Mods please lock this


Platinum Member
Feb 2, 2001
Mark Wilson This DOES NOT belong in HOT DEALS
Post the hottest prices and deals you've found on the net in the AnandTech Hot Deals forum. Please stick to deals you've found, not items you are seeking. This is NOT a shopping service. No dealers and no SPAM (IE: muli-level marketing, pay-to-surf, pay-for-referral schemes or links to auctions) allowed! Please DO NOT POST COUPON NUMBERS or PROMOTIONAL CODES.

This is over the fourth time that a user has told u this. What part of it don't u understand ?

Website Created and Maintained by Mark Wilson>>>------->mwilson/forsale<----------<<</index.html

Instead u just keep them coming...some posts on WHAT U (The Dealer) R SELLING
: Adobe Premiere 6.0 Full version Retail NEW

Pretty cool M&amp;M Computer set

As per snooker

<< For one thing, I have not listed all of that stuff in the HOT DEALS Forum, so you need to retract that, >>

This one indeed is in FS/FT forum. But glad he asked for the retraction. Goes to show by his OWN WORDS. He is working both forums on his DEALER SALES
FS: M&amp;M Night Light

Wizard of OZ Cookie jars for $42.00 includes shipping

BTW any deals on your site for locks ?


Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2001

<< This is over the fourth time that a user has told u this. What part of it don't u understand ?

You just keep them coming. Postson WHAT U r selling.
: Adobe Premiere 6.0 Full version Retail NEW
Pretty cool M&amp;M Computer set
FS: M&amp;M Night Light
Wizard of OZ Cookie jars for $42.00 includes shipping

Ok stop for a second and take a look and what you are saying. For one thing, I have not listed all of that stuff in the HOT DEALS Forum, so you need to retract that, also, I have only had 1 out of those 4 that you are talking about locked because it was in the wrong spot, why not just let the mods do their job and decide what is hot and what is not.

I followed all of the other users advise and just posted this ONE software application, and if you would take time to look over my site, you would see that this is not even listed there!! nor is there any type of link from this to my site.

I understand it perfectly now, I am wondering what part of it are you having a problem with?


Feb 20, 2001
Here's a link to where you can get it for free. shipping is a bummer though. oh, i don't think it's v2



Platinum Member
Feb 2, 2001
Mark Wilson This DOES NOT belong in HOT DEALS
Post the hottest prices and deals you've found on the net in the AnandTech Hot Deals forum. Please stick to deals you've found, not items you are seeking. This is NOT a shopping service. No dealers and no SPAM (IE: muli-level marketing, pay-to-surf, pay-for-referral schemes or links to auctions) allowed! Please DO NOT POST COUPON NUMBERS or PROMOTIONAL CODES.

This is over the fourth time that a user has told u this. What part of it don't u understand ?

Website Created and Maintained by Mark Wilson>>>------->mwilson/forsale<----------<<</index.html

Instead u just keep them coming...some posts on WHAT U (The Dealer) R SELLING
: Adobe Premiere 6.0 Full version Retail NEW

Pretty cool M&amp;M Computer set

As per snooker

<< For one thing, I have not listed all of that stuff in the HOT DEALS Forum, so you need to retract that, >>

This one indeed is in FS/FT forum. But glad he asked for the retraction. Goes to show by his OWN WORDS. He is working both forums on his DEALER SALES
FS: M&amp;M Night Light

Wizard of OZ Cookie jars for $42.00 includes shipping

BTW any deals on your site for locks ?


Nov 27, 2000
If any of you are running ZoneAlarm (like i am) be sure to check this out :

Taken from newsletter....go down to Other News #2...I left the other part of the newsletter because i thought some of you might like to read it also.

