Motorola Droid (hands-on) from an iPhone user's perspective


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
I just went with my brother to get the new Moto Droid from Verizon. To preface, I'm an iPhone user and I love my iPhone. Anyway, showed up to the store early (he had them save him one the day before). They acted like it was a big deal, employees were coming out to cars and handing out numbers and info sheets, acting real excited like it was a huge rollout. Only 4 or 5 people showed up lol. Not to knock it, but it was just funny - it's like going to the birthday party for the kid that no one likes - there's a cake, balloons, a clown, a party atmosphere...and 3 people, haha. That didn't stop the employees from acting uber excited though :biggrin:

Anyway, setup was pretty easy. The Droid requires a Gmail account, which is weird - you can use other accounts, but the phone requires a Gmail account, which they can set you up with when you buy it. It struck me as odd, but I think the iPhone requires an iTunes account, so meh. The phone size is decent. It's easy to hold - thick enough to grasp. Not quite as "ergonomic" as the iPhone, but I found it much easier to grip because it didn't have slick rounded edges (iPhone = bar of soap without a case). People at the store were complaining about the weight, but it felt the same as my iPhone - no big deal.

I liked the idea of having a slide-out keyboard, but the implementation was kinda crappy. The keys are just over the small side - usable, but you immediately say "man these are kinda small". They're also not really bumpy like most landscape keyboards, so it's a bit harder to type. Typing overall was pretty easy tho. I preferred the hardware landscape keyboard on the Droid to the software landscape keyboard on my iPhone, but I like the iPhone's vertical keyboard a lot better. I didn't like the software keyboard nearly as much as my iPhone's. The Droid's vertical keyboard was too...skinny. The iPhone has a multi-touch keyboard, while the Droid doesn't, and the droid's vertical layout is kind of cramped. I prefered typing on the hardware keyboard on the Droid.

The screen is not very bright. In fact, not very bright at all. It looks fine on it's own, but next to an iPhone it's just not very bright (maybe there are some settings to boost it, I'll have to check later). In sunlight though - WOW! It's really fabulous in sunlight. It looks just as good outdoors as it does indoors. I believe it's the best screen I've ever seen outdoors. The iPhone has kind of a transflective layer so you can see the screen outdoors, but it looks like color e-ink, or kind of like a calculator's LCD. The Droid's outdoor screen looked exactly like it did indoors. Amazing outdoor readability. A+ in that department. The screen is also thinner than the iPhone, so it looks a bit taller and a bit more cramped. But you really only notice it when holding it side-by-side with the iPhone.

Call quality is good, typical for a Motorola phone. My phone standard for call quality is the Motorola Q, which was one of my favorite phones ever. I liked the Q so much that I ditched my house phone, the call quality was just phenomenal. I would put the Droid at a notch below the Q - really really excellent, not *quite* as good as the Q, but really really good. Calls to landlines were crystal clear. I think the ear speaker on the Q was better. Combined with Verizon, the Droid's phone quality aspect is much much much better. AT&T is terrible, and the iPhone isn't a super awesome quality phone as far as calling goes.

My brother chose the Motorola over the other one (HTC Eris or something?). I played with both in the store. The Eris or whatever it was called was very sluggish, the Droid is somewhat sluggish. It has some really neat graphical things like the Palm Pre mixed with the iPhone. It's basically a combination of the two, but with lag in the GUI. It's fairly quick, but the slowness is noticeable. Not so bad you can't use it, just something that you're like, hmm, iPhone feels super fast compared to it.

The touchscreen works decently well. You have to get used to dragging apps and stuff around, definitely not as up to par as the iPhone in the touchscreen department. When the guy was demoing it, he was really embarressed because it took him like 90 seconds to get the Gmail icon to delete off the home screen, it wasn't recognizing his finger properly lol. I felt bad for him. He kept twisting the phone and trying different angles to get it to work properly.

The interface is not nearly as fluid as the iPhone's is. It's a pretty good knockoff, but it just feels like a high-quality knockoff - pretty good, but not the real thing. It feels a bit clunky. Clunky and a tad laggy, instead of fluid & smooth like the iPhone. I didn't care for the touch buttons at the bottom of the phone, like the Home and Back buttons. It kind of acts like the touchscreen, but you have to be more careful about how you actually hit the buttons - they didn't seem to respond sometimes unless your finger was directly on them from the front. I would have preferred some real buttons, or just a larger touchscreen. Touch buttons with a touchscreen doesn't make a lot of sense to me. You'll have to try it in person to see what I mean - you slide your finger from the screen, then lift it up, then touch the touchscreen "hardware" buttons...I dunno. Not my thing.

