[MMO] World of Tanks

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Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
I managed a 50% win ratio last night. I have NO idea how, as I felt I was losing much more often. Of course the quality of my wins were pathetic compared to my first 4 losses. I took the IS8 out... 900exp on a loss. Took it out again, 1100exp on a loss. Took the 50/120 out and got 800exp on a loss. Took the KV-2 out, 1200exp on a loss.

Oh and seeing a stock IS4 on your team is getting old. How you did not unlock the BL9 before getting the IS4 is beyond me.

I still wish they did a 5x first game instead. Each time you take your tank out for the first game, it is a 5x. Done. None of the need to repeatedly take these tanks out until you get the 5x.

as of last night i've never seen so many is-4's that did not have the BL-9, it's like wtf have you been doing, this patch has been in the works for a year and you still couldn't grind for the BL-9 or S70? never mind all the stock turreted is-4's i saw also.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
A good or great player can counter a bad team. My T30 yesterday had to get 7 kills and kill the last 4 enemy tanks but that's what it takes to win.

Also disagree. I don't have enough shells to kill 7 tanks at full strength in my e-75.

For the E-75, I've mentioned this before... there's 2 pieces that make it "fun" to drive, missing either one makes the tank completely unbearable. The 128 and the final engine. With the final engine, the E-75 feels like a KT again. Prior to that it's just bloody slow. I played 2 games in the 1st engine before dashing out the free exp to get the 2nd one.

Took me about 3 hours to get x5s. Normally it takes me about 1.5 hours to finish the tanks rounds... fail teams abundant... and I'm guessing the new maps probably don't help very much. Never seen so many tanks staying out in the open.

And a funny thing happened yesterday... a Lorraine was sidehugging my obj 704 and for some reason both of our tanks FLIPPED OUT. I saw the opportunity and shot him in the side (killing him), but the event let me confused...


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
Also disagree. I don't have enough shells to kill 7 tanks at full strength in my e-75.

For the E-75, I've mentioned this before... there's 2 pieces that make it "fun" to drive, missing either one makes the tank completely unbearable. The 128 and the final engine. With the final engine, the E-75 feels like a KT again. Prior to that it's just bloody slow. I played 2 games in the 1st engine before dashing out the free exp to get the 2nd one.

Took me about 3 hours to get x5s. Normally it takes me about 1.5 hours to finish the tanks rounds... fail teams abundant... and I'm guessing the new maps probably don't help very much. Never seen so many tanks staying out in the open.

And a funny thing happened yesterday... a Lorraine was sidehugging my obj 704 and for some reason both of our tanks FLIPPED OUT. I saw the opportunity and shot him in the side (killing him), but the event let me confused...

Flipped out?
(none native english speaker here)


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
The two tanks literally like twisted and turned while face hugging each other. My front of the tank ended up flying *Through* the lorraine so I took the opportunity to shoot him.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
haha i've seen that before too, where i'm facehugging and the tanks go into clip mode and we're 1/2 way into eachother stuck.

Possessed Freak

Diamond Member
Nov 4, 1999
So I go to the official forums, where I have posted several times in the past. Now it says I do not have the ability to start a new topic, and every post I open says it is locked.



Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
So I go to the official forums, where I have posted several times in the past. Now it says I do not have the ability to start a new topic, and every post I open says it is locked.


stop trolling and giving common sense tips!! People hate it when you tell them how wrong they are!

WOT forums is a joke. It's like wading through a swamp waist high with bullshit.

Possessed Freak

Diamond Member
Nov 4, 1999
stop trolling and giving common sense tips!! People hate it when you tell them how wrong they are!

WOT forums is a joke. It's like wading through a swamp waist high with bullshit.

I have received no warnings or anything like that. And I certainly do not troll... except in the game.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
as of last night i've never seen so many is-4's that did not have the BL-9, it's like wtf have you been doing, this patch has been in the works for a year and you still couldn't grind for the BL-9 or S70? never mind all the stock turreted is-4's i saw also.

