[MMO] World of Tanks

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Apr 9, 2012
sold the kv-1, kept kv-2 with derp
however i seem to be doing ~120 damage per shot no matter the tank right now
hit an m5, kv-5, tiger II, type 59, all did around 120 damage wtf....

edit: people in game saying the same thing, ninja nerf?

You had me worried as the KV derp before the 7.3 patch was my favorite tank because of its heavy punch. However, after taking it for a spin with the 7.3 patch, the 152 derp seems to still have a very good punch. In the first game, it took 33 percent of the hit points off of a KV-3 (I figured that's about 429 hit points) and one shot a 48 percent KV-1 (about 283 hit points). Both were frontal straight on shots. That's just one game so we'll have to see if this holds up, but it looks good so far.

Also worth noting is that they put the KV through a car wash. It looks nice and clean now instead of battle worn.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
i was finally able to do 300 damage to an is-8, so i guess just bad luck with the derp the first few games.

kv-3 is a LOT faster now compared to before, still won't keep it tho, no point really, i was only holding onto it for the free slot this whole time. it was OP as a tier 6 but as a tier 7 now, its meh.

i need to upgrade the turret + gun on the kv-4 to see how it really is, i'm having issues pen'ng tanks since i'm using the kv-3 top gun right now...


Apr 9, 2012
Yes, keep reporting back on Kv-2/Kv4 info

KV-2 is good, maybe better as the old derpy KV of the past (definitely a cleaner look). My old really experienced crew before the patch went to the KV-1, but I got a brand new 100 percent crew with no skills/perks. They dismounted all my equipment from my old KV. I mounted the old rammer, but left off the gun laying drive (GLD for increased aim speed). Aim still seems snappy (relative to what I'm used to on the old KV) without the GLD.

It's still a great money maker. I just blasted a Lowe to tank heaven. In good games with the one day free premium (50 percent credit bonus), I'm making 20-30K from decent games. I've only played about 4 games so far and haven't got that super great game yet. I've had the bad game already where I got one-shot by arty waiting to make my shot ... LOL! Still grossed 5K and netted about 2K.

It comes mounted with a 122mm by default, but the 152mm was immediately available to me (didn't have to research or buy). I had to research a suspension and 2nd turret to elite the tank again. That was easy since they moved all the XP's from my original KV to the KV-2. I mounted the new suspension but I've held off of on the turret for now (saving $$$ for a new tank and equipment).


Platinum Member
May 31, 2010
I ended up going 2-11 before I finally got a win. But man, it was an awesome game in my AMX-13-75. When you get the right opportunity these French tanks are just made of troll.

I was at the bottom of the list in a tier 10 game on Mines. Ran with a Patton to take the hill, and beat their scouts. Spent most of the game trolling around the hill keeping their heavies spotted and taking potshots at them. This one E-75 just sat the most of the match watching the hill trying to get a shot at me. As our heavies pushed around through the town and hit him a few times, drawing his attention, I hung over the side of the hill and killed him by emptying my clip into his commander's hatch (trollolololol). Chased down the last M103 on their team and put a clip into his backside while he was busy with an IS-4... then he wasted 2 shots trying to kill me while I was reloading.

Battle: Mines Tuesday, May 08, 2012 21:39:18
Vehicle: AMX 13 75
Experience received: 8,115 (x5 for the first victory each day)
Credits received: 27,708
Battle Achievements: Mastery Badge: I Class, Sharpshooter, Sniper



Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
retards out in force tonight, so far batting 4/25

i just don't understand why I am always on the losing team, everyone gets wins but me and my 14 team mates who can't buy a kill
took out 6 in my e100 = loss
took out 5 in my t54 = loss

>_< fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2009
Liking the IS-8 more than IS4 now. IS-7 definitely the better tier 10 of the 2.

