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Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: torpid
Does your mouse require two hands or something? I'm just curious because you make it sound like you either have only one hand, use your left hand for some unknown possibly devious purpose while playing, or something similar. I keep my left hand on the keyboard, with easy access to shift. In fact, auto looting is invaluable when you are fishing while watching tv.

If you don't like one hand on keyboard, one on mouse, I wonder how you even are able to move around in the game.

I use the arrows on the keyboard to move thats about it... use teamspeak only to chat otherwise dont talk much in game...
Im a mouse person man.... I dont use keyboard shortcuts in windows either... I dont like to type...
my whole job all day long is to type.. when I get home dont want to have to even look at the keyboard

main reason is even though i type about 45-50 wpm I cannot do it by touch. so I need to see the keys which I cannot do at home playing by the light of my TV and monitor...
I play it like an FPS.. dont move my hand from the arrow keys (in FPS would be WSAD) and use mouse for everything...

Like I posted above anyway I am a very selective looter.. my bank is 100% full and my 14 slot bags are always 95% full.. I only loot hides and things I know are worth good deal of cash...
other wise it rots on the corpse... most of the time I am sooo full I must delete something to make room for even 1 item that does not stack.


Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Wow, you claim to be MORE effective never using the keyboard? That's interesting, never heard that one before.

To each his own, what's the big deal?

I'm just amazed. I've never heard anyone say using a mouse is actually faster than a keyboard.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
what is there about WoW that requires such blindign speed.... hell I can eat a freaking dinner and still PK you with my mouse at the same time... there isnt much to it...
stealth up behind you... cheap shot your incapped for 4 secs.. SS/SS/SS 5 Point EVIS or Kidney punch either dead or yet another 5 second stun.... SS/SS 3-4 point evis dead person...

really freakign easy man...


Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: CVSiN
what is there about WoW that requires such blindign speed.... hell I can eat a freaking dinner and still PK you with my mouse at the same time... there isnt much to it...
stealth up behind you... cheap shot your incapped for 4 secs.. SS/SS/SS 5 Point EVIS or Kidney punch either dead or yet another 5 second stun.... SS/SS 3-4 point evis dead person...

really freakign easy man...

I find movement to be very very cumbersome with just a mouse in WoW.. and I do have spells/skills that I use that I can more quickly cast without the use of a mouse. I've never played a rogue so I really don't know how PvP would work.. but I'd argue it's that easy to win then either you're fighting people with very little skill, or rogue is just an unbelievably easy class to play


Nov 13, 2003
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Originally posted by: CVSiN
what is there about WoW that requires such blindign speed.... hell I can eat a freaking dinner and still PK you with my mouse at the same time... there isnt much to it...
stealth up behind you... cheap shot your incapped for 4 secs.. SS/SS/SS 5 Point EVIS or Kidney punch either dead or yet another 5 second stun.... SS/SS 3-4 point evis dead person...

really freakign easy man...

I find movement to be very very cumbersome with just a mouse in WoW.. and I do have spells/skills that I use that I can more quickly cast without the use of a mouse. I've never played a rogue so I really don't know how PvP would work.. but I'd argue it's that easy to win then either you're fighting people with very little skill, or rogue is just an unbelievably easy class to play

agreed... i am a rogue... you must be playing extreme noobs who just stand there and let you kill them...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Originally posted by: CVSiN
what is there about WoW that requires such blindign speed.... hell I can eat a freaking dinner and still PK you with my mouse at the same time... there isnt much to it...
stealth up behind you... cheap shot your incapped for 4 secs.. SS/SS/SS 5 Point EVIS or Kidney punch either dead or yet another 5 second stun.... SS/SS 3-4 point evis dead person...

really freakign easy man...

I find movement to be very very cumbersome with just a mouse in WoW.. and I do have spells/skills that I use that I can more quickly cast without the use of a mouse. I've never played a rogue so I really don't know how PvP would work.. but I'd argue it's that easy to win then either you're fighting people with very little skill, or rogue is just an unbelievably easy class to play

Not much skill to it bro... as long as I get the jump on you its pretty much game over...
hunt classes that you are strong agaisnt stay away from ones that your class has trouble with...
Rogues Dominate Hunters/warriors(DW not defence) /other Rogues with extreme ease... marginal classes are warlock/mage still very high success rate agasint them.... but Blinking out of stun sucks ass.... or Fear just reeks...

a perfect PVP encounter on an equal level hunter or rogue that you get the drop on... goes exactly like that... they never get to hit before they are below half health.... my sword prevents other rogues from vanishing with its proc so they cant run they cant hide they are just stunned meat....

life of the rogue... be stealthy or be dead.... first shot is usally the I win button... weather it be Cheap shot or Ambush from a dagger rogue...
if that ambush hits and the target doesnt have a HUGE heal pot they can kiss thier butt goodbye...

average rogue player with VERY nice dext/stam gear has around 1400 HP at 45... my average hit agsint leather is 300-500 add in crits Evis has crit up to 1000 at 45... with Phantom Blade...
very easy kill with comnbat build...

