Modern Warfare 2 details coming out


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Gamezine has a few details from the upcoming Game Informer feature on Modern Warfare 2.

Modern Warfare 2's gameplay will be a little more open-ended than Call of Duty 4; stealth can now be used if the player so chooses. Despite this, the story itself will still be linear.

Infinity Ward has taken note of the criticisms of CoD4's enemies (they would constantly respawn unless a player crossed a certain line) and are looking to fix this. The game's single-player will also be longer than CoD4.

Although there will be no co-op in the game's story mode, a series of separate missions in the spirit of CoD4's Mile High Club will include cooperative multiplayer.

As for the game's ice sections, it's unclear whether the player will drive or shoot from the snowmobiles, but they'll certainly be used as a form of escape. Moreover, ice-walls can be climbed by alternating between the two triggers.

Infinity Ward will also implement a live-patching system for the game's online multiplayer, meaning updates won't require a full-blow downloadable patch.

The game will of course run at 60 frames-per-second, with detail being ramped up over CoD4. The GameInformer article also mentions riot shields, movable turrets and customised weapons for single-player enemies. It sounds like the game might just raise the bar again.


Sep 5, 2004
Not a big fan of vehicular sequences (I'll make an exception for CoD 4's AC-130 level), I mean...snowmobiles? I don't want a Bond game, I want a military-style shooter. Also, maybe it's just me but every game that they've come back in a later version and added in riot shields has been crappy. Rainbow 6 did it, Counter Strike did it, it does not need to be in MW2 unless it's SP only.

Sad there's no co-op SP. I guess the levels are OK but it won't compare to playing through the story with your buddies.

Nothing in the update there that really gets me excited.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
Originally posted by: kabob983
Not a big fan of vehicular sequences (I'll make an exception for CoD 4's AC-130 level)

Agreed 100%. The AC-130 is the *ONLY* vehicular sequence in an FPS *EVER* that I've enjoyed and appreciated. GOW2 put the final nail in that coffin. But as long it's not cumbersome and a dominating aspect of the game, I'll be ok.

I'm glad they're addressing the infinitely spawning enemies. That was truly annoying. I like being able to clear an area 100% before moving on. Being forced to move on when there are baddies behind you leaves you with a sense of not finishing the job.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Originally posted by: jbourne77
Originally posted by: kabob983
Not a big fan of vehicular sequences (I'll make an exception for CoD 4's AC-130 level)

Agreed 100%. The AC-130 is the *ONLY* vehicular sequence in an FPS *EVER* that I've enjoyed and appreciated. GOW2 put the final nail in that coffin. But as long it's not cumbersome and a dominating aspect of the game, I'll be ok.

I'm glad they're addressing the infinitely spawning enemies. That was truly annoying. I like being able to clear an area 100% before moving on. Being forced to move on when there are baddies behind you leaves you with a sense of not finishing the job.

1. GOW2 is not an FPS I agree though, vehicle parts in these games are not fun.
2. I agree, the infinite spawning enemies has ruined the SP since COD2. i thought COD4 single player was pretty weak other than 2 levels, and i don't expect much more out of MW2.


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2002
i just want the multiplayer to be as good as the original. i haven't enjoyed a console multiplayer online fps as much as the first mw.


Senior member
Nov 20, 2007
well, it is IW. i have faith if it's in MW2, it will be pretty good.

i'm saving my judgment for november.


Jun 24, 2004
Here's all I really want for it:

- Split-screen online multiplayer, like Halo 3. PLEASE! I like playing online with friends but sometimes I like to actually socialize with people, and when I do, the only option is Halo 3. The CoD games have split-screen, but only offline, so you have a maximum of four people at once. Doesn't make for very exciting matches. Nazi Zombies would be more fun if you could have at least two people at once playing online with up to two others.

- Some form of online skill system to allow fairer matches. Again, Halo 3 does this, CoD doesn't, and it means that you're very likely to get matched up with people who are either way better or way worse than you. I guess it's not THAT bad (I get my ass handed to me regularly in Halo 3 despite its skill system), but it could be made a lot better. So many games are just so lopsided with CoD.

Personally I wouldn't mind them removing that third support call as well. The heli was overpowered and the dogs are arguably even moreso. I'd like to see them change it from 3/6/9 to maybe something like 3/7 or 4/8 for recon and air strike. Maybe make the air strike a little better to balance the lack of a helicopter. Or at the very least, make the helicopter not last as long.


