More Pork Spending from Obama!


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Obama sees war costs totalling $140 billion this year

Oink! Oink! What a waste of tax payers dollars. I wonder how much we wasted last year?

I wonder how they come up with this figure? Do they actually figure in health care costs, disability costs and costs of disrupted lives torn apart when someone dies? I don't know how they can even justify a price on that.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
If we can find the money to kill people then we can find money to help people.

I'd rather help them, thank you very much.


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Context context context.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama expects that the cost to the United States of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars will total just over $140 billion (98 billion pounds) this year, according to a senior administration official.

The costs for the two wars will decline to $130 billion in the 2010 fiscal year that begins October 1, said the official, who briefed reporters on Obama's budget, which is due to be released on Thursday.

Annual costs for the war will drop sharply after that, to $50 billion annually beginning in 2011, the budget will show.

Congress has already appropriated about half of the money that the Obama administration says it will need for Iraq and Afghanistan this year.

But the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the administration will need to make a budget "supplemental" request to Congress for an additional $75 billion.

Obama, who inherited a more-than $1 trillion budget deficit from President George W. Bush, will set a goal in the budget of cutting that deficit in half by 2013.


Mar 10, 2008
Originally posted by: ericlp
If we can find the money to kill people then we can find money to help people.

I'd rather help them, thank you very much.

Based on what?


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: winnar111
At least we're killing a bunch of terrorists. War is cheaper than healthcare.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, and there is no such thing as a free war. The Iraq adventure has seriously weakened the U.S. economy, whose woes now go far beyond loose mortgage lending. You can't spend $3 trillion -- yes, $3 trillion -- on a failed war abroad and not feel the pain at home.

Sorry I don't see this as 'ANY CHEAPER' ... I just see an fool that can't solve math problems.


Mar 10, 2008
Originally posted by: ericlp
Originally posted by: winnar111
At least we're killing a bunch of terrorists. War is cheaper than healthcare.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, and there is no such thing as a free war. The Iraq adventure has seriously weakened the U.S. economy, whose woes now go far beyond loose mortgage lending. You can't spend $3 trillion -- yes, $3 trillion -- on a failed war abroad and not feel the pain at home.

Sorry I don't see this as 'ANY CHEAPER' ... I just see an fool that can't solve math problems.

What $3 trillion? Your own post dictates war spending at $140b a year. That's 1/6 of your stimulus package.


Jul 11, 2001
You know, funny you should mention that. I'm going to hit Costco today and do some pork spending myself. Gonna buy pork roast. I'm almost out of my homemade chorizo.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: SagaLore
Context context context.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama expects that the cost to the United States of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars will total just over $140 billion (98 billion pounds) this year, according to a senior administration official.

The costs for the two wars will decline to $130 billion in the 2010 fiscal year that begins October 1, said the official, who briefed reporters on Obama's budget, which is due to be released on Thursday.

Annual costs for the war will drop sharply after that, to $50 billion annually beginning in 2011, the budget will show.

Congress has already appropriated about half of the money that the Obama administration says it will need for Iraq and Afghanistan this year.

But the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the administration will need to make a budget "supplemental" request to Congress for an additional $75 billion.

Obama, who inherited a more-than $1 trillion budget deficit from President George W. Bush, will set a goal in the budget of cutting that deficit in half by 2013.

He saw Bush's 1 trillion and raised him 750 billion.



Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2003
Originally posted by: winnar111
At least we're killing a bunch of terrorists. War is cheaper than healthcare.

But healthcare is more beneficial than war. Better spend our $$ here on something that actually benefits our daily lives.

Guns and butter, winnar....guns and butter.


Mar 10, 2008
Originally posted by: MovingTarget
Originally posted by: winnar111
At least we're killing a bunch of terrorists. War is cheaper than healthcare.

But healthcare is more beneficial than war. Better spend our $$ here on something that actually benefits some random welfare queens daily lives at the expense of productive citizens.

Corrected for accuracy.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Muse
You know, funny you should mention that. I'm going to hit Costco today and do some pork spending myself. Gonna buy pork roast. I'm almost out of my homemade chorizo.

Make sure you buy it on a credit card. It is the only way to pay for pork!


Oct 14, 2002
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: MovingTarget
Originally posted by: winnar111
At least we're killing a bunch of terrorists. War is cheaper than healthcare.

But healthcare is more beneficial than war. Better spend our $$ here on something that actually benefits some random welfare queens daily lives at the expense of productive citizens.

Corrected for accuracy.

What the hell are you talking about? Health care reform effects far more than the poor and those on welfare.


Golden Member
Oct 22, 2004
Originally posted by: SagaLore
Context context context.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama expects that the cost to the United States of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars will total just over $140 billion (98 billion pounds) this year, according to a senior administration official.