Switched the better crew from IS4 to IS8. Games suck even more when playing lower tiers, everyone driving tier 10's now.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2006
Sorry, just had to come in and brag. Game of WIN with my 59!

Battle: Mines Tuesday, May 08, 2012 10:48:39 PM
Vehicle: Type 59
Experience received: 11,055 (x5 for the first victory each day)
Credits received: 126,771
Battle Achievements: Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Lost like 10 games in a row with a bunch of my tanks. AMX lost 5 games in a row, E-75 5 in a row...

But finally... my E-50 pulls a win! And the losing streak is over!

Battle: Westfield Tuesday, May 08, 2012 11:17:58 PM
Vehicle: AMX 13 90
Experience received: 10,130 (x5 for the first victory each day)
Credits received: 48,067
Battle Achievements: Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
I"m sorry to hear about all of ya'lls losing streaks. I had no problem rolling up most of my doubles on my first game yesterday. After that I mostly played my arty and IS-4. Ended 5-3 on my IS-4, with 2 steel walls and 1 top gun. Also one of those losses, I got DCed in the middle of the game since my graphics driver crashed (guess I was OCing it a little too hard).

I'm really liking the IS-4. The HP of an E-100, smaller, faster, just as bouncy (even more really), really nice pen, fast reload. Against tier 8s the tank is invincible. One of my games was 1 tier 10, 1 tier 9, rest 6-8s and only 1 arty. I bullied all the enemy tanks, and they couldn't do anything about it, except maybe track me. Funny thing was, the tank I was most scared of was the KV-2 with the derp, but he missed me. It definately seems that alot of the IS-4 drivers out yesterday also didn't have a clue how to drive thier tanks. Made for some really easy kills for me.

As for the other new tanks, the IS8 is really squishy. I can pen the direct front of it (not the lower glacias) with the IS4. In addition I had 2 IS8s try to face hug my IS7, which was a bad move by them. The IS8 has a viewport that sticks out the top, easy shot at face huggin range for full damage. I also played a game with the KV-2 and the derp. Took 3 shots, but I killed an IS8 (had a little help also) with it. I got 2 shots in for over 500 which made me happy, while the first only hit for around ~150. I also dont remember the KV being as slow as the KV-2, but it had been awhile since I've played it.

The new maps are interesting, but I only got to play each one once. So I will reserve any comments about those till I get some more games in on each one.


Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2001
The S-70 has always been able to pen the lower glacis if it's angled at 20 degrees, along with other tier 9 and 10 guns. Tier 9 and 10 guns can also pen everything, including the Maus and T-95 frontally... so I'm not sure this is a good argument to be throwing out there. Angling isn't to make yourself invulnerable, but to bounce a greater amount of shots than you would otherwise.

Point is, from a distance (200-300m) with a bit of angling, the E-75 can bounce most guns fairly easily. I've never had a BL-9 pen my lower glacis when I angle it, unless it's shooting gold rounds. The E-75 excels at mid distance fights, close range the IS series are kings. With the IS4 now gone, I'd argue the M103 is a strong contender vs the E75 for top tier 9 spot. I still don't really know how to fight one frontally.

The gun is.... weird, to say the least, but it hits stuff when I need it to for the most part. Still, I prefer the E-75 to the hexagonal shape of the IS-4, with the woeful side ammo racks. Need to see if that's still the case. The amount of HP it has also means that if you're trading shots, you'll probably win. Also it doesn't have frontal transmission so you can use some 100 octane gasoline instead of a fire extinguisher.

I should send in some E-75 gameplay replays, I don't understand why people hate it and I always do pretty well in it unless I get instagibbed by arty.

Don't want to play the e-100 though, that 150 mm gun is a joke without gold rounds.

Well, I bitch about the E-75's armor b/c that's one of the things that people are always saying is awesome. The various tier 9 heavies all have their strengths & weaknesses. With the M103, old IS-4, and IS-8 (wow, what an easy tank to pick up <3), I can readily exploit the strengths and minimize the weaknesses. Mostly due to powerful guns & either mobility or positioning that can literally make me invulnerable.