Sep 5, 2004
Helicopter isn't nearly as annoying as the dogs are. First, with two or so people concentrating fire on it you can kill it very easily, especially with RPG's and LMG's. When you're playing with a random group of people yeah, it can be hard to get people to help out but it's not too bad. Next if you're hidden it cannot hit you.

Course, nothing's more annoying than calling in a chopper and having it get 0-1 kills, then having some else call one in that gets like 7.

It's 3/5/7 for the call-ins as it is. Honestly I wouldn't mind seeing it more difficult, 4/6/9 or so does sound about right. I call in the UAV and airstrike all the time, the chopper is a little rarer but I've yet to prestige without getting the "call in a chopper 2x in one match" challenge.


Jun 24, 2004
One thing I've heard is that the dogs will constantly respawn until a time limit is reached. Now that is bullshit. If your team is good at killing dogs, you should be rewarded with less time having to fight them off, just like with the helicopter.

I was going to say that dogs do a decent job of distracting players even if they don't kill them, and I'm often killed by enemy players while fighting off dogs. But then I realized that the same is true with the helicopter. Many times I've watched my killcam as an enemy sniper takes aim at me and easily pulls off a headshot thanks to me standing in one spot blasting away with an LMG.


Sep 5, 2004
Originally posted by: AstroManLuca
One thing I've heard is that the dogs will constantly respawn until a time limit is reached. Now that is bullshit. If your team is good at killing dogs, you should be rewarded with less time having to fight them off, just like with the helicopter.

I was going to say that dogs do a decent job of distracting players even if they don't kill them, and I'm often killed by enemy players while fighting off dogs. But then I realized that the same is true with the helicopter. Many times I've watched my killcam as an enemy sniper takes aim at me and easily pulls off a headshot thanks to me standing in one spot blasting away with an LMG.

The difference though is that there is only one helicopter, dogs come from everywhere. I can typically shoot at a helicopter and be aware of the situation around me. With the dogs you can kill one and one will spawn right behind you, retarded.



Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
kabob, thanks for the links, man. I'd like to echo the sidebar ("Catching Flak") with regard to the single player.

I agree that it was short, but I also agree that there's no purpose served by artificially extending gameplay. If the story is over, it's over. Leave them wanting more, and IW gets that.

The first game left me with my jaw on the floor. The final scene was such a rush and it made me realize that I had an emotional attachment to these guys - a first for me when it comes to games.


As for the chopper, I have no problem with it at all. It's very, very rare that I get taken down by a chopper (or an airstrike, for that matter). It simply AMAZES me how many people die via choppers and airstrikes. Most people just don't use their radar at all. It's easy to avoid these things if you're paying attention and have any remote multitasking ability: one eyeball on the field, the other on the radar.

It's not overpowered, it just exposes people who aren't paying attention to everything they should be paying attention to. Nuances like this are what separate the 0.5:1 players and the 2:1 players.

However, I have no problem with them increasing the kill requirements. Honestly, UAV is too easy to get (and this is coming from a guy who uses the UAV jammer 90% of the time). I'd say a 4/6/9 would shake things up and make it interesting. Matches that constantly have a chopper in the air aren't really any fun and it diminishes the satisfaction of getting one. Also, I would love to see a 4th reward. My best streak is 28 or something absurd like that. If you crack something crazy like 20, there should be a tangible reward and it should be devastating or even match-ending. If a team allows an opponent to rack up 20+ kills without any retribution, said team should be punished.


Sep 5, 2004
Originally posted by: jbourne77
Nuances like this are what separate the 0.5:1 players and the 2:1 players.

Showoff!! I've started getting back in the groove, with over 15K kills my kill ratio has gone from 1.37 to 1.46 (down to 1.45 last night) over the past two weeks. I don't know how you people carry a consistant 2.0+. Well, actually, if I started a new GT now I could probably manage it as I'm alot better than when I started, but you've got a TON of kills!

Originally posted by: jbourne77
However, I have no problem with them increasing the kill requirements. Honestly, UAV is too easy to get (and this is coming from a guy who uses the UAV jammer 90% of the time). I'd say a 4/6/9 would shake things up and make it interesting. Matches that constantly have a chopper in the air aren't really any fun and it diminishes the satisfaction of getting one. Also, I would love to see a 4th reward. My best streak is 28 or something absurd like that. If you crack something crazy like 20, there should be a tangible reward and it should be devastating or even match-ending. If a team allows an opponent to rack up 20+ kills without any retribution, said team should be punished.

