Movies that are total hyped crap that everyone raved about:

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Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2007
Whatever, to each his own, I still like the series.. and continue to watch it occasionally.

Agreed. Transformers:The Movie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Bay "Transformers" any day of the week and is still a classic. I watched it with my 19 month old last week and he was even making "pew pew" sounds during the fights.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
Nope. The only people I know that are even aware of it are hipsters (well wannabe hipsters). It screams hipster to me.

It got to the masses through torrents. That the third hop would seem to be primarily hipsters isn't surprising by my experience:
My third viewing of Ink was with my older sister and her friend. I had recommended it over and over, so we sat down to watch it. Now, my older sister is decently smart -- straight-A student through school, 1280 SAT. Her taste is pretty hipster to me -- NPR, music which I'd call "advanced college music," wine, expensive and complex foods, European auto racing...
Her friend, OTOH, is pretty average -- what I refer to as, "stupid." She's pleasant to be around, pleasant to converse with... but that conversation is going to be "Level 1" -- no analysis within, and no perspective based on analysis/synthesis.
At the end of Ink, both me and my sister were crying. Her friend just looked confused.

Now, getting hit by such gut-wrenching sappiness as Ink evokes isn't very hipster. So is it the hipster-ness, or the intelligence?
If Ink takes intelligence to grasp, and the hipster community is a pocket of intellectuals, is it any surprise that that community would have an overabundance of support? And if you're grading by social grouping we have this problem: When grading by grouping you throw out those you cannot group and often under-represent the outliers. So combine those statistic sampling errors with the natural filtering towards intelligence and you have your observation.

I love Ink and I'm not a hipster.
Watched it again yesterday after going to the IMDB and seeing that they had a link to the whole thing on Hulu. Couldn't keep myself from clicking. That was like the sixth time I've seen it. It still overwhelms me.

You don't have to look for any deeper meaning. Its so heavy handed that there's nothing to look deeper for. You act like it takes much knowledge or thought to understand it, but it just doesn't.

Then tell me, what is the movie about?
inb4 shallow understanding.
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Oct 27, 2006
Yeah. Total agreement.

How was the action or CGI worse? The truck collision was one of the worst CGI things I have ever seen. It was terrible. Actually same thing for the superman slow mo at the end of 2 as well (did you forget they started that shit in the 2nd one? well really the very end of the first, but they didn't make it integral to the story until the 2nd and used it in a very contrive BS manner and looked like shit to boot). Ditto for the million Agent Smith fight. I hate DBZ, but even that stuff in the 3rd wasn't nearly as bad as the 2nd. Well the slo-mo punch face distortion was 2nd movie terrible action and CGI.

They're both terrible, but the 2nd is worse (the third at least had the mech guns). Most of the derision for the sequels gets directed at the 3rd one which is why it gets so many bad reviews. That and by then people had been informed of the blatant symbolism which turned people off, but people are stupid since that was started all the way back in the first one. The second one setup the 3rd to be the most hated (the architect bullshit and then Neo flying and resurrecting Trinity), but most people don't even remember the second one properly.

This. It was just terrible in every respect. The action was actually the worst part of the 2nd one.

I forgot about the stupid albino/ghost twins.

I've seen them all fairly recently, well, '09ish. <---- 62 Expert Score / 6.4 User Score <---- 47 Expert Score / 5.4 User Score 74% Fresh 36% Rotten <---- 7.1 User Score <---- 6.4 User Score

The critics overwhelmingly rank Matrix 2 over Matrix 3, and general public still does, but less so. The pacing of the 3rd was a huge problem.

It's no biggie if you personally prefer the 3rd, but that's not the standard view on it by any stretch, just as the Godfather 3 is generally viewed as unworthy of the first two films. There are some people who will try to tell you it was the best of the trilogy though.


Jan 12, 2004
Juno - Not funny. I don't know why critics were crazy over this. They also shoved 'teen pregnancy is ok, just get them adopted!' down your throat.

Precious- What the fuck is this shit? Yes, it is a decent drama. But it didn't deserve all that talk and awards. That whale main actress didn't do any GROUNDBREAKING acts. She just acted herself.

True Grit- Why? An uneventful storyline... they go look for the killer, finds him by accident, then Bridges carry her all the way back. Okay? Not heartwarming, funny, witty, nor dramatic

THE DARK KNIGHT ... omg what a shoddy piece of filmmaking.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2005
Imagine link is broke, but I see it's for Irreversible. Never seen it, but my previous post was in regards to your previous post about violence.

My previous post wasn't about violence; I said teen violence catharsis. Big strong muscly sweaty men banging swords isn't violent, it's comical. I have nothing against violence, but that untamed caricature macho bravado crap is absolutely silly.



