More details about Russia's attack on the US become available


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
A lot of the hearings I've seen about this have been a lot of politicians pissing on each other's legs, but they had a hearing that was more meat and potatoes, discussing details of what happened and how.

The sad thing is that Trump calls this all fake news because he is so insecure in his election win that he thinks this reality diminishes it. Have to wonder how effective counter-measures will be when the president is too crazy to accept the reality of the Russian attack and formulate policy to deal with it in future? Maybe he is just hoping for more Russian help next election? An 80,000 vote margin deciding his victory is probably small enough he feels he could use the help.

If nothing is done, obviously Russia will be back for a repeat. Ironically, since Trump appears to have been neutered so far in any attempts at weakening sanctions on Russia, they may help the Democrats campaign next outing if they think they stand to be in a better position with them. I tend to wonder if they truly were after policy more positive for their interests with their actions, they must have known it would be detected and recognized. I think it's more likely their goal was to further erode America's failing democracy and cause chaos and weaken America's position globally, something Trump was obviously going to and has been doing.

Salient points:

- The Russians "used fake news and propaganda and they also used online amplifiers to spread the information to as many people as possible," Bill Priestap, the FBI's top counterintelligence official, told the Senate Intelligence committee.

While he said the Russians had conducted covert operations targeting past American elections, the internet "has allowed Russia to do so much more" than before. But, he added, the "scale and aggressiveness" was different this time, with the primary goal being to sow discord and aid the candidacy of Republican Donald Trump, the eventual winner.

"I believe the Russians will absolutely try to continue to conduct influence operations in the U.S.," which will include cyberattacks, Priestap said.

- Jeanette Manfra, Homeland Security undersecretary for cybersecurity, said there is evidence that 21 state election systems were targeted, but she told the Senate intelligence committee she couldn't disclose the identities of the states because that was up to the states. Last September, DHS told The Associated Press that hackers believed to be Russian agents had targeted voter registration systems in more than 20 states.

- And while Johnson said Russia did not "through any cyber intrusion alter ballots, ballot counts or reporting of election results," he said he was "not in a position to know whether the successful Russian government-directed hacks of the DNC and elsewhere did in fact alter public opinion and thereby alter the outcome of the presidential election."

Johnson also said he was not happy that he learned well after the fact that the DNC's computer systems had been hacked. He said he became aware of the compromise "sometime in 2016," and that when he pressed his staff on whether the DHS had been sufficiently proactive to help identify the intruders and patch vulnerabilities, the answer wasn't reassuring.

"The FBI and the DNC had been in contact with each other months before about the intrusion, and the DNC did not feel it needed" Homeland Security's assistance at that time.

He also said he wasn't aware that the FBI had opened a counterintelligence investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials. But he said former FBI Director James Comey would not have undertaken such a probe lightly and without a basis for doing so.


Nov 11, 1999
Shame on Trump for not doing anything about it now, nor making it a priority with midterms coming up.

It's like White Supremacists- Trump won't disavow any support. Hell- he begged the Russians to give him some & they did. He'll likely be welcoming their help in 2020 should he last that long.


Feb 15, 2002
Trump still hasn't acknowledged Russia hacked the election. Other repubs have,but he's been silent or says I don't know if they did or not.


Golden Member
Aug 28, 2010
More details become available ? What details ? Where ? Where can I read about actual proof and indications and suspicions and theories ? Where can I read what has actually been done, what servers were broken into, what data was altered or stolen, etc ?

Nowhere. It's just unfunded rumors and accusations. Some guy said that another guy said it waz them commies. You can't go wrong there, because the commies are bad, and nobody will disagree, because they'll be branded as commie-lovers.

I find this whole "russia connection" pathetic. The democrats are lowering themselves to the level of the republicans. The republicans have done loads of "investigations" over the last 3 decades that were about issues that were absolutely irrelevant. Useless. Nobody cared. Bill got a blowjob. Bill didn't want to admit he got a blowjob. Some guys died during war in Benghazi. But her emails. The republicans were pathetic. In stead of coming up with a real answer to Bill Clinton's and Obama's successful administrations, they put all their energy into utter bullshit.

