[MMO] World of Tanks

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Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
M6 is pretty much the same, just a bit better front armour (I can't penetrate M6 as reliably as the T1) and a 90mm M3 cannon which is decent but nothing exciting and will leave you crying trying to blast apart KV-3's... it's a struggle.

Using beta experience and T20/T23 experience here.


Golden Member
Jun 9, 2001
Elcs, thanks for your hard work in putting together the FAQ/User guides on your blog. Much appreciated.

Edit: So, the 6.4 patch was intended to be the release patch, but didn't happen in time, is that right? WoT HAS been released and I don't have to worry about an upcoming wipe, right?


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
KV-3s are slow as hell. If you get one alone, you can circle it to death even in a big heavy like T1 or M6.

Yes I know the problem is getting one alone for the 2 minutes you'll be circling it.

6.4 is coming mid may. Or at least thats what they tell us. I take all their release dates with a grain of salt...


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
Elcs, thanks for your hard work in putting together the FAQ/User guides on your blog. Much appreciated.

Edit: So, the 6.4 patch was intended to be the release patch, but didn't happen in time, is that right? WoT HAS been released and I don't have to worry about an upcoming wipe, right?

Updates now are just that. Updates. Just like with any other online type of game. No wipes should be needed where you have to start over again from the beginning.


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
Yesterday I bought the M4 Sherman. Its fully upgraded now and has a rammer on it. I'm liking it so far. Its not slow and can fire off some fairly quick rounds. Still can get one shotted by some of the larger tanks but most of my battles have been where I'm in the upper slots of the line up so its not so bad. I'd like a bigger/better gun but I guess I'll have to wait to get into the Easy-Eight for that.

I'm also enjoying the PzIII/IV. Its a fun tank to play in. Still grinding on it to get to the 3001 tank and the higher German Medium line. I haven't bought a VK3601 yet. Just haven't had enough money to buy everything and been sorta doing one new tank at a time. I'm well familiar with the VK3601 so I know what it can do. I know I'll enjoy it. Been too busy exploring the American tanks for the first time. Still grinding on the T1. I have fun with it. Its not a bad tank nor is it a great tank. Average I guess but that's not necessarily a bad thing.


Feb 8, 2004
Any opinions on the IS3? I just got an IS and im miles away from it but its my ultimate goal in this game, IS4+ will be too expensive to maintain. People on the forum say IS3 sucks for some reason.


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
IS3 is where the Russian heavy line starts to get good. Yes, the IS4 is better obviously. Just as the IS7 is best of the line. During beta I hated the IS but liked the IS3 and IS4. I never went for the IS7. I found I preferred the Russian mediums more fun but thats because they are fast and i like a fast tank.

Edit: Tonight I finally bought the VK3601. Grinding on it now too. Tonight's luck has been mostly bad for me. Cant get many wins so the slogging is slow. Just one of those days I guess,
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Senior member
Jan 27, 2005
Yes, by all means, join in the fun. I've kept my Panzer II light tank and got the crew almost maxed out. It's fun to take a break from the higher tier tanks and just slug it out with the smaller tanks.


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
Yes, quite a few experienced players like to play in Tier 2 tanks and there's always new folks coming in. I personally have a T26 I like to jump in and play.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
rasczak: It is never too late. There are a lot of people driving various levels of tank. At slow times on the EU server it takes me less than 30 seconds to find a match at any tier (up to 8) and usually matched within 5 seconds.

The EU has a 3 day event where instead of x2 exp for your first match, you're earning x5, all special modules are half price (Vert Stab for 250k <3) and there is a 'Kill the mod' event running today too.

Nearly at my M26 Pershing. Keeping my T23 which will become the new M26 Pershing and my M26 Pershing will become the M46 Patton. That should come in very soon (Mid-May with the v. patch)

Will go for my Panther after the M26 Pershing is up. Currently got a well equipped DB with 30k exp. Just need 44k more for the Panther.

Thanks to Daverino, I went down the American SPG route and ended up on the M41... which I thought was supposed to be fantastic. It is almost identical to the Hummel, except it's gun is slightly worse and it is less manueverable. Oh well...


