[MMO] Rift - Discussion

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Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Does Rift have standard chat features from Everquest like group chat, shout, say for nearby, guildchat, auction channels, the ability to open a new private channel, etc? And does Rift have zones with clear borders that force you to load? If not, how far do shouts reach? (if there are indeed shouts)

Yes yes yes yes yes, no (yes zone borders, but they load on the fly - it's one big world just like WoW).


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
only T2 gets you 2 plaques per boss and it was 20 plaques if it was the daily, so you got 32 total. its a huge nerf and they also increased the cost of the items as well. it sucks for people who can't play 24/7.

Leather/rogue gear seems to be non-existent in dungeons now. Its 60% cleric gear, 30% mage gear, and 9% warrior gear and 1% rogue gear.

If rogue gear does drop, its shitty blues.

Huh? 2 plaques per boss x 6, +10 for the daily quest is 22? Not so much of a nerf now that you get 18.


Senior member
Oct 24, 1999
Been enjoying this game a lot. You can tell the EQ2 developer influence in this game, especially with the epic story quest. Kind of saddened they nerfed t2 so hard. I mean, nerfing the trash was a good idea but some of the boss fights are retardedly easy like Majolic where breaking the crystals requires little effort now

Finally found a raiding guild and can down the 1st boss in GSB very easily but Johlen has given us issues with the final stage, where people start dropping fast. Just as we were about to attempt again a bunch of people went on vacation so we've had to settle with doing raid rifts lately.

BTW, if you haven't started the epic story quest I suggest you read http://riftinator.com/maps-zones/epic-story-quest/ The painful part was waiting for Gnarladon and Cinderon. Once you get past that you just need 1-2 friends for the other parts up till the raid rift, then you'll need a raid guild to do the final step in Greenscale. There are some decent rewards especially the helm about halfway through when you complete The Grave of Amunet. I just finished What They Have Became. Work on that Icewatch faction while you can, because you'll need glorfied for the final part of the epic. I'm almost there with 40k faction now. Just run AP a lot

I have a rogue and mostly dps but have been tanking lately since I have all t2 dps gear(man it took forever to get those 29dps daggers from final bosses in DSM and RD). I hated tanking at first but now I really enjoy it and there are still very few people willing to tank that it's easy to grab some guildmates and do some t2s.
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Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
One of the things I always used in EQ was Allakhazam. Alla has a rift section but it seems very...disorganized...compared to Alla EQ, and you can find for example weapons but they don't have the mob that drops it listed. Is there a better database site for Rift than Alla or is there a reason for this such as gear doesn't drop from specific mobs like EQ?


Senior member
Mar 3, 2005
Leather/rogue gear seems to be non-existent in dungeons now. Its 60% cleric gear, 30% mage gear, and 9% warrior gear and 1% rogue gear.

The plural of anecdote is not data. I've been on runs where not a single mage-appropriate drop has fallen, and on some where all but one or two drops were mage-appropriate. I've seen the same with all the other classes. The other day I ran DD with 4 rogues and myself (a mage) and we got 5 rogue drops and 2 mage drops, which worked out quite nicely, but I've also had runs where not a single drop was usable/an upgrade for anyone in the party.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
Another thing I need to know about Rift: In EQ there were several classes with specific utility abilities. Spirit of Wolf for faster travel/keeping it on if fleeing needed, Druids/Wizard Teleport, Clerics resurrect. Which classes have those abilities in Rift? Assuming they exist...


Oct 30, 2008
Another thing I need to know about Rift: In EQ there were several classes with specific utility abilities. Spirit of Wolf for faster travel/keeping it on if fleeing needed, Druids/Wizard Teleport, Clerics resurrect. Which classes have those abilities in Rift? Assuming they exist...

Every class has the ability to resurrect if they are spec'd right. As far as unique abilities, all 4 have them.


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
Another thing I need to know about Rift: In EQ there were several classes with specific utility abilities. Spirit of Wolf for faster travel/keeping it on if fleeing needed, Druids/Wizard Teleport, Clerics resurrect. Which classes have those abilities in Rift? Assuming they exist...

Short answer. No one has a SoW type spell or teleports and no one needs them.

Long answer. There is no real SoW. There are travel speed buffs but you can get a mount fairly easily and early on. So even if you didn't buy the collectors edition, the need for SoW is near zero because getting a mount is so easy. Furthermore, as you travel you will open up porticulums which will, for a fee, port you to different porticulums in different zones so you won't need wizard/druid teleports. These porticulums are available to all though some are faction specific.


