[MMO] World of Tanks

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Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
Are there any specs on the upcoming French line of tanks or do we have to wait until they're actually patched in to see how they'll perform?

Not as far as I am aware.

I've seen the M26 Pershing stats, little snippets about the Panther 2, Object 704 and the T-54 but never seen their stats.

I guess French tanks will be similar to the American tanks. No stats until they are released, bugged/OP/UP on release and nerf them to crap in the first patch


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
Considering France was knocked out of the war in early 1940 kinda makes you wonder if they'll have anything good for the upper tiers. I know the game is not totally historic but if they have to add a bunch of made up futuristic tanks it kinda takes away from the game IMO. Then again maybe the French had enough plans on the drawing table. Or maybe they'll use American variant. There was a Free French army on the Allied side after Dunkirk and the Fall of France. Not sure if they were just a Division size or larger. It'll be interesting to see. I'm not expecting them to be anything special but I could be proven wrong.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
I heard they have some 1950's models but the full tech tree is out. will post it on my blog later.


Platinum Member
May 31, 2010
Maybe I'm still just learning to use it, but I'm starting to get kinda frustrated with the IS. It really is a great tank... until it gets hit. Despite having more HP it really seems more fragile than the KV-3. Even against higher tier tanks I'd regularly get bounces off of the KV-3, but on the IS it seems like practically everything that hits goes through. And practically everything that goes through seems to knock out a system or kill a crew member.

Maybe I just got a lemon? :awe:


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
I didn't really do any better with the IS than the KV-3 either.

I also just got my T29 and that thing owns, the front turret armor is just ridiculously good.


Dec 14, 2000
Maybe I'm still just learning to use it, but I'm starting to get kinda frustrated with the IS. It really is a great tank... until it gets hit. Despite having more HP it really seems more fragile than the KV-3. Even against higher tier tanks I'd regularly get bounces off of the KV-3, but on the IS it seems like practically everything that hits goes through. And practically everything that goes through seems to knock out a system or kill a crew member.

Maybe I just got a lemon? :awe:

I never have higher rated tank rounds bounce off the kv-3.. that tank is marginally better than the kv, but still a slow ass turd that should have stayed on the drawing board..


Platinum Member
May 31, 2010
I never have higher rated tank rounds bounce off the kv-3.. that tank is marginally better than the kv, but still a slow ass turd that should have stayed on the drawing board..

You weren't paying attention then. KV-3 armor is heavier than that on the IS, by 30+% in some areas like the turret front/sides. Most people don't really seem to understand how armor works and just aim center mass (auto aim, I guess), so that extra armor on the turret can be a big help. The KV-3 is slow to be sure, but with the upgraded engine it's decent.

I'm getting better with the IS, but it isn't really radically better than the KV-3. You have lighter armor, but about 300 extra HP to help soak hits. Your gun fires significantly slower, but does significantly more damage (122 D-25T vs 107 ZiS-6). The only significant advantage to the IS is speed.


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
The play style for the KV and Kv3 is about the same IMO. Stay back and snipe. The KV3 is better at it because it has better armor and a lower profile. The KV's big toilet seat head really sticks out in the undergrowth and from behind rocks. The KV3 can hide a little bit better. I use the 107mm gun and a rammer instead of the 122mm gun. This allows me to make more money and pay less for shells. The 107mm gun is a good gun. Remember, you dont have to kill a tank to make money or xp. You just need to damage it. Hanging back and sniping allows for this. The KV tanks are just too slow to keep up with front line tanks anyway. Go out in the open and watch yourself get outflanked and surrounded in a heartbeat. If you use one of the 122mm guns then you definitely want to get a rammer for it as well.

The IS tank has more speed. This can be a blessing and a curse. You can stay up with front line tanks but the wimpy 100mm gun cant do much damage and your armor is still weak to many other tank guns. Getting out front can get you dead fast. Often I'll snipe with my IS just like I do with my KV3. I don't usually take it on the front line from the start in most situations. If I decide I'm going to not stand back and snipe I'll use my IS as a flanker. This is where its speed can be a blessing. While the heavies clash I'll run out and around to the back of the enemy front tanks and hit them in the rear. This will work fine as long as they dont have a second line behind their first line. If they have a good second line then most likely this tactic will fail. Another tactic I'll use with my IS is I'll hang back and pick off tanks for a bit and once the battle thins out the first tanks and draws them away from their starting base I'll rush in and kill their arty. The IS has the speed for it. I don't recommend doing this in the beginning though because you'll end up dead right away. Let the battle thin out the enemies and draw them away from their base before playing 'Kill Arty At Base'.