Jan 4, 2011
Just unlocked the T-43 right now for Russian Mediums, though playing with a friend of mine makes me want to check out US Mediums. The appeal of a good gun is tempting...


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
I have my M26 Pershing and my Panther. Still got my T23 in the garage as that will become the new Pershing (tier 8) and the current Pershing will become the M46 Patton eventually.

My Panther will turn into a Tier 7 Panther and Tier 8 Panther II. Hopefully my Panther II will turn into an E-50...

And I'm about to buy the T-28 to move up for a KV with KV-2 turret... for the extra garage slot and free tank.

M41... I hate this thing. 13 seconds to fully aim and the slightest movement makes you wait even longer! SPG's are very hit and miss with me to say the least, pun intended. Sometimes I'll rock a round with heavy hits or kills... other times I just cannot get a round off.

My SU-85B... I'm not liking this at all. I quit at the SU-76 in beta because the low tier Russian TD's are god awful except the AT-1 and used the T-34 to take me straight to the SU-85. I play the 85B once a day, abuse the double exp and sit it back down to rest.

Regrets: Sort of regretting selling my M4 Closed Beta tank. I really do need a credit grinder as the modules I've been buying have been crazy. My tanks since the Easy 8 or DB have all had a Shell Rammer, Vertical Stabiliser and Ventilation System where applicable, which amounts to about 850,000 credits per tank. I know I get half of that back after I sell it but it's still a fair chunk of change... I still need to do up my Panther


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
well I decided to start down the russian heavy line while also continuing my progress down the german heavy line. Right now I have the tier 6 VK3601 which I think sucked pretty bad at first (first tank I have that I could actually lose credits on), but now that I have unlocked some upgrades, got a camo net and my crew is over 90% things are looking better. It'll probably be a great tank once I get the second engine unlocked and get a rammer and some other enhancement (crew vents maybe). It would be nice if the german tanks had guns with more pen and damage to match some of the russians.

On the otherhand I got to the KV on the Russian line, and honestly, compared to the german tanks, its beast. I got more bounced shots in one fight than I think I've ever had on my german tanks. Its stock gun does decent damage for its tier, but the upgraded guns available just look beast for its tier. The only issue I forsee is that the upgraded turret for the KV only has a turn speed of 14 degrees/sec, and I'm sure the upgraded guns probably require that turret.

I think I'm going to fully outfit the KV and the VK3601 before moving on to the next tiers. I probably also wont sell either of those tanks. I always regret moving on to another tier at first, since a new non-upgraded tank always seems to pretty much suck until you get enough xp to unlock the essentials (tracks/better engine).


Senior member
Mar 3, 2006
well I decided to start down the russian heavy line while also continuing my progress down the german heavy line. Right now I have the tier 6 VK3601 which I think sucked pretty bad at first (first tank I have that I could actually lose credits on), but now that I have unlocked some upgrades, got a camo net and my crew is over 90% things are looking better. It'll probably be a great tank once I get the second engine unlocked and get a rammer and some other enhancement (crew vents maybe). It would be nice if the german tanks had guns with more pen and damage to match some of the russians.

On the otherhand I got to the KV on the Russian line, and honestly, compared to the german tanks, its beast. I got more bounced shots in one fight than I think I've ever had on my german tanks. Its stock gun does decent damage for its tier, but the upgraded guns available just look beast for its tier. The only issue I forsee is that the upgraded turret for the KV only has a turn speed of 14 degrees/sec, and I'm sure the upgraded guns probably require that turret.

I think I'm going to fully outfit the KV and the VK3601 before moving on to the next tiers. I probably also wont sell either of those tanks. I always regret moving on to another tier at first, since a new non-upgraded tank always seems to pretty much suck until you get enough xp to unlock the essentials (tracks/better engine).

The German line gets better in terms of firepower. The tiger can lay down some good cover fire, but its not meant to be a front line tank.

