More WoW questions!


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
Ok, I just read a post by a level 18 priest who said he has over 100g in the bank...and he mentions using the AH a I'm wondering, what exactly are you selling there?

If I pick up a nice (green text or sometimes blue text item) item that I can't use, I'll sell it at the AH, but that is pretty much it...I suppose I should be selling more of the items I make as a leatherworker? I can make stuff with heavy leather now, should I sell Heavy Armor kits - how much are people paying for them?

Any other AH tips?

Another question - First Aid training - is there nothing else after level 150? Are silk bandages the best I can do? Can I learn another skill now, and maintain the ability to make bandages?

Another question - I'm a Tauren druid, lvl 31 - for weapons I use a Mace/Hammer or a staff - can I learn how to use bows/guns, or is it too late? I don't recall ever having a choice in learning to use any other weapon types, other than the weaponmaster - but when I go to the weaponmasters now, they have nothing for me...

Also, skinning - I've trained as an 'artesian' skinner - is that it? Does that just allow me to be in the highest level of leatherworking?

Last question - really more of a feature request - wouldn't it be great to be able to bookmark a location - like the leather trainer in Ogrimmar, and be able to pull that up by looking at some sort of favorite sites list? I know you can talk to the guards, but they can't really tell you where everyone is.

Ok, really, last question - as a Horde member on the Eastern continent, where the Undead city is, are there more flight path's than what I have found? I can fly to The Sepulcher, T.Mill, and the Undercity - what am I missing?

Great game, I'm addicted! Going to play more tonight as soon as 24 is over!
Nov 7, 2000
i dont know how he has 100g, im lvl 25 and only have like 10 silver! then again, i disenchant most of my good items instaed of selling them, so i guess that will do it

first aid is a secondary skill, you can learn as many secondary skills as you want. others include, but arent limited to, fishing and cooking

i cant help with your other questions but others im sure can

i agree that bookmarking would be a nice feature


Platinum Member
Jun 2, 2004
He probably has double collection skills [mining, leatherworking]
Along with that, I imagine he spends ALOT of time at the auction house hunting for bargain items and setting them up with a higher buyout and a better end time.
Even with all that, I imagine hes full of sh!t.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
and are any of you guys using a custom interface? I've just today heard about an add-in that lets you have two bars of items on the screen at once, which would be very nice...

anyone using any nice macro's?



Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2000
for making money get two of the gathering skills ( skinning, mining, herbalism) and sell the stuff at AH.

Last question - really more of a feature request - wouldn't it be great to be able to bookmark a location - like the leather trainer in Ogrimmar, and be able to pull that up by looking at some sort of favorite sites list? I know you can talk to the guards, but they can't really tell you where everyone is.
You can make notes on map using cosmos or ctmod.

Another question - First Aid training - is there nothing else after level 150? Are silk bandages the best I can do? Can I learn another skill now, and maintain the ability to make bandages?
You have to learn the next level of first aid by reading a book. (expert first aid) You should be able to find it on Ah. Or use to find who sells it. You can make better bandages as you progress. For heavy silk and mageweave bandages you have to buy books. Higher level can be learned from the person who gives you artisan first aid quest.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: NeoV
and are any of you guys using a custom interface? I've just today heard about an add-in that lets you have two bars of items on the screen at once, which would be very nice...

anyone using any nice macro's?

yes I use Cosmos which has been the custom interface since alpha...
adds up to 5 extra hot bars.... and many many other helpful features

as for the AH...
what they do is buy stuff thats way underpriced and sell it at or above the average prices to turn a profit.. same as they do on Ebay in real life...
Buy low sell high...

and yes its extremly possible and easy to do that.. all you need to do is Mining/skinning to build your initial cash up.. then use that cash to buy low priced items and resell at your prices...

makes alot of cash..

As for First aid yes it goes to 300 skill..
youll need to find the book that enables it.. and the bandage recipes will be on same vendor...
they each about 1g... so is the book..

the map feature you want is already possible in game.. get cosmos its built in.. i have map points all over the world... you can even send them to other cosmos users....


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2000
Originally posted by: SP33Demon
Starting WOW today. Should I be a human rogue or paladin??

Neither..There are too many paladins and rogues lol


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: zzzz
Originally posted by: SP33Demon
Starting WOW today. Should I be a human rogue or paladin??

Neither..There are too many paladins and rogues lol

yeh =/ be a horde undead warlock they rock =p or a mage =-)


Golden Member
Nov 30, 2000
To answer some more questions, artisan is the highest level, so you can advance skinning to the max 300 now. However, this has nothing to do with your leatherworking, which is a separate skill.

For making money, 2 things. First, drop first aid. As a druid, you can heal yourself with spells. Sell all that cloth you are getting at the AH instead of using it to make bandages. If you were playing a non-healing class then first aid would be worthwhile, however for a druid character there isn't much point.

Second, there are plenty of leatherworking items you can make and sell. Armor kits will always sell nice. Everyone can use them, and any time you can an upgrade to your chest/hands/legs/feet you need a new armor kit. Also, look for items that give good plusses to agility. These will be popular among rogues and sub-40 hunters. There is a glove you can make (can't remember which one specifically) and on Medivh alliance side leatherworkers are getting 1g each for them (but you have to obtain elixirs of defense, which can cut into your profit if you have nothing be greedy alchemists on your server).

