[MMO] World of Tanks

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Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2000
Not sure if anybody else noticed, but the WN8 formula was changed a bit for a few tanks (until v30 comes out they say). So if you have an E50, M46, or T10 russian Meds, your WN8 dropped most likely. My M46 WN8 dropped by almost 700 points. My E50 also dropped, but not as much.

I normally just use Noobmeter, had to check out WoTLabs as I've seen WN8 on tanks there before. My German E50 tier 9, 59.6% win rate on it. Seems like the WN8 on it is now 650. LOL But other MTs I have that did worse in, average damage per game and win rate have better WN8. Lulz.

Apparently people were padding WN8 stats with these tanks.

Quickybaby went to 690 on E50.... Seems like someone at WN8 forumla are unhappy. :/

If one wants to pad stats, play LTs and do damage. I "always" get 4k+ WN8 on LTs.


Golden Member
Sep 11, 2002
Did they ever do anything about the crap arty mechanic in that game?

We had like 8 of us just stop playing about a year ago because of the really poorly implemented arty. Having a total scrub cowering in the corner 1 shotting people with pure luck of rng is just beyond stupid. Getting 5 of them is just plain retarded.
We heard they were going to change it, but I cant see them doing that as its really the only way bad players can get a kill.


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2010
Did they ever do anything about the crap arty mechanic in that game?

We had like 8 of us just stop playing about a year ago because of the really poorly implemented arty. Having a total scrub cowering in the corner 1 shotting people with pure luck of rng is just beyond stupid. Getting 5 of them is just plain retarded.
We heard they were going to change it, but I cant see them doing that as its really the only way bad players can get a kill.

That change is coming soon. The big change will be there will be a max of three per team, and they claim some other balances, but not sure what yet. I am actually fine with 1-2, but when it gets over there, and you are in something that is a big target, it sucks.


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2010
I normally just use Noobmeter, had to check out WoTLabs as I've seen WN8 on tanks there before. My German E50 tier 9, 59.6% win rate on it. Seems like the WN8 on it is now 650. LOL But other MTs I have that did worse in, average damage per game and win rate have better WN8. Lulz.

Apparently people were padding WN8 stats with these tanks.

Quickybaby went to 690 on E50.... Seems like someone at WN8 forumla are unhappy. :/

If one wants to pad stats, play LTs and do damage. I "always" get 4k+ WN8 on LTs.

Yeah, my E50 went down to 276 (only 1527 avg dmg). It was my first T9 medium, so most of its games I sucked I think it was like 1450 or something before. Thing is, the E50 has always been a stat padding tank, even way back when I started and first started reading about such things.


Feb 27, 2003
Is stuhrer emil completely useless until top gun, or am I missing something?

tips on load out and play style is appreciated.


Feb 27, 2003
That change is coming soon. The big change will be there will be a max of three per team, and they claim some other balances, but not sure what yet. I am actually fine with 1-2, but when it gets over there, and you are in something that is a big target, it sucks.
In WoW they have a max of 2 carriers per battle. And a captain perk that warns of incoming fire, they could add that for incoming artillery shells.


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2010
Is stuhrer emil completely useless until top gun, or am I missing something?

tips on load out and play style is appreciated.

I actually thought the stock gun was pretty decent. I was expecting it to be crap, but did quite well. With the top gun it can be quite devastating. That gun has the highest AP alpha of any T7 tank, and with excellent penetration. The key to using it is always stay in back, and abuse those 15 degrees of depression. When firing, only the very top of the tank should be visible. This is hard to do on some maps, such as city maps. In these, I try to find a burm and pull up kind of sideways on it. Just try to keep it hidden as much as you can. Will help your camo rating, and heps protect you. I actually do bounce some shots when fully hulled down. Also I try to be far enough back that I hopefully never have to reposition, as it is the slowest T7 TD. But you are very dependent on spots from your team mates.

