MORE great deals from SVC... lowered prices on some stuff


Platinum Member
Sep 26, 2002
They dropped the prices on a bunch of stuff, including the all-popular quad blue LED fan.
Before you order, or start another flame war... please READ the first two paragraphs . They specifically address some of the problems that y'all were complaining about.

1. Blue LED fan: WAS 3.99 NOW 3.25
2. ALL Cold Cathodes with One Tube and Dual Inverter: WAS 14.99 NOW $12.99
3. Cold Cathode Tubes (for above kit): 4.99
4. Chrome atomic energy & biohazard finger guards: $1.99
5. Any Size regular finger guards: $.99 5/$4.00
6. the usual


Jun 21, 2000
Having "READ the first two paragraphs" it looks like more poor business practices. Instead of offering something to those who have been screwed by them in the past, they offer a bribe for posting "reseller ratings" for them. Clearly you are expected to say positive things about them since you wish for them to send you a case.

To speed the process, and to promote the rating of vendors in general, SVC will be giving out a FREE CLEAR ACRYLIC CASE on March 31 to a randomly selected customer who has left resellerratings for SVC. To qualify, you must (1) leave a resellerrating, and (2) email with your order number and your resellerrating user id.

svc is suck.


Golden Member
Sep 19, 2001
says nothing about leaving good ratings for them....

i have order in the past and always had good experience, but maybe i am just lucky


Senior member
Nov 24, 2002
Having "READ the first two paragraphs" it looks like more poor business practices. Instead of offering something to those who have been screwed by them in the past, they offer a bribe for posting "reseller ratings" for them. Clearly you are expected to say positive things about them since you wish for them to send you a case.

I live fairly close to their store, and have been there several times. Whenever I would pick up a part, it would take about a minute for the reps to even recognize me, and they always ask me "Have you ordered the part on the net yet? You need to do that fiirst" After I ordered the item, my friend and I were forced to wait 15 MINUTES before I saw the item which finally was given to us in a idiotically huge USPS priority box. (Despise its small size) This is just marketing; they don't intend on changing a thing. I know these people.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Just made an order with them for a bud last week, took one week to get it, not bad.
They are still doing alright by me.

The one time they did mess up they corrected it by resending out another order ASAP.
I'm sure my time will come though, they have had quite a bit of negativity over the last 6 months or so...


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: STiSev
Having "READ the first two paragraphs" it looks like more poor business practices. Instead of offering something to those who have been screwed by them in the past, they offer a bribe for posting "reseller ratings" for them. Clearly you are expected to say positive things about them since you wish for them to send you a case.

I live fairly close to their store, and have been there several times. Whenever I would pick up a part, it would take about a minute for the reps to even recognize me, and they always ask me "Have you ordered the part on the net yet? You need to do that fiirst" After I ordered the item, my friend and I were forced to wait 15 MINUTES before I saw the item which finally was given to us in a idiotically huge USPS priority box. (Despise its small size) This is just marketing; they don't intend on changing a thing. I know these people.

Assuming that SVC has a rather large warehouse, I don't believe 15 minuts is an unreasonable wait at all. Considering you could've just as easily ordered it before you left your house and then came down and picked it up to give them time. And if you know you have to order the part online first, why not do so? I mean you have been to the store several times.

So what if it's in a huge USPS box? Is there a problem with receiving one? And because you go to a store about 5 times you expect them to automatically recognize you and be your best friend? Damn you have high expectations of a company.

And you order from a company several times and you then know their business practices by heart? You know that they're actually not trying to change everything? Wow, you should become a retail analyst, could save people millions.



Platinum Member
Sep 26, 2002
They've been expanding extremely rapidly... they started as a Y! store with very little traffic, and now... well AT effect is hitting them hard. There have been like 8 HD posts on them in the past couple of months. Thats a lot of orders to send out. I think their service level will come up in the coming months... check the RRatings. They've been doing progressively better. I used to work in a shop... i know how hard it is to keep customer service acceptable while you are still trying to get customers.



Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2001
Originally posted by: SharkyTM
They dropped the prices on a bunch of stuff, including the all-popular quad blue LED fan.
Before you order, or start another flame war... please READ the first two paragraphs . They specifically address some of the problems that y'all were complaining about.

1. Blue LED fan: WAS 3.99 NOW 3.25
2. ALL Cold Cathodes with One Tube and Dual Inverter: WAS 14.99 NOW $12.99
3. Cold Cathode Tubes (for above kit): 4.99
4. Chrome atomic energy & biohazard finger guards: $1.99
5. Any Size regular finger guards: $.99 5/$4.00
6. the usual

To the point made above, the "free case promo" they are running is actually Illegal in many states as it requires that you purchase sumthin. Quote "To qualify, you must (1) leave a resellerrating, and (2) email with your order number and your resellerrating user id" Since you have to have a order # this promo requires a purchase.



