Morals Without God

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Dec 30, 2004
Does anyone else notice how desperately we try to hold onto our belief that "humanity matters"/"morality matters" etc?

Will anyone prove why these are of any more value than any other chemical reaction?

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
They don't need to have a base until you begin enforcing them on others.
Again, I think you're projecting your own objectives on to me. I'm only interested in restricting people's infringements on eachother's rights. I'm not telling anyone that they aren't entitled to feel however they want about being restricted from infringing another person's rights.

But if you want to enforce those internal states on others,
I don't. You are confusing me with an irrational person, because you assume that I want the same things that you want. That's called projection.

you need to prove why yours are right--
No, I don't. You don't "prove" morals, dummy.

...or else admit that "might is what makes right",
Nonsense. Might can make facts, but it cannot force feelings.

ie those with the power to enforce their opinion are what determine morality.
I don't think you know what morality is. I mean -- I think you know what your own morality is, and that you believe that there is such a thing as morality -- but I don't think you really understand what morality is, and so you make nonsensical suggestions that power determines morality, and that morals can be proven. You're clearly not knowledgeable enough to make intelligent statements about it, so I strongly suggest you save yourself any more keystrokes, and kindly, but silently excuse yourself.

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
It's just a part of his character. God is ultimate truth. All those things that we know to be true ("massacre is wrong", for example, is one of these truths that we just KNOW) flow out of his character and are intrinsically part of him.

Can you prove the truth of the statement "Massacre is wrong"?

Please prove the truth of the statement "Massacre is wrong."

I look forward to your proof.

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
Since when does God need an "origin"?
Did I say that God needed an origin?

Who says I need a basis?
I surely didn't say it, and I didn't see anyone else say it, so I have to wonder which imaginary world you are living in where your question is relevant in the slightest.

God is God.
Unicorns are unicorns. Tautologies are tautologies. Fun is fun. You are dumb.

I don't need to check with someone else to know that.
I came here for a battle of wits and yet you came unarmed. :\

The fool has said in his heart "there is no God", just like the believer has said in his heart "there is God".
I do not believe there is no God.

Both decisions happen by faith. The unbeliever can't ever know for certain in this life, because he isn't omniscient. He has to accept it by faith-- that even though he hasn't been to the 5th dimension, that God doesn't exist there.
Ladies and gentlemen, tonight the word salad is being provided by soccerballtux.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Does anyone else notice how desperately we try to hold onto our belief that "humanity matters"/"morality matters" etc?

Will anyone prove why these are of any more value than any other chemical reaction?

I told you why. It is who we are when we love. There is only Love and because of that, folk invented God, but there is only Love. In Love the Lover and the Beloved are one and you will never know or need to know if it is the lover who creates the beloved or the other way round. There is only Love and love creates infinite wonder.


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2005
I told you why. It is who we are when we love. There is only Love and because of that, folk invented God, but there is only Love. In Love the Lover and the Beloved are one and you will never know or need to know if it is the lover who creates the beloved or the other way round. There is only Love and love creates infinite wonder.

I am kind of waiting for you to tell me where love comes from.


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2005
I get the feeling you're saying this purely because you've been brought up in a society that views killing and raping and stealing as being wrong.

So you think that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with raping and murder? If we did not have society to tell you that those things are wrong, it would not be wrong?


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
why do you think they still put the words "in god we trust" on money still? It's the moral well, one of the last moral values left. Tho, most god fearing people have no morals anyway. So, might as well, take it off the notes since it has no value.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
why do you think they still put the words "in god we trust" on money still? It's the moral well, one of the last moral values left. Tho, most god fearing people have no morals anyway. So, might as well, take it off the notes since it has no value.

When the natural love we were born to express is destroyed by put-downs that create self hate, a child is made to hate that in him which loves. Then the only way he can be controlled is by fear and intimidation, fear that god will send him to hell to be tortured forever and modeled for him by his parents. This is the evil that the sick who practice religion create. But there is only Love and that is the aim of real religion. To hate religion is to feed the same hate it feeds. You do not need God to love, but it helps a lot of people. God is Great, the religious say. That's fine, its true, but so is the child who loves. In other words, folk can take in the idea there is something great that loves them better than they can the idea that the love they seek is just the love they once felt and were made to hate. It is much easier to believe that God has real value than that we could be worth anything. Remember, the disease we have is self hate. It is the very last thing we will ever allow ourselves to feel. God is great, but I prefer to know my real enemy.

