Moving into August 2012: ICS Usage beats Froyo!!!!

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Feb 19, 2001
YEAH! We're finally beating an OS that was released 2 years ago.... woohoo!! I thought the SGS2 made up a huge chunk of Android usage. Would've thought the ICS release there could've helped boost numbers. Same with HTC Sensation.

Anyone got stats on iOS 3 usage?

I'm going to lock. We received more reported posts about this thread today than we have received in total for the entire month of July, and near the end the discussion has mostly gone off the rails into questions of Apple hardware.

I moved Skel's question at the end into it's own thread.

Moderator PM
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Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2003
Jelly Bean might hit a full percentage point soon!!!!!!!! They should have a countdown clock lol.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
I just went from Gingerbread to ICS. There wasn't a single app on my DX that didn't transfer right over to my SGS3. And now I could care less if 99% of the entire rest of the world was using a lesser phone/OS than me- like how 100% of iPhone users are.

No one obsesses over Android versions except apparently iOS users.


Jan 6, 2002
I just went from Gingerbread to ICS. There wasn't a single app on my DX that didn't transfer right over to my SGS3. And now I could care less if 99% of the entire rest of the world was using a lesser phone/OS than me- like how 100% of iPhone users are.

No one obsesses over Android versions except apparently iOS users.

XDA forums tell a different story, it seems to be one of the biggest thing they obsess about. There's a few threads I was reading thru today with tons of posts. Best decision I ever made was selling my Galaxy Note to get an iPhone where the OS version it runs is a complete and total non factor. Meanwhile dudes on XDA running to flashing alpha JB roms to their phone where half the sh*t doesn't work and the other half is missing.
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Dec 7, 2005
XDA forums tell a different story, it seems to be one of the biggest thing they obsess about. There's a few threads I was reading thru today with tons of posts. Best decision I ever made was selling my Galaxy Note to get an iPhone where the OS version it runs is a complete and total non factor. Meanwhile dudes on XDA running to flashing alpha JB roms to their phone where half the sh*t doesn't work and the other half is missing.

Who would have thought people on xda would be flashing and experimenting! I thought that site was dedicated to cooking.


Jan 6, 2002
Who would have thought people on xda would be flashing and experimenting! I thought that site was dedicated to cooking.

And he said that no one except iOS owners obsess over what version of Android a phone runs. I'd gather that 98% of iPhone owners don't even know what ICS is. My point was XDA has tens of thousands of people who flash every barely functioning alpha rom at the drop of a hat just so they can be running the latest and greatest version of Android. At worst some iOS users will bring up the fragmentation of Android versions, which I don't think is obsessing but just stating a known truth. Where as the Android users respond with "fragmentation doesn't exist in Android, it's just a figment of your imagination"
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Feb 19, 2001
I just went from Gingerbread to ICS. There wasn't a single app on my DX that didn't transfer right over to my SGS3. And now I could care less if 99% of the entire rest of the world was using a lesser phone/OS than me- like how 100% of iPhone users are.

No one obsesses over Android versions except apparently iOS users.
The people who don't care about Android versions are the same bulk of idiots who joined the Android crowd because there was no other alternative. They couldn't get the iPhone on AT&T so they settled with an Android phone. They couldn't spend $200 on a phone so they got some free Android phone that never got updated.

There's probably idiots like that on the iPhone side too. I think my mom is still running iOS 4.1 on her 3GS.

But most people on this board happen to care about running a new version of Android. Furthermore, considering what a big upgrade ICS was, I think it's a huge deal people are getting left behind.

And like QueBert said, XDA is evidence of people caring about the latest version. They'll get crack flash disease and flash every nightly and lose half the features on their phone just so they can boot some latest OS. Furthermore, if events like people porting ICS/JB onto whatever ancient phone like the HTC HD2, SGS1, etc make it onto Android news sites, clearly it's an indication people DO care.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
The people who don't care about Android versions are the same bulk of idiots who joined the Android crowd because there was no other alternative. They couldn't get the iPhone on AT&T so they settled with an Android phone. They couldn't spend $200 on a phone so they got some free Android phone that never got updated.
And who cares, except you?