Oh, for load out I run gun rammer, gun laying drive, and camo. You could switch out one for binocs, but even with them the view range typically is not enough to see past allies you have in the area. But it does give you like 390 view range, which is quite good for T7. I use the gun laying drive because the gun traverse is so small, I want my aim time to be down when I rotate the hull.
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Feb 27, 2003
e100 yay or nay?

I have 181k on my e75, is the e100 worth spending cash on?

I have the 215b, 215b183, centurion AX, and T57, and of those, I only really enjoy the T57 and occasionally the 183.


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2010
e100 yay or nay?

I have 181k on my e75, is the e100 worth spending cash on?

I have the 215b, 215b183, centurion AX, and T57, and of those, I only really enjoy the T57 and occasionally the 183.

Currently, the E100 requires shooting almost entirely HEAT ammo, as the base pen is just laughably low. BUT, it is going to be getting a buff in an upcoming patch. I like playing mine, but I don't because unless I do over ~3k dmg, I lose money in it. Some games I get lucky and I can fire some standard ammo, or even HE, but these games are a bit rare these days.

I have several T10 tanks unlocked, just no cash to buy them, which sucks.

9.17.1 Patch notes:
E 100
– Dispersion for 12.8 cm Kw.K. 44 L / 55 was changed from 0.38 m to 0.36 m
– Dispersion for 12.8 cm Kw.K. 44 L / 55 during turret rotation is reduced from 0.1 to 0.07
– Reload time gun 12,8 cm Kw.K. 44 L / 55 changed from 14.3 seconds. 13.3 seconds
– Aim time guns 12,8 cm Kw.K. 44 L / 55 was changed from 2.9 seconds. to 2.3 seconds
– Penetration of Pzgr 42 guns for 15 cm Kw.K. L / 38 changed from 235 mm to 246 mm


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2010
Super Test started for 9.17.1, so we can expect the final release in 2-3 weeks.

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Wow, I havn't played this game in ages... Just played a couple rounds and realized a lot of nerf bats were used.


Golden Member
Sep 11, 2002
havent played in 484 days now, best thing I ever did. Since it's obvious that WG will never do anything about the shitter powered cowardmobiles. Arty in that game is like a welfare system for those to stupid to learn the game after 15 THOUSAND ATTEMPTS. To stupid to learn, here is an arty for you. Just cower down in the corner and 1 shot people from complete safety with zero skill. RNG will replace any skill you would have needed with a normal tank and will decide if you hit, one shot the tank or miss for 800 damage, 2 dead crew and 3 broken modules...so balanced
Reactions: gammaray

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Someone still needs to simply learn how to play then. Since as you said, the arty are not going away, you play knowing generally where the arty are located and don't position yourself such that they can get a good shot at you (if in a slow, heavy tank, you put rocks/cliffs/buildings in the way, if in a faster medium, you keep moving and stop being predictable, if in a light, well you go scout their arty and kill them).

Heck, go play some arty yourself and play anti-arty. Don't think this has been nerfed (well havn't played as arty yet), but you can see the shots flying out of the muzzle, so you know what bush they are in/behind, and you kill them....


Feb 27, 2003
there are some arty changes rumored. They should do as wow, and limit it to two arty per game.

personally I sold all my arty because I don't want to ruin the game for other players.
Reactions: gammaray


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2009
The drawing board stage type of problem cannot be fixed down the road.

If you are failing to create a tank game that does not have to use arty as a balance crutch, you keep working until you can, don't cave.

WOT's trends are transparent, upon introduction, a new vehicle is OP to temporarily reward spenders, by the time the fodder advances through tech trees, the new vehicles are nerfed.

Introduction of indirect firing into multiplayer shooters is an expansion of user base dictated by the suits behind the gaming industry, to include and exploit people who don't know how to improve their skills. It's basically a handicapped parking spot, given to people who aren't actually disabled.
Reactions: gammaray


Golden Member
Sep 11, 2002
Someone still needs to simply learn how to play then. Since as you said, the arty are not going away, you play knowing generally where the arty are located and don't position yourself such that they can get a good shot at you (if in a slow, heavy tank, you put rocks/cliffs/buildings in the way, if in a faster medium, you keep moving and stop being predictable, if in a light, well you go scout their arty and kill them).