The costs for the two wars will decline to $130 billion in the 2010 fiscal year that begins October 1, said the official, who briefed reporters on Obama's budget, which is due to be released on Thursday.

Annual costs for the war will drop sharply after that, to $50 billion annually beginning in 2011, the budget will show.

Congress has already appropriated about half of the money that the Obama administration says it will need for Iraq and Afghanistan this year.

But the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the administration will need to make a budget "supplemental" request to Congress for an additional $75 billion.

Obama, who inherited a more-than $1 trillion budget deficit from President George W. Bush, will set a goal in the budget of cutting that deficit in half by 2013.

Funny Money?


Mar 10, 2008
Originally posted by: Xavier434
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: MovingTarget
Originally posted by: winnar111
At least we're killing a bunch of terrorists. War is cheaper than healthcare.

But healthcare is more beneficial than war. Better spend our $$ here on something that actually benefits some random welfare queens daily lives at the expense of productive citizens.

Corrected for accuracy.

What the hell are you talking about? Health care reform effects far more than the poor and those on welfare.

They're the ones who stand the most to gain, like that Octuplet woman and millions of dollars per baby in health care that she's definitely not paying.

The majority of Americans are proud productive citizens with their own healthcare.


Apr 29, 2001
Originally posted by: sciwizam
Originally posted by: SagaLore
Context context context.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama expects that the cost to the United States of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars will total just over $140 billion (98 billion pounds) this year, according to a senior administration official.

The costs for the two wars will decline to $130 billion in the 2010 fiscal year that begins October 1, said the official, who briefed reporters on Obama's budget, which is due to be released on Thursday.

Annual costs for the war will drop sharply after that, to $50 billion annually beginning in 2011, the budget will show.

Congress has already appropriated about half of the money that the Obama administration says it will need for Iraq and Afghanistan this year.

But the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the administration will need to make a budget "supplemental" request to Congress for an additional $75 billion.

Obama, who inherited a more-than $1 trillion budget deficit from President George W. Bush, will set a goal in the budget of cutting that deficit in half by 2013.

Funny Money?

Obama is like a woman shopper. But I "saved" $2 trillion with this coupon!


Oct 14, 2002
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: Xavier434
What the hell are you talking about? Health care reform effects far more than the poor and those on welfare.

They're the ones who stand the most to gain, like that Octuplet woman and millions of dollars per baby in health care that she's definitely not paying.

The majority of Americans are proud productive citizens with their own healthcare. which is entirely too expensive. Healthcare which only claims to really cover your ass when it hardly covers shit. Healthcare that might pay for people to be in a hospital but kicks them out the first chance they get even though there are risks involved. Healthcare which "might' cover you later decently well if you spend shit loads of money for years but hardly does anything to cover the costs of preventative healthcare. You want to take that expensive test that will pin point your actual problem? Hell no! You got to go through all of these preliminary tests which the doctors know wont do shit, but are necessary in order to convince the insurance companies that you actually need the healthcare that the professional doctors recommend. Sometimes these processes can take over a year. Ya, we are all very proud of our healthcare system. You may think you are covered with quality healthcare, but that is doubtful....unless you are rich and really pay out the ass for it. Something most Americans cannot afford to do nor should they be expected to do it. That is part of protecting our common welfare in my book.

You want to know what the private industry has decided is the true solution to healthcare? Don't get sick. That is your only real insurance in our current system. We need reform.


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2003
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: MovingTarget
Originally posted by: winnar111
At least we're killing a bunch of terrorists. War is cheaper than healthcare.

But healthcare is more beneficial than war. Better spend our $$ here on something that actually benefits some random welfare queens daily lives at the expense of productive citizens.

Corrected for accuracy.

FAIL. The modern day welfare queen that Rush et. al have used to rail against social programs is a myth. Even if you were to accept that all people on any form of public assistance were octo-mom welfare queens, it would still be a better investment to ensure that their progeny receive medical attention than to kill a bunch of terrorists on the other side of the world. War is detrimental to our civilization, but at times it is a necessary evil. You must remember that. Go listen to some speeches by Eisenhower and stfu.

You also FAIL at understanding the plight of the modern working poor. You can work at a fulltime job living modestly, get sick one week, and suddenly the bills mount and before you know it you are out of a job on the streets with medical bills you can never hope to pay. Healthcare is the leading cause of bankruptcy in this nation, so much so that the entire system needs an overhaul. Healthcare reform isn't just throwing money at the problem. It is overhauling the entire system to remove the gross ineficiencies, redundancies, etc. that plague the system. There are many, many ways this can be done, and we already have plenty examples of what works and doesn't.