With the E-75, I haven't figured any of these things out. The gun is underwhelming, and it makes going head to head with certain tanks extremely hard. But it also lacks the mobility to reposition and/or flank. I rarely find positions where I'm nearly invulnerable--reverse peekaboo is rough b/c the side armor isn't as good as IS-4; hull down (or at least lower glacis down) is hard b/c people can & will shoot the cmdr's hatch.

I'll get the engine tomorrow w/x5 xp. Hopefully I'll find the E-75 more manageable after that point? Maybe?? The gun being lame is still irritating to the *MAX* though. Not being able to take every tank head-on limits options severely. It also forces you to take more conservative shots against maus cheeks and other marginal penetration targets.

But yeah I'd love to see some of your E-75 replays. Deep down I know my rough time w/the E-75 is due to more to me sucking than the tank being bad, but I haven't had much luck in figuring it out yet.

edit: IS-4 drivers: is it just me or does the driver die *all the time* now? lol. I haven't played the tank much but in my few games, the driver was always killed. Often the very first shot to hit me would kill the driver... so I'd heal him & then WHAM! Dead again... every time! It's obnoxious as all hell. Have I just been getting unlucky or what? I swear my driver has never gotten fucked this hard before.
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Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
edit: IS-4 drivers: is it just me or does the driver die *all the time* now? lol. I haven't played the tank much but in my few games, the driver was always killed. Often the very first shot to hit me would kill the driver... so I'd heal him & then WHAM! Dead again... every time! It's obnoxious as all hell. Have I just been getting unlucky or what? I swear my driver has never gotten fucked this hard before.

It's the weakspot:


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
eLiu to fix your dead IS4 driver problem, you should be angling your tank about 25-40ish degrees. At that angle they can't hit your drivers hatch and your only weakspot is the front "shoulder", which isn't a guarenteed pen if your moving. Other shots should bounce off your sides, or just track you, but deal no damage. Fighting head on with the IS-4 is never a good idea.

As for the E-75, the last engine is a night and day difference. Its around 350 extra horses. I haven't been playing my E-75 all that much in the past few weeks, but I'll check to see if I have any good replays when I get home today. The E-75 is also a dead end tank atm. With the the E-100 being useless (even more so with the IS4), there really isnt' a point in grinding through the E-75.


Platinum Member
May 31, 2010
The KV-2 is great for some derpy goodness. It seems to be a bit more mobile and much more survivable than the old KV, so you can survive longer and get off more derp shots.

The KV-1 though seems very underwhelming so far.


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2009
Found the x5 indicator distracting so decided to get all tanks x5ed. Lost over 100k before I could finally get the 5x on the e50.

In the M103 on Haluf I was the only one that went to cover A3. We were actually up early on since our noob team had a fetish for killing fodder while ignoring important targets. Got owned by a third of their team that come up to A3. Then the team proceeded to lose FIVE tanks trying to kill a Leopard.

Next up was my Panther on Steppes, destroyed by a IS7 that waltzed it's way down the road on the edge of the map. IS7 was killed by our T110 but we still lost badly. I called out the IS7 for shooting a tier 7 while our T110 was raping him, got blasted in chat by both ours and the opposing team.

After another half hour, simply gave up with more than half of my tanks yet to be x5ed.

Yes, win ratio is important but be warned, if anyone brings that up, I will bash u with the fail team counter argument until you are laying motionless on the floor.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2010
Yes, win ratio is important but be warned, if anyone brings that up, I will bash u with the fail team counter argument until you are laying motionless on the floor.

A good or great player can counter a bad team. My T30 yesterday had to get 7 kills and kill the last 4 enemy tanks but that's what it takes to win.

I have a 67% win rate in my Panther II playing only public matches and by myself. My E75 is 63% and my Type 59 is at 58%.

