[MMO] World of Tanks

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No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
The T-82 is referred to as a 'jeep with a cannon' but I prefer the 'cardboard box with cannon' more. It reflects its truer side. Big gun but no armor. Starting from the T-82 up through and including the M18 Hellcat the tanks are crazy fast with a cannon. The Hellcat is the zenith though. I prefer it over the T49 mainly due to its 90mm gun. The fact it hits 72kph shouldn't be ignored either. Fast, great gun, uses camo, and in a small package. You can do a lot with it. A real shame it cannot bounce shells like the Slugger though. And that is something to take heed. These fast TDs do not bounce shells. They take the hit meaning they take damage. Two, maybe three hits and you are dead. Keep that in mind.

Once you get to the T25/2 it comes to a screeching stop in fun. The gun is underpowered for the T10 battles you face. The armor is nothing to brag about. Everything from a Pz3 on up can hurt you. Takes half a map to get up to speed and that doesn't help when trying to bug out fast. You have to play it like a Slugger where you lay back and snipe but again gun is underpowered against the enemies you will face and it can't bounce a shell to save its life. Its the worse tank in the new TD line so far. This is the reason why you don't see many on the battlefield. It is not a good tank.

I'm still on the slow grind to the T28 prototype so can't comment on it yet. Also people should be aware that the American TDs do not get the same camo ratings as other fixed gun TDs. WoT developers purposely lowered the rating as an offset of the moving turrets. This makes American TDs with turrets easier to see than other TDs. You'll see what I mean once you play some battles with them and wonder how tanks are seeing you when they shouldn't. The camo rating is better than regular tanks but less than fixed gun TDs of other lines. With the fast tanks it doesn't seem to matter as much but with a slower big T25/2 it matters a lot.

Yeah the last page of posts made me wanting the Hellcat. I don't have a lot of time to play so I don't expect to advance past Tier 6 tanks.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
I call it "The First Target". It must die fast, because it will one shot whatever it faces.


es it does, nearly all short barrel guns fire low velocity rounds and yes it makes hitting moving targets hard, however it also has a hidden advantage, because a slow shell needs a high arc to travel long distances you can fire shells OVER objects like an artillery.

Heres how I do it, get some binos on your TD so you can see as far as possible to targets lit up by your team mates and find yourself a nice spot behind a low rise in the ground or with a small hill, house or rock between you and the intended targets.

Now in sniper view you cant see them to shoot at BUT, go back out into third person view until you can get your cursor on the enemy tank and right click it.

Yes this is one of the few times that i recomend using autoaim!

Now hit that fire button and watch your shell fly up in an arc and curve back down onto your opponent, hopefully one shotting them and making them type,

"hax! you shot through a building!!!!"

into the chat box.

It takes some practise to get it right and work out what you can and can't do, and its not great at hitting targets moving across your view but when you pull off a shot that hits and enemy that can't shoot back at you its worth the effort


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2010
Ok, I just had to post this. I was about to leave and decided to play one more game and earn some money on my Type 59... and boy did I!!!

Experience: 2,155 (Not double)
Credits: 127,575
Battle Achievement: Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker

I used every AP shell I had and had to kill a KV-5 at the end in an epic duel of who could last just a little longer with an HE round.

I do love my Type 59. Just a fun tank and if you know how to play it and angle that front armor just deadly. Though my Panther II is still my favorite tier 8 medium, it just can't get those kinds of credits.

Somehow my Chaffee is still tops for me at 2,477 XP in one battle. Not sure how I did that.


Apr 9, 2012
The derp KV is now my favourite tank. I use it as direct LOS arty when I can - the 152mm is very powerful and suprisingly, very accurate. I don't believe the written stats on it - I've hit nearly everything from 300-400m away.

The derp KV is my favorite tank to play also. I've had it for about a month now and this is the first tank I've gotten where I didn't feel over matched and somewhat helpless (where you feel your tank has a pea shooter relative to the tanks you are facing) when tossed into the higher tiered matches.

The derp gun makes this tank effective for any tier battle it gets thrown into. As suggested by an earlier poster, your earning potential goes up the higher the match tier. As such, I look forward to those matches more when driving my KV. It's more of a challenge since you're facing better tanks (bigger guns, better armor, and better speed) and more seasoned players, but I find that more satisfying than driving around and one shotting clueless newbies. Also, team play is a lot better at the higher tiered matches.

From what I've seen, the derp is more effective in laying damage with its hit than many high tiered tanks can put on each other. They are doing the high tiered pew pew pew on each other (nicking damage points off of each other) while you can lay a derp bomb that chews off big chunks of damage. As such, a lowly tier 5 KV derp can change the direction of a tier 7 to 9 battle if played right.