I bet this is just a case of stupidity more than anything. Most people think tier 10 tanks come elited and never bothered to see what gun was equiped (guess what? its the shitty one). So they are unknowingly playing with a far inferior gun. Maybe this is why I've been raping other IS4s all yesterday, I never even thought about looking hard enough to see if they had the good gun.

Also while getting kills is always good, its not the determining factor in whether your team wins or not. If the enemy arty is scouted and killed early its a >90% chance a win. Opposite is also true. Assuming 2+ arty on each side. People wonder why I shoot at the T-50-2s and AMXs/batshits in my arty, and its b/c I can't depend on my team to do it in a PUB match. Plus its funny as shit to hear the T-50-2s whine about getting killed by arty.

I dont have the best overall win % (sitting at 54% atm), but then again thats all pub matches with maybe less than 20% of those games platooned and very rare use of gold rounds. I've lost count of the number of times that I've carried my team to a win. While I agree that win % isnt the end all be all for how good a player is, it is still a damn good indicator. Go look at a 46-48% win rate person, and check his damage output per tank, hit %, and number of top guns, confederates, boelters, steel walls, and sniper medals. Now do the same for a 53-58% win rate person. I'm pretty sure you'll notice a difference.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001

Yeah I accidentally walked on the field with the stock KV-2 gun yesterday. I was like "Wow, why is my RoF so high? Wow, why am I not doing any damage?"


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2010
I've been silenced for 24 hours before due to talking in game. I've learned to not just talk anymore and just throw out none sense.

As for the previous topic, I won't disagree with your experiences as I've shared them many times before too. I honestly won't play as long as you guys when a bad streak starts, I like to take more frequent breaks than that and start again to help "reset" myself or at least let the shithead players move along.

I just have a philosophical difference and no longer blame the "fail team" on my bad play. I'm counting numerous games where I, myself alone, caused our team to lose. Whether it's missing a key shot or failing to defend and reset the counter etc. or gone one way and not turned back when the lemming pack went that way and let our middle get sliced open.

I've just seen too much blaming of the lemmings and the "fail team" to believe it anymore. I see too many key high tier heavy tanks go balls deep into an encounter, get lit up in 5 seconds and then bitch about the fail team.

I've seen too many games where a few key players turn the entire tide and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

There will always be games where you're winning your flank and look up and 13 of your team's tanks are dead and you're on an island of soon to be raped from all angles... but I just have the belief that I'm not just part of the pack and an insignificant member of a 15 man team. I go into games thinking I'm the damn MVP and I'm going to make these sucks win.

It doesn't always happen and the world needs Scotty Pippen. I just believe I'm Michael Jordan instead.


Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2007
I used free exp to get the IS4 and IS8 for the patch. I completely skipped the IS3. Now I have an IS8 and an IS4 that cannot mount a gun better than the IS. Thus the conundrum.

Rather than screw with my teams by taking a horribly gimped IS4 or IS8 into battle, I've repurchased my IS to grind out the good engine (skipped that too) and will have to then buy an IS-3 just so I can grind out a BL-9. Then, with the BL-9, I can M62-T2 on the IS-8. Only then will I play the IS-4. Otherwise, I'm just being a dick.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Problem with that is sometimes you're rocking your front. You hit all your shots, you're michael jordan and you cream the opposition taking only half damage. Then the defense drops the ball and 3 mediums make it into your base, and you're the only guy that goes back to defend out of the 4 guys that are pushing. The mediums swarm you, and you without support, still manage to take out 2 of them. The last guy shoots you, you blow up, and caps FTW while the rest of the "pushers" get stuck on one tier 7 holding his fort.

THAT is your fail team. Not because you missed a shot, and frankly if your team loses because you missed ONE shot, then it's a fail team to begin with.