>As you may recall, the last eMail from me was the early December
> announcement of the new &quot;LeakTest&quot; personal firewall leakage
> tester. Thanks to your support, 775,778 copies have been
> downloaded ... and all major firewall vendors have updated their
> products to plug their leaks. In the future, a next generation
> of LeakTest will highlight additional problem areas in personal
> computing firewalls.
> So what is PATCHWORK ??
> Last Thursday (March 8th) the United States Federal Bureau of
> Investigation -- the FBI -- announced that the Windows NT and
> Windows 2000 Internet web servers belonging to at least 40
> prominent eCommerce companies have been systematically broken
> into by Eastern European hackers. After having their private
> customer credit card data stolen, the companies were financially
> extorted under the threat of public disclosure of their customers'
> data. More than one million credit card purchasing records have
> been stolen. You can read the full FBI press release here:
> <>
> Shortly before the FBI's public announcement, I was contacted by
> people in Washington and asked if I could produce a utility to
> instantly determine whether a Windows NT or 2000 Internet server
> was vulnerable to these attacks, and to search the server for any
> evidence of previous penetration. The FBI provided all of the
> specific details required, so I quickly created my latest
> freeware: &quot;PatchWork&quot; (just 30k bytes).
> PatchWork is ONLY useful for users running Windows NT or 2000
> -- so I know that it will not be of interest to everyone -- but I
> wanted you to know that it exists. If you, or anyone you know,
> ARE using any version of Windows NT or 2000, you really should
> check out PatchWork! It is opening MANY people's eyes ...
> <>
> _________________________________________________________________
> Other News:
> 1. The GRC NetFilter:
> I am VERY excited about the next product I will soon start
> creating: It's called the &quot;GRC NetFilter&quot;. It is like a
> privacy and security enhancing firewall that deals with the
> growing number of Internet privacy problems and annoyances;
> things like 3rd-party cookies, personal information leakage,
> browser &quot;pop-up&quot; windows, home-phoning spyware, web tracking
> and profiling, and even unsolicited (SPAM) eMail. For an
> overview of the project, check out this page:
> <>
> 2. The birth of FREE Firewall Log Analyzers!
> If you use a personal firewall you may know that their logs
> can sometimes be difficult to decipher. Some entries in the
> logs may be friendly or innocent, while others could be
> truly nefarious. Some new and really cool utilities are
> answering the need to make sense of these confusing logs.
> More are on the way, but you may want to check out these
> first, completely free, solutions:

> Right now for all users of ZoneAlarm:
> <>
> For users of BlackICE Defender: A feature-rich freeware log
> analyzer, similar to the ZoneLog Analyzer, is in development
> by the people at the popular DSL Reports web site. I'll be
> sure to let you know when it's available for your testing!
> In the meantime you might want to check out the completely
> FREE &quot;ICEWatch v2.19&quot;:
> <> (just 63k bytes)
> (See the ICEWatch v2.19 link at the TOP of the page.)
> 3. What programs contain Spyware??
> During the year that my OptOut tool was closely focused
> upon Spyware, the question we heard over and over was &quot;Does
> the such-and-such product contain spyware?&quot; People wanted to
> know which products were suspicious. So I was very pleased
> when I discovered a web site that is actively maintaining a
> database of spyware carrying applications. If you have ever
> wondered about any of your own software, or before
> purchasing a new program, you might want to check it out!
> <>
> _________________________________________________________________
> Thank you for your time. I hope this has been useful to you.
> Steve Gibson. <a href= &quot;; >GRC Website</a>


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2000
good lord snooker. why are you still promoting yourself? regardless that this is a &quot;hot deal&quot;, you own the products and im assuming more than one. that makes you a dealer. there are many hot deals in the f/s forum everyday. you dont see people running over here to self promote. besides, why dont you go to hardocp or fatwallet instead of bugging us? your reputation is souring by the post. goodluck.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2000
oh spell security correctly. and post a price if its such a good deal, and the shipping price like all the other hot deals k?


Golden Member
Jun 18, 2000
Bingo! Outta here! This is a dealer post no matter how you look at it...and not deserving to be here in the Hot Deals forum.


Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2001

<< good lord snooker. why are you still promoting yourself? >>

How am I promoting myself???? Noone has clearly told me this yet. I thought I understood the problem and make extra sure I was doing it right this time, regardless if you have seen my website in the past, if you take note, The Software link I provided does not in any way link to my website.

What is wrong with instead of saying &quot;Hey my local walmart is clearing out&quot; I go out and actually buy their stuff and then in turn, pass the savings onto others that are not in my local area and could no way get to the &quot;HOT DEALS&quot; in person. That is exactly what it is I am doing. All I am doing ,as I see it, is bring the hot deals I get around here and bring them to the worldwide community.

If I was a dealer, don't you think I would charge a little bit more then what I am asking for this particular software???

Just doesn't make sense, I have never in my life experienced such a negative reaction from people for just trying to sell things I run across.

As I said in an earlier thread/post I am not no dealer, if I was, I wouldn't be doing to well because I do not sell near enough stuff to support myself and my family. I am an PC Technician by trade, and just do this on the side, as I said.

As I have said before also, If you or anyone else does not like what I am doing or not doing, then just do not even open my threads. It is that simple.

Let the Moderators here decide what is right and wrong, and what is not allowed and allowed.

I would greatly appreciate it anyway.



Senior member
Oct 14, 1999
HawkeyeNJ, you handled him like the pro you are. Nicely done.

BTW, ZoneAlarm owns NIS as far as what it allows to connect by default. NIS allows just about anything that it recognizes talk, ZA blocks it all.

You guys should see his page here:Returns Policy Sweet, so long as I'm not one of the 5 people who gets damaged goods, I'm set. If I am one who gets goods damaged in the mail I'm screwed since it will no longer be &quot;received in the same condition as when shipped.&quot;


Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2001

<< oh spell security correctly. and post a price if its such a good deal, and the shipping price like all the other hot deals k? >>

I type to fast sometimes, sorry for the misspelled word, good catch

Also, Everything you need to know is on the link I provided, that is why I provided it. Also, I have already included the shipping into the price, so I know it isn't a bad deal.


Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2001

<< HawkeyeNJ, you handled him like the pro you are. Nicely done.


LOL! I didn't know I was even being handled or I would have wiggled a bit more



Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2000
you dont get it. passing savings is not the purpose of the hot deals forum.
edit:: passing savings from yourself... .

&quot;How am I promoting myself???? &quot;

--i dunno, your website in your sig, a page of a supposed &quot;hot deal&quot; that has a paypal directed towards you?

&quot;If I was a dealer, don't you think I would charge a little bit more then what I am asking for this particular software???&quot;

-- you already have. check the 2nd post of this thread. that sounds like a better deal. 31.62-20rebate = 11.62, even though its a higher version (2.5) and yours is 2.0, besides, i think zonealarm is better.

&quot;Just doesn't make sense, I have never in my life experienced such a negative reaction from people for just trying to sell things I run across.&quot;

--its expected when you break the rules. rules dont bend for you.

&quot;Let the Moderators here decide what is right and wrong, and what is not allowed and allowed.&quot;

--mods arent gods and here every minute. the commmunity helps out too.&quot;

&quot;I would greatly appreciate it anyway.&quot;

--i understand your motive, but you are bending the rules. try other forums such as fatwallet and hardocp OR THE OBVIOUS FORSALE TRADE FORUM!.

out of curiosity, have you sold anything at all yet?

=) shawn


Golden Member
Jun 18, 2000
If you are not a &quot;dealer&quot; then feel free to post this in the FS Forum where it belongs.