And now the democrats are doing the same.
Shame on them.
It seems they want to put all their energy into this "russia thing" over the next 4 years. In stead of showing and educating US voters what the real issues are. And how Trump will fuck over 99% of the US population with his crooked, medieval, retarded, criminal actions. At the moment the idiot is doing his utmost best to start WWIII in Syria by shooting down Syrian airplanes in Syrian airspace. WTF. He's gonna kill tens of thousands because of lack of healthcare. He's gonna destroy education even further. He's gonna increases wealth inequality. He's gonna destroy the US's environment. He's gonna increase global warming. He's gonna put the US 10 years behind in the energy-technology race.

But no, it's all about ZE RUZZIANS !!!

It's just as fucking pathetic as "but her emails from Benghazi !".
Reactions: OutHouse


Feb 15, 2002
More details become available ? What details ? Where ? Where can I read about actual proof and indications and suspicions and theories ? Where can I read what has actually been done, what servers were broken into, what data was altered or stolen, etc ?

Nowhere. It's just unfunded rumors and accusations. Some guy said that another guy said it waz them commies. You can't go wrong there, because the commies are bad, and nobody will disagree, because they'll be branded as commie-lovers.

I find this whole "russia connection" pathetic. The democrats are lowering themselves to the level of the republicans. The republicans have done loads of "investigations" over the last 3 decades that were about issues that were absolutely irrelevant. Useless. Nobody cared. Bill got a blowjob. Bill didn't want to admit he got a blowjob. Some guys died during war in Benghazi. But her emails. The republicans were pathetic. In stead of coming up with a real answer to Bill Clinton's and Obama's successful administrations, they put all their energy into utter bullshit.

And now the democrats are doing the same.
Shame on them.
It seems they want to put all their energy into this "russia thing" over the next 4 years. In stead of showing and educating US voters what the real issues are. And how Trump will fuck over 99% of the US population with his crooked, medieval, retarded, criminal actions. At the moment the idiot is doing his utmost best to start WWIII in Syria by shooting down Syrian airplanes in Syrian airspace. WTF. He's gonna kill tens of thousands because of lack of healthcare. He's gonna destroy education even further. He's gonna increases wealth inequality. He's gonna destroy the US's environment. He's gonna increase global warming. He's gonna put the US 10 years behind in the energy-technology race.

But no, it's all about ZE RUZZIANS !!!

It's just as fucking pathetic as "but her emails from Benghazi !".
It got republicans the WH, both houses of Congress, most governors, and state legislatures...seemed to work just fine for them.


Golden Member
Aug 28, 2010
It got republicans the WH, both houses of Congress, most governors, and state legislatures...seemed to work just fine for them.
It got them the support of the "deplorables". The idiots that have a vocabulary of 5000 words. That don't know a single country outside the US (and maybe Canada and Mexico), but who are sure that the US is the 2nd greatestest country in the world. (FYI, Texas is the greatest country in the world). The people who wouldn't realize they get fucked in the arse by the republicans, even when the sperm comes out their ears. Those people are taken.

Are you sure the Democrats should fight over those votes ?

52% of your country's voters voted for the Democrat candidate. Who had a shady reputation. Who was more right than left. Who could not make it clear to the average voter what was at stake. And 42% of your potential voters didn't even turn up.

If the democrats get a normal guy or gal, somewhere in her/his 40s. Who can articulate. Who can bring across a point. Who isn't tainted by a 40 year political career with lots of skeletons. If the Democrats can find such a candidate, it will be easy to beat Trump or any other Republican. Focus on that. Don't try to out-scumbag the scumbags.

And to my surprise, everybody is playing along. It waz the Ruzzians. Somebody do something ! Ze Ruzzianz are attacking the country.


Golden Member
Jun 5, 2017
I don't disagree with much of what you are saying, but all the intelligence agencies are saying Russians hacked or tried to hack election systems. Putting who won the election aside (it's done, it's over) is this then not something to investigate to make sure it doesn't happen again (and this time with more "success" from Russia's perspective)? I mean at this point nobody has the intel that these folks have, so how can anybody say it's not a big deal?