All you have to compare your outdated iPod+ to that apparently makes you feel better about it is your bullshit about what you think Android users care about. Then in your next non-argument, you'll be saying how these same people not only don't even know what "Android" is (let alone obsessing over the version) they can't even figure out how to put a widget on their desktop.

Now all of a sudden xda devs are the average Android users! LOL!

Meanwhile, quick, what's the percentage again of iPod+ users that are using a device that was introduced in 2012? Or that no longer have to squint at a screen less than 4"? Was it 0.0000% or 0.00000%? I forget.
Feb 19, 2001
And who cares, except you?

All you have to compare your outdated iPod+ to that apparently makes you feel better about it is your bullshit about what you think Android users care about. Then in your next non-argument, you'll be saying how these same people not only don't even know what "Android" is (let alone obsessing over the version) they can't even figure out how to put a widget on their desktop.

Now all of a sudden xda devs are the average Android users! LOL!

Meanwhile, quick, what's the percentage again of iPod+ users that are using a device that was introduced in 2012? Or that no longer have to squint at a screen less than 4"? Was it 0.0000% or 0.00000%? I forget.
It's a nice pathetic argument when you want to cover up an issue. I know.

What the hell is an iPod+? Anyway, yeah it's outdated. I bought mine in 2010. It uses a pathetic single core processor. It runs fine, though it's not the fastest device in town.

It makes me feel better? Sorry i have 3 Android phones in front of me RIGHT NOW. A Captivate, a SGS2, and a Milestone. I have an HP TouchPad in my backpack right now. All but one are on ICS.

When did I say XDA are average users? They're users who care about getting the latest and greatest. I'm an XDA participant and I work on there with developers a lot. Maybe you should realize what I do there before you even open your mouth? I may not be the guy who flashes that experimental Jelly Bean ROM and loses camera and WIfi functionality just so I can show my friends how cool Google Now is, but I'll gladly work with devs to help work on ROMs with my spare phones. I went to CM9 as a daily driver in March. Yeah I waited 4 months, and that's fine, but any longer is ridiculous. Considering the current penetration rate, it's pathetic.

Fine, so your point is no one gives a crap. So if you don't give a crap why don't you go back to running Eclair and spend all your time putting down iOS users?

I'm talking about a real problem with Android OS upgrades and if you can't handle that, then go cry me a river.
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Jan 6, 2002
And who cares, except you?

All you have to compare your outdated iPod+ to that apparently makes you feel better about it is your bullshit about what you think Android users care about. Then in your next non-argument, you'll be saying how these same people not only don't even know what "Android" is (let alone obsessing over the version) they can't even figure out how to put a widget on their desktop.

Now all of a sudden xda devs are the average Android users! LOL!

Meanwhile, quick, what's the percentage again of iPod+ users that are using a device that was introduced in 2012? Or that no longer have to squint at a screen less than 4"? Was it 0.0000% or 0.00000%? I forget.

Less than the percentage who bought a Galaxy Note in March and will be buying the Note 2 when it's released in October.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
I just went from Gingerbread to ICS. There wasn't a single app on my DX that didn't transfer right over to my SGS3. And now I could care less if 99% of the entire rest of the world was using a lesser phone/OS than me- like how 100% of iPhone users are.

No one obsesses over Android versions except apparently iOS users.

4 posts in and you're already taunting the iOS users? No reason for it... reported

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
I think it's fair to say that on this forum, it would seem that those who care most about Android OS versions - enough to make dedicated threads about it - are iOS users/fans.

As has been said countless times, iOS and Android are not mirrors of each other. They have different goals, updates are handled differently, features are prioritized differently, etc. Trying to fit Android in an iOS shaped peg was old the first few times, but some people keep trying.

I for one am so very glad that Android is not like iOS.


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
No one obsesses over Android versions except apparently iOS users.

I think that's because, at least in my view, we can't understand how the situation is even tolerable. It reminds me so much of my WinMo days when you'd buy a device and be stuck with whichever version of WinMo you get. Its essentially the same with Android right now. You could buy a phone today and it might not get updated to Jelly Bean. And its not like we're talking OLD phones. The Moto RAZR came out less than a year ago. Will probably not get a JB update. I think its fair to say the One X And SGS 3 will get JB, but beyond that, all bets are off.

