Most bizarre moments in your life

John Connor

Nov 30, 2012
I haven't had any that stick out like this one instance. My dad, me and my dad's friend were coming down from Glen Haven here in Colorado which is near Estes Park. Well, on the side of the road going down is the Big Thompson river. As we were going back home all of a sudden my dad's friend said, look! Look over there! And I looked to the right and seen a woman in an evening dress type thing standing on top of a rock in the middle of the river just staring at the road. My dad didn't see it and didn't believe it. So he turned around and we went back and she was gone just like that. I don't know what to make of it. I wouldn't classify this as a ghost or anything since she looked very real and there are some small sporadic cabins along the river. The day wasn't exactly very warm either and I was wearing a jacket, but this woman had a very thin white evening gown on. Just one of the most bizarre moments in my life.

What about you?

Edit- Wasn't Glen Haven was Drake! There is a small picnic area there that we go to. Here's what the road looks like:,-105.2936853,3a,75y,190.97h,89.13t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sygKOLp5ngWGj2M6VcT8PMw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656
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John Connor

Nov 30, 2012
You know, you should pull out an Ad in your local paper, right on the front page advertising your services a professional DICK!

Dr. Zaus

Oct 16, 2008
dude busted into my house with a katana so i yelled at him until he left


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I got a hangnail once. It fouled my otherwise perfect frame of a human specimen.


Senior member
Jun 21, 2015
Out riding our dirt bikes and it was getting hot so my friends and I decided to swimming. We took a power-line road down to the Colorado River below Hoover Dam. This is an area where dirt bikes aren't allowed so we were being stealth-full and coasting with our engines off. Came around a corner and their was a car, a photographer and five fine naked girls up in the rocks with the sun. We stopped, talked and eventually went on our way after he girls covered up. They weren't supposed to be there either.

The Opera House at Death Valley Junction still has an opera once in a while. Things happening where you wouldn't expect them to happen are bizarre.


Sep 23, 2003
One time I was in my basement doing something, can't remember now... but we had a small closet down there. All of a sudden a hanger just flew out at me. My best guess is that the clothes were just situated a weird way and the hanger finally got unstuck, but I don't know for sure.

John Connor

Nov 30, 2012
One time I was in my basement doing something, can't remember now... but we had a small closet down there. All of a sudden a hanger just flew out at me. My best guess is that the clothes were just situated a weird way and the hanger finally got unstuck, but I don't know for sure.

LOL I can imagine that one.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Told the long version in an old thread, but I once had a job scheduling a sound studio that was booked months in advance due to heavy demand. I screwed up a reservation by forgetting to put it on the master schedule and didn't catch it until the day the group was to be coming (and of course it was already booked for someone else). Saw it on my personal calendar when I got into work that day. I knew it meant I would be fired because the client would have to pay his studio musicians for the day when they couldn't work (thousands of $).

Tried to call client immediately but only got voicemail, asked him to call me ASAP. When he called back a couple hours later, he apologized for not letting me know they cancelled that production. He thought I was calling to ask why they hadn't shown up! Problem gone. Never even had to tell the client who DID have the reservation.

Cancellations only happened a couple times a year. It was a miracle that my massive mistake aligned with a cancellation.


Senior member
Dec 29, 2012
I used to work in a hospital as an orderly/secretary. This was a typical college job except I worked on neonatal ICUs and other wards like that. Like many people at the time I was on the 5 year college plan and hadn't started until I was 19, so I was 23 at the time.

One typical day while walking down the hall to deliver a message (this is hard to put into words) some stranger grabbed me and yelled my name. He was like GUURN ..Yipa Yipa Yipa!!! Having no clue who he was and being a polite and confused guy I responded, "Good to see you! What are you doing here!" He told me about his kid who was having a heart transplant. We made some meaningless small talk, I excused myself and walked away knowing his name (because he told me) but nothing else. So I called around. Everyone, and I mean everyone including my parents swore up and down that we were best friends since childhood and people often mistook us for each other. We even had a call out to each other and apparently got in trouble in high school for yelling it out to each other. Remember, all of this is verified by multiple people. They all were dismayed that I can't remember any of it, so I pretended that I did to make them happy.
Yeah, he is in my yearbook and wrote stuff to me. I have no clue to this day who he is. I vividly remember my 3 best friends in high school. No I have never had any head injuries and no I am not drug addled. I mentioned this once to a person I met many years later who was doing research into memory and cognition and she had no explanation but found it intriguing.