Take comfort in the fact that religious folk are happier than others and do more for the poor. Don't be jealous of them and always run them down. You don't want to turn your own self hate into a need to make them suffer. It doesn't matter what you call the deepest reality, the true self, intelligence, God, Love, its all the same thing. The same basic goodness in you is in them and the goodness in them is in you. We are all the same. We will all disappear and become what we can't possibly imagine when we really love.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I am kind of waiting for you to tell me where love comes from.

I mentioned that love is the end of questions. Love IS. Love is being and being fills all of time for there is only NOW. There is no elsewhere from which anything can come nor any elsetime. No thought can arise in a mind conscious only of love. There is no fragment of self to pose any questions.

Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010
So you think that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with raping and murder? If we did not have society to tell you that those things are wrong, it would not be wrong?
Why would it?


Feb 2, 2005
Moral behavior is any behavior that causes human groups to work together more easily.


Stealing causes distrust and enmity between animals who participate in it. If all animals in a group were to agree simply to not steal from each other, then they no longer have to watch each other quite so closely. They can save themselves the effort of protecting their possessions from each other quite so hard. They can, through this common agreement, allow themselves and others more liberty within the community. This allows them to work toward common goals more easily which gives them a solid advantage as a group over less organized animals. It doesn't matter whether they use cold logic to arrive at this conclusion or fool themselves with notions of honor and "moral ethic", the function of such behavior is clearly to provide a competitive advantage over other species. In that sense it is, in some degree, inevitably a part of the makeup of any social animal.

That's the ideal situation. We all know that humans do indeed steal from each other from time to time. That occurs in instances where circumstance or opportunity temporarily cause the advantage of an immoral act to outweight the disadvantage of breaking the moral code. The individual then commits an act that, if discovered, would have some great or small negative impact on the unity of the society as a whole if it is discovered. A race of machines might always have the greater good at the fore of their minds, but a human animal is also looking out for itself at all times.

Most people won't even think of the actual overarching purpose of morality, but rather think of it in terms of honor and sacrifice and respect. All of those things are part of it, but honor, sacrifice, and respect have reasons for existence as well. They are all the tools that nature uses to make an animal "moral", that is to say, to make an animal able to work together with it's peers. Morality is not some god-given gift, but an essential necessity for us to be what we are. We had to evolve it, both culturally and instinctually in order to compete with the rest of the world.


Golden Member
Jan 16, 2004
When the natural love we were born to express is destroyed by put-downs that create self hate, a child is made to hate that in him which loves. Then the only way he can be controlled is by fear and intimidation, fear that god will send him to hell to be tortured forever and modeled for him by his parents. This is the evil that the sick who practice religion create. But there is only Love and that is the aim of real religion. To hate religion is to feed the same hate it feeds. You do not need God to love, but it helps a lot of people. God is Great, the religious say. That's fine, its true, but so is the child who loves. In other words, folk can take in the idea there is something great that loves them better than they can the idea that the love they seek is just the love they once felt and were made to hate. It is much easier to believe that God has real value than that we could be worth anything. Remember, the disease we have is self hate. It is the very last thing we will ever allow ourselves to feel. God is great, but I prefer to know my real enemy.

This. God is a man made notion that helps understand the unknown. It is easier for people to believe there is some mystical power controlling life than the biology, physics, and chemistry that's actually occurring.

It's nearly exactly like explaining Santa Claus to children. It's easier for them to believe that Santa is some magical figure that visits every house in one night than explain how parents around the world lie to their children perpetuating a myth; that the presents are really put there by adults.

Take comfort in the fact that religious folk are happier than others and do more for the poor. Don't be jealous of them and always run them down. You don't want to turn your own self hate into a need to make them suffer. It doesn't matter what you call the deepest reality, the true self, intelligence, God, Love, its all the same thing. The same basic goodness in you is in them and the goodness in them is in you. We are all the same. We will all disappear and become what we can't possibly imagine when we really love.

