More details about Russia's attack on the US become available

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Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017

Great, they finally admit it. Now what are they going to do about it??? They were about to reward the Russians with eased sanctions and giving them back their compounds until the Senate got involved...

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Spicer et. al will deny it and then Trump will tweet about it and admit it.

1-2-lose Every single time.
Reactions: Azuma Hazuki


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Yeah I'm sure the nazis came about because those germans were treated real bad as kids, and if we treated nazis or their american counterparts better they wouldn't be racist pieces of shit. No, as a simle matter of history we beat nazis into the ground and they learned a lesson from the beating, ie. no sons of the reich in germany via de-nazification post ww2. We basically tried your nazi-sympathizer way post civil war and our nazis came up with segregation. We skipped the beatdown again post civil rights and now the GOP pander to the same racist pieces of shit to get votes for upper crust tax cuts. I don't expect being informed of basic history will change nazi/confederate-sympathizers with their ego and all.

There's no mystery which solutions woolfe and you prefer; there's no need to name any more names, they know who they are. Your lot are the placebos to cancer, and have to gall to criticize radiation.
There is little point in talking to you because you're a hardened bigot but I will point out where you are wrong.

There is such a thing as a just war. There is a right to self defense. You don't have to die at the hands of a madman just because he is guiltless by reason of insanity, but what you do is condemn people for thought crimes and the very ones they think they see in you. You arrogate to yourself the role of judge jury and executioner. You are as practitioner of the mentality that makes the world sick. We create what we fear and become what we hate.
Feb 4, 2009
When are we going to go after the actual people that there is actual evidence of election collusion and interference? DNC, Obama's administration, and Clinton. If the Russians hacked the election, that is not a good thing and would require some punishment. What do you expect from your "enemy"? Factions of the government trying to fix elections is not something that is to be expected.

I hate to provide you with this knowledge
I've heard there are no laws against working with an enemy to influence an election. While there may not be punishment to a US Citizen who may have cooperated with Russians either willingly or unwillingly I'd still like to know and have a strategy going forward.
This is the easiest thing Trump could do for liberals is acknowledge there was Russian shenanigans then commit to addressing the problem. He has to take measurable steps not just talk.
Reactions: J.Wilkins


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
There is little point in talking to you because you're a hardened bigot but I will point out where you are wrong.

There is such a thing as a just war. There is a right to self defense. You don't have to die at the hands of a madman just because he is guiltless by reason of insanity, but what you do is condemn people for thought crimes and the very ones they think they see in you. You arrogate to yourself the role of judge jury and executioner. You are as practitioner of the mentality that makes the world sick. We create what we fear and become what we hate.

You're wrong here, this is the Göbbels tactics used. Present an enemy, tell them that you are the only one that can save them and you will win.

That was done, it worked and it works because of people like you who stand idly by while evil takes its course.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
What is this shit? How the fuck did you come to trust politicians and over the media that for centuries have uncovered the politicians shady dealings?

Donald says "fake media" and you say "yes sir"?

How fucking pathetic.

their brains have been co-opted, the GOP voters. It's somewhat fascinating, if not rather disturbing when you realize that this minority party actually has full control of the government. Who the fuck knows what they will do, considering they haven't managed to produce a single idea, much less lead in any 30 plus years. The last dying gasps of an ancient and forgotten paradigm, and all that.

Hilariously, with their dominance in gov't, they still can't agree on a single thing and get one. fucking. thing. done: "our ideas are either too evil (won't get me re-elected) or not evil enough!"

Useless, the entire lot of them.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
still waiting for proof, and so far there is NONE.

hysterical/biased media says hang him and you say Yes Sir!!!?

how fucking pathetic.

There's a difference between a legitimate criminal investigation running its course, and taking its time, vs grandstanding in public, dozens of time and for no obvious purpose, as some prudish windbags with a shared brain cell hailing from the dustiest corners of the forgotten and irrelevant Confederacy yell at a lady about some nonsense, demanding that she reveal evil secrets that simply do not exist.

I know that you prefer one of these as your definition of reality, but welcome to the real world, chump. Real crimes require real investigation, not instant-gratification for your most precious fever dreams.

wake that fuck up and rejoin humanity.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
their brains have been co-opted, the GOP voters. It's somewhat fascinating, if not rather disturbing when you realize that this minority party actually has full control of the government. Who the fuck knows what they will do, considering they haven't managed to produce a single idea, much less lead in any 30 plus years. The last dying gasps of an ancient and forgotten paradigm, and all that.

