[MMO] World of Tanks

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Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
that's the thing tho, RARELY do they all engage you, pubbing for some reason they always attack 1 at a time, maybe 2 at a time.


Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2001
eLiu to fix your dead IS4 driver problem, you should be angling your tank about 25-40ish degrees. At that angle they can't hit your drivers hatch and your only weakspot is the front "shoulder", which isn't a guarenteed pen if your moving. Other shots should bounce off your sides, or just track you, but deal no damage. Fighting head on with the IS-4 is never a good idea.
Oh I know it's a weakspot. I played the old IS-4 for a few hundred games w/like 58% win rate; I loved that tank. So being pen'd in my driver's hatch & having him die is no new experience. But I've just never had it happen this frequently (=twice every game?!). Usually the first driver death would be from some invisible tank, at which point I'd heal him & turn. Then he'd die again anyway. :/ In the tier9 IS-4, I know I've been pen'd in the hatch w/o losing my driver... I don't think that's happened yet in the tier10 version. So I was wondering if there was also some kind of driver hitbox change or if I've just been getting unlucky.

Good players can make their team win. Sure there are games where a bad team just melts away and there is nothing you can do. But the difference between having a 40~% win rate and a mid 50% win rate is how often you can push your team over the top when it's close. :awe:
Agreed. There are some people in my clan that I really "click" with. When we play together, we win like >80% of our games (tiers 8-10). It's amazing. And yeah, I challenge you to find a player with a 47% win rate on a high tier heavy (9,10) who does more dmg than he has HP each game, on average.

as of last night i've never seen so many is-4's that did not have the BL-9, it's like wtf have you been doing, this patch has been in the works for a year and you still couldn't grind for the BL-9 or S70? never mind all the stock turreted is-4's i saw also.
The tier10 IS-4 cannot mount the BL-9, surprisingly and annoyingly enough. But yes, players who intentionally bring an IS-4 with the stock gun to battle need to uninstall. It completely cripples your team when you have a tier10 that cannot do *anything*. And these assholes aren't even willing to lead attacks and let others use their tanks as shields--it's the ONLY useful purpose they can even serve and they'd rather camp!!!

I don't know whether to be angry at these specific players or to be angry with WG for giving a tier10 such a ridiculous stock gun. They're punishing players everywhere, not just people who tried to free xp to the old IS-4.

For the E-75, I've mentioned this before... there's 2 pieces that make it "fun" to drive, missing either one makes the tank completely unbearable. The 128 and the final engine. With the final engine, the E-75 feels like a KT again. Prior to that it's just bloody slow. I played 2 games in the 1st engine before dashing out the free exp to get the 2nd one.

And a funny thing happened yesterday... a Lorraine was sidehugging my obj 704 and for some reason both of our tanks FLIPPED OUT. I saw the opportunity and shot him in the side (killing him), but the event let me confused...
Well I'm getting the engine today. Hopefully I'll <3 the thing afterwards! Or I'll probably go insane...

As for the "FLIPPED OUT" thing, this bug is known (and hilarious):

I've had a match where I side-hugged a JT... a few insane spins later, his gun was facing into my ass. Fuck.

So I go to the official forums, where I have posted several times in the past. Now it says I do not have the ability to start a new topic, and every post I open says it is locked.
THey recently changed the forums so that you have to have 20 games played in order to post (except in a few sections). They said that this might cause people w/enough games ot be unable to post, but logout/log back in will fix you right up.

Rather than screw with my teams by taking a horribly gimped IS4 or IS8 into battle, I've repurchased my IS to grind out the good engine (skipped that too) and will have to then buy an IS-3 just so I can grind out a BL-9. Then, with the BL-9, I can M62-T2 on the IS-8. Only then will I play the IS-4. Otherwise, I'm just being a dick.

THANK YOU. SO MUCH, omg. I wish other players were as thoughtful as you are being.
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Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2009
that's the thing tho, RARELY do they all engage you, pubbing for some reason they always attack 1 at a time, maybe 2 at a time.

It's unpredictable though. One of the strange games I had was on Lakeville in my t34, killed a strange T110 from 100% before he could do any damage to the team or me, also killed a batchat and an IS3 and still lost, got capped on just a few seconds before I could get back and at the very least reset the cap.