For weapons training, they did make a change recently that all the weapons trainers have an additional option when you talk to them where they will tell you where to go for any further weapons training. As a druid I do not think that any ranged weapons are available to you. However, you should be able to go to any weapons trainer, and if they can't teach you anything new they should have another option to tell you where to train any weapons you do not yet know.


Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: CVSiN
Originally posted by: NeoV
and are any of you guys using a custom interface? I've just today heard about an add-in that lets you have two bars of items on the screen at once, which would be very nice...

anyone using any nice macro's?

yes I use Cosmos which has been the custom interface since alpha...
adds up to 5 extra hot bars.... and many many other helpful features

as for the AH...
what they do is buy stuff thats way underpriced and sell it at or above the average prices to turn a profit.. same as they do on Ebay in real life...
Buy low sell high...

and yes its extremly possible and easy to do that.. all you need to do is Mining/skinning to build your initial cash up.. then use that cash to buy low priced items and resell at your prices...

makes alot of cash..

As for First aid yes it goes to 300 skill..
youll need to find the book that enables it.. and the bandage recipes will be on same vendor...
they each about 1g... so is the book..

the map feature you want is already possible in game.. get cosmos its built in.. i have map points all over the world... you can even send them to other cosmos users....

Expert First Aid (225) is received via the book (In Stromgarde for the Alliance) and Artisan First Aid (300) is received via a quest that can be picked up at level 40 from the FA trainer in IF and then must be completed by the FA 'doctor' in Theramore.

Another vote for CTMod BTW for custom UI.. Cosmos is far too bloated/buggy IMHO, CTMod has everything you need.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
CT mod sucks doesnt have half the features i use regularly...

Cosmos is not buggy at all.... what part are you useing thats buggy?
map mod... wep mod... Questshare/Questminion DPS meter Time calc.. rogue helper... compass mod...

ive been using it for almost 1 year with 0 problems....
its not "bloated" its just a couple .XML files doesnt load or affect anything at all
it automatically clears folders and downloads the latest build every time i log in.. (and if you use Alpha build it loads the newest version every day)

oh well CTmod is ok if all you need are extra toolbars.. i prefer a whole toolbox worth of customability and tools.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
I'm not sure I want to drop first aid - I often have to use that to heal myself or someone else when I'm out or very low on mana...what would a better skill be?

where is this book for Expert First aid?

Does this CRMod allow for multiple item bars on screen at one time?

I've got a pair of those gloves on my guy now...they are called "toughened leather gloves", and you need 2 elixir's of defense and 2 spider silk's to make them

thanks for the reply's guys...

anything on Macro's?


Apr 23, 2001
CTmod allows 2 extra bars above your standard bar as well as 1 on each side.

Expert first aid is in a village in Dustwallow Marsh for Horde (hang a left at the first path after entering from the barrens) as well as the book for mageweave bandages


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2002
Originally posted by: NeoV
Ok, I just read a post by a level 18 priest who said he has over 100g in the bank...and he mentions using the AH a I'm wondering, what exactly are you selling there?

If I pick up a nice (green text or sometimes blue text item) item that I can't use, I'll sell it at the AH, but that is pretty much it...I suppose I should be selling more of the items I make as a leatherworker? I can make stuff with heavy leather now, should I sell Heavy Armor kits - how much are people paying for them?

Any other AH tips?

Another question - First Aid training - is there nothing else after level 150? Are silk bandages the best I can do? Can I learn another skill now, and maintain the ability to make bandages?

Another question - I'm a Tauren druid, lvl 31 - for weapons I use a Mace/Hammer or a staff - can I learn how to use bows/guns, or is it too late? I don't recall ever having a choice in learning to use any other weapon types, other than the weaponmaster - but when I go to the weaponmasters now, they have nothing for me...

Also, skinning - I've trained as an 'artesian' skinner - is that it? Does that just allow me to be in the highest level of leatherworking?

Last question - really more of a feature request - wouldn't it be great to be able to bookmark a location - like the leather trainer in Ogrimmar, and be able to pull that up by looking at some sort of favorite sites list? I know you can talk to the guards, but they can't really tell you where everyone is.

Ok, really, last question - as a Horde member on the Eastern continent, where the Undead city is, are there more flight path's than what I have found? I can fly to The Sepulcher, T.Mill, and the Undercity - what am I missing?

Great game, I'm addicted! Going to play more tonight as soon as 24 is over!

-Sell materials for money at auction, leather and ore you should do well with. You'll make more than if you crafted with them.

-After 150 you can buy a first aid book, Expert First Aid - Under Wraps or something like that. It's in Stormgarde (go in then make rights till you cross a bridge over where you entered, then make another right through a fence and see the npc there). Artisan is from a minigame quest in Theramore after that.

-You can learn all the weapon types available to your class at any time, no penalty for having all of them. Buy them all, only 9s each with honored rep or 10s without. Ask town guards for weapons trainers in the big cities and they'll mark your map.