Says who? You know, a lot of those religious "retreats" are of questionable motive. For example the ones where a group of youth will gather a few dozen peers and then travel to a poor country to do some good. First of all, a prerequisite for going is usually being part of their faith. If good (or as you call it, love) is the primary goal then shouldn't anyone be able to go? I would also be willing to bet a majority of the people that go on these trips go more so out of a social fulfillment with their peers than out of a desire to help others. I'm not saying the latter does not happen, but the motives are most certainly disguised.


Golden Member
Jan 16, 2004
Moral behavior is any behavior that causes human groups to work together more easily.


Stealing causes distrust and enmity between animals who participate in it. If all animals in a group were to agree simply to not steal from each other, then they no longer have to watch each other quite so closely. They can save themselves the effort of protecting their possessions from each other quite so hard. They can, through this common agreement, allow themselves and others more liberty within the community. This allows them to work toward common goals more easily which gives them a solid advantage as a group over less organized animals. It doesn't matter whether they use cold logic to arrive at this conclusion or fool themselves with notions of honor and "moral ethic", the function of such behavior is clearly to provide a competitive advantage over other species. In that sense it is, in some degree, inevitably a part of the makeup of any social animal.

That's the ideal situation. We all know that humans do indeed steal from each other from time to time. That occurs in instances where circumstance or opportunity temporarily cause the advantage of an immoral act to outweight the disadvantage of breaking the moral code. The individual then commits an act that, if discovered, would have some great or small negative impact on the unity of the society as a whole if it is discovered. A race of machines might always have the greater good at the fore of their minds, but a human animal is also looking out for itself at all times.

Most people won't even think of the actual overarching purpose of morality, but rather think of it in terms of honor and sacrifice and respect. All of those things are part of it, but honor, sacrifice, and respect have reasons for existence as well. They are all the tools that nature uses to make an animal "moral", that is to say, to make an animal able to work together with it's peers. Morality is not some god-given gift, but an essential necessity for us to be what we are. We had to evolve it, both culturally and instinctually in order to compete with the rest of the world.

We see the world through the same glasses.

Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010
It's nearly exactly like explaining Santa Claus to children. It's easier for them to believe that Santa is some magical figure that visits every house in one night than explain how parents around the world lie to their children perpetuating a myth; that the presents are really put there by adults.
When you think about it, it's actually quite an incredible conspiracy.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
When the natural love we were born to express is destroyed by put-downs that create self hate, a child is made to hate that in him which loves. Then the only way he can be controlled is by fear and intimidation, fear that god will send him to hell to be tortured forever and modeled for him by his parents. This is the evil that the sick who practice religion create. But there is only Love and that is the aim of real religion. To hate religion is to feed the same hate it feeds. You do not need God to love, but it helps a lot of people. God is Great, the religious say. That's fine, its true, but so is the child who loves. In other words, folk can take in the idea there is something great that loves them better than they can the idea that the love they seek is just the love they once felt and were made to hate. It is much easier to believe that God has real value than that we could be worth anything. Remember, the disease we have is self hate. It is the very last thing we will ever allow ourselves to feel. God is great, but I prefer to know my real enemy.

Take comfort in the fact that religious folk are happier than others and do more for the poor. Don't be jealous of them and always run them down. You don't want to turn your own self hate into a need to make them suffer. It doesn't matter what you call the deepest reality, the true self, intelligence, God, Love, its all the same thing. The same basic goodness in you is in them and the goodness in them is in you. We are all the same. We will all disappear and become what we can't possibly imagine when we really love.

Since when did god need money? Money doesn't buy love...


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Since when did god need money? Money doesn't buy love...

You know that god doesn't need money because money and love are different things. Money is just a tool of exchange. The religiously cunning try to pray of the faith of others. They know nothing about love. They are lost to it. They will never experience the only thing that has any real value. It is the hell the religious talk of, to betray love is to waste ones soul on what is worthless.

Virtue really is it's only reward, but what a reward.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
Oh, look! More condescending bullshit.

