imbedding Reporters with the troops.

Letting Rumsfeld decide the troop strength instead of Franks.

Fighting this war like it was a Prom Dance. War is brutal. If we are going to do it them do it right. If the Sodomized Fedayeen want to use Human shields then it is them who are guilty of civilian deaths when we shoot back at the Sodomized Fedayeen

I could not agree with you more. So true.


Sep 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Imbedding Reporters with the troops.

Letting Rumsfeld decide the troop strength instead of Franks.

Fighting this war like it was a Prom Dance. War is brutal. If we are going to do it them do it right. If the Sodomized Fedayeen want to use Human shields then it is them who are guilty of civilian deaths when we shoot back at the Sodomized Fedayeen

I agree with your second one. As far as the reporters go, I don't know if it was a mistake but it certainly is a double edged sword. I think a lot, if not all, the news agencies are sensationalizing the war, at least enough to get you to stay through the next commercial. Having them around is certainly going to make it easier to verify atrocities, the finding of WMD, etc. As I said, double edged sword. As to your third comment there is no good answer except maybe to try to occupy what little high ground is left.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: lowtech
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: lowtech
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Imbedding Reporters with the troops.

Letting Rumsfeld decide the troop strength instead of Franks.

Fighting this war like it was a Prom Dance. War is brutal. If we are going to do it them do it right. If the Sodomized Fedayeen want to use Human shields then it is them who are guilty of civilian deaths when we shoot back at the Sodomized Fedayeen
Iraq could be using human shields, but that happen in almost every war since the beginning of time. But, history has paint it as a heroic thing, such as the Scotts vs. English many years ago, and one of the most recent time were the Vietnamese women & children that took up arms against the French & US.

I?m not defending Saddam action, but the US propaganda machine twisted some of the truth in the Iraq war. If Iraq was anything like Vietnam, then many people can?t afford to built their own bomb shelter & has to take refuge in army bunkers, and that might make it look like human shields. As for the armies that adorn civilian clothing, which is nothing new, because every culture has done so to try to out wit the enemy.

There is nothing fair in war, because your life is more important than the enemy. Therefore you will do anything in your power to stay alive.
So we are being lied too and you know the truth
I'm not saying that I know the truth, but I?m skeptical of medias from both side.
Well I'm not going to criticize you for being skeptical.



Golden Member
Nov 17, 2000
Should have guessed that lowtech was canadian... nobody but the people over there in iraq fighting know the truth and even then i doubt they know 10% of the truth as to what is reported on the news... i'm to the point i don't give a sh!t kill them all and let allah sort em out... Just get our guys home safe.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
Originally posted by: lowtech
Originally posted by: ToBeMe
Well, this one is Iraq's mistake...................................

Several TV news services now reporting the missiles which landed in Baghdad market and residential areas seem to have been Iraqi SAMS which missed their targets, armed, and then fell back to earth and detonated.................................Iraq as pretty much confirmed this by replacing it's air defense minister for gross mistakes. (i.e., he's probably dead by now!)
Are you sure it is Iraq missiles?
Or, it is just another lie from your propaganda machine?
It is hard to determine what info is the correct one, because 120 destroyed Iraqi tank convoy turned out to be 3. And, the Iraqi people that cheering the US/Brits turn out to be none. As for the liberation of one of Iraqi major city turn out to be untrue, and the WMD so far hasn't turn up.
Well, who knows for sure, but, all media except for al Jazeera are now reporting this and the fact that iraq has replaced its air defense minister....................I don't think you, me, or anyone except the people in action inside Iraq can verify anything for sure!



Oct 14, 1999
1) Going forward with a war with insufficient justification and without support of the United Nations in the face of stiff worldwide oppostition/public opinion.

2) Invading the homeland of a people who have always had a strong suspicion and even hatred of Americans and expecting them to just roll over.



Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: PreDatoR
Should have guessed that lowtech was canadian... nobody but the people over there in iraq fighting know the truth and even then i doubt they know 10% of the truth as to what is reported on the news... i'm to the point i don't give a sh!t kill them all and let allah sort em out... Just get our guys home safe.
Yes, I have been a Canadian since 1984, but before that I was a Vietnamese living through the Vietnam war. And, I have seen young men, the old, childrens and babies died because of war.

There is no just war, just more money for the rich that bring the war to the peasants.



Nov 23, 2001
Originally posted by: lowtech
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Imbedding Reporters with the troops.

Letting Rumsfeld decide the troop strength instead of Franks.

