Most popular MMO these days


Dec 5, 2000
thats not WoW or Guild Wars 2

Last MMO I enjoyed was Rift but the game got old fast because they didn't have much content. I think I got to max level in 3 months and did all the dungeons multiple times which got old.

Had a good guild but they all left also for pretty much the same reasons.

I've tried:
Age of Conan
City of Heroes
Warhammer Online
Lineage 2
The Secret World

Several other crappy free 2 play games
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Feb 5, 2001
The Secret World has gotten a lot more popular since it dropped its monthly fee. It is a pretty cool game. Very different from the normal MMO in the way it is setup with the skills and no levels. Has a great Lovecraft feel too it. It isn't for everyone since its setting turns some off, but it is a solid game.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2008
KOTOR is the next most popular after GW2 and WoW

I'd recommend The Secret World though


Dec 5, 2000
Forgot about Secret World. Played the beta and it sucked ass.

Didn't like LOTRO.

Have no interest in DCUO. Not really a superhero fan.

Is anyone still playing Rift? How's the player base these days? Good amount of people or very sparse?


Golden Member
Sep 8, 2007
I'm not sure what you're looking for. Title says "most popular", you already listed the most popular ones.

There isn't shit out there for players who don't like themepark MMOs. Most of the newer ones are so stale. Instanced PvP trash, non seamless world, useless crafting, and impossible for developers to keep player base happy with content thus turning the game into grinding the same few dungeons/instanced pvp areas over and over and over again for gear.

I'm waiting for The Repopulation and hoping to hear more on EQ Next this year.


Senior member
Oct 16, 2010
DC Universe Online is decent and fun for a F2P MMO. One of the few avail for PC/PS3. And it supports Xbox controllers for PCs.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2012
OP can u give me the name of the store where you buy TIME from?

Posted from App for Android


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Strek Trek Online has fun ship combat and tolerable ground missions.

You can play all of the PVE story content without spending any money -- you don't need to pay for a bunch of unlocks to enjoy it like you need to in SW:TOR.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
I went back playing some DC Universe Online recently.

I was a Legendary member for some time, it expired since, and I'm back to Premium (there's three account types, namely "Free", "Premium" and finally "Legendary", which includes everything). I still enjoy the game overall. I got some PvE characters and two PvP ones (both Level 30, which is the maximum level right now). I have joined just one guild so far with one of my characters (Villain in the PvP server) but I haven't really done anything beyond the main PvE quests. I can't comment on the "end-game" much since I've only completed one or two "dungeons" so far and I only play occasionally. But, overall, it's a fun game, I really like the combat system and the "Tap / Hold" mouse key system to come up with combos and consecutive hits in specific orders. It's awkward at first though, you don't have a mouse cursor on-screen and you don't manually click on other players to see their levels and stats or to inspect them. Instead you have to open up another menu (one of a few menus via the 'F' keys, F1, F2, etc) and select specific options from a drop down menu. I was annoyed by that during the first day or two when I was new to the game to be honest, but over time I got used to it. The latest version includes basic self-owned bases for your characters, it's a neat feature and they actually serve game-play purposes outside of role-play and aesthetics.

If you don't like super hero themes and comics of that vein (similar to but not exclusive to the DC universe) then you might want to play something else though. It does play like an MMO, but definitely the themes of "hero Vs. villains", along with the general presentation (including graphics), voice-acting and the types of missions you have to do (of course mostly related to events that occurred in DC issues from what I read around) will always remind you that you ain't playing something "else", it certainly does a good job at keeping you immersed in the DC universe that's for sure. The one thing I have to say that stands out in the game, probably above most of the features and game-play mechanics is, ultimately, the voice acting. The cast of voice actors and actresses is impressive, and many of them have done a superb job for their respective characters. From Adam Baldwin (Superman), Corey Burton (Brainiac, the "main" antagonist in the game), Kevin Conroy (Batman), and Michelle Forbes (Circe) along with the famous and inevitable Mark Hamill who, in my opinion, is most likely the best voice actor in the entire game voicing The Joker (seriously, absolutely amazing voice acting). I am not exaggerating when I say they hired 25+ talented voice actors and actresses. Many MMOs out there are often lacking in voice acting variety, if not talented voice acting, but DCUO is far, very far from being one of those.