Another game like that, on the team we had with a type 59 platoon on Mountain pass. At the begin, an E50 has some mod installed and he was complaining about the platoon members having a 42% and 43% win ratio. The types were actually shooting each other and 1 even tked the other 59 yet we still won that game.

Also had games when I had to go afk and still won even though I was top tier and didn't participate. Winning/losing isn't completely random but it isn't a tangible thing either, just way too many things factor in.


Platinum Member
May 31, 2010
that's the thing tho, RARELY do they all engage you, pubbing for some reason they always attack 1 at a time, maybe 2 at a time.

The average player seems to be incredibly timid. Just last night there was a game where my KT and a Lowe were the only players covering the cliff road on Abbey. We were attacked by 6 enemies - IS3, KV5, KV2, Pershing, Tiger P, VK3001.

After the first few exchanges of fire they HAD to realize that there were only 2 of us. If they had all swarmed around together so they could all hit our sides we'd have been dead in 30 seconds. Instead they sat on the corner playing peekaboo and we held them for over 5 minutes, killing all but the IS3 and Pershing.

But of course as soon as we died they marched straight on to cap FTW with no opposition.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
The average player seems to be incredibly timid. Just last night there was a game where my KT and a Lowe were the only players covering the cliff road on Abbey. We were attacked by 6 enemies - IS3, KV5, KV2, Pershing, Tiger P, VK3001.

After the first few exchanges of fire they HAD to realize that there were only 2 of us. If they had all swarmed around together so they could all hit our sides we'd have been dead in 30 seconds. Instead they sat on the corner playing peekaboo and we held them for over 5 minutes, killing all but the IS3 and Pershing.

But of course as soon as we died they marched straight on to cap FTW with no opposition.

A lot of times it's not the tanks you "see" that are a threat, but the tanks hiding that are the real threat. Sure they could see the two of you, but who's to tell whether there are 3 big guns pointing the same way as well? There could be 2 of you, or there could be 6. To err on the side of caution is always wiser than running in recklessly.

Now if you two were the ONLY tanks left... then it's plain and simple stupidity.


Platinum Member
May 31, 2010
A lot of times it's not the tanks you "see" that are a threat, but the tanks hiding that are the real threat. Sure they could see the two of you, but who's to tell whether there are 3 big guns pointing the same way as well? There could be 2 of you, or there could be 6. To err on the side of caution is always wiser than running in recklessly.

Now if you two were the ONLY tanks left... then it's plain and simple stupidity.

Many times yes. But this is a situation where you're on an enclosed road and what you see in front of you is all that there is (ignoring arty). Recognizing the difference is the key.


Apr 9, 2012
I finally had a decent tier 10 game with my new derpy KV-2 after a couple really bad ones (as in one shot by the big guns ... LOL!).

In that battle, my KV-2 put hits on a T-50-2 (one shot him) charging down base on an arty hunt, hit a Maus at range (400M -- they look HUGE even that far away!) for a 364 hit point hit, hit a IS-4 at mid range a couple of times for 13 and 6 percent damage, and then took on an E100 at the cap (with help from teammates) and landed 3 derp hits on him close range and head on to take out 35 percent damage in total. The KV-2 even took a single close range blast from the E100 and survived (though barely -- the extra hit points from the 7.3 patch allowed for that).

I landed 7 of 9 hits (the two misses were also across the lake at long range) and earned 38K of credits and about 1800XP (on a standard account -- originally I though it was still on the 1 day premium where you get 50 percent bonus, but that doesn't appear to be the case after looking at the stats). I also earned my mastery ace badge for my new KV-2 with this battle.

In another battle I nailed a T34 three times all frontally while defending tank alley on the Himmelsdorf (?) map with a T29. Two of the hits took out about 25 percent damage each (for about 390 hit points per shot). The last only took out 10 percent and sent him to tank heaven.