As for the KV-2 turret...the KV is the first (but certainly not the last) that teaches you how to effectively use the Russian heavy line. You MUST (MUST!!!) turn the tank as well as the turret to track close targets. Even other heavies can move faster than the KV-2 turret if you don't turn the tank as well. You will learn to love/hate the KV, but with the 107...its a beast credit machine.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
The German line gets better in terms of firepower. The tiger can lay down some good cover fire, but its not meant to be a front line tank.

As for the KV-2 turret...the KV is the first (but certainly not the last) that teaches you how to effectively use the Russian heavy line. You MUST (MUST!!!) turn the tank as well as the turret to track close targets. Even other heavies can move faster than the KV-2 turret if you don't turn the tank as well. You will learn to love/hate the KV, but with the 107...its a beast credit machine.

I've already trained myself to turn my tank with the turret in order to track targets. I also turn my front towards enemies in an open firefight so that they have to shoot at my most heavily armored area and it also helps prevent getting tracked.

I look forward to getting the bigger guns on the KV and turning it into a credit machine, since I'm sorely lacking credits since I just recently bought the KV (with 75% crew) and right before that I bought the VK3601 (also with upgraded crew) so that cost me right around 1.2M total.

I find that it pays off to be backline support with the german tanks as they can lay down good support fire, but can't take the sustained hits like the russian tanks can. While with the KV I can just go head into a firefight. Either way I find the best strategy is to just stay in groups and to retreat to reinforcements if you ever find yourself alone.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
I've already trained myself to turn my tank with the turret in order to track targets. I also turn my front towards enemies in an open firefight so that they have to shoot at my most heavily armored area and it also helps prevent getting tracked.

I look forward to getting the bigger guns on the KV and turning it into a credit machine, since I'm sorely lacking credits since I just recently bought the KV (with 75% crew) and right before that I bought the VK3601 (also with upgraded crew) so that cost me right around 1.2M total.

You will LOVE the 107. You can penetrate IS-3s on the side with it reliably, and it is strong enough to scare most people. I consistently get at least 4 kills in games where I'm placed top tier, provided I don't get artied to death....

although I don't think the KV is indicative of most russian tanks. In fact, the KV is an anomaly of sorts because its so slow turning. The KV3 turret is agile, and the rest of the IS series are very nimble. I actually think american tanks are much more ponderous, and they need great thought put into location because their bottom hull and side turret armor are made out of hopes and good will.

I shot the rabbit ears on the t-34 a few times with my KV-3, did about 20% damage each time...

The IS-3... is mediocre. Driven one in beta, and its not terrible... but doesn't stand out much. The upgraded turret is ok if you're doing frontal firefights, but I believe the standard turret has a bit more armor on the sides. The 122 at that level does not cut it in fire fights, and the only redeeming factor for the is-3 is the BL-9, which costs a bundle to research. The costs on the tank is fairly high (1000 a round for either 122 or bl-9) and it will not make you money unless you go into uber mode.

Heck, i don't think the IS will make money unless you have premium. But then I used the 122 on the IS...


Senior member
Mar 3, 2006
I shot the rabbit ears on the t-34 a few times with my KV-3, did about 20% damage each time...

This is the most frustrating part of the game for me. I love my T29 to death with its beastly 105mm, but I can't stand it when people go for the ears and get full damage because it has no armor value. Its a bug that really needs to be fixed IMO. To have to resort to "wagging" my turret from side to side is just incredibly dumb.

I had a game last night where I was top tier and the other team's Tiger quit at the start. I was happily charging through the left flank when two arty started perma tracking me. They never did much more than 1 or 2% hp damage, but the little guys swarmed in and were hitting my ears. I was able to 1 shot some of them, but the reload time was too much to handle them all. Of course my teammates who were so eager to follow me into battle retreated when the swarm surrounded me. I felt like a Maus that I've seen in some youtube videos that gets surrounded but takes a few minutes to kill.


Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2007
This is the most frustrating part of the game for me. I love my T29 to death with its beastly 105mm, but I can't stand it when people go for the ears and get full damage because it has no armor value. Its a bug that really needs to be fixed IMO. To have to resort to "wagging" my turret from side to side is just incredibly dumb.