Heck, go play some arty yourself and play anti-arty. Don't think this has been nerfed (well havn't played as arty yet), but you can see the shots flying out of the muzzle, so you know what bush they are in/behind, and you kill them....
I don't play period. For over 484 days now and will not play again until the do something about the welfare mechanic for shitters. Most of the good clans folded up when the majority of good players left because of the bad clan war implementation and the constant harassment of the cowards in their cancerwagons.
Most good players dont mind losing a fight win they get outplayed. You can learn from it and get better. There is none of that when a 45% shitter erases you from the map while cowering on the red line. Not because he was better but just because RNG says the shitter hits and 1 shots your tank or misses for 800 damage.
Everything is made to make it easier for these retards. Most all maps are just two funnel points they can pre-aim at, an arty mod that makes it even easier for the shitters. Even bad arty players can now put rounds through windows because of the mod. Even the WG devs said that if they put that mod in the vanilla game they would have to severely nerf arty because it makes it to easy. Guess what, almost every arty shitter has it.
Counter battery was more or less taken away. They made the tracers so small you can hardly see them and all you have to do to be a completely safe is move just a little bit in any direction after you fire. Why would you spend time looking for them when you can 1 shot a t-62 traveling at 40 kph or dump a round in a choke point and one shot a heavy?
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Reactions: gammaray


Golden Member
Sep 11, 2002
WOT's trends are transparent, upon introduction, a new vehicle is OP to temporarily reward spenders, by the time the fodder advances through tech trees, the new vehicles are nerfed.
Exactly. I remember when the french autoloader line first came out OP as hell. Bactchat owned even tank in the game at tier 10. Purples sitting on tons of free xp would get them first and just rule the battlefield. Then average players would spend tons of gold to convert xp. Two patches later it was hit hard with the nerf bat just as another OP as hell tank would be released.
And my fav the autoloading td that could take out a full health e-100 in 1 clip.

As for your thoughts on arty, I agree.
IMO It's nothing but a welfare system for those to stupid to learn the game. We pay for them to have an ez mode with a tax on fun. Like all welfare systems those who are sucking off the system see nothing wrong with it and want nothing to change their crutch. Because after all it's just not fair that they should have to learn to play to get damage, they are entitled an ez mode.


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2010
I don't play period. For over 484 days now and will not play again until the do something about the welfare mechanic for shitters. Most of the good clans folded up when the majority of good players left because of the bad clan war implementation and the constant harassment of the cowards in their cancerwagons.
Most good players dont mind losing a fight win they get outplayed. You can learn from it and get better. There is none of that when a 45% shitter erases you from the map while cowering on the red line. Not because he was better but just because RNG says the shitter hits and 1 shots your tank or misses for 800 damage.
Everything is made to make it easier for these retards. Most all maps are just two funnel points they can pre-aim at, an arty mod that makes it even easier for the shitters. Even bad arty players can now put rounds through windows because of the mod. Even the WG devs said that if they put that mod in the vanilla game they would have to severely nerf arty because it makes it to easy. Guess what, almost every arty shitter has it.
Counter battery was more or less taken away. They made the tracers so small you can hardly see them and all you have to do to be a completely safe is move just a little bit in any direction after you fire. Why would you spend time looking for them when you can 1 shot a t-62 traveling at 40 kph or dump a round in a choke point and one shot a heavy?

First off, bad players are not suddenly good in arty. To be good in arty, you have to be a good player. I know people like you think its just as easy as launching a laser guided missile at a tank you want to hit, but its not. There actually is quite a bit of timing and angles that you need to work out to hit moving tanks. Its VERY easy to see when a player is good at arty if you have XVM installed by looking at their efficiency. I do not think I have ever seen a bad player with a high rating in an arty. So your argument is moot. Oh, and counter arty is not hard at all, not only can you see it, but you can hear it, and the tracer stays there for a moment after it has fired.