As for accuracy, I don't have too much problems with it and I generally expect to hit most of my short to medium distance shots with it. The secret may be to aim very carefully so the reticule is as small as it is going to get (and maybe waiting a split second longer). It's also important to aim when you're point blank as I've missed hurried shots thinking I can't miss this close with the target filling the reticule. The smaller the reticule the more accurate the shot and also the more effective (better hit points). As mentioned, long distance shots are possible too (I'm thinking maybe a 50/50 thing) and I always take them if the opportunity arises. My longest was a 560 meter hit across the map.

The long reload is a handicap, but you just have to work around this weakness. Work close with teammates so that you don't get overrun when waiting for the reload and keep cover close to you since you don't want to be exposed during the reload.

Even alone, you can compensate for that. Last night I was the last tank left with my KV derp against seven in a tier 7 match and managed to take out six of the other tanks before losing to the last tank that capped before I could. I took out two other KV's and a VK3001 all one on one (all were 100 percent except for the first KV). I then took out a group of tanks consisting of a T29 (only at 30 percent health -- but still a worthy opponent) that was supported by a panzer iii/iv an a panzer iv (both at 100 percent). I one shotted each of the KV's and two shotted the VK, but the last group took me at least 6 shots with the long reload between each shot. Obviously, in that game, the tanks I was up against didn't take advantage of my derp KV's weaknesses (any of the tanks I didn't one shot could have destroyed me while I was waiting for my reload). That makes for another good reason to play one as you get a better understanding of these weaknesses so that you can use it to your advantage when playing against it.

It may be my favorite tank to play, but it is also my most hated to face as being on the receiving end of a derp isn't much fun. As such, it's going to be the tank I make note to kill first if I see it at the other end of my sights (no matter what tank I'm driving). I think a lot of tankers have that feeling, so if you are driving a KV, you have to stay behind cover and be sneaky with your shots to survive long in the higher tiered battles.


Platinum Member
May 28, 2003
I call it "The First Target". It must die fast, because it will one shot whatever it faces.

I hated the T82 at first, but my opinion changed after one game in which I got 7 kills with the stock derp gun. That's the most kills I had with any tanks I've ever played. With the paper armor you will get one-shotted easily, but with the derp gun you can also one-shot others. Play with care and it can be a decent TD.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 2005
I've upgraded my derp fun to a new level after buying the SU-152 yesterday. Got the upgraded engine, now grinding tracks - wow this thing is a slug! I will however use the 122's in the future, more like my style.


May 1, 2006
I've upgraded my derp fun to a new level after buying the SU-152 yesterday. Got the upgraded engine, now grinding tracks - wow this thing is a slug! I will however use the 122's in the future, more like my style.

I like my su-152, but have you had a Ferdinand?


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
deciding if i want to grind for the jagdtiger or T30 right now.
i can start at the hetzer, or the m18.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
General consensus is JT is weak and poorly armored despite its paper stats. The lower hull is where people shoot and its penetrated all the time. The gun is accurate and punchy but doesn't have very high alpha, and its better used in a situation where you can put its high DPS to use: aka usually never.

I'd go for a t-30 myself, the 155mm is scary, but seems to have weird pen and dispersions problems. It's also faster and you can turn its turret... and hulled down it still has good gun depression.


Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2007
deciding if i want to grind for the jagdtiger or T30 right now.
i can start at the hetzer, or the m18.

I would have to say the JT, for sure.

The only sore spot in the German TD line is the JPIV. The 88mm gun has a very weak penetration, although it's comparable to the American 76mm. Damage on it is good though. It's one of the few instances where the tanks of the tier generally have better guns than the TD. On the plus side, though, it is small, very very short, fast, and almost invisible. It's the only German TD that is neither a raw sniper or assault gun. It also suffers because T6 is the ugly bastard of the match maker. Just like every T6, you'll run into a lot of stuff you just can't come close to handling.

Everything else, though, is gold. The StuG is fast, sturdy and a good bush sniper, just like the Marder or Hetzer. The JP has everything you'd expect from the Panther and a brutal 105mm gun that's a monster at its tier. The Ferdinand also gets a monster gun and has the armor to go harms way. Most people know its weaknesses now, though, so you'll get penetrated front on more now than in the past.

The JT itself is a mixed bag. I find it really fun. It isn't all that much more robust than a Ferd. The stuff you run up against can reliably penetrate it front on, but it has a ton of HP. The gun is god-like though. It is a DPS gun, not an alpha gun. So you essentially will trade HP for a high rate of fire if you are in pitched combat. In the role of support sniper though, it is unmatched. If it has spotters in front of it and clear sight lines, the JT is unparalleled for dealing death at long ranges.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2010
I have a JagdTiger and am now working on the American turreted TD line. I didn't like the T28/T95 line and stopped at a fully researched T28.

The Hellcat is amazing and the only weak one so far is the T25/2... it's rough since the gun isn't all that great though it's still fast. The turrets are what this line is about and having a turret changes the tactics you can use immensely.