Either the intel agencies are not telling the truth, or it's a big concern to them. Considering Russia's hacking in elections around the world, I consider it more likely that they are telling the truth. Or are we saying it's just no big deal that a foreign power can hack into our systems (which of course could include personal info on voters etc that they could sell)?


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
I'm not getting the point of your frenzied posts? The US government and all relevant agencies are saying this is what Russia has done and they have seen enough evidence to prove it. It also appears not to be a partisan exercise, as everyone but Trump and his zealots understand this is what happened. Russia is doing this all over the world, not just in the US. They need to be dealt with imo, obviously not with military conflict - as that would be suicide, but sanctioned to the point of crushing their economy. Make their companies and citizens suffer from sanctions to the point Putin stops the meddling campaigns from internal pressure on him. The alternative is bend over and take it?
Reactions: cytg111


Nov 11, 1999
It got them the support of the "deplorables". The idiots that have a vocabulary of 5000 words. That don't know a single country outside the US (and maybe Canada and Mexico), but who are sure that the US is the 2nd greatestest country in the world. (FYI, Texas is the greatest country in the world). The people who wouldn't realize they get fucked in the arse by the republicans, even when the sperm comes out their ears. Those people are taken.

Are you sure the Democrats should fight over those votes ?

52% of your country's voters voted for the Democrat candidate. Who had a shady reputation. Who was more right than left. Who could not make it clear to the average voter what was at stake. And 42% of your potential voters didn't even turn up.

If the democrats get a normal guy or gal, somewhere in her/his 40s. Who can articulate. Who can bring across a point. Who isn't tainted by a 40 year political career with lots of skeletons. If the Democrats can find such a candidate, it will be easy to beat Trump or any other Republican. Focus on that. Don't try to out-scumbag the scumbags.

And to my surprise, everybody is playing along. It waz the Ruzzians. Somebody do something ! Ze Ruzzianz are attacking the country.

Don't blame Hillary- congratulate Trump & the Russians for a masterful tour de force of propaganda that will be studied for 100 years. What they did to Americans' minds is astounding. The proof is that we have a President unfit for the job.
Reactions: Azuma Hazuki


Nov 28, 2004
It got them the support of the "deplorables". The idiots that have a vocabulary of 5000 words. That don't know a single country outside the US (and maybe Canada and Mexico), but who are sure that the US is the 2nd greatestest country in the world. (FYI, Texas is the greatest country in the world). The people who wouldn't realize they get fucked in the arse by the republicans, even when the sperm comes out their ears. Those people are taken.

Are you sure the Democrats should fight over those votes ?

52% of your country's voters voted for the Democrat candidate. Who had a shady reputation. Who was more right than left. Who could not make it clear to the average voter what was at stake. And 42% of your potential voters didn't even turn up.

If the democrats get a normal guy or gal, somewhere in her/his 40s. Who can articulate. Who can bring across a point. Who isn't tainted by a 40 year political career with lots of skeletons. If the Democrats can find such a candidate, it will be easy to beat Trump or any other Republican. Focus on that. Don't try to out-scumbag the scumbags.

And to my surprise, everybody is playing along. It waz the Ruzzians. Somebody do something ! Ze Ruzzianz are attacking the country.

ironic, it's the deplorables who deny and ignore the 2016 Russian attacks on our democracy.

make no mistake about it, Putin is arguably the single greatest threat to our nation. i say arguably because Donald Trump is the other option, whether they colluded directly or not.

Azuma Hazuki

Golden Member
Jun 18, 2012
Honestly, I think they didn't even need to do all that much. Since 11 Sept 2001, that day when I could see the smoke myself in the distance, I've known deep down that this country had lost its institutions. I predicted most of what has transpired since then.

