[MMO] World of Tanks

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Senior member
Jan 27, 2005
I just got the SU-152 and it definately requires a change in play style from other TDs, pick your spot wisely and plan your move carefully. The 152mm gun is starting to grow on me. Yes the reload sucks, but now that I have improved tracks, I got a rammer that I can remount it as I progress and makes things a bit more bearable.

Those HE shells tend to one shot quite a few tanks. I sneaked up a T1 yesterday at 80% from behind. One shot, and up in smoke he went. Moments like that tend to just put a grin on my face.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Those 152 guns hurt when they hit. Last night I bought two garage spots so I would have them for future use. I figured get them now while they were half price. I havent gotten to the KT yet. Still playing the Tiger 1. I'm using the 122mm on my T34/85. It does more damage although accuracy suffers badly. Usually I try to roll in close when the enemy is engaged with a team mate and give him a nasty shot in the flank. The 100mm doesnt do much damage to higher tier tanks but the 122mm does. I rely on the tank's speed to keep me from being hit. I die most of the fights but I get more creds and xp and thats what I want. I didn't bother keeping the T34/85 in beta and I don't plan on keeping this it time neither. Just gonna keep going for the T54.

The t-34/85 is good for its tier. The 100mm punches holes in almost everything (you can kill KTs and IS-3s with it!!), and it penetrates every single tank its tier. Once you learn the playstyle of the 100mm, it becomes a good sniper, a good peakaboo gun as well as a great dogfighter. It lacks the great alpha but its pretty nice... though it does become outdated by tier 8. The t-44 only makes up for it with a slightly faster firing rate...

All that credit count makes me want to get a lowe myself...


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
wait what? you can remount rammers? i thought it was stuck to the tank you bought it for? if i can use it on the ISU152 also, no reason to not grab it now

yea the 152 is fun as hell LOL, i usually die tho since i like going off on my own, but i put a hurt to any tank on the field. so is everyone using HE rounds with the 152? i noticed the AP does a bit more damage, i've taken ~40-50% off a tiger with 1 shot, using HE, it's usually 20-25% damage i do


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
wait what? you can remount rammers? i thought it was stuck to the tank you bought it for? if i can use it on the ISU152 also, no reason to not grab it now

yea the 152 is fun as hell LOL, i usually die tho since i like going off on my own, but i put a hurt to any tank on the field. so is everyone using HE rounds with the 152? i noticed the AP does a bit more damage, i've taken ~40-50% off a tiger with 1 shot, using HE, it's usually 20-25% damage i do

AP has a low penetration. You can't really afford a bounce with that gun.

As I mentioned in my KV guide with the 152mm (almost identical gun), AP is only recommended for advanced users only, ie. ones that know when their AP shell will penetrate and rip apart an enemy tank. That kind of HE shell, I've never seen bounce, so it's a safe bet for any user.

Rammers + other stuff: These can be demounted for 10 gold. Click the item, scroll down to the bottom and you should see a Demount 10g option. Pretty useful.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
ah ok, i've never bounced an AP shell yet with the su152
i've had 27 battles so far

Possessed Freak

Diamond Member
Nov 4, 1999
Well, I am addicted... and I got two of my RL friends addicted as well. Convinced one to get a month worth of premium and the other is waiting a bit. I purchased the 25000 credits because, well... fuck it. If I am going to play then I am going to support the makers of the game.

I am going down the heavy soviet line (at the T-28), the german TD (just tier 2 as I am keeping this one in line with my friends), the german heavy (tier 3), and the german arty (tier 3).

Unfortunately with the T-28, I keep getting in games with tigers and jag-panthers. Other then scouting and praying arty takes these things out I am next to useless in these missions.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
yea pretty much, just grind away until you get the kv, then the fun begins

and the german grind is the WORST.... the ausf a, iii/iv i wanted to quit wot cuz it was that bad


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
I try to play in the late afternoon because once you hit late night, all the tier 3-5 guys log off and you get the tier 8-9 guys who stay on. That means you'll be trying to kill an IS or Tiger with your piddily t-28. Even in a KV, I sometimes end up in games with huge tanks that just makes me want to rage quit.

