[MMO] World of Warships

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Jan 23, 2001
I think I've pretty much given up on trying to get my team to work together. I was, at the start of the game, suggesting that players "stick together" or "support each other" and I'd maybe ask if anyone had any plans, but people seemed to only care/respond maybe 25% of the time. Maybe 40% it would be stupid or mocking comments, and the rest silence. I mean it's a public game and I shouldn't expect competition-level coordination, but I don't think it should be too much to assume that people would want to work together in such a team-oriented game. And a lot of coordination isn't even required, it's more if people just stick by and support each other in general then the team stands a far better chance of surviving than if people just go off and do their own thing.

I suppose I'll just let the chips fall as they may, and at least stick with a group myself if nothing else. Oh, by the way, has anyone clicked the "Create Division" button at the top? How does that work, and what's all involved with this option?

I've had had decent success actually. Particularly in my carrier, though maybe that's because people know I have a good top down view.

Usually I'll ask for a few Cruisers for initial AA support against opposing carrier rushes, and then suggest "head south" or "A and B concentration" depending on map. Probably have 70% compliance.


Apr 8, 2001
I do love the guys that just start firing blindy away at the start of the match, cause ya know detection ranges mean nothing.

Did one match in the langley pre wipe, ugh talk about a suck fest. Have no desire to try carriers again anytime soon.


Jan 23, 2001
I do love the guys that just start firing blindy away at the start of the match, cause ya know detection ranges mean nothing.

Did one match in the langley pre wipe, ugh talk about a suck fest. Have no desire to try carriers again anytime soon.

It gets better past the Langly. Langly is pretty lack luster.

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I think I've pretty much given up on trying to get my team to work together. I was, at the start of the game, suggesting that players "stick together" or "support each other" and I'd maybe ask if anyone had any plans, but people seemed to only care/respond maybe 25% of the time. Maybe 40% it would be stupid or mocking comments, and the rest silence. I mean it's a public game and I shouldn't expect competition-level coordination, but I don't think it should be too much to assume that people would want to work together in such a team-oriented game. And a lot of coordination isn't even required, it's more if people just stick by and support each other in general then the team stands a far better chance of surviving than if people just go off and do their own thing.

One of the reasons why I like playing DD is because of the above. You typically can go solo hunting and not worry too much about the rest of the team. There are some exceptions of course where you need the rest of the team to fight off the cruisers, but you can at least spot for them and run interference with torps to keep guys at range and/or focused on avoiding torps and not able to keep constant DPS on the field. You can probably do CV with just a little support as well, but I havn't really played that as I loved DD too much (had a 5k exp match yesterday as a DD, did 100k damage in a tier 4).


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2001

WoW FINALLY moved into open beta today. Am downloading now ...

Now we'll see what all this is about ...



Feb 13, 2003
Yeah I guess it's finally in Open Beta now. Cool, I guess. It means more players, but I never had a problem with too few players before so it doesn't make any difference to me.

So when you click that "Create Division" button and join one, it basically just pairs you with someone (or some people?) and you can voice-chat with them, hey?


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Lot of potatoes in lower tier right now. My destroyer is having a field day.

13 torp hits on my tier 3 IJN destroyer in 1 game, and then next game I 1 shot a NC with my teryu when it surprised me around an island.

Then my st louis gets torped by my own team, he was trying to torp a BC that's 13 km away in a wickes. I had some profanities for him.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
Not going to bother until they put a proper navy in...

No British, no play... and the £35 Warspite doesn't count

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Yeah I have been running into a few too many of the idiots. I think I have had way too many people who don't realize torp range, or pay any kind of attention to the chat and warnings of torps in the water. I had another DD on my team decide to turn straight into the torps that I had in the water for 10-15 seconds already, even after I announced firing torps and specifically warned that DD not to turn right but keep going the direction he was going or turn left (we were in open water so going left or right made no difference what-so-ever especially since the enemy was directly in front of us), so of course he turns right... He assumed my torps were only 6-7k range, not the 10k that I had...

On a side note, I keep catching lots of ships not realizing torps might be 10k range. I mean, they are long range, but relatively slow. I did need to re-learn my timing on them for aiming a bit, especially for catching people coming around an island blind. I think I killed 4 cruisers in one battle last night all because they didn't know they were being hunted.
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Platinum Member
Jan 30, 2001
I've been playing for a few days, but seems to me that forming a battle group is the most important thing?? Cruisers screen the Battles from Destroyers and Air. People that yolo and go off by themselves seem to be useless.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
I've been playing for a few days, but seems to me that forming a battle group is the most important thing?? Cruisers screen the Battles from Destroyers and Air. People that yolo and go off by themselves seem to be useless.

depends on the game mode. On Domination it's important to hold 2/3 or 3/5, and your base can still get capped so ninjaing bases are beneficial. A lone cruiser/DD can prevent your base from getting capped while your slow battle group backtracks or cap the other team's base. Lone destroyers can also provide vision so your long ranged BBs can fire.