No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
My previous post wasn't about violence; I said teen violence catharsis. Big strong muscly sweaty men banging swords isn't violent, it's comical. I have nothing against violence, but that untamed caricature macho bravado crap is absolutely silly.


yeah, more macho than violence. gore is not violence, and that's pretty much all you have there.

But I don't mind 300 at all. I actually like it for what it is. it does the macho ridiculous thing very well. I thought I would hate it going in, but I rather enjoyed it.


Oct 9, 1999
Precious was the most over-hyped, depressing POS in recent history. If Precious was white nobody would have watched it.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
My previous post wasn't about violence; I said teen violence catharsis. Big strong muscly sweaty men banging swords isn't violent, it's comical. I have nothing against violence, but that untamed caricature macho bravado crap is absolutely silly.

I'll admit I had to look up catharsis after your first post. Regardless, I consider gore and violence pretty interchangeable.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
It wasn't all out war, just random acts of violence from fringe groups. Did you see the first minute of the movie?

There was a lot of heavy fighting, as I recall. While yes there were pockets of sanctuary, those engaged in the fighting were still blowing their energy budget. They were all-out, which didn't make sense.
It wasn't likely that they'd have a balance of power, so the more powerful party should've just massacred the lesser one. Guerrilla tactics only work when your opponent is playing the good guy -- something that is done when one has long-term goals in the region. If you have no long-term goals then brutality rules. Nothing is as effective at stopping violence coming from a sector as killing everyone in it. But the movie showed regular combat, not roving death squads.

The movie was way off at portraying a bleak survivalist death-spiral world.

The hook was supposed to be that the baby was the world's only hope, but in so many of the surrounding actions they showed the people behaving as though they already had some other hope! Their behavior screamed, "focused, goal-oriented, and full of conviction." So we have a contradiction between what they are trying to force-feed you is the truth and what the world is saying is the truth. Without separating the two views with some explanation, it's damning.
Purpose is subjective, so you can't just declare, "The baby is more important than their value structure." If it works for them, it works for them. And if it works for them, they don't need the baby. If they don't need the baby, then the baby isn't relevant. If the baby isn't relevant, then why the hell are we following it?
That's why the movie falls apart. It fails to set up its own core premise.

You presume, incorrectly, that people are rational beings.

I presume that humans are human. It's a good place to start.

A conservatard isn't a rational being. I can model one just fine:
Place an inadequate learning computer in a complex world. The computer will fail to properly model the world, leading to many outputs that are in error. If errors cause pain, and pain leads to fear, through meta-analysis this computer will eventually learn to fear any novel conclusion it reaches. In avoidance of fear it will devalue any untested conclusion, resulting in a strong preference for conclusions that were tried previously and did not output errors. Combine this with its inadequacies at modeling by which it affirms the consequent to invalidly conclude that the current condition must be in line with the condition that originally led to the preferred conclusion, and you have spidey07.

Not very difficult.

Even worse, you presume that people in groups act only to benefit the group.

No, all my work stems from the individual.

You are not going to be able to work out how I model people. Your sifting to match patterns can only match to lesser patterns as you do not have access to patterns that are beyond your level.

Do you have any idea how inner city gangs work? Why they exist? Why they misbehave? They don't fight "for a future", they fight because there is no future.

I'd say they do fight for a future -- one in which their violence has cemented them a position. The cowardly drive-by being their method of choice just shows that they have no strength of position.

That they have no chance of winning doesn't mean that's not the underlying reason. They just have nothing else.

What are you talking about? The movie says just that, so why are you complaining?

Because the imagery contradicts it! You can't say, "Everything is meaningless," and then pull scenes from Braveheart!

Clive Owens' character changed when he saw the pregnant girl.

He was so far beneath anyone else that that didn't matter. His character at the end reached the same level that everyone else was at during the entire movie.
His journey should have been a miniature version of what the world would've experienced. Instead it was just a personal journey of a clinically depressed man in an otherwise okay (if weirdly violent) world.
I did not care about his personal problems, therefore I did not care about the baby. "The hope of the world," never factored in because the imagery showed that these people already had some personal hope. Also, if one woman has a baby, another is likely to -- so as soon as she was shown to be pregnant the problem looked to be well on its way to being over. And it never set up that the Human Project was even a hint of a valid avenue to anything.

28 Days Later did it right. Children of Men was awful. And it looks like the user reviews on IMDB strongly agree with me on its awfulness.

Most of your complaints seem to stem from a deep misunderstanding of the movie, not the movie itself.

The imagery of a movie is a part of the movie.

I understand how someone could perceive it as a good movie: If you take the narration at face value and then don't use your brain for anything but the main characters, it would be an excellent movie. But my intelligence is in the 99th percentile, so my mind tends to branch out. The main characters were not complicated in the least, giving me plenty of opportunity to work on the context. After seeing the context, I found the story didn't fit.
Not a good movie for highly intelligent people.
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006

The movie was way off at portraying a bleak survivalist death-spiral world.