But just remember once you're in a KV, the 107 is punchy enough to take down even the larger tier 8s. Killed a Lowe and a KT with my KV, and boy how they raged.


Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2006
I try to play in the late afternoon because once you hit late night, all the tier 3-5 guys log off and you get the tier 8-9 guys who stay on. That means you'll be trying to kill an IS or Tiger with your piddily t-28. Even in a KV, I sometimes end up in games with huge tanks that just makes me want to rage quit.

But just remember once you're in a KV, the 107 is punchy enough to take down even the larger tier 8s. Killed a Lowe and a KT with my KV, and boy how they raged.

Pretty much this - although some days it seems the matchmaker just plain hates me. I also really enjoy my fully upgraded KV


Platinum Member
May 31, 2010
yea pretty much, just grind away until you get the kv, then the fun begins

and the german grind is the WORST.... the ausf a, iii/iv i wanted to quit wot cuz it was that bad

American line is pretty bad too... M3 Lee, T1, then M6. Hopefully I'll get through the M6 in another day or two...


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
Well, I am addicted... and I got two of my RL friends addicted as well. Convinced one to get a month worth of premium and the other is waiting a bit. I purchased the 25000 credits because, well... fuck it. If I am going to play then I am going to support the makers of the game.

I am going down the heavy soviet line (at the T-28), the german TD (just tier 2 as I am keeping this one in line with my friends), the german heavy (tier 3), and the german arty (tier 3).

Unfortunately with the T-28, I keep getting in games with tigers and jag-panthers. Other then scouting and praying arty takes these things out I am next to useless in these missions.

Get the 85mm gun and snipe with it. Just lay back in the bushes and load HE on the bigger guys and shoot what comes into your target. Thats the best way to play that tank I found. You can scout but there are other small fast tanks that can do that role better.

Update: Playing the Tiger1 this afternoon. Been using the 105mm because its better than the first 88mm gun. Finally got enough xp to research and upgrade to the second and better 88mm gun. Now to just grind it out to the KT.
Last edited:


Nov 10, 2009
Some tanks have had their module hitboxes moved slightly or made smaller(like the Tiger) so it doesn't damage the engine/transmission so often.


Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2007
oh ya, forgot about the m3 lee rofl

M3 and T1 are ok. You need to play them correctly but you can be relatively succesful in them. M6, on the other hand, is going to get tiered up with stupidly high tanks and is useless until you get the 90mm. Half the tanks you fight cannot be penetrated by the 76mm under any circumstance. I highly suggest you get the second engine when playing the T1 because you'll want that to keep your sanity while grinding out the 90mm gun in the M6.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
Elcs, what line of medium tanks would you recommend?

I'm already headed down the russian medium line (at the T34-85) and I could jump over from the german heavy line to somewhere in the medium line (tier 5 I think). I Unfortunately don't have anything in the US lines.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
i'm still grinding away towards the panther, and it sucks

what i'm seeing a TON of are t20s, holy crap those things are tough


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
Elcs, what line of medium tanks would you recommend?

I'm already headed down the russian medium line (at the T34-85) and I could jump over from the german heavy line to somewhere in the medium line (tier 5 I think). I Unfortunately don't have anything in the US lines.

Lines of tanks are impossible to recommend. To do so would be to make sweeping generalisations about all of the tanks in the tree.

I found the US Meds to be most fun. Probably the most difficult to play and more team reliant. They have no armour but pack good guns, most of which have a good alpha and good RoF with adequate penetration. They are mainly hit and run tanks, useful for harrassing the enemy... but consider them dead/damaged if an enemy decides to fire at them.

German Mediums are a weird bunch but excel in sniping in the end. They tend to have a nice slab of sloped armour at the front which lends them well to plinking an occasional shot but are often susceptible to more module damage, especially the engine. It's a case of learning to feel of each tank and making it work for you.

Russian Mediums... my least favourite. The T-44 and T-54 look like hit and run tanks which can shrug off some crazy amounts of shells due to their slopings. The 100mm D10T will be your long time friend and it gets a bit stale, not great, not bad... but just boring. The T-54 is also often priority target number one and in a group of two or three, can really wreak havoc.

Personally, my Pershing usually rocks around in platoon with voice comms with a pair of T-54's. We do some great things but we're still stuck with hopeless teams at times.