Good players can make their team win. Sure there are games where a bad team just melts away and there is nothing you can do. But the difference between having a 40~% win rate and a mid 50% win rate is how often you can push your team over the top when it's close. :awe:

Possessed Freak

Diamond Member
Nov 4, 1999
I managed a 50% win ratio last night. I have NO idea how, as I felt I was losing much more often. Of course the quality of my wins were pathetic compared to my first 4 losses. I took the IS8 out... 900exp on a loss. Took it out again, 1100exp on a loss. Took the 50/120 out and got 800exp on a loss. Took the KV-2 out, 1200exp on a loss.

Oh and seeing a stock IS4 on your team is getting old. How you did not unlock the BL9 before getting the IS4 is beyond me.

I still wish they did a 5x first game instead. Each time you take your tank out for the first game, it is a 5x. Done. None of the need to repeatedly take these tanks out until you get the 5x.

Possessed Freak

Diamond Member
Nov 4, 1999
A good or great player can counter a bad team. My T30 yesterday had to get 7 kills and kill the last 4 enemy tanks but that's what it takes to win.
Can, but often won't. A good player can influence the game and help weaker players turn it into a win. But when it is you versus multiple tanks it is almost a forgone conclusion (unless it was the ole KV in a tier 5 game or a Maus with tier 8's left).

I have a 67% win rate in my Panther II playing only public matches and by myself. My E75 is 63% and my Type 59 is at 58%.
My T20 is retired at a 78% win ratio. I can not say it is great tanker play with that one, I consider most of those wins to be luck as I often died early in those battles.

My Panther 2 is slightly below yours at 66%. It is a damn good tank. My E75 is much less. My 59, 57%.
Then there are the oddities. The weakest tier 10 tank... the E100, rocking a 66%.

My KV-5: 57%.
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Platinum Member
May 31, 2010
Good players can make their team win. Sure there are games where a bad team just melts away and there is nothing you can do. But the difference between having a 40~% win rate and a mid 50% win rate is how often you can push your team over the top when it's close. :awe:

I would say rather that a good player can give their team opportunities, but you can't make them win and it's rare that you will be able to do it all yourself.

I'm almost always the one trying to hold the weak side when the whole team lemmings in one direction. Sometimes I/we can put up a hell of a fight, holding up and killing many of them..... but the lemmings will still be sitting there afraid to charge one low tier heavy... or they totally fall apart and get raped by an inferior force. The point is, it's luck as much as anything.


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
I would say rather that a good player can give their team opportunities, but you can't make them win and it's rare that you will be able to do it all yourself.

I'm almost always the one trying to hold the weak side when the whole team lemmings in one direction. Sometimes I/we can put up a hell of a fight, holding up and killing many of them..... but the lemmings will still be sitting there afraid to charge one low tier heavy... or they totally fall apart and get raped by an inferior force. The point is, it's luck as much as anything.

I will avoid lemmingtrains at all cost...even if I have to cross over to the other isde og the map 5 minutttes into the game.

They always seems to die fast and messy...in a big pile...I wan't no part of that.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
A good or great player can counter a bad team. My T30 yesterday had to get 7 kills and kill the last 4 enemy tanks but that's what it takes to win.

I have a 67% win rate in my Panther II playing only public matches and by myself. My E75 is 63% and my Type 59 is at 58%.

Good players can make their team win. Sure there are games where a bad team just melts away and there is nothing you can do. But the difference between having a 40~% win rate and a mid 50% win rate is how often you can push your team over the top when it's close. :awe:

disagree, a LOT of times i'll take out 3-7 tanks a round yet my team fails and i lose the round. last night it took me ~4-5 hours and i still couldn't get the 5x for all my tanks, i gave up exhausted and went to sleep >_<

this is why the win % doesn't tell the story, you are only as good as your team 99% of the time unless you can take out 15 tanks w/o dying
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