Junior Member
May 9, 2012
By default the game downloaded the 7.3 patch. What a crappy night. Nothing but lag finally quit maybe tonight will be better.
I am new and not a stellar performer normally am able to assist my team once the mad dash is over and I can assess where my TD is going to provide the best support and defense. Can usually score multiple damage and 2 or 3 kill heavies usually score the kill. I just slow down the opposition track em or whatever it's a team game right. Anyway just wondering if others had the same problems with glitchy controls and warp tanks turning phantom


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
I just have a philosophical difference and no longer blame the "fail team" on my bad play. I'm counting numerous games where I, myself alone, caused our team to lose. Whether it's missing a key shot or failing to defend and reset the counter etc. or gone one way and not turned back when the lemming pack went that way and let our middle get sliced open.

I"m pretty sure I've definately been to blame for quite a few of my teams losses. When I'm the only tier 10 and I get tracked and decimated by arty within 2 minutes, and I've got maybe 1 shot off. Yeah, good luck team. Missed that shot on the T-50-2 and now all my arty is dead. Fuck! lost another one. Miss 10 shots in a row in arty (thanks RNG), yep the loss is pretty much my fault. Overextend without support an get flanked, sure I can blame my team, but oh well I should have been more observant, I do have a map. Live and learn I guess, at least I pull my team up more often than I pull them down.

I do have to say when an AMX, batchat or t-50-2 rolls past your entire team and kills you when your arty, then yes, thats a fail team. I just can't understand how people don't know how to lead fast moving targets FFS.

I go into games thinking I'm the damn MVP and I'm going to make these sucks win.

You have to think that way. If you are top tier, you are the MVP, and you have to play that way. Especially if there are not alot of other tanks your tier, then the game may very well depend on you. Having an idiot top tier is a big disadvantage to your team. Tier 8 arty are also team MVPs, I've changed the tide of battle many many times in my 261.

Problem with that is sometimes you're rocking your front. You hit all your shots, you're michael jordan and you cream the opposition taking only half damage. Then the defense drops the ball and 3 mediums make it into your base, and you're the only guy that goes back to defend out of the 4 guys that are pushing. The mediums swarm you, and you without support, still manage to take out 2 of them. The last guy shoots you, you blow up, and caps FTW while the rest of the "pushers" get stuck on one tier 7 holding his fort.

THAT is your fail team. Not because you missed a shot, and frankly if your team loses because you missed ONE shot, then it's a fail team to begin with.

In those instances I try to spam F3 (Back to Base!) to get more of my team mates to turn around. If I have time I will type out commands to the tanks with me, telling them to turn around and usually telling the fastest to continue on to kill the arty while we go defend. You will be surprised how more apt people are to listen when you call them out by name.

Hell I've had 2 games with a T-50-2 (same guy, but can't remember his name), well he was an awesome scout, told people his intentions and where for arty to be looking (was arty in those games). Once he did die, he took command of the team and typed out what people should be doing. Low and behold, both of those games were won handily, and I dont think it was a coincidence. All it takes is for your team to have more order than the other team, and its a rediculous advantage. Hell, organization is the entire reason they ditched 5 man platoons, cause they had way to much influence on the outcome of the game.
Last edited:


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
To be fair, it's hard to hit a T-50-2 from 300-400m out, especially if he's good. I drive one so I know, sometimes I have 7-8 guys shooting at me and I'm just laughing as they get decimated. It takes exactly one good shot to track you, and sometimes that's bit hard to do.

And batchats just have so much hp... it's hard to kill it by yourself. I mean, it can take 3 BL-10 shots (pending RNG) and keep rolling.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
I've been silenced for 24 hours before due to talking in game. I've learned to not just talk anymore and just throw out none sense.