And the T30 just destroys stuff with that gun. The JagdTiger gun, while supposedly having better accuracy stats suffers from some weird ghost round problems. You'll miss shots you shouldn't and it's frustrating. The issues with the lower hull are pretty bad since it's so big and squishy.

On the maps you can get hull down though you will be scary. Thing is you can do the same with the T30 but have a bigger gun and more versatility with that turret. Popping out of cover, firing and moving back is possible with the T30 while with a conventional TD you gotta come out, rotate, fire, rotate back up and out and that takes a ton of time and in urban combat really troublesome. If you get tracked while doing it your weak side armor is all exposed.

If I had to choose I'd take the American line but can't knock the German one too bad, the JagdPanther is just fun as hell and so is the Ferdinand. Even the JagPzIV with the long 75 isn't too bad.


Apr 8, 2002
I think in general German guns are suffering some kind of ghost issue. My Tiger II'slong 105 was about 5% lower on hit accuracy over 200 games compared to the less accurate BL-9 on the IS3. People are complaining about the 128 on the E75 having ghost issues as well. And the Jagdtiger is the least scary of the T9 TDs. Its gun doesnt hit nearly as hard and its armor is easy to punch through with T9 guns from the front. I place the T95 as the scariest for me unless I can flank it.

Possessed Freak

Diamond Member
Nov 4, 1999
If I want to beat the snot out of stuff then I will play my JTiger. It is amazingly accurate and I have taken many shots while pivoting. Sure you need to know how to protect it from being penned, but this is no different than any tank.

If I want to play an iffy tank with a crapload of alpha then I will bust out my 704. The BL10 is great...when the RNG is on your side. Otherwise it will miss/bounce all over the place. But, when the stars align and you can't miss, it is a FUN tank.

Oh, T20 update. After 70 games played, I am still at a 77% win ratio. I am close to retiring the tank and getting the Pershing. Perhaps I can get 10 wins in a row and end the tank at 80% win ratio.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
haha with all this back and forth, i'm still not sure which way to go damn it
most likely i'll go T30 tho


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
If I want to play an iffy tank with a crapload of alpha then I will bust out my 704. The BL10 is great...when the RNG is on your side. Otherwise it will miss/bounce all over the place. But, when the stars align and you can't miss, it is a FUN tank.

I sacrifice a small critter to the BL-10 gods before I play that tank. So far seems to work out well, though my neighbors have filed complaints about animal carcasses being thrown at their doors.

Also I've seen 128 ghost round issues myself as well. Very annoying when it happens.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
Had a blast on the T-82 yesterday - picked up the 105. Run in, shoot, back up, run around some more, shoot, run away, repeat as necessary. Love it compared to the marder - so much more interactive

slow as fuck reload though

About 10k credits away from the 122 in my KV...


Golden Member
Oct 15, 2005
I finally unlocked the first 122 on my SU-152. I slowly grew to hate the big derp gun - reload is far too slow for such a crappy chassis. The 122's have good damage and decent reload time. And they bring in far more credits because of that...with the derp, I'd usually end up with 10-20k after several decent hits, the damage is just too low.

Also wondering if I actually want the Obj. 704 The versatility of having a turret on a TD is very, very appealing.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
first hit with the BL10 from the 704 will make you love it, nothing like 1 shotting or taking 1/2 off most tanks you see
you can single handedly stop a rush due to nobody wanting to take that 750+ damage


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
I finally unlocked the first 122 on my SU-152. I slowly grew to hate the big derp gun - reload is far too slow for such a crappy chassis. The 122's have good damage and decent reload time. And they bring in far more credits because of that...with the derp, I'd usually end up with 10-20k after several decent hits, the damage is just too low.

Also wondering if I actually want the Obj. 704 The versatility of having a turret on a TD is very, very appealing.

I actually lost a lot of money using the 122. Each shot is 1k and the pen is way too low for its tier and the tanks its fighting... and it has a pretty fast firing rate as well. Went back to the 152 and immediately started earning more exp/credits. But this was before the HE nerf, so 122 might be a better solution now.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 2005
I remember how HE was before the nerf, my little SU-26 could damage KV's and the like pretty well (I was just starting out in WoT).
Now though with the 152 you're stuck with 100-400 damage every 15-20 seconds, with bad accuracy and slow shell travel time. small-diameter howitzers were hit quite hard after the patch.


Platinum Member
May 31, 2010
I fired up WoT this afternoon for the first time in 3+ months and played a couple games in the T103(? whatever replaced the T34). Very promising - nice to actually bounce a few shots.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2010
I guess I need to give a little more love to the T25/2... I was able to get a 9 kill game. 50k in cash and about 2k experience. The turret allowed me to outmanuever a JagPanther and kill him, we were the last two left.

I still think it should have the 105mm gun as the final gun and not that 90mm one.
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