Hilariously, with their dominance in gov't, they still can't agree on a single thing and get one. fucking. thing. done: "our ideas are either too evil (won't get me re-elected) or not evil enough!"

Useless, the entire lot of them.

As much as I would love to believe that it is the last dying breaths... I think it's ongoing and won't stop anytime soon.

Look at France, while the middle party got the most votes the extremist parties increased their votes and everyone else in between were eradicated. We are getting a generation that don't get it.

Liberalism, democracy and mixed economies where we look out for our each other gave us prosperity and freedom but now young people are going more to the extremes. Look at the UK, Labour and Tory have moved to the far right and the far left and get more votes because of it while any sane human being would never vote for either.

We need sanity, thoughtfulness and understanding of national economics among the voters and a fucking party to step in and be in the middle.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
When are we going to go after the actual people that there is actual evidence of election collusion and interference? DNC, Obama's administration, and Clinton. If the Russians hacked the election, that is not a good thing and would require some punishment. What do you expect from your "enemy"? Factions of the government trying to fix elections is not something that is to be expected.

I see the phylogeny written all over your face, that your family branched off just shy of the divergence into multicellular organisms.

...seriously, what the fuck are you on, man? I suspect it will be very painful for you guys when the shit hits the reality fan. I only ask that you don't "2nd amendment murder" everyone that you feel has "wronged you." I know Trump explicitly requested that you do this, publicly, but it would be a great thing for this country that you stop listening to that 2nd-rate Pizza the Hutt.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
As much as I would love to believe that it is the last dying breaths... I think it's ongoing and won't stop anytime soon.

Look at France, while the middle party got the most votes the extremist parties increased their votes and everyone else in between were eradicated. We are getting a generation that don't get it.

Liberalism, democracy and mixed economies where we look out for our each other gave us prosperity and freedom but now young people are going more to the extremes. Look at the UK, Labour and Tory have moved to the far right and the far left and get more votes because of it while any sane human being would never vote for either.

We need sanity, thoughtfulness and understanding of national economics among the voters and a fucking party to step in and be in the middle.

well, in this country, the conservatives are getting less and less votes, every single cycle, since Bush 2. they are, quite literally and innarguably, a minority party attempting to operate without the will of the people.

that is a simple fact.

There are only two options, really: the major party adapts and discards the fringe lunatics, or they convince their bobbleheads that Civil War is necessary. Obviously, a great number of them are exceedingly violent and are willing and have created great murder already, in the name of their hallucinations, and their current icon has already commanded that they continue to do so....I guess at some point we need to wonder if the military is going to have to peacefully intervene quickly and expediently. Completely unprecedented, obviously, but the craziest of these fuckers, some of them posting here, honestly seem to have the same type of personality cult that you see in North Koreans. It's fucking shocking.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Honest question to republicans: is it not weird to you that your president has the clear cognitive ability of a fucking 8 year old and repeatedly re-enforces verifiable lies at a predictable clip? Is this not alarming? Or are you all still mentally arrested on your 3rd grade recess field, trying to figure out how to deal with the peer pressure of getting along with others at that tender, innocent age?
Reactions: J.Wilkins


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
well, in this country, the conservatives are getting less and less votes, every single cycle, since Bush 2. they are, quite literally and innarguably, a minority party attempting to operate without the will of the people.

that is a simple fact.

There are only two options, really: the major party adapts and discards the fringe lunatics, or they convince their bobbleheads that Civil War is necessary. Obviously, a great number of them are exceedingly violent and are willing and have created great murder already, in the name of their hallucinations, and their current icon has already commanded that they continue to do so....I guess at some point we need to wonder if the military is going to have to peacefully intervene quickly and expediently. Completely unprecedented, obviously, but the craziest of these fuckers, some of them posting here, honestly seem to have the same type of personality cult that you see in North Koreans. It's fucking shocking.

Kinda funny idea, yeah we have guns and the fucking most powerful military in the world... Well if the military will serve the people against the government then what do you need your guns for and if they are on the governments side, what good will your guns do? But if the military realizes that you can't have a cockwomble in chief and intervenes... then what?

You and we need a fucking reset to normal.


Nov 11, 1999

Great, they finally admit it. Now what are they going to do about it??? They were about to reward the Russians with eased sanctions and giving them back their compounds until the Senate got involved...