As for the previous topic, I won't disagree with your experiences as I've shared them many times before too. I honestly won't play as long as you guys when a bad streak starts, I like to take more frequent breaks than that and start again to help "reset" myself or at least let the shithead players move along.

yea it's kinda hard to take a break during the 5x events as i have ~20 tanks to try and get wins on hah!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Does the IS8 have any armor at all? I was playing PAB with a goddamned IS last night and almost got my ass handed to me. I kept missing and he kept hitting my upper glas. Five shots of his hit, and all five penetrated! WTF? A tier 9 vs a tier 7 and all of his shots went right through the front. Like butter.

Oh well. I'll chalk it up to poor play on my part. He had the better angle and I just kept missing. I'm just not sure how 100% of his shots went through. Maybe he was firing gold rounds.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
so i was in my is-4 last night, we were losing BADLY, however we fought back and on the other side was a T30, IS-3, Panther, T25/2, T29, Ferdinand. our side had a T-29, ISU-152, Hummel, Type 59. we started getting capped by everything BUT the T30 - he was defending their flag. as i rolled back to our spawn i spotted the T30, hit him 3x, he was down to 4% when he dissapeared, i figured our 3 tanks + arty could handle him and begin the cap.

i got back to our spawn, took out those 5 tanks capping 1 by 1, then proceeded to get destroyed by the T30 LOL. i was wrong to assume they could take him out. oh well.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
Does the IS8 have any armor at all? I was playing PAB with a goddamned IS last night and almost got my ass handed to me. I kept missing and he kept hitting my upper glas. Five shots of his hit, and all five penetrated! WTF? A tier 9 vs a tier 7 and all of his shots went right through the front. Like butter.

Oh well. I'll chalk it up to poor play on my part. He had the better angle and I just kept missing. I'm just not sure how 100% of his shots went through. Maybe he was firing gold rounds.

no, that's the big complaint already about the is-8. everything pens me, you just need to use the gun to your advantage as it reloads faster than just about every other tier 9/10 gun. i learned firsthand trying to fight an is-8 or is-4 in my e75.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Does the IS8 have any armor at all? I was playing PAB with a goddamned IS last night and almost got my ass handed to me. I kept missing and he kept hitting my upper glas. Five shots of his hit, and all five penetrated! WTF? A tier 9 vs a tier 7 and all of his shots went right through the front. Like butter.

Oh well. I'll chalk it up to poor play on my part. He had the better angle and I just kept missing. I'm just not sure how 100% of his shots went through. Maybe he was firing gold rounds.

Is8 has no armor. 120mm of sloped armor is about 220~ on a good day. side armors are 80mm (pretty much unsloped) and rear armor is 60mm. A stock PZIV can pen you from the sides and anything with a tier 6 or above gun can pen you from the front if you're not angled perfectly.

Don't get hit.

Possessed Freak

Diamond Member
Nov 4, 1999
So I go to the official forums, where I have posted several times in the past. Now it says I do not have the ability to start a new topic, and every post I open says it is locked.


In case others have this issue, I just had to log off and log back into the forum. Solved.


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2009
A good or great player can counter a bad team. My T30 yesterday had to get 7 kills and kill the last 4 enemy tanks but that's what it takes to win.

I have a 67% win rate in my Panther II playing only public matches and by myself. My E75 is 63% and my Type 59 is at 58%.

Good players can make their team win. Sure there are games where a bad team just melts away and there is nothing you can do. But the difference between having a 40~% win rate and a mid 50% win rate is how often you can push your team over the top when it's close. :awe:
If you are trying to tell me you can fight off 4 tanks simultaneously attacking you, don't bother, I won't believe a word. You simply can't. Even in your T30, 4 meds attacking you will destroy you, saying otherwise is trolling or lying, whatever you want to call it.
While it's true that the higher tier you drive the more autonomy you have, this isn't a FPS in which you can kill 5 guys in 5 seconds.

It only gets worse if your average tier played is low and mine sure is. Even at the cost of being quickly destroyed by tanks 3-4 tiers above me, I prefer the challenge of fighting higher tier tanks.

For me, fun>stats, for some stats=fun.
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