I really like the concept of Android a lot. There are 10,000 apps available last I read. That's pretty hard to compete with Apple's App Store, which has 100,000 apps now (despite most of them being useless, lol). You can also jailbreak the iPhone and add folders, background apps, etc.; I don't know what you can do as far as hacking Android. I do like the idea of a bit more extensibility as far as the software goes.

Overall, neat phone. Feels like a high-quality iPhone knockoff. Actually it feels like the slightly-slow lovechild of a Palm Pre & iPhone. Good call quality, excellent outdoor screen readability. The apps are fairly well laid-out; it doesn't have the same GUI consistency as the iPhone (like each app is a little different and not *quite* as intuitive as the last app, if that makes sense - the iPhone has a very consistent interface, which makes learning new apps, especially those from Apple, very easy). Email readability is extremely good. Very, very simple to setup - I got his work's POP account setup in about a minute. Nice, readable text. Probably a bit more readable than the iPhone - they use a nice, large font. I liked it.

Just my perspective as an iPhone fan. My brother previously had an iPhone 3GS, but sold it because his company offered to pay for a Verizon phone (he gets a big discount on it) and because AT&T gets craptacular service, which is not good for being used as a reliable mobile phone for work. Here in Connecticut, Verizon is as good as a landline. He liked the iPhone a lot, especially the easy usability, but he likes his Droid so far too. If anyone's interested, I can post back with his impressions after a few days of using it (vs. the iPhone & other phones).
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Oct 11, 1999
I'd definitely like to hear his and other's impressions of the Droid.

Moto's phone division lives or dies on the Droid and the Cliq, and they may die even if it's a successful launch.

To me the problem with Android's phone OS is that it makes it difficult for the manfacturers, it essentially commoditizes them, and I think we'll see a market shakeout as we did with the PC industry when a defacto standard was adopted, time will tell who's left standing with widespread adoption of the OS.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
I'd definitely like to hear his and other's impressions of the Droid.

Moto's phone division lives or dies on the Droid and the Cliq, and they may die even if it's a successful launch.

To me the problem with Android's phone OS is that it makes it difficult for the manfacturers, it essentially commoditizes them, and I think we'll see a market shakeout as we did with the PC industry when a defacto standard was adopted, time will tell who's left standing with widespread adoption of the OS.

Yeah, I'll be interested to hear his impressions after having used the iPhone 3GS for the past few months. He really liked the iPhone, but hated AT&T's service; it was just too expensive to be covered with unlimited minutes by his company (it's his home & work phone, and he gets a big Verizon discount, lucky dog). My 2 complaints about the iPhone are (1) crappy AT&T service (less bars in more places), and (2) a useless speakerphone. USELESS I SAY! I don't have the patience for Bluetooth either lol.

Anyway, I think the big problem with the Android is the whole Mac vs. PC thing - Mac runs on Apple's hardware, which is limited & in-house. There's not a million third-party drivers to support. I bet Windows would be waaaay more stable if Microsoft made their own computers. But the Android has to support (1) lots of different CPUs, and (2) lots of different screen resolutions & physical sizes, which makes it super difficult for programmers to deal with. With the iPhone, the screen size is the same, and the new phone have a faster CPU, so you don't have a lot of problems to deal with other than making your video game lower-graphics for the older phones & such.

I don't think the Droid will be very successful. It's $300 out the door, with a $100 MIR (or instant $100 @ Best Buy). The service plan's pricing is the same as the iPhones. It's not as good as the iPhone. It's expensive. It's kinda sluggish and not 100% perfect. It does a lot of things right, but it just slightly misses the mark on a lot of things too. I don't see the masses going out to purchase this thing, especially since our local store only had 5 people total buying Droids, and I think 2 left after playing with it lol.

I miss my Moto Q


May 29, 2003
Thanks for the review.

I'm an iPhone owner myself and am considering getting the Moto Droid mainly because of the call issues I have with AT&T.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Oh yeah, and you have to pay $3 a month for Visual Voicemail from Verizon. Obligatory Nelson /haha


Jun 23, 2001
I don't think the Droid will be very successful. It's $300 out the door, with a $100 MIR (or instant $100 @ Best Buy). . . . I don't see the masses going out to purchase this thing, especially since our local store only had 5 people total buying Droids, and I think 2 left after playing with it lol.

I miss my Moto Q

Bodes well for my negotiations.

My Env2 keeps powering off randomly on me.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Thanks for the review.

I'm an iPhone owner myself and am considering getting the Moto Droid mainly because of the call issues I have with AT&T.

The iPhone is kind of like having a super hot girlfriend, who is also high maintainence. You don't want to deal with her issues, but the sexiness keeps overwhelming you lol. I keep wanting to throw my iPhone out the window (as a phone), but the rest of the features SO SO SO make up for it, I just can't. So many programs are now indispensible to me - email is amazing, my photo/video/music tools are amazing, the iPod is amazing, there's just too much good to get over the fact that it's primary purpose, as a phone, is terrible. I drop calls pretty much daily. I feel like I'm using a cell phone in 1999, not 2009. It's ridiculous. But I'm hooked!