Golden Member
Oct 12, 1999
snooker your a @#$%ing idiot, you are trying to mislead people into thinking its a hot deal when its actually linking to your web site so you can make profit. i hope you get banned


Grand Nagus
Feb 24, 2000
snooker - If you check the AnandTech Forums page, you'll notice the description reads:

<< Post the hottest prices and deals you've found on the net in the AnandTech Hot Deals forum. Please stick to deals you've found, not items you are seeking. This is NOT a shopping service. No dealers and no SPAM (IE: muli-level marketing, pay-to-surf, pay-for-referral schemes or links to auctions) allowed! Please DO NOT POST COUPON NUMBERS or PROMOTIONAL CODES. >>

That pretty much sums it up. You were also acting ignorant when you said I have checked around and this appears to be alot cheaper then any place I could find., since you made no mention what-so-ever that you are promoting YOUR OWN WEBSITE. I would suggest editing all of your posts deleting them, then change the title to &quot;DELETE ME MOD&quot; or else face their wrath.

Feel like playing with fire?



Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2001

<< &quot;How am I promoting myself???? &quot;

--i dunno, your website in your sig, a page of a supposed &quot;hot deal&quot; that has a paypal directed towards you?

Alot of people do and they do not get the self promoting deal I am getting, true?

<< &quot;If I was a dealer, don't you think I would charge a little bit more then what I am asking for this particular software???&quot;

-- you already have. check the 2nd post of this thread. that sounds like a better deal. 31.62-20rebate = 11.62, even though its a higher version (2.5) and yours is 2.0, besides, i think zonealarm is better.

no objections there with the exception of there is only 1 deal listed here that is better then mine, and think of it this way, my &quot;HOT DEAL&quot; got another link posted to even a better deal. Now is that a deal in itself or what?? I checked 15 sites before I even posted this, just to make sure I was under the average cost, and it is by a long shot. I was not comparing it with anything other then identical listings on various sites.

<< &quot;Just doesn't make sense, I have never in my life experienced such a negative reaction from people for just trying to sell things I run across.&quot;

--its expected when you break the rules. rules dont bend for you.

true, rules are meant to be followed, but it seems no matter how I redo things, since members know I sell things, I am labeled a dealer regardless of what I say or do. That's not right at all. I mean, I made sure I did things exactly the way other members are, and I still get flack, while they are not. Why do you suppose that is?

<< &quot;Let the Moderators here decide what is right and wrong, and what is not allowed and allowed.&quot;

--mods arent gods and here every minute. the commmunity helps out too.&quot;

I just watched a mod lock a thread right above mine, yet mine was untouched, so I take it the moderators do not think this is classified as a dealer thread, which it isn't.

<< &quot;I would greatly appreciate it anyway.&quot;

--i understand your motive, but you are bending the rules. try other forums such as fatwallet and hardocp.

I will do that, thanks

<< out of curiosity, have you sold anything at all yet? >>

Not yet, I just started with these forums a week ago. I admit I started out on the wrong foot, but I wish the members giving me flack would back off a little (You know who you are)

Take HawkeyeNJ for instance, he is doing cut and paste messages to all of my threads, stating something about the &quot;HOT DEALS&quot; forum, regardless if the thread he is posting to is in the HOT DEALS forum or not, he posts as if it is.

I am afraid to include my e-bay feedback link in my sign (Like I have seen many others doing) because I feel those members that are harassing me will use that to further there claim that I am a dealer.

So is this the way it is as I understand it:

I am not supposed to list any &quot;HOT DEAL&quot; under the &quot;HOT DEALS&quot; forum unless it is posted on another website (belonging to someone else), or not posted at all, just tell them &quot;Hey Local Wal-Mart #123456 is clearing house, up to 90% off of alot of things&quot;? I find that less of a hot deal just because how many people will really jump on a plane and goto that specific store to get the deals.

I am hoping to get this mess straightened out so maybe I can sell a couple things every now and then on here, but so far it appears to be getting worse and I really have no idea why.



Jul 22, 2000
If you still don't understand why, how about reading what RossMAN just wrote about the hot-deals forum policy:

<< Post the hottest prices and deals you've found on the net in the AnandTech Hot Deals forum. Please stick to deals you've found, not items you are seeking. This is NOT a shopping service. No dealers and no SPAM (IE: muli-level marketing, pay-to-surf, pay-for-referral schemes or links to auctions) allowed! Please DO NOT POST COUPON NUMBERS or PROMOTIONAL CODES. >>

Notice the part about no dealers. You are obviously a dealer. Anything else you don't understand?