On one game we had a lone cruiser prevent our base cap while 1 destroyer capped their base. Main battlegroup was too slow to do either.

But yeah, normally if a cruiser drives off to 1v3 he's going to die.


Jan 23, 2001
The grind for this game is going to be a lot more than World of Tanks. The XP values are similar for the tiers, but the matches are far longer than in WoT. Matches seem to last about 15 minutes most of the time. Many games in WoT last only about 5.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Uh, most WOT games are 10~ minutes easily unless you're YOLOing like a tard, since if you have any sense you'll be humping a rock or house for 10 minutes so you don't get 1 shot by arty.

Ship games are only slightly longer for me, maybe 12-13 minutes. 5-6 minutes if I yolo in a DD and shotgun someone before I die.


Oct 2, 2010
I played in closed beta and have been putting in a decent bit of work in the open beta. Just got my american Tier 4 CV, the Langly. Not a great ship, but air craft carriers can make a huge influence on a battle, even early shitty american ones.

For those of you who haven't found this option yet, go to settings, then go over to controls, in the bottom middle/left area there is a check box for the alternate battle view or whatever, you probably want this turned on. Makes the game a LOT easier.

Possessed Freak

Diamond Member
Nov 4, 1999
Uh, most WOT games are 10~ minutes easily unless you're YOLOing like a tard, since if you have any sense you'll be humping a rock or house for 10 minutes so you don't get 1 shot by arty.
Even damn good players average 5-6 minutes per game in being alive. If you solely play sky cancer... errr arty, then I expect that to be significantly higher.

Remember, it can ONLY be as high at 15 minutes, rarely do games go to draws (~2%), and thus end earlier.


Jan 23, 2001
Uh, most WOT games are 10~ minutes easily unless you're YOLOing like a tard, since if you have any sense you'll be humping a rock or house for 10 minutes so you don't get 1 shot by arty.

Ship games are only slightly longer for me, maybe 12-13 minutes. 5-6 minutes if I yolo in a DD and shotgun someone before I die.

I was talking overall, not individual. I've found a lot of matches get finished in 5-6 minutes on WoT, excepting certain maps that are more campy (Fiery Salient or Swamp). Swamp is the only map that consistently seems to go into the 12+ minute range. Most everything else is far less.

Some games on smaller maps can last 3-4 minutes. No game in WoW is going to be anything close to that short.

The grind is going to be 2-3 times longer IMO.

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
The grind for this game is going to be a lot more than World of Tanks. The XP values are similar for the tiers, but the matches are far longer than in WoT. Matches seem to last about 15 minutes most of the time. Many games in WoT last only about 5.

Yeah but the exp per match is higher. If you are decent, you can easily have 2k exp matches (not including daily/mission/premium bonuses, which can get you in the 5k range on one of those matches, which I just did my last match).

You would be surprised how many people you can get if you are good with torps in a DD. You need to predict what others are going to do, so if you have the mental game down, you can do a lot of damage. Last match I did more than 120k damage, sunk 2 ships without even having them spotted (islands in way) just knowing the timing of the matches and that ships like to run certain paths, sunk 2 battleships (with 2 more about to die when we won on points, as I had a perfect spread on the two which were right next to each other with 2 hitting the one as the match ended and 4 more about to hit both him and his partner), did more than 60-70% damage on 3 more ships as well.
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Feb 8, 2004
IJN vs US BB's? Whats best?

I read people saying US for brawling and IJN for sniping but I dunno... I have a wyoming and im not really sniping or brawling in it, I try to keep things at ~10km, maybe less if I dont feel they are a big threat.

No idea what the IJN BBs are like, the better secondaries seem like a nice thing to have!


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
10KM is brawling range. Cruisers will not miss at that range and you are pretty much at shotgun range with a BB. I can't call BBs snipers because of how random their shots are.

IJN have greater range and they're faster (until the NC at least), and in my experience they are slightly more accurate. USN BBs turn a little bit better though.