Golden Member
Aug 11, 2000
I'd input my 2 cents.. but I need it for gas!!! yeesh...

anyways svc always done good by me. I've spent a couple hundred through them and for small parts it's hard to find anyone cheaper "or as readily available"


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2001
I just sent the following letter to SVC about their most recent "promo"

Having been a loyal customer for a couple years now I was quite upset to recive the following email. No I signed up for the mailing, the prices are great as the service allways has been. However the promo you have listed is, well.... cheap
I mean this as the way its being run. I understand that you have had some problems lately and hey, Ive been there to. But to tie a promo to reseller ratings (and the requirement to post) is downright cheap. Reseller ratings is a great tool for the on-line comunity to use to know where to shop and let their true UNSOLICITED opinions be known. When vendors start to tie promo's, give aways, and other spiffs to how they post on reseller ratings it cheapens and even nullifys the impact that a great resorce such as reseller ratings has.
Not to mention that in many states it is illegal to require a purchase to be eligable for a "give-away" "

Again, I have allways liked SVC as a company and shop there allot myself, have allways had great service and intend to continue to do so. However I am upset with how they chose to run this so called give away.

*Rant off*


Jun 22, 2001
First two purchases from SVC were great. Super-fast shipping, low prices.

Third time was the $20 Antec case, and the AT affect was too much for them. Tracking numbers messed up, never did get the case, and never did get satisfation, a replacement, a gift certificate, or anything other than my money back. That's fine. I understand that low low prices mean they're cutting costs somewhere, and that one shouldn't expect world class service from them, or a free lunch when they mess up.

My local stereo shop has prices that slay Best Buy and Circuit City, but the employees are rude, the store is dirty, etc. Doesn't matter. That's where the deals are. I think of SVC the same way. It's an Internet business, with a warehouse somewhere, and where that is I dont' really care. I just want my deals.

I will order again from SVC when they're not in the middle of some huge sale, but there's no way they should be offering the reseller ratings bribe. That's begging for trouble.



Jun 18, 2001
I have purchased from SVC in the past and have had good service. I think what they are doing now with this contest is wrong. They are trying to buy ratings with the give-a-way contest. I know they never said only positive ratings would only be included in the contest but do you honestly think a negative rating post will win you a prize? People will post positive ratings even if they only received so-so service in hopes of winning the case. Which company will be next? Maybe TigerDirect should have tried this several months back when their ads appeared as a sticky in the Hot Deals Forum. I think should freeze all post for SVC until SVC ends the contest. How can anyone trust if every company with low ratings started trying to beef up their score with a contest? I think there are better ways to receive positive ratings than trying to buy them! This is just my opinion!




Jan 6, 2001
What a joke on SVC's part. You earn your resellerrating, not get it by bribing people which they are doing. I have orderded at least 10 times from them and have never left feedback for them. A simple request in one of their emails to add a resellerrating would have been much better in my book but this is just stupid.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Originally posted by: amdskip
What a joke on SVC's part. You earn your resellerrating, not get it by bribing people which they are doing. I have orderded at least 10 times from them and have never left feedback for them. A simple request in one of their emails to add a resellerrating would have been much better in my book but this is just stupid.

See, this is the problem. People don't feel the need to leave feedback on orders that go well, and feel even less need to leave feedback on low priced items. Yet the level of service required and expected is no different on a lower priced item than a high-priced item. Soliciting feedback in the form of a survey or rating is NOT a new thing in the e-tail business, in fact it happens all the time w/out any of the criticism SVC is receiving for this entirely legitimate promotion. No where on does it state a vendor cannot run a promotion to stimulate feedback response.

Pulled straight from RRatings FAQ:

Q: Can I hold a contest or offer discounts to encourage my customers to submit reviews to

A: Yes, but only if you explicitly state that the nature of the customer's opinion, positive, negative, or neutral, will have no bearing on your offer, and that you are simply seeking customer critiques of their ordering experiences, and their opinion. Soliciting only positive comments is not allowed.

There is no indication that only positive reviews will be considered for winning the single prize, and if you are willing to alter your opinion based on some incentive, you're a weak-minded individual with questionable morals and ethics.

I'm sure SVC knows the volume of business they do, however, their reseller rating simply does not reflect the number of orders that ship without issue. Simple math shows that it takes 9 positive comments to offset every negative comment to obtain the ideal rating of 9+, but the reality of it is that people are much more likely to leave negative feedback than positive.

If you REALLY wanted to do everyone a favor, you would've left feedback w/out any type of incentive and made your opinion useful, since complaining about this promotion doesn't do anyone ANY good.




Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Originally posted by: AAjax
To the point made above, the "free case promo" they are running is actually Illegal in many states as it requires that you purchase sumthin. Quote "To qualify, you must (1) leave a resellerrating, and (2) email with your order number and your resellerrating user id" Since you have to have a order # this promo requires a purchase.

In order to leave a reselller rating, you need to have a valid order number. If you didn't place an order, what basis would you have for rating them? Looks? There's nothing illegal about it, familiarizing yourself with would probably help most of you immensely, since it seems pretty obvious many of you have NEVER BEEN THERE other than to benefit from OTHERS who put the time in to leave feedback.