Second, any half decent player is going to know how to avoid arty, its not hard. the ONLY times I get hit is when I am careless and get out of cover. You act as if its impossible to avoid arty, but it definitely isn't.

Its fine that you don't like the game, its not for everyone. But your choice of words shows us what type of player you were.


Golden Member
Sep 11, 2002
First off, bad players are not suddenly good in arty. To be good in arty, you have to be a good player. I know people like you think its just as easy as launching a laser guided missile at a tank you want to hit, but its not. There actually is quite a bit of timing and angles that you need to work out to hit moving tanks. Its VERY easy to see when a player is good at arty if you have XVM installed by looking at their efficiency. I do not think I have ever seen a bad player with a high rating in an arty. So your argument is moot. Oh, and counter arty is not hard at all, not only can you see it, but you can hear it, and the tracer stays there for a moment after it has fired.

Second, any half decent player is going to know how to avoid arty, its not hard. the ONLY times I get hit is when I am careless and get out of cover. You act as if its impossible to avoid arty, but it definitely isn't.

Its fine that you don't like the game, its not for everyone. But your choice of words shows us what type of player you were.

No arty does not make a bad player good. What it does is allow bad players to kill people they would stand no chance of beating with any other tank in the game. You know, something that required the least little bit of skill. Arty removes all skill and replaces it pure rng luck so that shitters will get to see the big numbers pop up which will keep playing and paying. ie: a welfare system.

Avoiding 1 arty is easy, put 5 on the corridor maps and tell me how good you are at avoiding it.

the only time I get hit is when i get out of cover
So when you are not camping your ass and humping a rock you get hit. Don't press the issue, don't take map control just hump rocks so the 45% shitter with xvm can't "outplay" you.

And your choice of words shows the player you are, and why you need the crutch.
Reactions: gammaray


Senior member
Jul 30, 2006
Artillery completely ruins this game, and that is how i felt from day 1, unfortunately i got hooked on the game and been playing for the past 5 years, albeit much less lately. If WG removes arty, i might start playing on a regular basis again, although i grinded all the branches already, except the new Swedish lines. IMHO they need to make larger maps, reduce penetration of shells across, so heavy tanks are relevant again.


Golden Member
Sep 11, 2002
Artillery completely ruins this game, and that is how i felt from day 1, unfortunately i got hooked on the game and been playing for the past 5 years, albeit much less lately. If WG removes arty, i might start playing on a regular basis again, although i grinded all the branches already, except the new Swedish lines. IMHO they need to make larger maps, reduce penetration of shells across, so heavy tanks are relevant again.
Whats bad is if they offer a cancer free mode and charged premium time to play it they would make a fortune and the player base would really swell up just at a chance to get away from the shitters and their crutch mode.


Golden Member
Sep 11, 2002
I think arty takes the most skill to play well, and it takes a very bad player to have a serious problem with arty.
We found a welfare recipient.

Very bad, as in a guy with like 43 THOUSAND attempts at the game still can't figure out how to be anything more than a hindrance to his team bad? That bad of a player?

After all who would have a problem with a 47% player cowering on the red line in complete safety and with ZERO skill 1 shot tanks fighting on the front? Or he might "miss" for 800 damage. Tanks and players that he would have no chance of outplaying with any other class in the game. No skill needed, just click and hope RNG decides you erase that tank.
Taking half the xp of his teammates who are up there fighting all the while he is cowering in the back. Really, who would have a problem with all that?

Those on welfare never see a problem with the welfare system .

[I dont mind you calling out Arty players in general, however I do mind you singling out members which you are doing.

Its ok to say "snipers are wussies which stay far outside range and go pew pew pew, however it is NOT ok to say Aigomorla your a wussie for staying outside range going pew pew pew..

You call another member out like this, and i will show u the area which has greener grass tied behind a gate from a forced vacation the next time you call someone out.

Moderator Aigo]
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