I believe the myogi(4), kongo(5), fuso(6) and nagato(7) all outrange their USN counterparts by a good 5-6km before equipment. (all the USN BBs have default ranges at around 10-13km)

USN BBs are slow as shit and have a lot of armor up until the NC (8), but they have bigger guns and turn fairly well once they get going. I never got to tier X so couldn't tell you whats the difference.


Apr 8, 2002
Im having a good time. Of course havent played a MP game yet. Just co-op as I get used to the game.


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2004
just started playing, already tier 4 in a couple days of light playing on both sides, i cant see why anybody would call this a grind (with so few choices compared to WOT, if it leveled faster we would all be top tier in a week or two). Even in the crap ships right now i don't think I have finished in anything but top 3 places maybe 5 times. My biggest complaint is all the venom/hate for arty in WOT, and WoW is all arty it seems, 99% of my games is a team that all sits in back at maximum range shooting 10 shells and hitting with 2, when if they closed a bit (im not saying toe to toe) and connected with 50% or more they would be sinking ships way faster. Right now there is far to much charge alone stuff no doubt, but somebody has to so you get some targets showing for the 3/4 of your fleet hanging on the back line, or wont have anything to shoot at. The game is just arty in ships now (again, with the utter hate in WOT, how can so many do it?) And I do play battleships, there is something to be said about staying in back, but moving up a line or two, keeping some islands close so you can grab some cover, and landing more then 2 shells a volley would be a HUGE advantage.

right now they could just name it Arty on Water. Side note, i love my destroyers, i hardly ever have less then 3 kills in one.. Just spot, pull back and let the big boys get fixated on each other, get that tunnel vision going, then just murder um. To bad most people on your team cant shoot a torp for sheet, i wont count how many times im closer to a target, and some guy behind is laying a line on me, to get to the ship on other side. NEVER shoot torps when you could hit friendlies, they can avoid um, but it takes the sole advantage most ships have, unpredictable sailing pattern and turns you into a avoid only path that is easy to hit.


Feb 13, 2003
just started playing, already tier 4 in a couple days of light playing on both sides, i cant see why anybody would call this a grind (with so few choices compared to WOT, if it leveled faster we would all be top tier in a week or two). Even in the crap ships right now i don't think I have finished in anything but top 3 places maybe 5 times. My biggest complaint is all the venom/hate for arty in WOT, and WoW is all arty it seems, 99% of my games is a team that all sits in back at maximum range shooting 10 shells and hitting with 2, when if they closed a bit (im not saying toe to toe) and connected with 50% or more they would be sinking ships way faster. Right now there is far to much charge alone stuff no doubt, but somebody has to so you get some targets showing for the 3/4 of your fleet hanging on the back line, or wont have anything to shoot at. The game is just arty in ships now (again, with the utter hate in WOT, how can so many do it?) And I do play battleships, there is something to be said about staying in back, but moving up a line or two, keeping some islands close so you can grab some cover, and landing more then 2 shells a volley would be a HUGE advantage.

right now they could just name it Arty on Water. Side note, i love my destroyers, i hardly ever have less then 3 kills in one.. Just spot, pull back and let the big boys get fixated on each other, get that tunnel vision going, then just murder um. To bad most people on your team cant shoot a torp for sheet, i wont count how many times im closer to a target, and some guy behind is laying a line on me, to get to the ship on other side. NEVER shoot torps when you could hit friendlies, they can avoid um, but it takes the sole advantage most ships have, unpredictable sailing pattern and turns you into a avoid only path that is easy to hit.
They could name it "Arty on Water" because naval warfare (with the exception of torpedoes), at least with the WWI-II era ships in the game, is arty on water. That's the name of the game.

I agree it isn't much of a grind at the start, but from what I hear it is now that way (intentionally) as you go up in tiers. It wasn't before, really, but I guess with this latest patch they've drastically increased the experience necessary for the higher tier ships. Makes sense to me.

And yeah, destroyers are awesome. They're my favorite ship class to play, but goddamn when I am playing a battleship I hate those fuckin little bastards! lol. I play IJN destroyers exclusively because their torps aren't shit and I play DDs to give people a nasty case of torpeedus, not shoot guns (I'll play cruiser or battleship for that).


Apr 8, 2002
Went ahead and grabbed 30 days of premium. Really liking the game so far. I got the St. Louis cruiser now. Seem to do pretty well damage wise. But cant win in the thing.

What is the rule of thumb when to use HE or AP rounds?


Apr 8, 2001
pre open beta patch it was always HE unless in a BB targeting a cruisers or BB. haven't looked since to see what has changed.
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