Jan 11, 2001
You are one pretty farking dense mofo, what part of &quot;do not sell personal items in the hot deals forum&quot; do you not understand? go back to school to learn how to read.


Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2001

<< snooker - If you check the AnandTech Forums page, you'll notice the description reads:

<< Post the hottest prices and deals you've found on the net in the AnandTech Hot Deals forum. Please stick to deals you've found, not items you are seeking. This is NOT a shopping service. No dealers and no SPAM (IE: muli-level marketing, pay-to-surf, pay-for-referral schemes or links to auctions) allowed! Please DO NOT POST COUPON NUMBERS or PROMOTIONAL CODES. >>


I have read that about 10 times, and thought I have adjusted everything to make it within their rules.

<< That pretty much sums it up. You were also acting ignorant when you said I have checked around and this appears to be alot cheaper then any place I could find., since you made no mention what-so-ever that you are promoting YOUR OWN WEBSITE. I would suggest editing all of your posts deleting them, then change the title to &quot;DELETE ME MOD&quot; or else face their wrath. >>

I have done that already once today and do not intead on doing it again with this one. I truly feel this is a hot deal, as for promoting my website, I can not see for the life of me how I am promoting my website with the link to the software I made. I created that link specifically for these forums, to adhear to the rules about self promotion. There is no self-promoting going on with that link, I would like for anyone to show me where there is a link on that software link to my website. THERE IS NONE.

I was not trying to be ignorant, I was merely stating the truth that I did indeed check around to verify the price was cheaper then any I could find, if you can find better ones, then great!

<< Feel like playing with fire? >>

What is that supposed to mean? I am sorry but I am not fluant with the slang used here.


sale-70-410-exam    | Exam-200-125-pdf    | we-sale-70-410-exam    | hot-sale-70-410-exam    | Latest-exam-700-603-Dumps    | Dumps-98-363-exams-date    | Certs-200-125-date    | Dumps-300-075-exams-date    | hot-sale-book-C8010-726-book    | Hot-Sale-200-310-Exam    | Exam-Description-200-310-dumps?    | hot-sale-book-200-125-book    | Latest-Updated-300-209-Exam    | Dumps-210-260-exams-date    | Download-200-125-Exam-PDF    | Exam-Description-300-101-dumps    | Certs-300-101-date    | Hot-Sale-300-075-Exam    | Latest-exam-200-125-Dumps    | Exam-Description-200-125-dumps    | Latest-Updated-300-075-Exam    | hot-sale-book-210-260-book    | Dumps-200-901-exams-date    | Certs-200-901-date    | Latest-exam-1Z0-062-Dumps    | Hot-Sale-1Z0-062-Exam    | Certs-CSSLP-date    | 100%-Pass-70-383-Exams    | Latest-JN0-360-real-exam-questions    | 100%-Pass-4A0-100-Real-Exam-Questions    | Dumps-300-135-exams-date    | Passed-200-105-Tech-Exams    | Latest-Updated-200-310-Exam    | Download-300-070-Exam-PDF    | Hot-Sale-JN0-360-Exam    | 100%-Pass-JN0-360-Exams    | 100%-Pass-JN0-360-Real-Exam-Questions    | Dumps-JN0-360-exams-date    | Exam-Description-1Z0-876-dumps    | Latest-exam-1Z0-876-Dumps    | Dumps-HPE0-Y53-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-HPE0-Y53-Exam    | 100%-Pass-HPE0-Y53-Real-Exam-Questions    | Pass-4A0-100-Exam    | Latest-4A0-100-Questions    | Dumps-98-365-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-98-365-Exam    | 100%-Pass-VCS-254-Exams    | 2017-Latest-VCS-273-Exam    | Dumps-200-355-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-300-320-Exam    | Pass-300-101-Exam    | 100%-Pass-300-115-Exams    |    |    |