BTW you misreead... I use mouse for combat shortcuts/macros I still use my arrows for movement....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: SirStev0
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Originally posted by: CVSiN
what is there about WoW that requires such blindign speed.... hell I can eat a freaking dinner and still PK you with my mouse at the same time... there isnt much to it...
stealth up behind you... cheap shot your incapped for 4 secs.. SS/SS/SS 5 Point EVIS or Kidney punch either dead or yet another 5 second stun.... SS/SS 3-4 point evis dead person...

really freakign easy man...

I find movement to be very very cumbersome with just a mouse in WoW.. and I do have spells/skills that I use that I can more quickly cast without the use of a mouse. I've never played a rogue so I really don't know how PvP would work.. but I'd argue it's that easy to win then either you're fighting people with very little skill, or rogue is just an unbelievably easy class to play

agreed... i am a rogue... you must be playing extreme noobs who just stand there and let you kill them...

How they gonna do anything BUT stand there if they stunned.... rogues that know how to play can keep a target stunned for 3/4 to the entire fight depending on how many HP they have....
if I can kill L47 mobs using this technique and they cant touch me whats a player going to do that has 1/3 the HP/AC they are going to die...
get better gear and learn the stun chains... use a mace aslo gives a 6x chance to stun with full mace spec...


Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: CVSiN
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Originally posted by: CVSiN
what is there about WoW that requires such blindign speed.... hell I can eat a freaking dinner and still PK you with my mouse at the same time... there isnt much to it...
stealth up behind you... cheap shot your incapped for 4 secs.. SS/SS/SS 5 Point EVIS or Kidney punch either dead or yet another 5 second stun.... SS/SS 3-4 point evis dead person...

really freakign easy man...

I find movement to be very very cumbersome with just a mouse in WoW.. and I do have spells/skills that I use that I can more quickly cast without the use of a mouse. I've never played a rogue so I really don't know how PvP would work.. but I'd argue it's that easy to win then either you're fighting people with very little skill, or rogue is just an unbelievably easy class to play

Not much skill to it bro... as long as I get the jump on you its pretty much game over...
hunt classes that you are strong agaisnt stay away from ones that your class has trouble with...
Rogues Dominate Hunters/warriors(DW not defence) /other Rogues with extreme ease... marginal classes are warlock/mage still very high success rate agasint them.... but Blinking out of stun sucks ass.... or Fear just reeks...

a perfect PVP encounter on an equal level hunter or rogue that you get the drop on... goes exactly like that... they never get to hit before they are below half health.... my sword prevents other rogues from vanishing with its proc so they cant run they cant hide they are just stunned meat....

life of the rogue... be stealthy or be dead.... first shot is usally the I win button... weather it be Cheap shot or Ambush from a dagger rogue...
if that ambush hits and the target doesnt have a HUGE heal pot they can kiss thier butt goodbye...

average rogue player with VERY nice dext/stam gear has around 1400 HP at 45... my average hit agsint leather is 300-500 add in crits Evis has crit up to 1000 at 45... with Phantom Blade...
very easy kill with comnbat build...

BTW you misreead... I use mouse for combat shortcuts/macros I still use my arrows for movement....

Interesting. You're making me want to create a rogue alt just to see what it's like. I'm begining to collect too many alts and spending less time with my 48-49 Pally to get him leveled up



Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
rogues are the bane of priests if they get the jump and stun and you can't get fear off. ugh


Jun 22, 2001
Hey guys, I tried out Mouse Look 1.0 and it's sweet, toggles mouselook on/off so you don't have to hold down the stupid right mouse click button....


Platinum Member
Aug 31, 2000
I've found that mages own rogues for the most part, even if the rogue gets a drop on them. Frost nova, blink, poly, and you're out of melee range and you can just kite at will to the end.


Jun 22, 2001
Originally posted by: benchiu
I've found that mages own rogues for the most part, even if the rogue gets a drop on them. Frost nova, blink, poly, and you're out of melee range and you can just kite at will to the end.
Aren't you forgetting that the rogue can kick the mage, which silences him for 6 seconds (+ 2 if you get the enhanced talent points) = 8 seconds. Granted, I've never used kick before, maybe CVS can comment on this...



Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: benchiu
I've found that mages own rogues for the most part, even if the rogue gets a drop on them. Frost nova, blink, poly, and you're out of melee range and you can just kite at will to the end.

By the time hes blinked Ive already hit vanish and am circling around for another stun.... mages are not that hard 1 on 1 .. if im going to fight a mage caster i load up my dagger with mind numbing posion... gives them extra casting time on everything.. then its 4 hits dead caster...