What happened here is something like a cytokine storm. I see this as a kind of autoimmune disease. And there's no cure until the boil is lanced and the pus--45 years of bipartisan "fuck the poor"--is evacuated.
Reactions: xthetenth


Nov 11, 1999
Honestly, I think they didn't even need to do all that much. Since 11 Sept 2001, that day when I could see the smoke myself in the distance, I've known deep down that this country had lost its institutions. I predicted most of what has transpired since then.

What happened here is something like a cytokine storm. I see this as a kind of autoimmune disease. And there's no cure until the boil is lanced and the pus--45 years of bipartisan "fuck the poor"--is evacuated.

Please. Dems may not have been the best for poor people but current Repubs intend a royal rogering. Their right wing billionaire donor base craves tax cuts & none of 'em care who gets screwed to accomplish that. And their base gleefully accepts because they've been taught to believe that being poor is a state of moral depravity.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
Well, this is pretty bad. They managed to reverse the changes the hackers made. You have to wonder what has been missed amidst all the hacking.

The hacking of state and local election databases in 2016 was more extensive than previously reported, including at least one successful attempt to alter voter information, and the theft of thousands of voter records that contain private information like partial Social Security numbers, current and former officials tell TIME.

In one case, investigators found there had been a manipulation of voter data in a county database but the alterations were discovered and rectified, two sources familiar with the matter tell TIME. Investigators have not identified whether the hackers in that case were Russian agents.

The fact that private data was stolen from states is separately providing investigators a previously unreported line of inquiry in the probes into Russian attempts to influence the election. In Illinois, more than 90% of the nearly 90,000 records stolen by Russian state actors contained drivers license numbers, and a quarter contained the last four digits of voters’ Social Security numbers, according to Ken Menzel, the General Counsel of the State Board of Elections.

Congressional investigators are probing whether any of this stolen private information made its way to the Trump campaign, two sources familiar with the investigations tell TIME.
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Dec 12, 2000
America was attacked and our President will do nothing about it... Prefers to pretend it didn't happen. Just turned the other cheek. So weak.


Feb 15, 2002
America was attacked and our President will do nothing about it... Prefers to pretend it didn't happen. Just turned the other cheek. So weak.
So beta, low energy, can't walk the 600 yards with the European leaders, has to ride in a golf cart. What a great representation of the stereotypical fat, lazy American.
Reactions: Azuma Hazuki


Feb 15, 2002
It got them the support of the "deplorables". The idiots that have a vocabulary of 5000 words. That don't know a single country outside the US (and maybe Canada and Mexico), but who are sure that the US is the 2nd greatestest country in the world. (FYI, Texas is the greatest country in the world). The people who wouldn't realize they get fucked in the arse by the republicans, even when the sperm comes out their ears. Those people are taken.

Are you sure the Democrats should fight over those votes ?

52% of your country's voters voted for the Democrat candidate. Who had a shady reputation. Who was more right than left. Who could not make it clear to the average voter what was at stake. And 42% of your potential voters didn't even turn up.

If the democrats get a normal guy or gal, somewhere in her/his 40s. Who can articulate. Who can bring across a point. Who isn't tainted by a 40 year political career with lots of skeletons. If the Democrats can find such a candidate, it will be easy to beat Trump or any other Republican. Focus on that. Don't try to out-scumbag the scumbags.

And to my surprise, everybody is playing along. It waz the Ruzzians. Somebody do something ! Ze Ruzzianz are attacking the country.
Most people are dumb, it sucks to say that but it's true. If you want to win you have to give them easy to understand sound bites over and over again. Trump told them what they wanted to hear in the simplest way possible. It sounded childlike to anyone with any critical thinking, but to them it was refreshing to hear someone who "felt" their pain. An articulate politician will lose half the vote to start unless they can reach the simple average person.


Jun 5, 2000
More details become available ? What details ? Where ? Where can I read about actual proof and indications and suspicions and theories ? Where can I read what has actually been done, what servers were broken into, what data was altered or stolen, etc ?

Nowhere. It's just unfunded rumors and accusations. Some guy said that another guy said it waz them commies. You can't go wrong there, because the commies are bad, and nobody will disagree, because they'll be branded as commie-lovers.

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