MLB The Show 12


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2005
Anyone get this yet? I ordered it yesterday and can't wait to start playing.


Dec 12, 2001
I love's very hard since I haven't played previous installments of the game and am totally not used to the mechanics. The feel of it is really good, haven't been excited about baseball in a long time and haven't played a baseball game in a decade. Feels new and fresh to me.

Almost rivals watching the game on TV, except playing it is more fun obviously.


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2005
I have 08, I'm curious to see what they've changed. I hear the pitching mechanism is completely different this year.

Have you played online yet?


Dec 12, 2001
Not online. The pulse pitching is pretty unique. You have to time the button press for accuracy.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001
The suckered me into the PS3/Vita bundle. It should arrive tomorrow at work so I will get a few games in before continuing on at home.
Oct 19, 2000
I'm considering picking up the PS3/Vita bundle as well. Might trade in a couple of games towards it.


Dec 12, 2001
I got the bundle and can definitely see myself keeping my franchise going while on trips to Orlando (I go to Disney/Universal about 8 times a year and it's a 3-4 hour car ride)


Platinum Member
May 18, 2001
Picked this up on release day, which I do every year for this game. Hitting so far is frustrating the hell out of me; it's very similar to '11 and a lot harder than '09 or '10. I have to adjust the sliders to make it easier to hit decently.

Pitching, fielding, baserunning, ball physics, presentation, overall gameplay is outstanding and there are numerous ways to play the game with all the various control schemes included for users to choose from. Even the simple yet very helpful changes that were added to bullpen management are great additions.

Big frustration for me is the number of line drives that strike the pitcher with no resulting injuries. Was an issue in '11 and continues here. Very annoying. I drilled a guy with a comebacker right in the jaw; if it were a punch it would have been a one-punch knockout right on the button. Here, he just picked up the ball and calmly threw me out at first.


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2010
I'm excited to get my copy this weekend, this will be my third straight release day purchase for the franchise.

Now i'll have to start a new RTTS :/


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2000
I'm skipping this year. Waiting for a dynasty overhaul - hopefully they'll do it for 13.


Dec 12, 2001
The easiest slider to adjust to hit better is pitch speed. It makes the animation slower but does not affect physics or AI.
Oct 19, 2000
Went to Best Buy to pick up the PS3 and Vita versions so I could take advantage of the 40% extra for trade-ins. They didn't have the Vita version, so I walked out empty-handed. Just now looked at Best Buy online and only one Best Buy in a 100-mile radius has it in stock and that's almost 90 minutes away from me. That's about 12-15 Best Buys. Either it's really popular or they don't care to stock any.


Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2008
This series is by far the best baseball don ever made. The 2k series is an arcady mess in comparison


Platinum Member
May 18, 2001
While I'm getting frustrated with RttS, my favorite game mode in any sports game, the Diamond Dynasty is spectacular. Last night, I took my little team, the Seattle Suicide Kings, into Yankee stadium and proceeded to throw a 3-hit shutout. Had a perfect game going through 4, until I walked Granderson, had a no-no going through 5 until A-Rod hit a bloop single to right.

I scattered 8 or so hits through 9 innings, and took myself out of an inning with a baserunning error, but in the top of the 10th, with Phil Hughes coming in for a tired starter, I hit back-to-back home runs to right field and my reliever got the final 3 outs in the bottom of the 10th for the save. It was fantastic!

This mode is going to take up a lot of my time.
Oct 19, 2000
tdawg, how exactly does the Diamond Dynasty work? What's the deal with it and why should I play it? I ask because I know nothing about it.

My brother and I ate dinner tonight and were talking a little about baseball. I ended up heading straight to Gamestop afterward and picked up the PS3 and Vita versions. Downloading the update now.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001
So, I've played about 10 games so far on the Vita version, and I'm more frustrated than ever. Pitchers can't located where you direct them, and the bating is just too difficult on a 5" screen. All I see is a white ball and have no real clue as to which way the laces are spinning. Is there any way to make this into an enjoyable game without dedicating my life to achieving the bating skills of an MLB player? Also, has anyone found a way to get the pitch to actually go where directed?