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2007
Just got my first char to level 50 over the weekend.
Started another char to 2-box after that.
I love this game, it beats the crap out of the shit that is WoW.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Bought it and have been playing it a bit (Shaman/Justicar and Elementalist/Chrolo).

The game is reasonably polished but I doubt I will play it for more than a month or so. It looks just like WAR to me and a lot of the skill mechanics have been ripped straight from WOW. PVP is disappointing.

Still looking for a spiritual successor to EQ (EQ2 wasn't it).

Abaez - I clicked your link but then bought on Steam and linked the account. Not sure if that counts?


Dec 5, 2000
Huh? 2 plaques per boss x 6, +10 for the daily quest is 22? Not so much of a nerf now that you get 18.

before 1.2 if you ran a T2 each boss gave you 2 plaques. thats 12 plaques.
Then if it was the daily dungeon quest, you got 20 plaques for the quest.

so 12 + 20 = 32

Now you get 18 plaques, 12 for bosses and 6 for completing the dungeon if you used the random lfg tool.

so 12 + 6 = 18

now lets do some more elementary school math here...

32 -18 = 14

T1 was 1 plaque per boss and 10 plaques if it was the daily. so you got like 15 or 16 for a T1. Now you get 8 or 9.
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Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
Short answer. No one has a SoW type spell or teleports and no one needs them.

Long answer. There is no real SoW. There are travel speed buffs but you can get a mount fairly easily and early on. So even if you didn't buy the collectors edition, the need for SoW is near zero because getting a mount is so easy. Furthermore, as you travel you will open up porticulums which will, for a fee, port you to different porticulums in different zones so you won't need wizard/druid teleports. These porticulums are available to all though some are faction specific.

Honestly i'd rather see this kinda thing - Rift doesn't have enough class separation for me.

On another note, i'm leveling a Cleric! lvl 24 right now. I'm running with 8 sentinel/24 justicar right now. Anyone else play as a front line melee healer? Inspired by the warrior priest from Warhammer


Senior member
Apr 11, 2011
Honestly i'd rather see this kinda thing - Rift doesn't have enough class separation for me.

On another note, i'm leveling a Cleric! lvl 24 right now. I'm running with 8 sentinel/24 justicar right now. Anyone else play as a front line melee healer? Inspired by the warrior priest from Warhammer

I've been saying it for awhile - everybody can do everything / everyone is some flavor of superman. That just doesn't jive w/ me, but I'm finding the alternatives slim.


Senior member
Mar 3, 2005
I've been saying it for awhile - everybody can do everything / everyone is some flavor of superman. That just doesn't jive w/ me, but I'm finding the alternatives slim.

I have a love/hate relationship with this. On one hand, it's nice not to have to wait an hour for a healer to join your group because I can just switch from DPS to a healer, but on the other hand, you end up with a lot of people that are average at everything rather than having people really focus on excelling at one thing or another.

The other thing that I don't like is the itemization. In general, you need one type of items for tanking and another type for any other role. For a mage, there is pretty much a clear-cut best item for each slot regardless of the role you play or the souls you choose -- you almost always want spell power, int, wisdom, spell crit in that order.

The other thing that is lacking is set items. One of my favorite parts of WoW was working toward my sets and their respective bonuses, especially the 6-8 slot set bonuses that were more than just stat boosts and rather had class-specific effects. As far as I know right now, the only soul-specific boosting items are the ones you can get from the planar goods merchant in the main city (Sanctum/Meridian). It also made itemization more interesting -- did you choose between going 8/8 in one set or did you mix in a 3 set bonus from another set, etc. Depending on what you were fighting there often were different answers.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
Abaez - I clicked your link but then bought on Steam and linked the account. Not sure if that counts?

Awesome! I got the Corgi . Did you roll faeblight defiant? Send me your char name and I'll send over some platz.


Jan 5, 2011
Press release from Trion this morning. This looks like a fantastic deal for people on the "select" shards.

In other news, Infiltrator Johlen is one crazy fight but we are now 2/5 in Greenscale!



Gather your friends in RIFT and play anywhere, any time

When the next major RIFT™ update hits early this summer, subscribers will be treated to a surprise – free character transfers. Trion Worlds announced today that with RIFT 1.3, players will have the ability to move to select servers in their territory once each week, taking all items, achievements, and titles with them. Additionally, guild leaders will be able to move their guild’s level and experience.

“MMOs are all about playing with your friends no matter which server they’re on, and that’s why we’re offering this as a free service to our subscribers,” said Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer. “RIFT is both a game and a service, and adding free server transfers is just one more way we can make this the best possible MMO experience available.”

Whether you want to play with friends, check out a new server, or avoid queue times on highly populated servers, you’ll be free to move about Telara. As a part of this grand experiment, there will initially be no limits on the number of times you can transfer your characters or guild.