Golden Member
Apr 13, 2004
I used to work in a hospital as an orderly/secretary. This was a typical college job except I worked on neonatal ICUs and other wards like that. Like many people at the time I was on the 5 year college plan and hadn't started until I was 19, so I was 23 at the time.

One typical day while walking down the hall to deliver a message (this is hard to put into words) some stranger grabbed me and yelled my name. He was like GUURN ..Yipa Yipa Yipa!!! Having no clue who he was and being a polite and confused guy I responded, "Good to see you! What are you doing here!" He told me about his kid who was having a heart transplant. We made some meaningless small talk, I excused myself and walked away knowing his name (because he told me) but nothing else. So I called around. Everyone, and I mean everyone including my parents swore up and down that we were best friends since childhood and people often mistook us for each other. We even had a call out to each other and apparently got in trouble in high school for yelling it out to each other. Remember, all of this is verified by multiple people. They all were dismayed that I can't remember any of it, so I pretended that I did to make them happy.
Yeah, he is in my yearbook and wrote stuff to me. I have no clue to this day who he is. I vividly remember my 3 best friends in high school. No I have never had any head injuries and no I am not drug addled. I mentioned this once to a person I met many years later who was doing research into memory and cognition and she had no explanation but found it intriguing.

Sounds like you just got "tracked". This happens with you get swapped with your dimensional twin. Basically it works like this...

there is a parallel dimension in which you exist pretty much as you do now. The events of that time space are nearly the same with some subtle differences. I you popped into that dimension you wouldn't really know the difference (assuming it was a close parallel). you might go home and notice that your TV is a different brand the the one you remember buying, or that your fridge is filled with pickles, even though you hate pickles. Other than that, it's all looks exactly the same.

In your case, I suspect that you passed through a dimensional shift, or more likely were forced into this dimension from your own "home" dimension. The reason I would guess that your were forced is that you didn't mention seeing yourself at your job, which would have been a dead giveaway. You were probably swapped with the "you" from this dimension.

Now you need to ask, Who and why?

The who is aliens of course. That goes without saying.

The why is more interesting. If I had to guess I would say you your doppelganger stumbled on an alien plot in this dimension and in order to shut him up, they shifted you in his place. He's probably raving in that other universe, looking for his good friend from high school who doesn't remember him or even know him.

My advice, is keep you head down and don't tell anyone this story ever again. Just keep walking.


Diamond Member
Mar 21, 2007
Wife and I decided to go to a local hooters restaurant to watch a UFC PPV fight with some friends. We each ended up drinking a pitcher of beer apiece. Needless to say I should not have been driving, but this is Alabama, not NYC, so you dont just go summon a random cab on the highway. Certainly not shitfaced drunk or anything, but I highly doubt I'd blow under the limit. Get off the interstate at my exit, and lo and behold I encounter a police roadblock. I'd gotten away with this more times than I should have, so I figure it's finally time this catches up with me. I stop behind the one car in front of me as the dread starts to seep in. They wave through that car and then motion to me to pull forward. As I'm preparing to get arrested for the first and only time in my life I see all the cops manning the roadblock crook their necks over at once to listen the radio's clipped to their chest. Then they all at once run to their squad cars and go running off to respond to whatever call they had just received. Wife and I continued the rest of the drive in stunned silence, and that was the last time I've ever driven when I felt my legal sobriety was in question.
Feb 4, 2009
Never told anyone this but about 5 years ago I was walking my dog very late at night the back corner of our old apartment had a swamp/wetlands area the dog wanted to go in there pretty bad which he never did. I saw a weird cloud or mist its hard to describe then it looked like what appeared to be a person in a robe then it changed to a hand come here movement, then it was gone. Maybe I was so tired I imagined it maybe it was something strange I still don't know. The dog & I did not investigate but even he looked like he saw something.


Jul 11, 2001
I used to work in a hospital as an orderly/secretary. This was a typical college job except I worked on neonatal ICUs and other wards like that. Like many people at the time I was on the 5 year college plan and hadn't started until I was 19, so I was 23 at the time.