Dec 12, 2001
So, I've played about 10 games so far on the Vita version, and I'm more frustrated than ever. Pitchers can't located where you direct them, and the bating is just too difficult on a 5" screen. All I see is a white ball and have no real clue as to which way the laces are spinning. Is there any way to make this into an enjoyable game without dedicating my life to achieving the bating skills of an MLB player? Also, has anyone found a way to get the pitch to actually go where directed?

The pitch control depends on your pitcher's confidence meter (blue one), energy (green meter), and the confidence in each pitch he has available (blue meter under the pitch icons). Also his placement rating with each pitch. The reason it works better to be inaccurate sometimes is because when you're tired or nervous you won't throw perfect. You'll release the ball early or late or throw a fastball too slow. That will cause the trajectory to change. If you always pitched where the ball went you would have an arcade game. As you progress through a game your confidence will go up or down depending on how your fielding is and whether you're getting a lot of strikes. This affects a pitcher in real life and is pretty accurately portrayed in the game.

What pitching mode are you using? I use simple buttons as the pulse pitching is too frustrating and I ended up walking 7 guys in a row and the pure analog mode is difficult.

Also the yellow arrows on sliders, curve balls, breaking balls and the like shows approximately where the ball will go. Aim the last arrow around where you'd like the pitch to go and it should be somewhere close. Again not perfect. Where you aim the pitch affects a lot too. For example a right handed pitcher throwing a curve will get less movement on the ball if he is pitching inside on a right handed batter. If you aim for the outside of the strike zone the movement will increase. To do this aim the ball icon toward the inside of the zone and watch the yellow arrows, they will expand, showing you that you will get more ball movement. Take note that where you place the ball is where you aim, and the movement your pitcher puts on the ball (spin) will determine the actual location. This is determined by your pitcher's ratings for that pitch. If you look at a player's ratings you see bars for contact, fielding, base running ability, arm strength etc. For a pitcher there is another menu with each pitch listed and his velocity rating, movement, & accuracy. One pitcher might throw a fastball 97mph but his slider won't have much movement. Another might only hit 91mph but the breaking ball will drop like a rock and be hard to hit. You can adjust these up or down if you wish by editing the player in the rosters.

I hope that helped a bit and if you have any questions about it I'll do my best to help.

edit: Warming up a pitcher is crucial as well. Obviously you should warm up your reliever but be careful, if they warm up too long they can start to wear down before you put them in. Also, you can have a pitcher stretch out and throw the ball around, but they won't be warm enough for optimal play. It keeps them loose and are more likely to have a high confidence when they come in if you warm up right. Also warm up your starter when you can. Pay attention to the pitches that land on the money and those that float off. The floaters are the ones you want to throw a couple of and the ones that land where you want don't need extra throws.
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Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001
I tried another 3 games today, but the difficulty is just too frustrating and I'm not going to dedicate my life to this game. I've been using the single click and I may throw one out of 20 where intended. About 50% will not be even close and about 20% will be wildly off. I switched over to pulse pitching and I was 100% perfect at making the circle as big as possible. How in the hell can I be that good at being completely off? To me, this game is like playing the lottery hoping your player will do what you want instead feeling like you have absolute control of them. On rookie, I should be able to achieve a high level of success if I'm precise about controlling my player. Overall, I want to play video games for fun or to make up for not being a professional athlete, but this game just puts me in a bad mood.


Dec 12, 2001
You want the circle small, not big with pulse pitching.

Also did you even read what I typed? You HAVE to play it like real baseball. Can't point and click. The reason you don't like it is because the game is actually being highly accurate at realism.

Just because the ball is on the outside corner does NOT mean it will go there. That's where you aim. Your pitcher's energy, confidence in the pitch and overall as well as their control with that pitch makes a difference. Do you even scout the players before you start? Cause there is no pitcher that has 100% control over every pitch in their arsenal. They might be really good with one and off by a fair bit with their other 3.

Try thinking like a scout, manager, or actual player.

Also think about adjusting the sliders and difficulty to make pitching easier.
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Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001
You want the circle small, not big with pulse pitching.

Also did you even read what I typed? You HAVE to play it like real baseball. Can't point and click. The reason you don't like it is because the game is actually being highly accurate at realism.