I'm happy to see that the derpy KV is still a very good tank with the 7.3 patch and will remain one of my favorites!
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Apr 8, 2002
The IS8 is squishy that is for sure. I like the speed, mobility and gun. But it is not a standoff tank. The IS4 is very very nice. Me likey

I sold my KV-3, KV-1,KV-2,and T-150 and repurchased the IS and got the S-51. 100K from the E50. About 19K from the last engine on the E75. Teams are still terrible but my win % is closer to 40% than 10% like last night.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
holy shit is the kv-2 expensive to operate or what?

10k credit gain, 4.5k credit repairs 4.5k credits ammo cost



jesus what the hell is this t-14? where do I shoot this thing? can't pen it for shit with my churchill
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Feb 29, 2012
I sold off the T-150 so I could buy the IS... since it was on sale, I could afford it with what I had and what I got from the T-150. I didn't see any reason to keep it, even though I hadn't elited it yet. It really is just a baby KV-3, and it's not that great at it either in my opinion. At that tier, the KV-1S or the KV-2 are much better choices.

I had a terrible night. I played about 12 battles total trying to get 5X wins, and I got set on fire every game, every tank. One battle, I got set on fire 3 separate times in my KV-3. The only tank that didn't flame on was the PzIV, and that's only because I got ripped apart in four seconds flat.

Two separate games were lost to enemy caps within the first two minutes. Everybody rushed one side, enemy had picked the other, and everyone just sat there and let it happen. One game, we lost by destruction in literally 1:30.

Also, I'm not thrilled with the 152 on the KV-2; I like the KV-2 itself, but I'm seriously something like 2/25 on hits with the gun. The 107 seems like a much better choice, unless you bottom tier against tier 10 tanks. Being able to damage them only matters if you can shoot them, though...


Apr 9, 2012
Also, I'm not thrilled with the 152 on the KV-2; I like the KV-2 itself, but I'm seriously something like 2/25 on hits with the gun. The 107 seems like a much better choice, unless you bottom tier against tier 10 tanks. Being able to damage them only matters if you can shoot them, though...
I think WOT may have given you one of the KV-2's from the 7.3 batch with a crooked barrel if you're missing that much.

Seriously, your gunner is probably not using the gun right yet. After 40+ battles since the 7.3 patch, my gunner is hitting at a 75 percent rate and that's with me telling him to take wild long shots (400+ meters) every time the opportunity arises (which is often). Long shots are iffy (like a 50/50 thing for me), but anything short of that I fully expect my gunner to hit. That is, I'm surprised if he misses.

The key is that, with the derpy 152, you really have to take the time to aim and let the reticle fully constrict if you want to hit your target. You even have to do this if the target is point blank in front of you and filling the initial reticle. The more you let the reticle settle the more damage you'll do also. After it settles, do not twitch before pulling the trigger or you'll likely miss.

The aim is really slow for the 152 at 4 seconds -- well everything is slow for the KV-2 -- and if you want to play it effectively, you just need to adapt your play style to accommodate it. It just takes a little practice. Once you have it down, it is literally a BIG blast to take on the high tiered tanks on in your lowly KV-2.

I just had a tier 10 match today where I landed 7 of 9 hits on a T-50-2, IS-4 (two hits), a maus, and an E100 (3 hits). The shots ranged from very close to long. I hit one of the long shots, but missed two of the shots across a lake.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
Oh I know it's a weakspot. I played the old IS-4 for a few hundred games w/like 58% win rate; I loved that tank. So being pen'd in my driver's hatch & having him die is no new experience. But I've just never had it happen this frequently (=twice every game?!). Usually the first driver death would be from some invisible tank, at which point I'd heal him & turn. Then he'd die again anyway. :/ In the tier9 IS-4, I know I've been pen'd in the hatch w/o losing my driver... I don't think that's happened yet in the tier10 version. So I was wondering if there was also some kind of driver hitbox change or if I've just been getting unlucky.

I think you are just getting unlucky (or playing against good players). I've probably got around 20+ games in my IS4 since the patch and I haven't lost a driver yet. This is surprising to me, since I've had quite a few drivers dead, revived, dead again games in the tier 9 version, but not even a single death yet. Also now that I say this, I bet when I play this afternoon I'll have a dead driver each game.