This reminds me of people who b!tch about the what the president or local government is doing, but when you ask them who they voted for they say "I didn't vote."




Junior Member
Jan 22, 2003
After reading that paragraph..
It 's time to join reselleratings and put negative comments.



Jun 18, 2001

How about emailing SVC and request they ammend their offer to say, "Customer's opinion, positive, negative, or neutral, will have no bearing on your offer, and that [SVC] are simply seeking customer critiques of their ordering experiences, and their opinion." The way they state their offer it looks like they are breaking the rules. "Soliciting only positive comments is not allowed." Let us see how long it will take SVC to include the statement!




Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2001
Originally posted by: chizow
Originally posted by: AAjax
To the point made above, the "free case promo" they are running is actually Illegal in many states as it requires that you purchase sumthin. Quote "To qualify, you must (1) leave a resellerrating, and (2) email with your order number and your resellerrating user id" Since you have to have a order # this promo requires a purchase.

In order to leave a reselller rating, you need to have a valid order number. If you didn't place an order, what basis would you have for rating them? Looks? There's nothing illegal about it, familiarizing yourself with would probably help most of you immensely, since it seems pretty obvious many of you have NEVER BEEN THERE other than to benefit from OTHERS who put the time in to leave feedback.

This reminds me of people who b!tch about the what the president or local government is doing, but when you ask them who they voted for they say "I didn't vote."


Funny Ive been posting there for years, and am on thier forums too. As for how this promotion runs, you have to buy somthing to be elligable. Many states do have laws against that. Im intitled to my opinion, and you to yours but please noitice I will leave out any personal attack in my responce to you.

Originally posted by: AAjax
Again, I have allways liked SVC as a company and shop there allot myself, have allways had great service and intend to continue to do so. However I am upset with how they chose to run this so called give away."


In what way did I say they had bad service or poor product? I didnt, I just vioced my opinion summed up in the above statement.


Senior member
Sep 5, 2000
Chizow: You obviously don't get it. It's illegal in many states to require a purchase in order to enter a contest. Since this contest requires you to post at ResellerRatings, and since posting there requires you make a purchase from SVC, the contest requires you to make a purchase in order to enter. It has nothing to do with ResellerRatings own rules, it has to do with state law. Why do you think you consistently see "no purchase necessary" and/or "offer not valid in the following states" on so many contest entry rules and/or forms? To comply with the different state laws.


Diamond Member
Oct 26, 1999
My first order with them ROCKED...ordered Thursday...shipped Thursday..received Saturday..

I don't give a damn about what they do regarding resellerratings or long as they get me my stuff like they did the first time...I'll continue to buy from them...

SVC=fast shipping...incredible pricing...


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Originally posted by: NoLegs

How about emailing SVC and request they ammend their offer to say, "Customer's opinion, positive, negative, or neutral, will have no bearing on your offer, and that [SVC] are simply seeking customer critiques of their ordering experiences, and their opinion." The way they state their offer it looks like they are breaking the rules. "Soliciting only positive comments is not allowed." Let us see how long it will take SVC to include the statement!



I don't feel the need to, as I feel that the premise of a reseller rating should be based on your actual experiences, as it says cleary on the site. Where does it state in the offer that they are soliciting only positive comments?

SVC will be giving out a FREE CLEAR ACRYLIC CASE on March 31 to a randomly selected customer who has left resellerratings for SVC. To qualify, you must (1) leave a resellerrating, and (2) email with your order number and your resellerrating user id. The winner will be announced at no later than March 31, 2003.

Hmm, that seems pretty clear. It doesn't say they will be hand-picking based on user comments, and it certainly doesn't mention anything about screening any entries based on a user's experience. In fact, it says quite clearly that the drawing will be RANDOM.

Aajax and McCall, there is no requirement to purchase anything. You can simply place an order and cancel it. Then you can leave a reseller rating saying how great SVC was b/c they cancelled your order as requested so that you could have a chance at winning a case
Regardless, there are many offers that are ONLY valid if you qualify, whether it is through a purchase or through voluntary participation. The e-mails you receive from SVC are not unsolicited advertisements, at one point or another you AGREED to allow them to send you a mailer. If you didn't receive the e-mailer, most law would say that you are not qualified to participate. At any given time you have the option to unsubscribe.

And where in my response did I leave a personal attack?



Senior member
Sep 5, 2000
Again, you just don't get it. You have to make a purchase in order to leave a comment. Leaving a comment is required in order to enter the contest. Requiring someone to make a purchase (even if they can later cancel it) in order to enter a contest is against the law in many states.

It has nothing to do with how you found out about the contest. It has nothing to do with how the company informed you of the contest. It has nothing to do with whether the email is unsolicited or not.

This isn't a hard concept to grasp. Requiring a person to make a purchase in order to enter a contest is illegal in many states, it's that simple!
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