....more inane stuff....

and your expertise in this area is based on your experience of living in such a reality, I presume? Or is it simply the portrayals and theories of such accepted by the type of content that you subscribe to?

also, 28days later was about zombies. totally different problem.

nice try.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
and your expertise in this area is based on your experience of living in such a reality, I presume?

Retard, you're also making claims as to its realism.

Pwned himself, lol.

So many people in such a hurry to get a point off on me that they'll just throw the first thing that comes to their stupid little minds.
LOL. Like that has any chance to work.
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Joseph F

Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2010
Kill Bill and Inglorious Basterds.

I think people were in love with Quentin after Resoviour Dogs and Pulp Fiction, and they would suck his dick regardless of any shitty movies after that.

I think that Inglorious Basterds gets better after watching it a second time, but I agree, It was a huge letdown to me as well.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009

Oh God, I'm going to have to spell this out?

You have implied that you believe this is a realistic portrayal.
I have asserted that I believe it is not.
In your attempt to counter my claim so yours doesn't fall, you go all, "You have no epistemological basis for a belief as to its realism because you don't have any empirical proof."
Well, then neither do you, as neither do you.

Way to support your position there, genius.


Oct 10, 2006
District 9

Every single bit as shitty as any Michael Bay movie.

That and the main character was an idiot. Not a loveable, likeable idiot, not a funny slapstick idiot, not a tragic soul pushed into circumstances that were beyond their ability to cope, just an annoyingly stupid idiot.

And the plot otherwise makes no sense
(yeah, aliens land on earth in a groundbreaking milestone of human history... and we throw them into slums!)
and was only around so Peter Jackson could rant about apartheid, a policy that ended close to 20 years ago.


Oct 10, 2006
The Hurt Locker is amazing. the ending is perfect, b/c that is what the film is about.

No one should have to apologize for the stupidity of the viewer.

The Hurt Locker is the Apocalypse Now of the Iraq War. Good movie, horribly wrong on all technical details.

Joseph F

Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2010
I love most Nolan movies, but Inception was just far too impossible for me to suspend my disbelief. It did not blow my mind, it was not confusing, the concept is just ridiculous. You can't share dreams with people, and even if you could, you don't dream within a dream, and even if you could, you don't experience a sort of "time dilation" with a factor of 10 involved for each "layer" of sleep.
Parts of it were cool, but, for me, it was just too much like "the core" to enjoy.

Yes, you can. I certainly have. There was one time where I "woke up" about five times before I actually woke up. It was terrifying.


Jun 24, 2001
I've seen them all fairly recently, well, '09ish. <---- 62 Expert Score / 6.4 User Score <---- 47 Expert Score / 5.4 User Score 74&#37; Fresh 36% Rotten <---- 7.1 User Score <---- 6.4 User Score

The critics overwhelmingly rank Matrix 2 over Matrix 3, and general public still does, but less so. The pacing of the 3rd was a huge problem.

It's no biggie if you personally prefer the 3rd, but that's not the standard view on it by any stretch, just as the Godfather 3 is generally viewed as unworthy of the first two films. There are some people who will try to tell you it was the best of the trilogy though.

You have to understand that everyone thought that the third would redeem the second and they restrained themselves from so harshly judging half a product. It got a critical "pass" for that reason.

My previous post wasn't about violence; I said teen violence catharsis. Big strong muscly sweaty men banging swords isn't violent, it's comical. I have nothing against violence, but that untamed caricature macho bravado crap is absolutely silly.


Same here. I hated Sin City for being all style and no substance and was expecting 300 to be similarly bad. I set my expectations so low that I was actually pleasantly surprised. I don't revel in the movie and I can't point out a few critical problems but, over all, I'm glad it exists.
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Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
I cannot stomach the second Matrix film at all, it's terrible, but the third film I actually found to be relatively enjoyable and a decent addendum to the series.



Jun 24, 2001
Yes, you can. I certainly have. There was one time where I "woke up" about five times before I actually woke up. It was terrifying.

I was once having a lucid dream and every time I realized it and tried to wake up I would just trigger a lucid dream of me waking up and continuing my day (that's what happens in a lucid dream: You experience what you think/want extremely vividly and can actually control/form the dream). It happened repeatedly and each time I thought I woke up and returned to work (I was napping in my car during break) and realized after about 30 dreaming minutes of mundane work. I wasted virtual HOURS but it had only been 10 minutes when I woke up for realz. I had another lucid dream once where I deliberatly dreamed something... naughty. It was glorious.

Though similar in the multiple-waking experience, it most certainly wasn't having a layered dream within a dream. It was ending one dream and starting another dream of waking up each time.
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