What I'd kill for is a Motorola iPhone from Verizon. Killer call quality, apps, and the Verizon network. Oh, to dream...


Oct 11, 1999
What I suspect we'll see is a lot of handsets from many manufacturers initially, then as they become more widespread and price competition heats up, with the profit margin dropping, we'll see a big shakeout in the industry.

I think we'll see the Asian manufacturers do well, LG, Samsung, et al, and companies that are good at working with thin profit margins do well, Sounds weird, but I think Dell will end up with a good share of the Android smart phone market.


Diamond Member
Apr 10, 2008
Getting a 'Droid - AT&T service where I live is abysmal. And no device is *so* good that I'd spend money to not be able to use it for it's primary function.

Though I must admit, I'm still eagerly awaiting the day when a good smartphone is integrated with a good MP3 player with considerable capacity (100GB+). That would eliminate one of the devices I habitually drag around. Getting close, but not quite yet!


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Getting a 'Droid - AT&T service where I live is abysmal. And no device is *so* good that I'd spend money to not be able to use it for it's primary function.

Though I must admit, I'm still eagerly awaiting the day when a good smartphone is integrated with a good MP3 player with considerable capacity (100GB+). That would eliminate one of the devices I habitually drag around. Getting close, but not quite yet!

Yeah...I have a deadzone on my way to school every day. I get zero bars at school; I have to walk out to the parking lot to get any reception. I drop calls on a near-daily basis. The phone quality, even with 5 bars, is not that great.

I do like having one device in my pocket, however. The iPod is great and iTunes is really easy to use. I also use Simplify Media to stream music and Air Video to stream movies to my iPhone. I listen to a lot of podcasts & audiobooks, so that's very convenient - iTunes is hooked up with and can do RSS auto-downloads for podcasts, so it makes syncing fairly hassle-free.

I wish that Motorola would make the phone tech for the next iPhone, and that Apple would switch to Verizon. A Motorola-enhanced Verizon-based iPhone would be glorious :awe:


Jun 23, 2001
So I'm not the only one. I also "pocket call" people alot because the keylock gets cleared.

Other than that, I really like the phone.

That happens too, though not nearly as bad as my old first gen Chocolate. That damn thing would start calling random people if the wind blew against the buttons when I set it on the bleachers.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2000
I also spent some time with the droid this morning and hands down it is the best phone that VZW has at the moment. I had an iPhone and just couldn't deal with AT&T's coverage and I went back to VZW with my LG enV.

For those that have never spent any time with an iPhone/iPod touch then they will more than likely think this device is amazing. If you have/had an iPhone and like it, well, the droid will disappoint. It is just not there. The biggest let down was the virtual keyboard. Auto-correct didn't exist and multi touch was a must have and it failed.

The browser was great, google implementation awesome, screen was vibrant, keyboard too small, and then phone felt chunky. The hard corners I found to be abrasive. Nothing like a near right angle when the baby falls to the floor.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2003
i'm jk btw, not a bad review.
seems pretty honest.

Yea, despite the fact your clearly an Iphone fan and prefer it, you gave the droid a fair shot both good and bad.

I'd get an iphone save for AT&T and the want of a decent physical keyboard. It looks like this has the not-AT&T, but perhaps not the keyboard, and all the other things that make the iphone nice.

I'll still be reading about this, hopefully it improves with time.


Platinum Member
Aug 25, 2002
I guess Im one of the few people who actually like the touch screen keyboard of the iphone. I can type faster on the iphone keyboard (landscape that is) than any other PDA/Smart phone.

After reading the replies in this thread it really seems like the main reason people like the droid is that its not on AT&T. The hardware is better and worse in some areas but the main thing is that its on Verizon. My hopes are that the Droid is such a big hit that it actually forces Apple into a competition to make some serious changes.


Nov 18, 2005
3rd party solutions are free.
go troll elsewhere iphone fanboy.

there are third party solutions for visual voicemail?! They work on the same concept, and just as effective? Shit, I love visual voicemail but if I can get the same thing in a free package, damn straight I will.


May 30, 2000
As an iPhone user, I thought it was a great review. Please post your brother's impressions once he's used it for a few weeks.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Yea, despite the fact your clearly an Iphone fan and prefer it, you gave the droid a fair shot both good and bad.

Hence the "from an iPhone user's perspective" in the title

I love the nerdiness of the Droid, but I also like the polish of the iPhone. I don't have to screw around with the iPhone to get things working - it "just works". The Droid feels like a throwback to my Windows Mobile days - I can get stuff working, but it takes just a bit more effort (although it's still pretty easy nowadays).
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