I had a game last night where I was top tier and the other team's Tiger quit at the start. I was happily charging through the left flank when two arty started perma tracking me. They never did much more than 1 or 2% hp damage, but the little guys swarmed in and were hitting my ears. I was able to 1 shot some of them, but the reload time was too much to handle them all. Of course my teammates who were so eager to follow me into battle retreated when the swarm surrounded me. I felt like a Maus that I've seen in some youtube videos that gets surrounded but takes a few minutes to kill.

Welcome to the world of the JagdTiger. It has the same bug: the armor value of the gun mantlet is set to zero. This is especially insulting because it *should* be the most heavily armored part of the tank. Regardless, just about anyone can pen a JT from front on by firing at the gun.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
Welcome to the world of the JagdTiger. It has the same bug: the armor value of the gun mantlet is set to zero. This is especially insulting because it *should* be the most heavily armored part of the tank. Regardless, just about anyone can pen a JT from front on by firing at the gun.

So... HE at the gun mantlet of the JagdTiger?

Re: Tiger/KV/German Heavies...

I had more success playing the KV/107mm in a similar way to the play style which should be adopted by German tanks. The KV can't turn, its turret doesn't traverse and it can be ventilated quite easily by anyone who knows what they are doing and given enough room.

Taking the above into account I found it more appropriate to snipe, lay down cover and keep people guessing. A good mobile sniper with camo and probably a net and binocs could be pretty fun.


Jan 4, 2011
So... HE at the gun mantlet of the JagdTiger?

Re: Tiger/KV/German Heavies...

I had more success playing the KV/107mm in a similar way to the play style which should be adopted by German tanks. The KV can't turn, its turret doesn't traverse and it can be ventilated quite easily by anyone who knows what they are doing and given enough room.

Taking the above into account I found it more appropriate to snipe, lay down cover and keep people guessing. A good mobile sniper with camo and probably a net and binocs could be pretty fun.

I love fighting KVs with the KV-2 turrets in my T-34 or T-34-85. If I have enough room and the KV is alone, it's probably dead unless I was heavily damaged already.

Even at distance, as long as I shoot for the side of the turret, I know I'm going to do some good damage.


Nov 10, 2009
I actually never used the KV-2 turret on the KV. It just looked too ugly, too slow to turn and too much of a target for everybody to shoot at. :thumbsdown:

Normal turret with 122mm did fine for me


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
I love fighting KVs with the KV-2 turrets in my T-34 or T-34-85. If I have enough room and the KV is alone, it's probably dead unless I was heavily damaged already.

Even at distance, as long as I shoot for the side of the turret, I know I'm going to do some good damage.

I've definately been one of those people in a pz3 circling a KV for a good 2+ minutes till I finally killed him. Once he's been tracked he doesn't stand a slight chance of ever getting you in his reticles. It gets even better if you damage his turret then you dont even have to move your tank except every 30sec. I'm sure its only a matter of time before I suffer that fate in my KV, although it would require me breaking my rule of staying with the group (unless of course my entire group but me is dead).


Jan 4, 2011
I've definately been one of those people in a pz3 circling a KV for a good 2+ minutes till I finally killed him. Once he's been tracked he doesn't stand a slight chance of ever getting you in his reticles. It gets even better if you damage his turret then you dont even have to move your tank except every 30sec. I'm sure its only a matter of time before I suffer that fate in my KV, although it would require me breaking my rule of staying with the group (unless of course my entire group but me is dead).

That basically happened to one poor KV last night. I was on a desert map, forgot the name, had sand dunes. I was the only one on the south side of the map, when a KV and two mediums rolled in. I fired a few and managed to take down the two mediums before circling and finishing the KV in short order. Then got behind a TD and a T1 Heavy and killed both. Man, that was a fun game.

Conversely, me in a T-43 in a group was somehow the last one standing, which quickly turned into last one standing during the match. That was painful.
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