Well the IS4 let me down yesterday, its like its bounceonium armor coating wore off. Took me about 4 trys to get my x5. I guess pubs are picking up on where to hit it, oh well I knew the fun wouldn't last. I still like it being a tier 10, but I'm still a fan of the IS7.

I did have one of those "my team let me down" games yesterday in my IS-7. Rolled up my flank handily with 3 kills and 90% life left. Unfortunately my other flank melted. Me and a Patton haul ass back to base. By the time we get there, there are 5 tanks on our cap. I ended up getting 2 shots off, but with 5 tanks (with not even a single one close to death, WTF team) my efforts were useless. 3 kills, still at around 75% life, and game over. Fuck.


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
I was lucky yesterday.
Got all my x5's on first try on my "buff crew traning tanks".


Then got my x5's on the tanks I grind atm:

Best game was the last in the hummel.
Real teamwork...on campinova of all places.

3 x arty on both sides...but the other side decided to camp, so our team took the hill and combined arty + "wolfpack" made short work of the other team.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
i am wondering if the kv-4 is worth the grind for the last gun as it's not used on any other tanks....or if i should just bypass the turret + last gun which is 60+k of XP and just grind for the ST-1


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
holy shit is the kv-2 expensive to operate or what?

10k credit gain, 4.5k credit repairs 4.5k credits ammo cost



jesus what the hell is this t-14? where do I shoot this thing? can't pen it for shit with my churchill

Bottom hull or turret is squishy. The sides above the armored track plates are also squishy, but they're slightly sloped.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 2005
I may do the craziest thing and sell my Lowe...ever since getting the 59 thats all I play for credit grinding. It is a LOT more fun (I like mediums).


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
I may do the craziest thing and sell my Lowe...ever since getting the 59 thats all I play for credit grinding. It is a LOT more fun (I like mediums).

You'll probably regret it after doing it. LOL Seriously though I keep both of mine. Those days when I do want to farm creds fast. I switch back and forth between my Lowe and T59. If I die early in a fight instead of hanging around and waiting I jump into the other and fight and then when done jump back into the other. I just go back and forth that way. You can make some seriously mad creds real quick in a couple of hours. Not to mention some decent free xp.

Edit: The gold tanks are a good way to train up crews too.
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Apr 8, 2002
I wouldnt sell the Lowe. Dont play it is cheaper than selling it. There will be a day when you want to credit farm. Going back and forth between the Lowe and Type 59 is a fast way to do it. I do that with the KV-5 and Type 59. I can make credits pretty quick.

I am not sure what to make of the IS8 quite yet. Will play more matches in it. I do love the IS4. Damn this tank is nice now. The S-51 without a 100% crew is terrible lol. I paid to upgrade them to 100%. So sad but WoT is entertainment right?


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Tried out the S-51, and now I understand why people keep talking about this thing not having enough shells to last a match. First game I hit 4-5 tanks but we ended up losing anyways because our mediums decided to play PAB with a 4502...

Also pretty boring, but it is satisfying to see big numbers pop up. Only hard part about this is figuring out where to park your SPG so you can get good shots in, after that its whack a mole.

Definitely don't see myself playing this for doubles.


Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2001
Tried out the S-51, and now I understand why people keep talking about this thing not having enough shells to last a match. First game I hit 4-5 tanks but we ended up losing anyways because our mediums decided to play PAB with a 4502...

Also pretty boring, but it is satisfying to see big numbers pop up. Only hard part about this is figuring out where to park your SPG so you can get good shots in, after that its whack a mole.

Definitely don't see myself playing this for doubles.

Hmm, good info. I bought one but I haven't done anything w/it yet. I'm pretty reluctant to take 75% crew into battle and I don't want to pay gold to train.

I wasn't too impressed by the SU-26 and I was hoping a higher tier arty would give me a more exciting game. But perhaps not? D: lol


Platinum Member
May 31, 2010
I may do the craziest thing and sell my Lowe...ever since getting the 59 thats all I play for credit grinding. It is a LOT more fun (I like mediums).

You's insane. Why would you sell a 12500 gold tank to free up a slot that you could buy for 300 gold or less?


