[MMO] World of Tanks

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May 1, 2006
Looks like they will have to rename the game to "World of T59's". Outside of the obvious greed, why would they start selling them again.

Because the players want them?

Not that I put these guys above greed. Their customer service is horrible about refunding gold for anything involving mistakes regardless of their software contributing.

For example, defaulting the tank crew members train for to their previous tank.


May 1, 2006
damnit i wasted the 5x by getting the 3x last night on all my tanks UGH. wasn't able to get it with my obj 261 and it shows 5x right now

That's the normal situation for the specials. They start 12 hours after the reset - so when one is scheudled, wait on the dailies.

You might want to yell at them not to do it that way, but it lets you get an extra day of the bonus.

Possessed Freak

Diamond Member
Nov 4, 1999
The Fat Bastard wins again. This time my E100 was holding off the valley in Steppes. Thank goodness I had support to keep the enemies busy. I basically single handily took the valley, as the enemies could not push on me and I could systematically obliterate each one. The only damage I took was from arty and I annihilated two 59's, 2 E75s, T34, T30. I might not have gotten the kills, but I put some serious damage into them.

Made 8k on my 5x and 80k credits. And they say tier 10 is not profitable.

The best is that for half the time the entire other side was pinned from one enemy IS7. I was okay with that as it allowed me more time to rack up damage to the flank.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
First thoughts on the IS8....

It's.... soft. It's squishy. Everything went through the front, the sides, the bottom... the odd angle bounces and that's about it. Turret is hardy and doesn't seem to have big weaknesses.

The frontal lower glacis is HUGE. However, trying to shoot it from up close will result in a bounce because it's angled downwards awkwardly. It's a bigger IS-3. It's fast, hits 40 easily on flat and 46-48 on a downhill. Handles well, turns fast, has a big gun... but has no armor. It quite simply can't hold its own ground like other heavies could. The front armor is a pike nose, so it suffers from the "I can't PAB" syndrome.

I'm thinking of it as a big medium, go wolfpacking with the others. But I'm not sure it's "good", it's just... different.


Apr 8, 2002
Cant wait to test out these new tanks tonight. I have been hearing mixed reviews on the IS8. If it plays like a giant medium that is fine by me. I loved the IS for that reason. Sadly I cant think of many reasons to bother with the German heavy line at this point. I will struggle to play the E75 for dailies.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
It's a giant medium tank but slower. It has a good gun, though don't expect to bounce anything even off the pike nose. Your only chance of survival is to not get hit at all. In 4 battles I've lost the driver twice, both from frontal penetrating shots.

The gun depression is pretty decent so I'm wondering if it would be good as a hull-down tank. There's 2 little tumors on the turret though, but they seem small and would be difficult for anybody to hit unless they're face hugging you.

The T-110... is not fun. It's a worse KV3, and out of 5 battles I've been set on fire twice. The armor is not strong and you need tracks and turret to mount the 107. Prior to that you a KV with the 122. Similar speed, similar armor. KV-2 was seeing all tier 9s and 10 battles in the morning, so I'm thinking the 152 is going to be more useful than the 107... but it may just be everyone playing with the new tanks in the morning.

The E-75 is superior as a breakthrough tank. I still don't understand why people think the E-75 is bad or isn't as good as the soviet counterparts, the tank is beastly and is leaps and bounds better than the old IS-4 with none of the gaping frontal weaknesses. You really only need to angle the lower glacis a bit and it'll be bouncing things the IS-4 couldn't ever imagined of.

The new IS-4 seems pretty beefy (haven't driven it yet), but I'm wondering if it's just because it has 2400 hp (same as an E-100!!!). Haven't really fought it yet, when I tried circle strafing one my Is8 got shredded by 4 other tanks.

The gun looks cool though, and if you had camo on the IS-4 before it got moved over the IS-8 also gets the camo.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2010
Well the new IS-4 is nice and hard to kill. I took a Maus with it 1 on 1 and killed him with no problems and took no damage. Bounced all his shots and penetrated him easily with that new gun.

The IS-8 is fun if you like the IS-3. That's what it is, a fast, heavy-medium tank with a great gun. The same gun as the IS-4.

The game is definitely all about the Russians right now and people playing their new russian tanks so we'll see how things settle down. The new KV-1 is fun though for low tier and is actually pretty speedy with the acceleration.

I think they changed the % for fires though, I've never set on fire or been set on fire this much EVER in this game. It's like all the time I'm on fire or the guy I'm shooting is on fire. It's crazy.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Thing is, if I want to play a "fast medium heavy" I'd grab the M103 or the tier 10. (T110E3 or something?) The american tier 9 does the "fast heavy" better than the russians, since they actually have frontal armor AND a good gun. The Is8 is not going to bounce anything tier 8 and above, but i suspect it'll be quite a bully to lower tiers. As of right now I'm not thrilled with this thing, but I'll give it some more time and possibly toss on some modules.