Just some of my tips I have to offer. So far I have sold the KV but have kept the KV3 and IS. Of the two my KV3 makes more money. Even if the team loses I'm making 10k or more per battle with it after repairs and resupply. The IS however has a much higher repair cost and if you use the 122mm gun the shells cost 1,026 creds each. And this is with premium. If you dont have premium life with IS and higher is gonna suck. In fact it can suck with the KVs too but not nearly as bad as with the IS line of tanks.


Dec 14, 2000
I make a ton of money with the KV3, i just don't subscribe or like the play style of hang back and snipe. Its boring. I want to be up with the IS3 and IS4 tanks, shooting, manuevering, getting to the enemy flag, etc. I can watch a turtle climb a hill faster than the KV-3 with the fastest engine, while higher ranked teammates tanks blow by me like I'm stuck in tar.


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
I make a ton of money with the KV3, i just don't subscribe or like the play style of hang back and snipe. Its boring. I want to be up with the IS3 and IS4 tanks, shooting, manuevering, getting to the enemy flag, etc. I can watch a turtle climb a hill faster than the KV-3 with the fastest engine, while higher ranked teammates tanks blow by me like I'm stuck in tar.

Get yourself to the IS3 then. Once you get the IS3 90% of the time you'll hold either the #1 or #2 spot on the list and everything below you will have a good chance of killing once you have the BL-9 122mm gun. The other 10% of the time you will be mixed in with IS4 and IS7 tanks. People will expect you to be up front and lead attacks with your IS3. The IS3 is not invulnerable however. They have a weak back end and everyone knows it. You will be the #1 target for everyone to come after. With the IS3 comes a different play style. No more hanging back and sniping. You can do that of course but people on your team will nag you about it. The IS3 is not quite as fast as the IS but it can take a lot more damage and dish it out as well.


Platinum Member
May 31, 2010
If you dont have premium life with IS and higher is gonna suck. In fact it can suck with the KVs too but not nearly as bad as with the IS line of tanks.

It doesn't just suck, it's gonna be practically impossible. Even with premium I generally lose money when I lose a battle unless I happened to have a very good performance. After all with the IS being destroyed usually means 6-8k in repair costs plus another 5-10k (or more) in ammo costs. If you get destroyed before you contribute much in the battle you usually only get 7-8k credits, even with premium.

That's one thing I really don't like.. and that will probably turn me off from the game when it goes live... I wouldn't really mind paying to unlock the higher tier tanks, similar to content packs in other F2P games. But saying that you're basically forced to pay a subscription whenever you want to play your higher tier tanks just sucks IMO consider the lack of depth in the game. At least, I assume they won't be giving us any free gold when the game is live.


Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2007
It doesn't just suck, it's gonna be practically impossible. Even with premium I generally lose money when I lose a battle unless I happened to have a very good performance. After all with the IS being destroyed usually means 6-8k in repair costs plus another 5-10k (or more) in ammo costs. If you get destroyed before you contribute much in the battle you usually only get 7-8k credits, even with premium.

That's one thing I really don't like.. and that will probably turn me off from the game when it goes live... I wouldn't really mind paying to unlock the higher tier tanks, similar to content packs in other F2P games. But saying that you're basically forced to pay a subscription whenever you want to play your higher tier tanks just sucks IMO consider the lack of depth in the game. At least, I assume they won't be giving us any free gold when the game is live.

I lost money on my Ferdinand, but I make a ton of money with my PzJg I. It only means you cannot play the same tank over and over all the time, but that's fine with me. I usually alternate among my Ferd, my PzJgIV and PzJgI. I don't lose money and I don't get bored.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
I rarely lose cash on my T29 or T-43, JagdPanther or T32 with Premium. I'll note all exp and credit gains in these tanks with my expenditure and see what my net figure is.

Enjoying my SU-100 with 122mm. About 26k exp to SU-152.