My best streak is 20, although part of that came from a chopper being called in. I agree, it's not really satisfying at all to call in a UAV as getting 3 in a row is such a common happening. I'm fine with adding a 4th call in, although having it match ending I don't like, UNLESS it's on TDM only. I've seen people get crazy scores on other match types (domination, hq, etc), one guy I play with sniped on Bog and went something like 52-2-1.

Bill Brasky

Diamond Member
May 18, 2006
Originally posted by: kabob983
More to come:

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I believe it's from the forthcoming (but not yet released) Game Informer

Here's the rest. God I'm so pumped for this game.

10 sec. of in-game hd footage.

More of the same info. with screenshots etc.


Jul 21, 2005
Originally posted by: kabob983
Not a big fan of vehicular sequences (I'll make an exception for CoD 4's AC-130 level), I mean...snowmobiles? I don't want a Bond game, I want a military-style shooter. Also, maybe it's just me but every game that they've come back in a later version and added in riot shields has been crappy. Rainbow 6 did it, Counter Strike did it, it does not need to be in MW2 unless it's SP only.

Sad there's no co-op SP. I guess the levels are OK but it won't compare to playing through the story with your buddies.

Nothing in the update there that really gets me excited.

Oh man good memories. Man I used to love that game, I really miss it. I still have it but it just isn't the same as it was 5 years ago (mainly due to maturity level). <----not sure if that made sense but it did to me

Sea Moose

Diamond Member
May 12, 2009
Ok lets get one thing clear.
COD4 is one of the best games ever. The singleplayer missions were fantastic. I dont understand why people whine about the enemy respawn, i was happy to shoot and shoot and shoot, pick up the enemies weapon and shoot some more.

I will make a minor admission.
I would like to see darker multlyplayer missions to make full use of the night vision.
It would be nice to see australian sas soldiers in the game, with aus weapons, such as the styer. (And not americans putting on a fake aussie accent)

I am looking forward to COD6, i hope they dont make it too futuristic.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Sea Moose
Ok lets get one thing clear.
COD4 is one of the best games ever. The singleplayer missions were fantastic. I dont understand why people whine about the enemy respawn, i was happy to shoot and shoot and shoot, pick up the enemies weapon and shoot some more.

I will make a minor admission.
I would like to see darker multlyplayer missions to make full use of the night vision.
It would be nice to see australian sas soldiers in the game, with aus weapons, such as the styer. (And not americans putting on a fake aussie accent)

I am looking forward to COD6, i hope they dont make it too futuristic.

The mag scans show a steyr AUG, and a french FAMAS as well. I think the Israeli Tavor is also in it, but I'm not 100% positive. I cant tell what some of the other rifles were, but they so need to put the XM8 in.


Sea Moose

Diamond Member
May 12, 2009
wow thank you for confirming the steyr is in th game! i kinda hope they dont include the xm8 in it. I dont want futurisitc weapons. It would ruin the game. I dunno maybe the if the had an impeccable story line or somthing....

But i just want current standard issue in the game be intersting to see how the steyr compares to real life


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
Originally posted by: kabob983
Originally posted by: jbourne77
Nuances like this are what separate the 0.5:1 players and the 2:1 players.

Showoff!! I've started getting back in the groove, with over 15K kills my kill ratio has gone from 1.37 to 1.46 (down to 1.45 last night) over the past two weeks. I don't know how you people carry a consistant 2.0+. Well, actually, if I started a new GT now I could probably manage it as I'm alot better than when I started, but you've got a TON of kills!

My ratio is slowly climbing, as it, too, is being dragged down by the early days of COD4. I'd love to tell you how awesome I am, but honestly, the game just suits my style of play. I was a 1:1 player in most other games (CS, SoF, R6, UT), but COD4 is different from those games. It's more of a 'thinking man's' game, if you ask me. While most people can't help themselves from running and gunning, I *can't* do that because my aim downright sucks. So I move around the perimeter of the maps quietly, listen to my surroundings, and wait for clues to cue me that I can safely spring into action.

- I don't shoot at someone unless I'm certain I'll kill them. Even though all of my weapons are silenced (a must, if you ask me), the tracers still light up your position to observant players.

- I literally navigate the maps using the radar. 51% of my attention is on the minimap at all times. Red dots = dead dots. I don't go looking for people to shoot; I shoot people who make themselves known. The radar also allows you to track the green arrows. Disappearing green arrow without red dot = me closing in on you .