Additionally, regarding the voice-acting (indirectly) is that if you're a Hero or a Villain you'll then choose which one of the three "mentors" will guide ("order") you around to do various missions. As a Hero you can go with Superman, Wonder Woman or Batman (Batman is awesome, do I need to say that again?). As a Villain it's business with Lex Luthor, Circe (never heard of her before playing the game itself, although never was a "fan" of the DC universe prior to that either, but still never heard of her prior to the game, she's decent though) or the Joker (seriously everyone playing DCUO needs to make a Villain just for the fun playing along with the Joker and his hilariously vile missions). Another thing I really like about missions as a whole is that each one of the total six mentors have their own respective main story arc and they all deal against one another within that arc. For example, Superman is after Lex Luthor (which is obvious), Circe really, really doesn't like Wonder Woman, and Joker keeps trolling Batman (business as usual). And you're finding yourself between their personal battles doing their deeds as their newly found precious "champion" (Circe can't stop calling you her champion, I suspect she has a crush on you by the end lol).

Anyway, I actually really like the PvE and questing in general, most of the story lines follow at a nice pace and most of the time the chronological order allows you to quest in both Metropolis and Gotham City. And the one last thing that perhaps needs to be mentioned about DCUO, which I really like, is the fact that there isn't like 20 freakin' zones to separately load which in turn would split the population in small groups, which in turn would provoke the impression that the game's population is low. For the PC you basically have two servers and that's it, it's not like GW2 where the players base is split between like 20 servers, and then each of them further split the players base between all those seemingly unending zones. It's either PvE server, or PvP server, that's it, but the game's population is constantly playing in either Metropolis or Gotham City which are the only two separated zones of the game. You have other various smaller "hubs" (bases if you will, such as "night clubs" or police stations, etc), and one main base for heroes and villains. But other than those hubs the actual "game's zones" are Metropolis and Gotham City, which themselves are completely seamless. You can literally fly, run or jump and climb (acrobatics movement mode) from one end of the "map" (say Metropolis) to the other without loading anything whatsoever. The map's objects and various visuals just load at generously large-enough distance away from you as you move around (only visible if you fly high enough to see everything and the city skyline and so forth, with some buildings fading into view at a distance).

Anyway, there's other features I like, it's not exactly a "mind-blowing" game, there are some things I don't like that much but generally speaking it's a polished MMO. There was a time during which it was subscription-based, which explains why it's perhaps a bit more polished than your usual completely F2P MMO around. They had the budget to at least make sure that from the start features and mechanics were fun and polished enough. By the way, yes it's completely free to play, but if you only spend $5 in the cash station (marketplace) your account will permanently be changed to a "Premium" status (which has more character slots, more inventory slots, and a few others things), and you'll never be reverted to "Free". The only membership you can choose is Legendary which includes everything and the DLCs so far released. The only "real" inconvenience to not being a Legendary member, in my opinion, is the in-game currency limitation (which is $2,000, which is absolutely nothing really, you'll probably have that much by Level 10 via regular questing and selling junk as you progress), so if you want really good items via trading you pretty much have to trade other items in exchange rather than in-game currency.

But that's probably just a problem once you get to end-game, and if you join a guild then perhaps the problem is further alleviated from the help of fellow members, but I can't comment much on that. Anyway, the thing is it's free to start with, you could always just download it and give it a try for what that's worth. If you (or anyone else reading this) aren't in the whole hero Vs. villain stuff that's one thing, but the game itself is an MMORPG and that's what you're looking for. It provides good and polished enough features, plays smoothly and is just fun, generally-speaking. The only way to make sure about whether or not you'd like it or end up bored after doing one or two missions is to download it and play it. As a side note I personally believe that playing as a Villain, in your case, might be a better starting point, simply for the "refreshing" atmosphere of not playing as "yet another hero" ready to save the life of that next meaningless pedestrian in danger while there's other pressing matters around. Go with the Joker as your mentor and start playing in Gotham City, which has a nice gritty and darker atmosphere (and the soundtrack fits that mood perfectly). And have fun doing the Joker quests with a smile on your face and the best cynical weaponry against the forces of "good" you can think of.

Anyway, I was in your boat as well recently (looking for new'ish MMOs around). But most of the ones I try are boring. The only ones I "tolerate" (at worst) or find "alright" (at best, mostly) and play occasionally are GW2, DCUO, and Champions: Online. I started playing FireFall recently, it's decent enough so I'm keeping it installed, but it's still under development (beta right now). I'm also going to give TERA a try this week since it's going F2P.
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Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2010
Zenoth - I can always count on reading a book whenever I see your name pop up with a post


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2004
Sounds like me.. wish I could achieve that feeling i got when i played my first (good) mud, that first game of Kingdom of Drakkar (there are images!!!!), Meridian 59.. holy heck i can move in 3D!, Everquest- holy heck i can move in 3D in a game with tons of Content!

