Moving my 90 gallon aquarium. What do you all think of it?


Platinum Member
Apr 6, 2008
I love fish, and this is something that has been really a constant with me for most of my life. I lucked out over a year ago when a kind local gave me this aquarium without fish in it for nothing, simply wanting it out of his garage to work on his car.

I had to move it just lately because of moving into a better bedroom in the same house, and here are details while I am at it; and pics!

The before pic - in the old room, needs a water change, and we need to move it.

Where has all the water gone, downstairs splashing! (sorry, fan of peter paul & mary songs)

Brutis is the large male on the left, stripe is the large female on the right. Their children are all around. I believe they are pearl-spotted bristlenose, inbred and first litter creating runts. These were showing/coming out of nest on jan 1 of this year... and haven't been growing anymore really the last month or two.

Here is the aquarium in it's new spot. I use that little pool fountain pump to prime the fluval 405 since I have serious problems physically and the manual plunger is very hurty for me to use.

Another of the same.

The 10 gallon I am keeping them all in while I do this (old water, new filter, just enough for overnight)

Filled and with some of the terrain features.

Poor things, the old water plus cramped conditions, even with a filter and aeration stone, is getting bad quick...

Beginning moving them back. The next pics are of just such.

Here is the finished setup, still have yet to dump the 10 gallon in the toilet, but there is my aquarium as usually set up plus the indoor dog house underneath. This is tucker, my service dog. He is half australian shepherd, quarter border collie, and quarter bird-dog.

The setup on the left side is low current, on the right side is high current. This gives the bettas a nice place to swim and the other fish plenty of current when they feel like swimming actively. It seems all the fish like to spend some time in each, but the betta females definitely like the low current side better.

Total population:
6 Green Corydoras
1 Albino Corydoras
6 Cherry Barb
2 Adult Pearl Spotted Bristlenose Pleco
~13 Baby / midget / pygmy Pearl Spotted Bristlenose Pleco
1 Albino Bristlenose Pleco (one died just before moving two days after purchase, it seems it was not healthy when we got it as all the other fish are still fine)
4 Neon Tetra
16 Cardinal Tetra
2 Black Loach
? (maybe 8?) Ghost Shrimp (they are so delicate, some have been ripped in half floating in the water, no idea if they died and then were scavenged or the bettas are eating them)
9 various female bettas including plain, fancytail, crowntail

Two live plants, one that almost died from the small pest snails eating it, the other seeming to do fine but rather ugly.

I plan on using the 10 gallon as a breeder tank, but also for quarantine of new fish.

Whatcha all think? Of the fish I chose, of my setup... critiques, discussions, anything grown-up!
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May 5, 2013
I used to have a 160gal braceless glass tank with a single Buttikoferi in it. Sadly, one day the bottom let go and caused about $15k in damage to my basement.

Now, I will never have a tank that I can't lift when it's already full.


Platinum Member
Apr 6, 2008
Oh my, that's terrible

This one is very overbuilt, and braced, I am not at all fearful of that happening here... and I am very much the cautious sort with that kind of thing.

I really am sorry you lost that much to damaged, and losing a fish you may have been attached to. I don't know what I would do if I lost brutis and stripe.
Jan 25, 2011
This post makes me sad. Had a 90 gallon reef tank before I moved out to the country. Sadly the well water I'm on out here makes it impossible to have salt water here until I cave and hook up to the municipal water supply.

Now I have to go look at my old pics


Platinum Member
Apr 6, 2008
ummmm get a large tank to be hauled in the trunk of a car or the bed of a truck. Most municipalities have a place you can fill such tanks with 'potable water' for a small fee, like a quarter vending machine for 50 gal. water.

Im sorry I made you sad, it was my intention to make people happy with this thread, so many dark discussions here, thought this would be a bright one for a change.
Jan 25, 2011
Yeah won't work for a salt water tank. Too many water changes and top offs for it to be feasible and you want the water run through an RO/DI filter to remove all the crap. Reef tanks are a lot more delicate.

And I went and reminisced over my old photos and I'm happy again.



Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2008
I think I have the same ruler. I would put lobsters and octopus in my tank if I had one but yours is nice.


Platinum Member
Apr 6, 2008
I think I have the same ruler. I would put lobsters and octopus in my tank if I had one but yours is nice.
Thank you!

I'm not into saltwater because as the other poster said they are quite hard to keep going properly.

I like having small fish, and quite large fish... if I had a 300 gallon I would have full size pleco (up to 26 inches and more), bluegill, and the like in it. I don't really like many bigger freshwater fish that will fit humanely in a 90 gallon, so I put the smaller ones I like in.