Platinum Member
Aug 31, 2000
Originally posted by: CVSiN
Originally posted by: benchiu
I've found that mages own rogues for the most part, even if the rogue gets a drop on them. Frost nova, blink, poly, and you're out of melee range and you can just kite at will to the end.

By the time hes blinked Ive already hit vanish and am circling around for another stun.... mages are not that hard 1 on 1 .. if im going to fight a mage caster i load up my dagger with mind numbing posion... gives them extra casting time on everything.. then its 4 hits dead caster...

We could go on and on about strategies, but a good mage should beat an equivalent (lvl, eq) rogue (or any other melee) the majority of the time because of the root abilities. Now mages vs shamans, I have not been so good at, and my mage vs mage technique needs to be worked on as well.


Platinum Member
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: SP33Demon
Originally posted by: benchiu
I've found that mages own rogues for the most part, even if the rogue gets a drop on them. Frost nova, blink, poly, and you're out of melee range and you can just kite at will to the end.
Aren't you forgetting that the rogue can kick the mage, which silences him for 6 seconds (+ 2 if you get the enhanced talent points) = 8 seconds. Granted, I've never used kick before, maybe CVS can comment on this...

That is a bit untrue. When you kick your opponent it cancels the current spell being cast and also prevents the caster from using a spell in that school of magic for 5 seconds. Only improved kick compeltely silences the caster and does so for 2 seconds.


Platinum Member
Sep 21, 2002
If you are a rogue and you REALLY want to wreak havoc in PvP use the following combo (your talents must be configured a certain way in order to take full advantage):

Start off with Cheap Shot. With Rank 5 in initiative you have a 75% chance to earn 3 combo points right off the bat. If you also have Improved Cheap Shot, this will only cost you 40 energy. Hit them with a Sinister Strike and follow with a Gouge. Most of the time you have a full 5 combo points and, if you took Improved Gouge, a stunned opponent for the next 5 seconds. Activate Cold Blood and unload a critical Eviscerate. Hopefully it hits! Immediately Blind your opponent and then Vanish. Let your energy regenrate while they are stumbling around trying to figure out the best way back to their corpse when it's all over. If you are evil, insert a /laugh here as it's only going to get worse for the other player. Start off the sequence again by using Cheap Shot, Sinister Strike, and Gouge. This time before you unleash another 5 combo point Eviscerate, use Preparation to reset the timer on all of your Rogue abilities. Activate Cold Blood again, Eviscerate, Blind, and then Vanish. You should now have an opponent crying for their mommy and almost dead. Not to mention they are again blinded so you can take some time to regain energy before starting the sequence yet another time.

Using this technique you can keep your opponent handcuffed for nearly the entire time and have unloaded two 5 point Cold Blooded Eviscerates (which at my level go for around 1500 each on lightly armored opponents). There are of course ways to counter this by the various classes but it takes a very good player to overcome this attack when executed properly.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: benchiu
Originally posted by: CVSiN
Originally posted by: benchiu
I've found that mages own rogues for the most part, even if the rogue gets a drop on them. Frost nova, blink, poly, and you're out of melee range and you can just kite at will to the end.

By the time hes blinked Ive already hit vanish and am circling around for another stun.... mages are not that hard 1 on 1 .. if im going to fight a mage caster i load up my dagger with mind numbing posion... gives them extra casting time on everything.. then its 4 hits dead caster...

We could go on and on about strategies, but a good mage should beat an equivalent (lvl, eq) rogue (or any other melee) the majority of the time because of the root abilities. Now mages vs shamans, I have not been so good at, and my mage vs mage technique needs to be worked on as well.

Root dont stop me.. i carry free action potions at all times... as well as being a GNOME! for escape artist...
sorry try again =)


Platinum Member
Aug 31, 2000
Originally posted by: CVSiN
Originally posted by: benchiu
Originally posted by: CVSiN
Originally posted by: benchiu
I've found that mages own rogues for the most part, even if the rogue gets a drop on them. Frost nova, blink, poly, and you're out of melee range and you can just kite at will to the end.

By the time hes blinked Ive already hit vanish and am circling around for another stun.... mages are not that hard 1 on 1 .. if im going to fight a mage caster i load up my dagger with mind numbing posion... gives them extra casting time on everything.. then its 4 hits dead caster...

We could go on and on about strategies, but a good mage should beat an equivalent (lvl, eq) rogue (or any other melee) the majority of the time because of the root abilities. Now mages vs shamans, I have not been so good at, and my mage vs mage technique needs to be worked on as well.

Root dont stop me.. i carry free action potions at all times... as well as being a GNOME! for escape artist...
sorry try again =)

Got an anti poly potion? Like I said, we could go on and on, there's no way you will always beat a mage, it's just not possible. Sure you will beat them sometimes, but the inherent abilities of mages should give them the advantage.

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