One typical day while walking down the hall to deliver a message (this is hard to put into words) some stranger grabbed me and yelled my name. He was like GUURN ..Yipa Yipa Yipa!!! Having no clue who he was and being a polite and confused guy I responded, "Good to see you! What are you doing here!" He told me about his kid who was having a heart transplant. We made some meaningless small talk, I excused myself and walked away knowing his name (because he told me) but nothing else. So I called around. Everyone, and I mean everyone including my parents swore up and down that we were best friends since childhood and people often mistook us for each other. We even had a call out to each other and apparently got in trouble in high school for yelling it out to each other. Remember, all of this is verified by multiple people. They all were dismayed that I can't remember any of it, so I pretended that I did to make them happy.
Yeah, he is in my yearbook and wrote stuff to me. I have no clue to this day who he is. I vividly remember my 3 best friends in high school. No I have never had any head injuries and no I am not drug addled. I mentioned this once to a person I met many years later who was doing research into memory and cognition and she had no explanation but found it intriguing.
Psychoanalysis, yeah it's expensive. Maybe someday you'll have a dream and it will all come back to you.


Jul 11, 2001
Wife and I decided to go to a local hooters restaurant to watch a UFC PPV fight with some friends. We each ended up drinking a pitcher of beer apiece. Needless to say I should not have been driving, but this is Alabama, not NYC, so you dont just go summon a random cab on the highway. Certainly not shitfaced drunk or anything, but I highly doubt I'd blow under the limit. Get off the interstate at my exit, and lo and behold I encounter a police roadblock. I'd gotten away with this more times than I should have, so I figure it's finally time this catches up with me. I stop behind the one car in front of me as the dread starts to seep in. They wave through that car and then motion to me to pull forward. As I'm preparing to get arrested for the first and only time in my life I see all the cops manning the roadblock crook their necks over at once to listen the radio's clipped to their chest. Then they all at once run to their squad cars and go running off to respond to whatever call they had just received. Wife and I continued the rest of the drive in stunned silence, and that was the last time I've ever driven when I felt my legal sobriety was in question.
LOL That's a mighty fine story!


Sep 5, 2010
Witnessed a young guy commit suicide by jumping off the Coronado bridge, just at the moment when I was driving past him. That was so surreal that it took a while to really soak in and convince myself that yes, I did just see that.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
I was getting ready to do a job, and was sitting in the truck getting papers together. A blue jay landed on the window, and just looked at me. I hand fed him some donut I had and he flew off a few minutes later. Never saw him again.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Being the one to find my ex-wife's body was pretty surreal. She'd managed to hold down the same job for a month, so on a Saturday a couple months ago when her both her AA sponsor and our older daughter called to ask if I could go check on her, I figured it would just be the same old thing. Knock on the door, let myself in when no one answered, and shake her into consciousness from her alcoholic stupor. I'd already done that a few times in the past year or two.
Everything else went down like normal, except for the part where she wouldn't wake up, and seemed awfully cold, and had some white foam coming out of her mouth.

John Connor

Nov 30, 2012
Told the long version in an old thread, but I once had a job scheduling a sound studio that was booked months in advance due to heavy demand. I screwed up a reservation by forgetting to put it on the master schedule and didn't catch it until the day the group was to be coming (and of course it was already booked for someone else). Saw it on my personal calendar when I got into work that day. I knew it meant I would be fired because the client would have to pay his studio musicians for the day when they couldn't work (thousands of $).

Tried to call client immediately but only got voicemail, asked him to call me ASAP. When he called back a couple hours later, he apologized for not letting me know they cancelled that production. He thought I was calling to ask why they hadn't shown up! Problem gone. Never even had to tell the client who DID have the reservation.

Cancellations only happened a couple times a year. It was a miracle that my massive mistake aligned with a cancellation.

Wow! Your ass was saved! LOL

John Connor

Nov 30, 2012
Witnessed a young guy commit suicide by jumping off the Coronado bridge, just at the moment when I was driving past him. That was so surreal that it took a while to really soak in and convince myself that yes, I did just see that.

I actually witnessed the brother of a girl I knew at work blow his brains out on front of the store. I still remember the blood, tons of it and his eyes fluttered back and forth like they didn't know what to do.

I wouldn't call that bizarre, but just shocking. The girl I knew told me he had a lot on his mind. He was also a Marine. I have no idea if he was in Iraq or A-stan.
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