The only point that you've succeeded in making here is that, apparently, you have subconscious feelings of inadequacy that you try to assuage by attempting to make others feel inferior.

Your inferiority is not the point. The point is for people to stop wasting my time with reasoning even a college freshman could poke holes through. They can do that by either improving their thinking or by shutting up.

When I first got into debate, I got my ass handed to me on the very first point I tried to make. Did I sit there and whine about how that was my opinion and how my opinion is just as good as anyone else's? No. I shut up, found some reference material, and learned how to form a valid deductive argument.
You improve by learning, not by being the exact same retard tomorrow as you were today. That point is apparently lost on a lot of people.

If any of you wants to put in the time and effort required to rise to my position, you won't find me standing in your way. There is no limit to the number of minds that can occupy this tier, and the more the merrier.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
You are speaking of base things- natural consequences. You are not understanding the concept of "higher". Morality has to do with right and wrong,. Consequences are an after effect of doing either right or wrong. Morality is not law. Morality is often consulted to create laws, but is not law itself. We do not need to be taught about killing and raping and stealing to think it is wrong. We naturally recoil from alot of wrong things unless we are desensitized. This "inner recoil" is part of our sense of morality. The "higher" aspect is the difference between man-made law and God-implanted inner sense of right and wrong.

You are not understanding that "God-implanted" and "Evolution-implanted" is the exact same "higher".
Evolution is an external agent.

The rest of my post was dealing with your nonsense about subjective morality, which is a separate thing entirely. The lack of an absolute morality does not mean that you are free from consequences that are negatively valued in a relative moral framework.

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
So you think that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with raping and murder? If we did not have society to tell you that those things are wrong, it would not be wrong?

The phrase "intrinsically right/wrong" is not a coherent one. Things are only right or wrong to someone. Objectively, things simply are what they are.

I should add that it is not strictly society that informs my moral positions. I inform myself of my moral positions, and generally accepted behavior in society is one aspect considered when informing my morals.


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2000
You know that god doesn't need money because money and love are different things. Money is just a tool of exchange. The religiously cunning try to pray of the faith of others. They know nothing about love. They are lost to it. They will never experience the only thing that has any real value. It is the hell the religious talk of, to betray love is to waste ones soul on what is worthless.

Virtue really is it's only reward, but what a reward.

God doesn't need money because everything comes from and belongs to God. Non-Christians naturally don't believe that but Christians know that they are merely stewards of money and other resources God puts in our care.

At this point I don't know how to respond to your charge of the "religious cunning" but to say that those that are, have failed in their hypocrisy to serve faithfully their God. They have failed God, and they have failed their fellow man by not being an example of the grace first shown to us in the death of Christ on the cross.

I think it was the father of nihilism and atheist Neitchze who said that since God is dead and therefore there is no moral absolute, the 20th century will be the bloodiest in history. He has not only been proven correct, but so has his reasoning. In fact, Hitler himself was inspired by Neitchze and personally gave a copy of Neitchze's works to a friend of his named Mussolini in 1938 just two years before he led Italy into WW2.

My point? There's dishonesty from people claiming to be on either side of the argument. But if you don't believe in a moral absolute, you're limited to doing only one thing: whatever it is that you damn jolly well please.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
God doesn't need money because everything comes from and belongs to God. Non-Christians naturally don't believe that but Christians know that they are merely stewards of money and other resources God puts in our care.

At this point I don't know how to respond to your charge of the "religious cunning" but to say that those that are, have failed in their hypocrisy to serve faithfully their God. They have failed God, and they have failed their fellow man by not being an example of the grace first shown to us in the death of Christ on the cross.

I think it was the father of nihilism and atheist Neitchze who said that since God is dead and therefore there is no moral absolute, the 20th century will be the bloodiest in history. He has not only been proven correct, but so has his reasoning. In fact, Hitler himself was inspired by Neitchze and personally gave a copy of Neitchze's works to a friend of his named Mussolini in 1938 just two years before he led Italy into WW2.

My point? There's dishonesty from people claiming to be on either side of the argument. But if you don't believe in a moral absolute, you're limited to doing only one thing: whatever it is that you damn jolly well please.

lol, uh, no
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