It's perfectly clear that the Russians went to great lengths to help Trump get elected, helped him mess with people's minds in an extreme fashion. It's perfectly clear he won't do anything about it because it benefited him. He's depending on their help in 2020, I suspect.
Nov 25, 2013
Honest question to republicans: is it not weird to you that your president has the clear cognitive ability of a fucking 8 year old and repeatedly re-enforces verifiable lies at a predictable clip? Is this not alarming? Or are you all still mentally arrested on your 3rd grade recess field, trying to figure out how to deal with the peer pressure of getting along with others at that tender, innocent age?

It upsets you? Then they are happy because *you* are the problem. Goddammliberal!


Nov 11, 1999
People can either see through the con, or they can't. It's really just that simple. Trump is the greatest con man ever. He does things to people's minds that are uncanny, almost supernatural, and they can't even tell it's happening. He paints pictures & vast vistas in their minds.

He's right- when he gets done with their heads, he could shoot somebody & it wouldn't bother 'em at all.

He didn't make 'em that way on his own- that has required decades of relentless right wing agitprop & top down class warfare disguised as freedom.
Reactions: cytg111


Jun 9, 2016
There is little point in talking to you because you're a hardened bigot but I will point out where you are wrong.

There is such a thing as a just war. There is a right to self defense. You don't have to die at the hands of a madman just because he is guiltless by reason of insanity, but what you do is condemn people for thought crimes and the very ones they think they see in you. You arrogate to yourself the role of judge jury and executioner. You are as practitioner of the mentality that makes the world sick. We create what we fear and become what we hate.

Racists sure do appreciate it when people like you carry so much water for them, reciting the same lines as the race realist of how they're the Real victims and libtards are the Real bigots. How does it feel to be responsible for segregation & so on when you ilk were so sympathetic to these same shits thoughout american history? Oh poor them, if only minorities & such treated racists better I'm sure slavery and such would've never happened.. Knowing your predictable denial in face of all evidence I'm starting to warm to the idea that evil people lack the cognitive ability to recognize their wickedness.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
well, in this country, the conservatives are getting less and less votes, every single cycle, since Bush 2. they are, quite literally and innarguably, a minority party attempting to operate without the will of the people.

that is a simple fact.

There are only two options, really: the major party adapts and discards the fringe lunatics, or they convince their bobbleheads that Civil War is necessary. Obviously, a great number of them are exceedingly violent and are willing and have created great murder already, in the name of their hallucinations, and their current icon has already commanded that they continue to do so....I guess at some point we need to wonder if the military is going to have to peacefully intervene quickly and expediently. Completely unprecedented, obviously, but the craziest of these fuckers, some of them posting here, honestly seem to have the same type of personality cult that you see in North Koreans. It's fucking shocking.

I do believe that a liberal democratic party in the US could be a big step but when will that happen? Hillary could have brought that but blurghhh... I don't know how to describe that incident better.

Look at the Europeans, they have about 10 parties and the ruling one is required to cooperate with the rest, that is true democracy in action, every fucking issue is negotiable there and you have to work with everyone but the extremes to get things done.

Your nation and mine both, my friend, we need to shape the fuck up and leave the extremes to the Russians and Saudis.


Apr 8, 2013
People can either see through the con, or they can't. It's really just that simple. Trump is the greatest con man ever. He does things to people's minds that are uncanny, almost supernatural, and they can't even tell it's happening. He paints pictures & vast vistas in their minds.

He's right- when he gets done with their heads, he could shoot somebody & it wouldn't bother 'em at all.

He didn't make 'em that way on his own- that has required decades of relentless right wing agitprop & top down class warfare disguised as freedom.

The success of Trump's con is predicated on the fact that his personality happens to mesh with people who have been conditioned the way American conservatives have been conditioned for decades now. Trump could never have succeeded as a democrat. Change his positions to make them leftist, and he would have failed hard in the dem primary. Nor could he have adapted his schtick to suit the left because Trump doesn't really have the ability to change who he is, which by the way, is the mark a truly great con artist, which Trump is not. That's why it isn't brilliance. It better resembles convergence. His fans came to him totally susceptible to what he already happened to be.