Also the gun has some weird dispersion issues. I've never missed this much with the S-70 before. But I could just have gotten a bad string of shots, will have to do more testing.

Still prefer the german line right now though, minus the e-100.


May 1, 2006
Well the new IS-4 is nice and hard to kill. I took a Maus with it 1 on 1 and killed him with no problems and took no damage. Bounced all his shots and penetrated him easily with that new gun.

That sounds balanced. So now the Maus is screwed?


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
maus and e100 have been screwed forever since the armor normalization.
there's absolutely no point at all for the maus now as the armor it has can be penned by the newer guns out.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
didn't the armor normalization decrease the normalized value? Theoretically it should make every tank harder to penetrate at an angle. Not to mention it added a lot of armor groups, and Maus has spaced armor so side shots are harder to pen.


Apr 8, 2002
It's a giant medium tank but slower. It has a good gun, though don't expect to bounce anything even off the pike nose. Your only chance of survival is to not get hit at all. In 4 battles I've lost the driver twice, both from frontal penetrating shots.

The gun depression is pretty decent so I'm wondering if it would be good as a hull-down tank. There's 2 little tumors on the turret though, but they seem small and would be difficult for anybody to hit unless they're face hugging you.

The T-110... is not fun. It's a worse KV3, and out of 5 battles I've been set on fire twice. The armor is not strong and you need tracks and turret to mount the 107. Prior to that you a KV with the 122. Similar speed, similar armor. KV-2 was seeing all tier 9s and 10 battles in the morning, so I'm thinking the 152 is going to be more useful than the 107... but it may just be everyone playing with the new tanks in the morning.

The E-75 is superior as a breakthrough tank. I still don't understand why people think the E-75 is bad or isn't as good as the soviet counterparts, the tank is beastly and is leaps and bounds better than the old IS-4 with none of the gaping frontal weaknesses. You really only need to angle the lower glacis a bit and it'll be bouncing things the IS-4 couldn't ever imagined of.

The new IS-4 seems pretty beefy (haven't driven it yet), but I'm wondering if it's just because it has 2400 hp (same as an E-100!!!). Haven't really fought it yet, when I tried circle strafing one my Is8 got shredded by 4 other tanks.

The gun looks cool though, and if you had camo on the IS-4 before it got moved over the IS-8 also gets the camo.

The E75s lower glacis is pretty juicy since armor normalization. I can reliably pen it with the S70. And even on occasion could do it with the BL-9. It wont be easier for E75s with the new 122mm 268mm pen gun. I think the E75 was the best T9 when it only had serious competition from the IS4. But now it has serious competition from the M103 and French tank for tier 9. And the IS8 can pen it as well. It simply cant push like it used to unless it wants to end up like swiss cheese. Too many guns can crush right through its lower glacis. I dont think the Maus can push either anymore.


Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2001
The E75s lower glacis is pretty juicy since armor normalization. I can reliably pen it with the S70. And even on occasion could do it with the BL-9. It wont be easier for E75s with the new 122mm 268mm pen gun. I think the E75 was the best T9 when it only had serious competition from the IS4. But now it has serious competition from the M103 and French tank for tier 9. And the IS8 can pen it as well. It simply cant push like it used to unless it wants to end up like swiss cheese. Too many guns can crush right through its lower glacis. I dont think the Maus can push either anymore.

This. Seriously this.

I don't understand what all the love is for the E-75. Yeah the frontal armor is good... against tier 8 and below. You're practically invincible against those guys unless they fire gold (hello asshole tiger p platoon from last night, fuck you guys).

Any tank w/a tier10 gun can pen the lower glacis w/o even trying. If you angle enough to protect the glacis, then your side armor is vulnerable. Protect your side armor & your lower glacis is paper. And htere's always the cmdr's hatch which seems to get hit frequently despite its small size.

And the gun. Ugh. Easily less accurate than the S70 or the M58, but htat might be b/c the german 128 seems to have bizarre dispersion/ghost shell issues. But even when it does hit, it has the LOWEST penetration! The fucking T34 has MORE!!

Against an IS-7 coming at you head on in close range, you basically have 0 options. With the S70/M58, if he turns even like 10-15deg, you can pen the front. With the 128mm, the lower glacis is off limits within ~60m and you can bounce off the front plates even if they're freaking facing you. It's ridiculous. I know the pen difference btwn 128mm and S70 isn't much (14mm) but hell I seem to really fucking need that 14mm! Bah!

I think I'll hate this tank less when I get the final engine (should be today or tomorrow via x5), but that won't make me feel any better about the gun. God the gun is shit; it is BY FAR the worst tier 10 gun. At this rate I will never buy an E-100 b/c I don't want to use the 128mm and the 155 is fucking horribad unless you fire gold.