Fighting this war like it was a Prom Dance. War is brutal. If we are going to do it them do it right. If the Sodomized Fedayeen want to use Human shields then it is them who are guilty of civilian deaths when we shoot back at the Sodomized Fedayeen
Iraq could be using human shields, but that happen in almost every war since the beginning of time. But, history has paint it as a heroic thing, such as the Scotts vs. English many years ago, and one of the most recent time were the Vietnamese women & children that took up arms against the French & US.

I?m not defending Saddam action, but the US propaganda machine twisted some of the truth in the Iraq war. If Iraq was anything like Vietnam, then many people can?t afford to built their own bomb shelter & has to take refuge in army bunkers, and that might make it look like human shields. As for the armies that adorn civilian clothing, which is nothing new, because every culture has done so to try to out wit the enemy.

There is nothing fair in war, because your life is more important than the enemy. Therefore you will do anything in your power to stay alive.

lowtech, there is a difference between women and children taking up arms to fight their cause, and an Iraqi Gestapo that puts a gun to your family's head to force you to fight a cause that you don't support.


Sep 28, 2002
Yes I bet that occurs, but I bet there is a large sizable Iraqi population right now who are fighting because it is their home - almost a patriotic in a sense. When someone comes into your country and says they want "long term occupation" you really don't care who your president is because you don't want your country to be occupied.

So I'll be a million dollars that there are Iraqis who don't care for Saddam but they are fighting because they are trying to repel the invaders.


Oct 9, 1999
I think it's too early to say for sure what mistakes have been made but here are a few things I'm wondering about..

starting the war before the 4th was on the ground in the area.
starting the war without overwhelming force on the ground, as already stated in the thread by others.
allowing enemy troops to "melt away" allowing them to possibly regroup and have to fight them again.
Racing to "50 miles" from Baghdad, then stopping.

I think all of these things are related to each other and I think they have happened because the expectation was the war would be over very quickly. The biggest mistake might be that when this didn't happen the "plan" was not able to adapt to what was really happening fast enough and well enough to prevent several dozen Marines from being killed. We also don't seem to have the capability to feed and water the civilians in the areas we now "control". We don't have an unlimited amount of time to start doing so.

Additionally I think we could possibly be in a very precarious position as far as the 3rd is concerned as they run out of fuel, water, and food. We have to hope that the Iraqis don't decide to go on the offensive for the next 2-6 weeks when the 4th may be able to actually secure the areas that we claim to currently control.

I hope the Iraqis don't have the capability to take advantage of our current position. I don't think they do.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Mrburns2007
1. Allowing Iraqi TV to stay on the air ( nothing like seeing the civilian casulties used as propagnada by Iraq plus they inflame the arab street )

2. Telephone lines still working ( I hate those videophone reports anyway )

3. Using 300,000 troops instead of the orignal planned 600,000 recommended by General Franks

4. Turkey: what good is having Nato allies if they don't help in time of need, not having a division coming from the North is hurting the campaign.

5. ....

Just thought I'd point out that the Video phones being used don't use Phone lines, they use satellite communications.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Originally posted by: lowtech
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Imbedding Reporters with the troops.

Letting Rumsfeld decide the troop strength instead of Franks.

Fighting this war like it was a Prom Dance. War is brutal. If we are going to do it them do it right. If the Sodomized Fedayeen want to use Human shields then it is them who are guilty of civilian deaths when we shoot back at the Sodomized Fedayeen
Iraq could be using human shields, but that happen in almost every war since the beginning of time. But, history has paint it as a heroic thing, such as the Scotts vs. English many years ago, and one of the most recent time were the Vietnamese women & children that took up arms against the French & US.

I?m not defending Saddam action, but the US propaganda machine twisted some of the truth in the Iraq war. If Iraq was anything like Vietnam, then many people can?t afford to built their own bomb shelter & has to take refuge in army bunkers, and that might make it look like human shields. As for the armies that adorn civilian clothing, which is nothing new, because every culture has done so to try to out wit the enemy.

There is nothing fair in war, because your life is more important than the enemy. Therefore you will do anything in your power to stay alive.

lowtech, there is a difference between women and children taking up arms to fight their cause, and an Iraqi Gestapo that puts a gun to your family's head to force you to fight a cause that you don't support.
You right that there are people that were forced to fight, but there are many volunteers just like the way that people here against & for war.

The funny thing is that many rather stick with the devil that they know. During the Vietnam war & even now if you ask the older people from South Vietnam, and 9 out of 10 will tell you that Ngo Dinh Diem & his brothers were the best president that Vietnam ever had. Diem was the most ruthless dictator that the US brought to power, who kill 10 of thousands innocent people that happen to be voicing there option against the war or Buddish.

IMHO, I don't see much of a difference in the scenarios here, because many Iraqis will fight for Saddam because they believe that he is in the right.
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