If I had to do a tree again, I'd do the US every time.

That being said, knowing the stats of the M46 Patton, I am not excited for the changes... especially when the E-50 could be much scarier than the existing Panther II, which is also pretty scary as it is.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Lines of tanks are impossible to recommend. To do so would be to make sweeping generalisations about all of the tanks in the tree.

I found the US Meds to be most fun. Probably the most difficult to play and more team reliant. They have no armour but pack good guns, most of which have a good alpha and good RoF with adequate penetration. They are mainly hit and run tanks, useful for harrassing the enemy... but consider them dead/damaged if an enemy decides to fire at them.

German Mediums are a weird bunch but excel in sniping in the end. They tend to have a nice slab of sloped armour at the front which lends them well to plinking an occasional shot but are often susceptible to more module damage, especially the engine. It's a case of learning to feel of each tank and making it work for you.

Russian Mediums... my least favourite. The T-44 and T-54 look like hit and run tanks which can shrug off some crazy amounts of shells due to their slopings. The 100mm D10T will be your long time friend and it gets a bit stale, not great, not bad... but just boring. The T-54 is also often priority target number one and in a group of two or three, can really wreak havoc.

Personally, my Pershing usually rocks around in platoon with voice comms with a pair of T-54's. We do some great things but we're still stuck with hopeless teams at times.

If I had to do a tree again, I'd do the US every time.

That being said, knowing the stats of the M46 Patton, I am not excited for the changes... especially when the E-50 could be much scarier than the existing Panther II, which is also pretty scary as it is.

Couldn't agree with you more, though I find the russian line fun to play. The Russian tanks have decent protection (unlike the Americans) but the 100mm really does get stale by the T-44. (only upgrade is the 122 mm on the T-44 and it becomes super slow...) The penetration factor leaves a lot to be desired by tier 7 and you use it all the way to the t-54!!! While the russian tanks are sturdy, its not sturdy enough to eat BL-9s and whatever other big guns the big tanks are packing at that level. Almost reliably loses to American counterparts as well in a knife fight where nothing bounces.

I almost want to drop the whole russian medium tree and go American... but the T-54 was so fun to play with in beta that I wanted to get back into it. If I enjoyed the run-and-gun style of the tanks, think the pershing/patton would be a better fit for me than the t-54?


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
I agree the 100mm gets stale or boring in the Russian medium line but can you imagine how OPed a T54 would be if you put a bigger/better gun on it? Many consider the T54 OPed now as is. Get two or more T54s on a team and they do wreak havoc when properly working together. I shudder to think giving them better guns.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
the 100mm really does get stale by the T-44. (only upgrade is the 122 mm on the T-44 and it becomes super slow...) The penetration factor leaves a lot to be desired by tier 7

I almost want to drop the whole russian medium tree and go American... but the T-54 was so fun to play with in beta that I wanted to get back into it. If I enjoyed the run-and-gun style of the tanks, think the pershing/patton would be a better fit for me than the t-54?

The 100mm D10T is much better than the 90mm M3 at Tier 8, which is what the T23 is stuck with (until the Tier 8 Pershing change. 1v1 the T23 does not stand a hope in hell against a T-44, unless they get very lucky and blow the ammo rack.

T-54 is run and gun with the ability to take hits.

M26 Pershing is run and gun with a much harder whack but you will get hurt if someone fires at you.

It's difficult to describe and compare... the M26 Pershing scares me when playing it I'm a target for everything and have to play very, very smart to make any progress.

Skott said:
I agree the 100mm gets stale or boring in the Russian medium line but can you imagine how OPed a T54 would be if you put a bigger/better gun on it? Many consider the T54 OPed now as is. Get two or more T54s on a team and they do wreak havoc when properly working together. I shudder to think giving them better guns.http://overlord-wot.blogspot.com/2011/06/wargamingnet-to-conquer-sky.html

I was talking about the 100mm D10T. The gun itself is great for tier 6, good for tier 7 and still reasonable at tier 8... tier 9? Well, it's still better than the M26 Pershing starting gun, the 90mm M3.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
hmm wonder how world of planes is going to be, 3rd person with 1st person zoom ?
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