Just because the ball is on the outside corner does NOT mean it will go there. That's where you aim. Your pitcher's energy, confidence in the pitch and overall as well as their control with that pitch makes a difference. Do you even scout the players before you start? Cause there is no pitcher that has 100% control over every pitch in their arsenal. They might be really good with one and off by a fair bit with their other 3.

Try thinking like a scout, manager, or actual player.

Also think about adjusting the sliders and difficulty to make pitching easier.

I did read what you said. Basically this is a role playing game where you roll dice and hope for the best. I need to put in many hours of time scouting every player and dedicate my life to understanding each little nuance of my team and the opponents just to play on easiest settings. That is not what I call fun, that's what I call a job.
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Platinum Member
May 18, 2001
tdawg, how exactly does the Diamond Dynasty work? What's the deal with it and why should I play it? I ask because I know nothing about it.

My brother and I ate dinner tonight and were talking a little about baseball. I ended up heading straight to Gamestop afterward and picked up the PS3 and Vita versions. Downloading the update now.

I haven't really figured out the mode completely (there's a lot to do it seems), but I did create my team jerseys, a logo, and have put in a few games that have been quite fun.

At a most basic level, DD is a sort of team creator, with computer generated dynasty (non-MLB) players that you are free to edit before playing your first game and train throughout their careers (careers last about 40 games, or 8 seasons). You then take your team online to play against another human DD team, or "offline" against a cpu-controlled MLB team.

There are various levels of difficulty in the team selection screen when you begin a game against the cpu, with various reward points available. Play and lose a game, and you get 3,000,000 dollars deposited; a win gets you bigger payouts, with bonuses available for accomplishments during the game. You can then spend this money on training existing players, or buying card packs of either dynasty players or MLB free agents.

There are a ton of achievements to complete in this mode, from a wide variety of statistical and team achievements to card-collecting achievements.

The mode seems incredibly deep and I feel I've only scratched the surface. I've been dividing my time between this mode and RttS and have a ton more to figure out about DD.


Platinum Member
May 18, 2001
I did read what you said. Basically this is a role playing game where you roll dice and hope for the best. I need to put in many hours of time scouting every player and dedicate my life to understanding each little nuance of my team and the opponents just to play on easiest settings. That is not what I call fun, that's what I call a job.

You can change sliders and option settings so that the cpu only throws strikes, you can decrease the pitch speed so you can have more time to recognize a pitch, and you can increase Timing and Solid Hits sliders to increase your window of error while hitting.

I'm not sure about Pitching settings for Human settings; I really enjoy Pulse Pitching.

Not sure what studying you have to do to enjoy the game; I don't read up on anybody before a game or anything. I just take each at bat and each trip to the mound as it comes.

Don't be afraid to adjust the sliders; at it's default, MLB 12 (to me) is quite difficult, especially when it comes to hitting.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001
You can change sliders and option settings so that the cpu only throws strikes, you can decrease the pitch speed so you can have more time to recognize a pitch, and you can increase Timing and Solid Hits sliders to increase your window of error while hitting.

I'm not sure about Pitching settings for Human settings; I really enjoy Pulse Pitching.

Not sure what studying you have to do to enjoy the game; I don't read up on anybody before a game or anything. I just take each at bat and each trip to the mound as it comes.

Don't be afraid to adjust the sliders; at it's default, MLB 12 (to me) is quite difficult, especially when it comes to hitting.

Well, in order to play the game, I ditched my pride and adjusted the sliders. Things are easier, but the game is still unpredictable IMO. I was getting crushed 8-1 and out of frustration took control of the other team and started throwing fast balls down the middle. For some reason, the team I formally controlled was not able to make contact and only scored a single run. How the hell can I strike out guys throwing junk down the middle, yet when I try I get clobbered. Oh well, I'm hoping things turn around.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001
Now on 13 straight loss and changing the sliders almost to the extreme on rookie batting and pitching have not made much of a difference. I'm also getting a lot of odd fielding errors like guys dropping pop ups or balls going between their legs. Almost any time I make contact, it's a ground out directly to an infielder or a deep fly out. I'm taking it deep into count like 2-2 or 3-2 but still not a solid hit. On the pitching side, I'm still seeing instances where very few pitches come even close to where I indicate and a lot miss by a foot or two outside the strike zone on the opposite side that I indicate. I have never ever struggle in a single sports game on anything below hard difficulty.
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