Meanwhile, the iPhone 3GS, a three year old phone, is getting a version of the latest iOS software. Yes, it doesn't have EVERY iOS 6 feature, but are we really going to knock Apple for trying? Most features left out of iOS 6 on the 3GS and 4 are due to hardware limitations.

This is THE reason I bought a Galaxy Nexus. I didn't want to buy a device and have Samsung or HTC or whomever say "Sorry, if you want the latest version of Android, make sure you check out the latest line of our devices!"

Its just basically at the point where Gingerbread is essentially abandonware. Google either needs to slow down or light a fire under device makers/carriers to update their phones for a specified length of time after release.

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
Meanwhile, the iPhone 3GS, a three year old phone, is getting a version of the latest iOS software. Yes, it doesn't have EVERY iOS 6 feature, but are we really going to knock Apple for trying? Most features left out of iOS 6 on the 3GS and 4 are due to hardware limitations.

A quick Google search showed me this. Here's what the iPhone 4 doesn't get:

No Siri
No 3D maps and turn-by-turn navigation
No Facetime over cellular network

Despite these major features (Can anyone argue about any other feature being bigger than these three for iOS?), the iPhone 4 is going to be "up to date".

See, that's just terrible to me. All you're really getting is an updated number in your phone's About section. Apparently being "up to date" != getting the headliner features in iOS. How is that tolerable?
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Platinum Member
Oct 24, 2006
A quick Google search showed me this. Here's what the iPhone 4 doesn't get:

No Siri
No 3D maps and turn-by-turn navigation
No Facetime over cellular network

Despite these major features (Can anyone argue about any other feature being bigger than these three for iOS?), the iPhone 4 is going to be "up to date".

See, that's just terrible to me. All you're really getting is an updated number in your phone's About section. Apparently being "up to date" != getting the headliner features. How is that tolerable?
The worst part to me is that the device is more than capable. It's just Apple doesn't want to implement those features because of the fact that it will drain the phone extremely quick. Apple's main concern (usually) is battery life and making sure it's great and dependable. When you throw those 3 features on an older device that originally wasn't meant to have those features except through Apps, then you're going to cause some problems.

Then again, Apple can just optimize the heck out of it for the iPhone 4, but I'm not sure how much more they can optimize it seeing as how I'm not a developer nor do I code.

Anyway, I'm glad to see ICS gaining traction. Even though JB introduces a smoother interface and Google Now, I think ICS is still wonderful to have on anything. Also, I think the update from ICS to JB will be a quicker transition for more people since it looks as though most manufacturers are migrating away from the custom UI they implement (or not implementing it as much), and that will get a greater update path to JB.



Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
A quick Google search showed me this. Here's what the iPhone 4 doesn't get:

No Siri
No 3D maps and turn-by-turn navigation
No Facetime over cellular network

Despite these major features (Can anyone argue about any other feature being bigger than these three for iOS?), the iPhone 4 is going to be "up to date".

See, that's just terrible to me. All you're really getting is an updated number in your phone's About section. Apparently being "up to date" != getting the headliner features in iOS. How is that tolerable?

Well, you probably know everything I'm about to tell you but probably don't care. Siri is considered by Apple to be a hardware feature. The iPhone 4S incorporates a second-gen Audience chip to help eliminate background noise and recognize speech better than the first-gen chip in the iPhone 4. Since the turn-by-turn directions in iOS 6 are heavily Siri integrated, there's no turn-by-turn for iPhone 4.

Third, if we accept that the iPhone 3GS doesn't have enough graphical horsepower to render the 3D flybys, we have to also accept that the iPhone 4 can't as well. The two use the exact same PowerVR SGX535. The only big hardware differences between the 3GS and the 4 are double the RAM and about a 200mhz clock increase.

But I will admit I am stumped about Facetime over cellular. Unless the Facetime API is getting a major rewrite in iOS 6, I don't know if I really understand what happened there yet.


Oct 18, 1999
How did this turn into an android vs ios thread? man, cant even post in console gaming about the next pokemon game without it turning into A vs I.

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
Well, you probably know everything I'm about to tell you but probably don't care. Siri is considered by Apple to be a hardware feature. The iPhone 4S incorporates a second-gen Audience chip to help eliminate background noise and recognize speech better than the first-gen chip in the iPhone 4. Since the turn-by-turn directions in iOS 6 are heavily Siri integrated, there's no turn-by-turn for iPhone 4.