Guns and butter. You can't eat bullets.... If you think so, go ahead and try....


Mar 10, 2008
Originally posted by: Xavier434
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: Xavier434
What the hell are you talking about? Health care reform effects far more than the poor and those on welfare.

They're the ones who stand the most to gain, like that Octuplet woman and millions of dollars per baby in health care that she's definitely not paying.

The majority of Americans are proud productive citizens with their own healthcare. which is entirely too expensive. Healthcare which only claims to really cover your ass when it hardly covers shit. Healthcare that might pay for people to be in a hospital but kicks them out the first chance they get even though there are risks involved. Healthcare which "might' cover you later decently well if you spend shit loads of money for years but hardly does anything to cover the costs of preventative healthcare. You want to take that expensive test that will pin point your actual problem? Hell no! You got to go through all of these preliminary tests which the doctors know wont do shit, but are necessary in order to convince the insurance companies that you actually need the healthcare that the professional doctors recommend. Sometimes these processes can take over a year. Ya, we are all very proud of our healthcare system. You may think you are covered with quality healthcare, but that is doubtful....unless you are rich and really pay out the ass for it. Something most Americans cannot afford to do nor should they be expected to do it. That is part of protecting our common welfare in my book.

You want to know what the private industry has decided is the true solution to healthcare? Don't get sick. That is your only real insurance in our current system. We need reform.

Why does everyone in the nation deserve Dick Cheney's healthcare? You get what you pay for, and you pay for what you can afford.

Not getting sick is a hell of a better idea that punishing educated workers.


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2003
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: Xavier434
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: Xavier434
What the hell are you talking about? Health care reform effects far more than the poor and those on welfare.

They're the ones who stand the most to gain, like that Octuplet woman and millions of dollars per baby in health care that she's definitely not paying.

The majority of Americans are proud productive citizens with their own healthcare. which is entirely too expensive. Healthcare which only claims to really cover your ass when it hardly covers shit. Healthcare that might pay for people to be in a hospital but kicks them out the first chance they get even though there are risks involved. Healthcare which "might' cover you later decently well if you spend shit loads of money for years but hardly does anything to cover the costs of preventative healthcare. You want to take that expensive test that will pin point your actual problem? Hell no! You got to go through all of these preliminary tests which the doctors know wont do shit, but are necessary in order to convince the insurance companies that you actually need the healthcare that the professional doctors recommend. Sometimes these processes can take over a year. Ya, we are all very proud of our healthcare system. You may think you are covered with quality healthcare, but that is doubtful....unless you are rich and really pay out the ass for it. Something most Americans cannot afford to do nor should they be expected to do it. That is part of protecting our common welfare in my book.

You want to know what the private industry has decided is the true solution to healthcare? Don't get sick. That is your only real insurance in our current system. We need reform.

Why does everyone in the nation deserve Dick Cheney's healthcare? You get what you pay for, and you pay for what you can afford.

Not getting sick is a hell of a better idea that punishing educated workers.

They deserve it because he and his cronies drove this country in the ground. Seriously though, nobody is advocating giving every schmuck a Cadillac top of the line health care plan. What they are advocating is letting the working schmuck have access to affordable preventative care that, lets face it, they have NO chance of getting under the current system. What do you want them to do? Clog our emergency rooms every time they sneeze thus reducing care for everyone? Perhaps you don't realize that many, despite their labors, simply aren't paid enough to afford healthcare on their own or do not have any access to care via their employer. The current system has FAILED the working class. You get what you pay for and pay for what you can afford, as you call it, is exactly what has failed in the current system. It is out of control.


Oct 14, 2002
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: Xavier434
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: Xavier434
What the hell are you talking about? Health care reform effects far more than the poor and those on welfare.

They're the ones who stand the most to gain, like that Octuplet woman and millions of dollars per baby in health care that she's definitely not paying.

The majority of Americans are proud productive citizens with their own healthcare. which is entirely too expensive. Healthcare which only claims to really cover your ass when it hardly covers shit. Healthcare that might pay for people to be in a hospital but kicks them out the first chance they get even though there are risks involved. Healthcare which "might' cover you later decently well if you spend shit loads of money for years but hardly does anything to cover the costs of preventative healthcare. You want to take that expensive test that will pin point your actual problem? Hell no! You got to go through all of these preliminary tests which the doctors know wont do shit, but are necessary in order to convince the insurance companies that you actually need the healthcare that the professional doctors recommend. Sometimes these processes can take over a year. Ya, we are all very proud of our healthcare system. You may think you are covered with quality healthcare, but that is doubtful....unless you are rich and really pay out the ass for it. Something most Americans cannot afford to do nor should they be expected to do it. That is part of protecting our common welfare in my book.