For me, and I suspect for you as well, his "brilliant con" was literally child's play to see through. It's so obvious the guy is a narcissist and a liar, no matter which views he espouses. If he's brilliant he should at least give everyone pause before they figure out who he really is, yet he gave me none.
Reactions: Azuma Hazuki

Azuma Hazuki

Golden Member
Jun 18, 2012
Trump isn't a great con man, he just saw an opportunity and seized on it. The American public has been ripe for this kind of takeover for decades now.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Racists sure do appreciate it when people like you carry so much water for them, reciting the same lines as the race realist of how they're the Real victims and libtards are the Real bigots. How does it feel to be responsible for segregation & so on when you ilk were so sympathetic to these same shits thoughout american history? Oh poor them, if only minorities & such treated racists better I'm sure slavery and such would've never happened.. Knowing your predictable denial in face of all evidence I'm starting to warm to the idea that evil people lack the cognitive ability to recognize their wickedness.
The more you learn about yourself the more you see it in others. Your condemnation of the right works so well every day we get closer to Nazi Germany. You may find it hard to believe, as self important as you think that you are, but the right doesn't give a shit how badly you condemn them. The definition of a fool is to believe that being an even bigger moron will solve things.


Jun 9, 2016
Why do you say that. I just explained that your thinking is evil. I'm not letting that slide. What you do is keep the madness alive. Do you really want me to terminate you because you're this way? Oh, I get it, you thought it was 'the other' who should die.

The more you learn about yourself the more you see it in others. Your condemnation of the right works so well every day we get closer to Nazi Germany. You may find it hard to believe, as self important as you think that you are, but the right doesn't give a shit how badly you condemn them. The definition of a fool is to believe that being an even bigger moron will solve things.

It's pretty fitting how much you and other degenerates love that trite "the anti-X are the Real X" argument. Anti-racists are the Real racists, anti-intellectuals are the Real intellectuals, anti-nazi/klan are the Real nazi/klan. The de-nazification of germany sure turned that country into the fourth reich. I always figured even the dumbest degens knew how dumb these sort of "I know you are but what am I" statements are but make them anyway because that's what degens do; so what's your excuse?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Trump isn't a great con man, he just saw an opportunity and seized on it. The American public has been ripe for this kind of takeover for decades now.
Certainly so, but the real questions are how and why this happened and what to do about it. The scientific evidence, I think, suggests that it is fear creates a conservative mentality. Do we live in a culture that promotes fear? If so how does that happen and what can help to reduce it? If you think there are other things to look at I would be willing to listen.


Jun 9, 2016
Certainly so, but the real questions are how and why this happened and what to do about it. The scientific evidence, I think, suggests that it is fear creates a conservative mentality. Do we live in a culture that promotes fear? If so how does that happen and what can help to reduce it? If you think there are other things to look at I would be willing to listen.

Let's not pretend you can suppress your ego remotely enough to hear the simplest of lessons from history.

Azuma Hazuki

Golden Member
Jun 18, 2012
There is no easy answer, @Moonbeam. But I have noticed two things. 1) Knowledge defeats fear and 2) "Conservatism" not only as we have it but the world over is the deadly foe of spreading knowledge.

It also tends to change its followers' mindsets such that they don't go looking for knowledge to begin with. So what we have here is a positive feedback cycle. And, sorry to say, I don't think it can't be stopped after a certain point in someone's life, at least not without massive personal suffering.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
It's pretty fitting how much you and other degenerates love that trite "the anti-X are the Real X" argument. Anti-racists are the Real racists, anti-intellectuals are the Real intellectuals, anti-nazi/klan are the Real nazi/klan. The de-nazification of germany sure turned that country into the fourth reich. I always figured even the dumbest degens knew how dumb these sort of "I know you are but what am I" statements are but make them anyway because that's what degens do; so what's your excuse?
My excuse is that when you talk to a degenerate he will tell you you're the degenerate or a degenerate apologist etc. You don't know much so everything has to be shoehorned into your limited world view. Now you can turn that one around on me and tell me I shoehorned you into mine. Not that you have been called an idiot, a putz and a degenerate with a tiny tiny scope to your world view, we will see just how easily your are shamed and driven off of the scene. Bye bye, asshole! Hehehehehe!

I know, I know, agent Orange, you degenerates are all the same. You just know how to deflect. with that mighty I know you are but what am I. Few are so apt as you in talking to themselves. The world sucks, you know, because you do. You are the world. Everything that is, is your projection. Pull your head out of your asshole and look for the good in people.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
There is no easy answer, @Moonbeam. But I have noticed two things. 1) Knowledge defeats fear and 2) "Conservatism" not only as we have it but the world over is the deadly foe of spreading knowledge.

It also tends to change its followers' mindsets such that they don't go looking for knowledge to begin with. So what we have here is a positive feedback cycle. And, sorry to say, I don't think it can't be stopped after a certain point in someone's life, at least not without massive personal suffering.
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