Third, if we accept that the iPhone 3GS doesn't have enough graphical horsepower to render the 3D flybys, we have to also accept that the iPhone 4 can't as well. The two use the exact same PowerVR SGX535. The only big hardware differences between the 3GS and the 4 are double the RAM and about a 200mhz clock increase.

But I will admit I am stumped about Facetime over cellular. Unless the Facetime API is getting a major rewrite in iOS 6, I don't know if I really understand what happened there yet.

No, I didn't know any of that. Doesn't the iPad 2 have the exact same hardware as the 4S? If so (again, I'm not entirely sure) why doesn't it get Siri?

My OG Droid had turn by turn directions. If you're saying the iPhone 4 isn't getting it because of hardware limitations then that's just mind boggling to me.


Oct 29, 2003
I'm talking about a real problem with Android OS upgrades

What real problem is that? It's surely not that Android upgrades are unavailable to consumers and phone manufacturers... because they're freely available and consumers can get phones with the latest Android version.

Take your talk about this problem to those users of Android who are apathetic about upgrades and to phone manufacturers... where it might do some good.


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
No, I didn't know any of that. Doesn't the iPad 2 have the exact same hardware as the 4S? If so (again, I'm not entirely sure) why doesn't it get Siri?
No. The iPad 2 doesn't have the Audience chip. The iPad 3 does.

My apologies if saying "you proably already know this..." came off as super-sarcastic (well, i meant it that way) but it's my understanding that the inclusion of the second-generation Audience chip that specializes in "'far-field speech,' which means holding the device at arm's length rather than directly in front of the mouth." had been widely reported.

My OG Droid had turn by turn directions. If you're saying the iPhone 4 isn't getting it because of hardware limitations then that's just mind boggling to me.
Again, since Apple's implementation of turn-by-turn integrates Siri so heavily, non-Siri device just aren't going to get it.

And I'm perfect OK with hardware limitations preventing upgrades. Like HTC and Samsung saying that devices with less than 512MB of RAM not getting ICS. That's OK with me. HTC denying an update for Desire HD owners because it would require repartitioning of storage and potentially deleting user data, OK, fine.

But there's no reason I can tell for any of the current devices that are top-tier, like the RAZR, One X and SGS 3 to get not only JB, (which I'm sure the OneX and SGS3 will get) but KLP and then whatever comes after that. At this point I'd consider JB as unlikely for the RAZR, let alone KLP. I even think KLP is shaky for the One X and SGS3.

Oyeve said:
How did this turn into an android vs ios thread? man, cant even post in console gaming about the next pokemon game without it turning into A vs I.
Probably here:
DLeRium said:
Anyone got stats on iOS 3 usage?

But I think the bottom line is that most users don't care. I've got a ton of iPad 2's in my office that are still on iOS 4. The users just don't care. It works now, why would it stop working just because there's a new OS. People like us are the only ones that can sit around complaining about lack of software upgrades.


Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2004
How did this turn into an android vs ios thread? man, cant even post in console gaming about the next pokemon game without it turning into A vs I.

Because the children on this forum can't get through breakfast without taking cheap shots at each other over something as insignificant as what OS their phone uses. They and the "I Hate Windows 8" crybabies just about have me deleting AT from my favorites. Sigh...


Jan 12, 2005
Well, you probably know everything I'm about to tell you but probably don't care. Siri is considered by Apple to be a hardware feature. The iPhone 4S incorporates a second-gen Audience chip to help eliminate background noise and recognize speech better than the first-gen chip in the iPhone 4. Since the turn-by-turn directions in iOS 6 are heavily Siri integrated, there's no turn-by-turn for iPhone 4.

Third, if we accept that the iPhone 3GS doesn't have enough graphical horsepower to render the 3D flybys, we have to also accept that the iPhone 4 can't as well. The two use the exact same PowerVR SGX535. The only big hardware differences between the 3GS and the 4 are double the RAM and about a 200mhz clock increase.

But I will admit I am stumped about Facetime over cellular. Unless the Facetime API is getting a major rewrite in iOS 6, I don't know if I really understand what happened there yet.

Which is a rubbish reason given that you can use a high end bluetooth headset.
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