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
Hmm, good info. I bought one but I haven't done anything w/it yet. I'm pretty reluctant to take 75% crew into battle and I don't want to pay gold to train.

I wasn't too impressed by the SU-26 and I was hoping a higher tier arty would give me a more exciting game. But perhaps not? D: lol

Higher tier arty is quite a change from tier 2-5 (never made it past 4, went the S-51 route). The lower tier arty are faced with having to hit smaller, more mobile targets. Its a terribly frustrating experience that well since you can't hit shit, you can't get xp, and the grind is almost infinite.

While starting off with the S-51 isnt all that bad. The stock gun is ok, but the 203 isn't that far of a grind to get. After that, the reload might be long (~37 or so sec if I remember correctly with rammer), but its quite capable of raining 1 hit death shots to tier 10s (IS7/T110) and below. Its also thrown into the high tier games, which is actually a boon as most tier 9/10s aren't that hard to hit and grant much more xp/credits than a tier 7/8.

Unfortunately for me arty didn't get "exciting" till I got my 261 fully upgraded. A 25 sec reload is short for arty, and the accuracy is amazing. It also doubles as a really great TD, very maneuverable, and 1100dam 360 pen AP rounds are so much fun to put through the front of tier 10s at near point blank.

The S-51 and object 212 are painfully slow in both turning and moving. It makes TDing a scout (almost)impossible, and if spotted, chances are you are going to die since you can't manuever anywhere close to a rate that will make enemy arty miss. If you want the 261, you're looking at around 700+ games to get it without using free xp starting at the S-51.

edit: if you can, retrain and respec a crew from one of your tanks for the S-51, that way you can start at 100% without the gold costs (just xp/time hit). Starting with a 75% crew is doable (I did it), but I would not recommend it.
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Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I wasn't too impressed by the SU-26 and I was hoping a higher tier arty would give me a more exciting game. But perhaps not? D: lol
The Su-26 is a fun little arty. It doesn't get better - only worse.

Here's playing an arty, move by move:

See red dot, turn to target
Wait 6+ seconds for aim to finish
Wait 1-3 seconds for shot to travel
Target moved, or your shot just landed WAY off target, you missed
Wait 30+ seconds for reload.
New red dot appears on map
You just wasted almost 1 minute on a game that lasts about 6 minutes on average, go back to step 1 and wait some more

I generally hit my target about 80% in a tank, and about 30% in an arty. My win rates in arty are pretty good though at about 55%-60%, and I do reasonably well in kills and damage. Arty is just painfully boring. I often play my arty when I'm eating or talking on the phone since you only have to do something once or twice per minute.

I currently have a Hummel and an S-51. The Hummel is terrible. The S-51 is less terrible, but I only bought it because it went on sale. It takes a LOOOOONG time to level an arty up. The XP per game is generally very, very low. I've hated every arty up through tier 6 but I'm stupid enough to keep thinking it will get better.


Apr 9, 2012
Tried out the S-51, and now I understand why people keep talking about this thing not having enough shells to last a match. First game I hit 4-5 tanks but we ended up losing anyways because our mediums decided to play PAB with a 4502...

Also pretty boring, but it is satisfying to see big numbers pop up. Only hard part about this is figuring out where to park your SPG so you can get good shots in, after that its whack a mole.

Definitely don't see myself playing this for doubles.
I got a S-51 with the recent sale too. I'd be interested in any tips you have on using it from your recent experience.

I'm somewhat of an arty newb and have only played maybe a few dozen games with tier 2 T57 and Buffalo when I first started WOT (my friend who introduced me to WOT loved playing them). I enjoyed the support role that arty did, but then got sucked into playing tank destroyers and normal tanks and haven't had the time to go back. This S-51 sale lets me jump back in at the medium tier level (branching off of the KV-2) without having played anything but tier 2 arty before so my arty skills are probably going to be lacking.

Also, I'm curious if you added any equipment like a rammer or gun laying drive? The load and aim time both sound so slow that it doesn't sound like cutting a little bit off of it would be a big payoff. I'm currently credit poor and tired of grinding for more after pushing to earn the IS-4 (before the 7.3 patch).
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