- I rarely run. If you're running, you can't fire your weapon. You also reduce your reaction time. Slowly walking around a corner gives you much more time to react than running around a corner.

- UAV Jammer. There's nothing I love more than hearing that the enemy has just acquired a UAV. If I had it my way, they'd get a UAV every 30 seconds .

- Center of the maps = death traps. My favorite maps are the maps with a good perimeter overlooking the map. Backlot, Crash, Overgrown, Crossfire, and Strike all have excellent perimeters. It amazes me when people go jogging through the middle of these maps, because they're just asking to be picked off.

- Always moving. The kill cam makes camping very punishing. When I kill someone, I move. In fact, knowing that they might watch my kill on the cam might even inspire me to take guard over my previous spot, so when they come back for revenge, I'll still have position on them.

- Pay attention to tracers. I know this sounds obvious, but I see people walk into the crossfire all the time. If you see tracers going all over the place up in front of you, and your radar shows green arrows on the right side, where do you think the enemy is up ahead?

- Bait. I snipe on one or two maps and use claymores. If I know an enemy is in the vicinity, I'll fire my weapon in the air just so I'll show up on his radar and get him to pursue me. I usually do this if I'm only one kill from an airstrike or a chopper, otherwise I'd rather have the claymore watching my back while I snipe.

- People still use inferior weapons. The Uzi is trash, folks. P90 and MP5 are the only viable SMG's. The Skorpion is deadly, but you can't take 2 or more badies with it, even if you sneak up on them. The clip is just too small. Same goes for the machine guns. They might have a few VERY specific uses, but for the most part, the bullet spread and decreased maneuverability make them a very poor choice. Also, the Dessert Eagle is the smallest Assault Rifle in the game. No reason to use any other pistol unless you're going for 100% stealth.


Sea Moose

Diamond Member
May 12, 2009
You have captured the essence of why i love cod4 so much. I like the fact they put in weapons like the uzi so that online newbs pop up and shoot from the hip, can be taken down with a couple of well placed shots from the m16.


Sep 5, 2004
Thanks for the rest of the article Zaitsev!

I agree with alot of what you wrote jbourne, but I'll disagree with a few things.

Since I've started using the RPD my kill ratio has skyrocketed. True, in a straight up long range shootout with an M16 I don't win all the time but the majority of the time I do. LMG + deep impact = camping sniper killer. On Crash I like to kill people who are in the 2nd story of the blue building from across the level, they poke their head out and typically I can kill them even after they duck behind walls.

The MP5 is the SMG I uses 99% of the time, but I think that the AK74 is also pretty decent. I think it's a little more accurate/less recoily than the MP5. The P90 is an overpowered piece of junk, don't particularly like bullet sprayers like it (I have SOME finess with the RPD!). I used the Mini-uzi a few times for fun, while overall it's a piece of junk for the rare sprinting stealth guy it's a blast. I'd choose other options first. The Skorpion is indeed strong but I rarely use it because of the small magazine.

I use a silencer my "stealth" class, all the others have other options (well, if I use a sniper rifle I'll silence my pistol as well). As nice as UAV jammer is the damage lost by using it isn't worth it to me on alot of maps. There's only a few good "sneaking" maps for me, typically I'm aware enough of where my teammates die and can usually find the stealth guys.


Senior member
Jan 20, 2006
Im assuming you guys are console players.. anyways i hope Vacant, crash and strike will return for MP. Plus both Ak weapons for some Promod SnD


Sep 5, 2004
Maps that need to return:

Maps I could care less about:

Maps that need to dissappear:
Bloc (even though I typically do pretty well here)
Wet Work (I despise this map)

Maps I've STILL never played:


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: jayanath
Im assuming you guys are console players.. anyways i hope Vacant, crash and strike will return for MP. Plus both Ak weapons for some Promod SnD

FORUMS > Software > Console Gaming

Hmmmm....I wonder.


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2002
I'll break from the group and say that vehicle sequences in a FPS (or any shooter) can be alot of fun, if they're done right. Unfortunately, so many aren't done right because they don't flow with the game. Take GOW2. I thought the tank mission and the one riding the brumak were alot of fun. They seemed to flow with the game. But the mission where you were just a gunner on the other critter was horrible. It was completely out of sync with the style and tempo of the game.

COD4 - the gunship level was great. It fit with the rest of the game.
Halo - I think the series makes great use of vehicles. While the driving mechanics are kind of lousy, they flow with the game and are not a distraction.
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