You want to know what the private industry has decided is the true solution to healthcare? Don't get sick. That is your only real insurance in our current system. We need reform.

Why does everyone in the nation deserve Dick Cheney's healthcare? You get what you pay for, and you pay for what you can afford.

Not getting sick is a hell of a better idea that punishing educated workers.

Because most Americans view healthcare as being more important than money and taxes. That is why we are willing to fall into unrecoverable states of debt to get it when we really need it to preserve ourselves and our family. We spend tax dollars on all sorts of shit all of the time which most Americans believe fails in comparison to keeping their family alive and healthy. Providing quality healthcare is one of the best things our government can do in order to justify one of the fundamental purposes of their job which is to protect the common welfare of its people.

Therefore, it is not a question of whether or not they should provide it. The real question is how to provide it effectively. Doing so will save these "educated workers" a lot of money too. It's not like they are not already paying for it. The difference will be that they will not have to pay astronomical prices for whenever little Jimmy cuts himself and needs to go to the hospital that his poor parents cannot afford to pay. The difference will be that your kids won't have to pay as much for my healthcare because I will have access to better preventative healthcare which will reduce how much I need the expensive stuff when I get older.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: ericlp
Originally posted by: winnar111
At least we're killing a bunch of terrorists. War is cheaper than healthcare.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, and there is no such thing as a free war. The Iraq adventure has seriously weakened the U.S. economy, whose woes now go far beyond loose mortgage lending. You can't spend $3 trillion -- yes, $3 trillion -- on a failed war abroad and not feel the pain at home.

Sorry I don't see this as 'ANY CHEAPER' ... I just see an fool that can't solve math problems.

What $3 trillion? Your own post dictates war spending at $140b a year. That's 1/6 of your stimulus package.

With all the bullshit trolling threads and posts you make about Obama, the dems, and pork it's hilarious to hear you minimize $140 billion when you happen to agree with it. You're a pathetic hack.


Mar 10, 2008
Originally posted by: Xavier434
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: Xavier434
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: Xavier434
What the hell are you talking about? Health care reform effects far more than the poor and those on welfare.

They're the ones who stand the most to gain, like that Octuplet woman and millions of dollars per baby in health care that she's definitely not paying.

The majority of Americans are proud productive citizens with their own healthcare. which is entirely too expensive. Healthcare which only claims to really cover your ass when it hardly covers shit. Healthcare that might pay for people to be in a hospital but kicks them out the first chance they get even though there are risks involved. Healthcare which "might' cover you later decently well if you spend shit loads of money for years but hardly does anything to cover the costs of preventative healthcare. You want to take that expensive test that will pin point your actual problem? Hell no! You got to go through all of these preliminary tests which the doctors know wont do shit, but are necessary in order to convince the insurance companies that you actually need the healthcare that the professional doctors recommend. Sometimes these processes can take over a year. Ya, we are all very proud of our healthcare system. You may think you are covered with quality healthcare, but that is doubtful....unless you are rich and really pay out the ass for it. Something most Americans cannot afford to do nor should they be expected to do it. That is part of protecting our common welfare in my book.

You want to know what the private industry has decided is the true solution to healthcare? Don't get sick. That is your only real insurance in our current system. We need reform.

Why does everyone in the nation deserve Dick Cheney's healthcare? You get what you pay for, and you pay for what you can afford.

Not getting sick is a hell of a better idea that punishing educated workers.

Because most Americans view healthcare as being more important than money and taxes. That is why we are willing to fall into unrecoverable states of debt to get it when we really need it to preserve ourselves and our family. We spend tax dollars on all sorts of shit all of the time which most Americans believe fails in comparison to keeping their family alive and healthy. Providing quality healthcare is one of the best things our government can do in order to justify one of the fundamental purposes of their job which is to protect the common welfare of its people.

Therefore, it is not a question of whether or not they should provide it. The real question is how to provide it effectively. Doing so will save these "educated workers" a lot of money too. It's not like they are not already paying for it. The difference will be that they will not have to pay astronomical prices for whenever little Jimmy cuts himself and needs to go to the hospital that his poor parents cannot afford to pay. The difference will be that your kids won't have to pay as much for my healthcare because I will have access to better preventative healthcare which will reduce how much I need the expensive stuff when I get older.

No, you'll just live longer and accumulate even more healthcare expenses over a longer period of time. Not paying astronomical prices? We're already doing so with ridiculous overburdened taxes and government healthcare costs growing at 8% a year. Congrats, that just expanded to 10%.

I guess its quite easy to be generous with the money of the top 2%, especially when you pledge it to 10 different causes. Sounds like Bernie Madoff.
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