I don't fear the E-75 *at all* when I see it in combat in my other tier9s/10s. I know I can pen it and I don't even have to aim all that carefully. I'll never understand why pubbies have so much trouble fighting it. Oh wait, they're godamn retards. Of course, the answer is so simple!

Thank god for my M103. I love that tank & it loves me back.
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Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2007
It appears that the ammo rack of the IS8 is exactly where it was on the IS4. Just did a 1,000 point hit on one in my T30.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
The S-70 has always been able to pen the lower glacis if it's angled at 20 degrees, along with other tier 9 and 10 guns. Tier 9 and 10 guns can also pen everything, including the Maus and T-95 frontally... so I'm not sure this is a good argument to be throwing out there. Angling isn't to make yourself invulnerable, but to bounce a greater amount of shots than you would otherwise.

Point is, from a distance (200-300m) with a bit of angling, the E-75 can bounce most guns fairly easily. I've never had a BL-9 pen my lower glacis when I angle it, unless it's shooting gold rounds. The E-75 excels at mid distance fights, close range the IS series are kings. With the IS4 now gone, I'd argue the M103 is a strong contender vs the E75 for top tier 9 spot. I still don't really know how to fight one frontally.

The gun is.... weird, to say the least, but it hits stuff when I need it to for the most part. Still, I prefer the E-75 to the hexagonal shape of the IS-4, with the woeful side ammo racks. Need to see if that's still the case. The amount of HP it has also means that if you're trading shots, you'll probably win. Also it doesn't have frontal transmission so you can use some 100 octane gasoline instead of a fire extinguisher.

I should send in some E-75 gameplay replays, I don't understand why people hate it and I always do pretty well in it unless I get instagibbed by arty.

Don't want to play the e-100 though, that 150 mm gun is a joke without gold rounds.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
The devs are going to put the transmission in the front on the E50 and E75 eventually

Might be worth it, if they give them and the E-100 better guns. Although with all the newer tanks, the E-75 isn't really the beast it used to be. The M103 will slice through that lower glacias without issues. I find it silly that the E-50 has a much stronger lower glacias than the E-100.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2010
That sounds balanced. So now the Maus is screwed?

Yep. It has been for a long time.

I will say the downside to these fast heavy/medium hybrids are for your own team rather than the opponents. Most players want to flank instead of holding the line or are unable to hold that line. Real heavy tanks just cut through the soft middle if they are smart.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
I will say the downside to these fast heavy/medium hybrids are for your own team rather than the opponents. Most players want to flank instead of holding the line or are unable to hold that line. Real heavy tanks just cut through the soft middle if they are smart.

I've been noticing that in MANY games, entire teams roll to a flank leaving the other side/middle undefended at which point it's a rush to cap in hopes that the 2-3 guys back at base can hold the D.

Possessed Freak

Diamond Member
Nov 4, 1999
Don't want to play the e-100 though, that 150 mm gun is a joke without gold rounds.
It is a joke with gold rounds (at least in Clan Wars). Imagine forced to aim with your 150 because even with gold it still has to hit semi weakspots to pen. Meanwhile every enemy that is of course sporting gold will pen you from whatever angle.

I say this again, the E100 is the bully tank. The one to rape the 8's and 9's while your 9's deal with the enemy 10.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
The M103 will slice through that lower glacias without issues. I find it silly that the E-50 has a much stronger lower glacias than the E-100.

I'd say if the M103 can cut through that lower glacis, it can cut through pretty much everything else as well, including the maus's license plate. I mean, it's pretty much the best gun in the whole game and if it can't pen the lower glacis of an E-75 then there's serious issues.

Also E-50 has frontal transmissions now I think, that was back in 7.1. E-75 still doesn't.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
sold the kv-1, kept kv-2 with derp
however i seem to be doing ~120 damage per shot no matter the tank right now
hit an m5, kv-5, tiger II, type 59, all did around 120 damage wtf....

edit: people in game saying the same thing, ninja nerf?
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Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
Havent been able to play last couple days. So what is the best heavy tank now? Did the new Russians take the crown or is it something else?

Over the weekend Voothegreat and I platooned up a fair amount. Him in his AMX50 and me in my Pershing. We did pretty good. Won more than we lost. I basically supported him unless I was needed elsewhere. Worked well. I'm more of a loner type player but I'll admit if you platoon up with the right tank combo you can do pretty good in pub matches.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
is-8 is super squishy, everything can pen it, but it is pretty quick and the damage output is great.

so far i'm digging the kv-4, its super tough, great push tank.

will probably sell my kv-3 as soon as the st-1 is unlocked and move my crew over
i may keep the kv-4, it's pretty fun.
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