-Beyond Artisan there's 3 paths, Elemental, Dragonscale, and Tribal leatherworking. You have to do a quest to get one, and you can only choose one path.

-There's mods that let you do this, forget the names but I think someone posted this.

-I'm not Horde, but there are more Horde flightpaths in Azeroth for sure. Booty Bay is one. Hammerfall in Arathi, etc.


First, drop first aid.

EDIT: Doh, just stop spending the cloth on skillups for First Aid and sell at AH. Don't unlearn the skill (if that's possible, heh).
There is NO reason to (unlearn) a secondary profession. You may only have two Primary professions, but you may have all the secondary ones with no penalty.


Platinum Member
Mar 6, 2003
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Another vote for CTMod BTW for custom UI.. Cosmos is far too bloated/buggy IMHO, CTMod has everything you need.

:thumbsup: BLOATmos, who wants to submit everything they do or have other people submit information about them? >_>


Apr 23, 2001
Originally posted by: ArmchairAthlete
First, drop first aid.

This is misinformation. There is NO reason to drop a secondary profession. You may only have two Primary professions, but you may have all the secondary ones with no penalty.

He told him to drop first aid because he really doesn't need it as a Druid and could be selling the cloth instead of using it. Not because he can't use first aid.


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2002
Originally posted by: bunker
Originally posted by: ArmchairAthlete
First, drop first aid.

This is misinformation. There is NO reason to drop a secondary profession. You may only have two Primary professions, but you may have all the secondary ones with no penalty.

He told him to drop first aid because he really doesn't need it as a Druid and could be selling the cloth instead of using it. Not because he can't use first aid.

Ah didn't read it all heh. Just stop upping skill on it I guess. I'm not even sure if you can abandon secondary tradeskills.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
I'm learning alchemy. As a priest my health isn't as important as keeping my mana up is (mana=health). Mana pots are a godsend in tough situations.


Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: CVSiN
CT mod sucks doesnt have half the features i use regularly...

Cosmos is not buggy at all.... what part are you useing thats buggy?
map mod... wep mod... Questshare/Questminion DPS meter Time calc.. rogue helper... compass mod...

ive been using it for almost 1 year with 0 problems....
its not "bloated" its just a couple .XML files doesnt load or affect anything at all
it automatically clears folders and downloads the latest build every time i log in.. (and if you use Alpha build it loads the newest version every day)

oh well CTmod is ok if all you need are extra toolbars.. i prefer a whole toolbox worth of customability and tools.

Cosmos caused some serious issues with numerous error messages for a few days after the most recent patch, that's the second time I gave Cosmos a shot and still received error dialogues and found it to be bloated. CT ALSO has a map mod/toolbars/combat mod/dps meter. I think the questminion, etc. in Cosmos are really just bloat. Is it REALLY that hard to ask someone what quest they have? It's nothing but eye candy to me. Like a clock? Is something wrong with the mouseover clock that's built into the WoW UI? That defines bloat in my opinion (redundant superfluous functionality).

And to respond to NeoV about Macro's.. they are invaluable. I use at least 8 constantly on my Pally, just check out the WoW UI forum, there's a list of really common (and handy) ones. From there you'll learn to make whatever you find you begin to need.


Senior member
Jul 29, 2004
Originally posted by: LeetViet
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Another vote for CTMod BTW for custom UI.. Cosmos is far too bloated/buggy IMHO, CTMod has everything you need.

:thumbsup: BLOATmos, who wants to submit everything they do or have other people submit information about them? >_>

Other people submitting information about you depends on *them* running cosmos, not you running cosmos.

Thottbot data collection is easily disabled from an obvious category in the settings menu.


Senior member
Jul 29, 2004
Originally posted by: NeoV
1) Another question - First Aid training - is there nothing else after level 150? Are silk bandages the best I can do? Can I learn another skill now, and maintain the ability to make bandages?

2) Last question - really more of a feature request - wouldn't it be great to be able to bookmark a location - like the leather trainer in Ogrimmar, and be able to pull that up by looking at some sort of favorite sites list? I know you can talk to the guards, but they can't really tell you where everyone is.

3) Ok, really, last question - as a Horde member on the Eastern continent, where the Undead city is, are there more flight path's than what I have found? I can fly to The Sepulcher, T.Mill, and the Undercity - what am I missing?

1) Go to dustwallow marsh, the training books are available from the reagent vendor there for heavy silk and mageweave bandages. At level 40 go to hammerfell to train artisan first aid and get heavy mageweave bandages.

2) That feature isn't available by default, but there are UI mods which do it, such as Cosmos, CTMod and Mapmod.

3) Heaps: hammerfel, grom'gol, booty bay, kargath to name a few. These are mostly higher level areas though, so it's not unusual you do not have them yet.



Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
For a simple UI mod, I use Flexbar, it lets you have as many buttons as you have spaces on the toolbar (that you can scroll through). You can set them up so they appear on mouseover or buttonclick too.

On professions, there is an excellent stickied thread on the official profession forums. Check it out, everything you'd ever need is there.

Great maps are available at They have large maps with all flightpaths marked if they're Horde/Alliance.
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