Home net is down too
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Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Realistically you're just going to have to keep one or two T5/6 tanks in your garage to keep the cash flow coming in as you level up. I also play mostly as premium. For me, I'd rather take a day off and save up for a good premium day that just play on standard. Played most of the weekend on standard and it's just a horrible grind - comparatively. I won't be doing that again any time soon.

I plan on keeping my 3001P as a moneymaker unless the 3002DB is significantly better at it. My SU100 pulls in good money.

SU152 is just not working out for me at the moment. I was owning with it at first but the crippling reload and inaccuracy of the 152mm just isn't compatible with my playstyle. Slowly grinding for the 122mm.


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
When my IS3 gets destroyed down to zero % it costs about 12,600 credits to fully repair back to 100%. Add in however many shells you need to replace, at 1,026 credits each, and you can see how expensive an IS3 is to fix up and resupply after a fight. I been told WoT devs did this on purpose so it would be hard to play the higher tier tanks. Something about forcing people to not play the top tier tanks only supposedly. Russian logic, go figure. Anyway, so, yes, you will want to keep some tier 5-6 tanks in your garage to help generate revenue to support your heavy tanks.

Yesterday I bought two new tank slots and bought myself a pair Tier 2 tanks. The T26 and the PzII. I missed fighting at this level with those tanks. 80% of the fights had no arty in them. can you believe that? Just straight out tank vs tank fighting! Everyone rushing around and mixing it up amongst the enemy. Ah what fun it is! Quite a few experienced people playing alongside the newbies too. Don't get me wrong. I like fighting in my middle tier and upper tier tanks but sometimes its just fun to go back to the training levels and just having some simple fun.


Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2006
Just straight out tank vs tank fighting! Everyone rushing around and mixing it up amongst the enemy. Ah what fun it is! Quite a few experienced people playing alongside the newbies too. Don't get me wrong. I like fighting in my middle tier and upper tier tanks but sometimes its just fun to go back to the training levels and just having some simple fun.

I agree. This is why I have kept my PzII and Marder II


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
Marder II is so hilarious in the battles it fights, it will 1-2 shot everything and easily get 2k xp a game.

I love it.


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
In my continuation of having fun with Tier 2 tanks I bought a Panzerjager tonight just for fun. Its fully upgraded. The little TD has some kick to it. Its advanced gun does even more damage than the advance gun on my T26.


Senior member
Mar 3, 2005
I keep a tank slot or two open for various tier 2 tanks. They are fun to play. If I get enough cash, I might even trick out a tier 2 tank with 100% crew and a few modules just for fun.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
Been hitting the SU-152 pretty hard today... damn is that baby fun when you figure out that it handles like a stock KV.

Taking off over 20% of an IS-4 with a simple HE shell is hilarious and being able to do over 50%, over 60% to Tier 7 heavies when you approach them correctly with AP is simply funny and has not lost its appeal yet.


Golden Member
Nov 10, 2000
Finally mounted the 122 on my SU100.

Whoa, even with a rammer I can go make a sandwich between shots.


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
This weekend's mission, besides just having fun blowing things up, is to save up money and finally buy that VK3601H tank and get it fully upgraded. See if its as good as some people claim. I'm going to sell off my PzIV and its long 75mm gun. Just plain outright dislike the tank and its performance. Even as a stay back and snipe type tank I find it severely lacking in that role and of course it sucks as a front line tank as well. I say this because 90% of the battles its in its mixed in with higher tier tanks. It just cant compete with those big boys. Bouncing shots don't earn good coin and its often one-shotted. Just not fun or useful IMHO.

I'm having a blast playing with the T26, PzII, and Panzerjager. I'll probably trick them out as money becomes available. I been debating whether to go up the German TD line and try the Marder II. I've seen them in battles against higher end tanks. They die real quick once spotted. In low level fights they probably do really well but I'm guessing they don't get into those fights very much.


Senior member
Apr 1, 2006
I had a mix of battles with the Marder. Sometimes it was against high level tanks, but alot of the time, it was med to low mix. The german TD line is just awesome.


Dec 14, 2000
I should be able to get the IS this weekend hopefully... making 42k credits is just brutal. Taking me 2 weeks to get that much which is too long imho.
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