Character transfers will remain a free service for the foreseeable future, and could become a permanent addition to the RIFT experience. Subscribers will be able to perform the transfers inside of the game itself once the patch is live.

For More Information - Read the FAQ



Senior member
Mar 3, 2005
Finally downed the Infiltrator last night, on our second attempt of the night. Had a good feeling when we got him down to 13% on the first attempt (which matched our best attempt ever). All in all, we spent two full raid nights and parts of two others before we brought him down (about 8 hours in total) but we are *so* much better now as a result of it -- while our gear has gotten better over the two weeks we've been making attempts, the player skill is what has really improved and got us to the finish line.

We were rewarded for our success by downing the Oracle (next boss in Greenscale) on our second attempt. Prince Hylas is a whole other beast and it looks like we'll need to work on our life resists this week before we'll be able to progress through this fight, as the raid-wide AOE was hitting many of us for over 6k (and with 5k health no amount of healing in the world is going to help).


Apr 8, 2001
The 2nd best part of that news is that maybe it will convince some other schmuck run organization to drop the fee on their transfers.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
I played the Rift trial up through 15, the maximum. Question: Once you get to 50 does raiding become more of an affair like it is in EQ, at least in terms of needing a good mix of classes and how people support each other? Or can you throw 20 warriors at most raid bosses and win?


Jan 5, 2011
@HarvardAce: We're gunning for Oracle on Tuesday night before the instance resets.

@maniacalpha: End-game raids are 20 people, and you need a mix of classes and roles in order to win. I mean, I guess its possible for 20 clerics to form a raid since they could cover tanking healing and DPS, but at current gear levels I'm not sure that's realistic.

Raid composition requirements vary quite a bit from boss fight to boss fight, but thanks to the soul system raid fights can be this flexible without making people sit out. For example, for the first boss in Greenscale (the first 20-man raid instance) our raid composition was 4 tanks, 4 healers, 2 support (bard and archon), 10 DPS. For the second boss our composition was 1 tank, 3 healers, 2 support, 14 DPS.

Even within a role, there is opportunity for some flexibility. For example, I was an offtank for the first boss, with the task of rounding up small adds and interrupting spell casts from large adds, so I used a tank spec that emphasized AoE threat generation, instant "snap" aggro talents, and a short-cooldown interrupt. For the second fight, I was the main tank and used a high damage mitigation spec that also provided an important raid-wide DPS buff on the boss.
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Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
I played a cleric to 15 using Justicar primarily, and Purifier and Shaman, but I also looked at warrior with Warlord, Paladin and Reaver souls. Warlord and Paladin have early soul unlocks that increase armor and Reaver has an early unlock that reduces damage taken as well.

By going all out in Defensive things like that, is it effective? I mean, you'd probably take damage well but not be able to hold aggro...?


Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2004
I bought this game on Friday and played it on and off over the weekend. I absolutely love it. I haven't been so hooked on a game since vanilla WoW and EQ before that. There's something very EQ-ish about this game in the way it's sucked me in.

Hopefully it'll stay interesting; I'm only level 18 right now. Playing a bard with blade dancer and rift stalker souls.


Dec 5, 2000
Press release from Trion this morning. This looks like a fantastic deal for people on the "select" shards.

In other news, Infiltrator Johlen is one crazy fight but we are now 2/5 in Greenscale!



Gather your friends in RIFT and play anywhere, any time

When the next major RIFT™ update hits early this summer, subscribers will be treated to a surprise – free character transfers. Trion Worlds announced today that with RIFT 1.3, players will have the ability to move to select servers in their territory once each week, taking all items, achievements, and titles with them. Additionally, guild leaders will be able to move their guild’s level and experience.

“MMOs are all about playing with your friends no matter which server they’re on, and that’s why we’re offering this as a free service to our subscribers,” said Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer. “RIFT is both a game and a service, and adding free server transfers is just one more way we can make this the best possible MMO experience available.”

Whether you want to play with friends, check out a new server, or avoid queue times on highly populated servers, you’ll be free to move about Telara. As a part of this grand experiment, there will initially be no limits on the number of times you can transfer your characters or guild.

Character transfers will remain a free service for the foreseeable future, and could become a permanent addition to the RIFT experience. Subscribers will be able to perform the transfers inside of the game itself once the patch is live.

For More Information - Read the FAQ

This is a bad idea unless you can only go from high pop to low pop servers, otherwise the low pop servers will become worse.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
I highly doubt they will let you go into a high pop server. The FAQ on the forums mentions something about "select shards" only.
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