after that .. eh..
Everquest 2- wow its awesome graphically..
WOW- so much to do- to bad its so easy and most the stuff to do is time sinks
GW-to odd.. to many game mixes..
GW2- WOW again.. but prettier
Tera -combat that requires thinking.. err no i was mistaken
SW:TOR- cool voiced quests. to bad they are so bland
Age of Conan- looks great, playes cool.. has no content after 40.. PvP sucks.. (only one i will say is MUCH better now then it was)
EVE- weeeee look I am bettter player then anybody else cuz i have unlimited time to play!!!
Anarchy- played for like 2 days of beta.. no comment
DAoC-kinda generic till you got in RvR (which was far to rare)
City of Heroes- good in short bursts
CrimeCraft- bah...
FFXI- great if you can stand the intense grind
Warhammer Online- RvR and 12 on 12 matchs ruled.. created Dynamic quests(great thing).. to bad everybody quit playing it
DDO- good with a steady group
Vanguard- EQ with prettier graphics.. not that bad, but that old school grind is.. a grind
Lineage 2- grind.. did i mention grind.. heck even with it taking 1/10 the time to level now, its a GRIND!!!!
The Secret World- odd man out.. wont comment, still playing
LOTRO- one of the better F2P.. but only good in groups.

Alods- not to bad A WoW clone.. slows to a crawl if you dont PAY
ROM- "" ""
Vindictus- fun battles, sucks between um
etc.. etc.. etc..

that old feeling of AWE cant be replicated..


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Zenoth - thanks for all the details on DCUO. It sounds like a fun game for me to try at some point now that it's f2p.


Senior member
Feb 9, 2010
thats not WoW or Guild Wars 2

Last MMO I enjoyed was Rift but the game got old fast because they didn't have much content. I think I got to max level in 3 months and did all the dungeons multiple times which got old.

Had a good guild but they all left also for pretty much the same reasons.

I've tried:
Age of Conan
City of Heroes
Warhammer Online
Lineage 2
The Secret World

Several other crappy free 2 play games

Wow, youve tried quite a few.

Warhammer might be my favorite MMO experience. This, of course, was a couple years after it came out and zones were capturable unlike how they were at launch.

MMOs have really been bad recently imo. Seems the ones that have the most positive reputations right now are GW2 and Rift. People like EVE but the controls ruin it for me, Id probably love it if it was a space sim, but its more like an RTS with one unit.

I tried PS2 but found it extremely boring. Its just your typical game of TDM on a big never changing map.

Right now the only MMO Im looking forward to is Elder Scrolls and Im not expecting much with how most MMOs turn out these days. I also might give Darkfall Unholy Wars a try.


Senior member
Aug 12, 2009
Not really a post about "most popular", just a few observations of some I've played.

I have a few free to play mmo's I keep know, so I can play when I want, put the game down for awhile, and then come back later on without feeling guilty. I can't say any single one of them is great, but they do pass the time, if in small bursts.

Aion - much better game that it was at launch. Grind is pretty much gone, at least through 50 (havent maxed a character out to 60 yet, and the level cap is going up to 65 soon). And, they made playing in the rift enabled zones optional now. I'm sure the people who love rifting to gain abyss points hate it, but for casual gamers, it was pretty much a god send. The play mechanics of the game actually feel a bit like WoW, but I've always thought the game setting was much more interesting. Plus, they have some of the largest options for character design around (well, the game engine is getting a little long in the tooth though).

The Secret World - you've already stated you didn't like it, so not much else to say. I like it enough to play every now and then. But, not something I could play for weeks at a time.

Tera - going free to play either this week or next week, I can't remember. I enjoyed the actual combat mechanic on this one. Very different, more action game-ish than traditional mmo. But, the story, and the quests were.... uninspired. Plus, the character designs are a little divisive.

Atlantica Online - I haven't played this one in a long time. For all I know, it doesn't even exist anymore. But, I enjoyed it while I played it. Mostly because it was so different. The only mmo I've ever played that was actually turn based. And, you didnt run around with 1 character, you ran around with a full party. And, you're party size increased while you leveled. By level 95, I was running around with like 12 people in my party alone. If you grouped with someone else, it got a bit ridiculous.

There is a game I'm interested in, but it hasn't come out yet. Blade and Soul. Have no idea what the release date is. (probably still not announced yet) But, it's a kung fu based mmo. I guess I'll probably go have a look at their website later today and see if they have any updated info.


Senior member
Nov 9, 2011
Look in to Warframe if you like more fps/mmo games.

Also, firefall is still in beta but looks really good.

And, again, look at DragonNest. The action combat is great and there isn't much grinding.
New content is added on a regular basis.


Golden Member
May 9, 2012
Never heard of Dragon Nest, how long has it been out?

Firefall does look interesting.
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