May 1, 2006
I thought DC was a cleaned up P&N? Guess I misunderstood. My bad.

As just my impression - only the mods can say - it seems that was the plan but if a poster wants a 'more civil discussion' of an off topic topic, there's flexibility.


Aug 2, 2001
It looks pretty nice. I've always enjoyed fish. I have a 75 gal planted tank that's just getting going, and I just set up a 30 gal for my son for his bday.

The only suggestion I would make is the top of the tank is a bit bare. You have small fish, but also only one long plant. Adding something (more plants, driftwood, etc) to fill that volume would enhance the looks I think.


Aug 2, 2001
Yeah won't work for a salt water tank. Too many water changes and top offs for it to be feasible and you want the water run through an RO/DI filter to remove all the crap. Reef tanks are a lot more delicate.

And I went and reminisced over my old photos and I'm happy again.

Nice tank. Sw tanks are really nice, but I haven't been able to commit myself to the work and expense. Amazing tho


Jul 13, 2005
I thought DC was a cleaned up P&N? Guess I misunderstood. My bad.
actually its not your bad..its just that instead of trying to find out why this individual was allowed to post,,,you decided to try to be cute.....

also this has nothing at all to do with P& on a technicality your wrong.....

again the poster has been allowed to post here because of the garbage that he gets from OT....isn`t there a red something if you want to report his post??


Platinum Member
Apr 6, 2008
It looks pretty nice. I've always enjoyed fish. I have a 75 gal planted tank that's just getting going, and I just set up a 30 gal for my son for his bday.

The only suggestion I would make is the top of the tank is a bit bare. You have small fish, but also only one long plant. Adding something (more plants, driftwood, etc) to fill that volume would enhance the looks I think.
Thanks! I wish I could make this a planted tank but I have run into several barriers... the plants I find at petsmart aren't all that healthy looking, and the two I did get are covered in some sort of algae which the algae eaters I have don't like to eat it seems.

Thanks for the suggestion, I have been wanting to get more into the top but I have not found anything reasonably priced which I also like the look of that will fit the bill - yet. The tall plant is actually a plastic one, with my plant problems I finally caved in and got some, and I do admit the few I find that look good in the store look great in here! I think I will expand on the plastic plants, and keep trying to find out what is going on with the live ones, because I really want a planted tank.


Aug 2, 2001
Thanks! I wish I could make this a planted tank but I have run into several barriers... the plants I find at petsmart aren't all that healthy looking, and the two I did get are covered in some sort of algae which the algae eaters I have don't like to eat it seems.

Thanks for the suggestion, I have been wanting to get more into the top but I have not found anything reasonably priced which I also like the look of that will fit the bill - yet. The tall plant is actually a plastic one, with my plant problems I finally caved in and got some, and I do admit the few I find that look good in the store look great in here! I think I will expand on the plastic plants, and keep trying to find out what is going on with the live ones, because I really want a planted tank.

Live plants are a big commitment. Just under a marine tank if you really want them to grow and look nice. It means regular dosing of fertilizers, high priced lights (with exceptions) and most importantly co2 injection. Setup costs def add up. Very few plants do well in a standard tank setup.

Driftwood is always interesting but can be expensive. I had a lot of tanks when I was broke and in college where I had to DIY a lot of stuff and get creative with materials. I found some clay strawberry pots and stacked and positioned them for a African cichlid tank that turned out great. Hardscaping with interesting rocks you find is also good, just have to be careful a bit of what rocks. Don't want anything like limestone or sandstone or any soft rocks that will break down in water.

For my sons tank I got a couple very large river rocks (for free) fromthe local landscaping place. I was buying mulch, they sell stuff by the yard, so I asked the guy if I could buy like two rocks and he just said take them.

You can always buy rocks, but they can be really expense at a pet store.

One other option is to find a local aquarium club. They'll often have auctions and you can get stuff way cheap. Fish, plants, filters, etc. Typically high quality stuff too. Better than petsmart for sure.


Oct 15, 1999
actually its not your bad..its just that instead of trying to find out why this individual was allowed to post,,,you decided to try to be cute.....

also this has nothing at all to do with P& on a technicality your wrong.....

again the poster has been allowed to post here because of the garbage that he gets from OT....isn`t there a red something if you want to report his post??

I don't really care why she was allowed to post, I just thought it didn't belong here. Up until yesterday, I was under the impression that DC was all about politics, news, and social issues, apparently, I was mistaken. That's not too surprising, as I have been wrong in the past.

I am surprised that it's actually a "kinder gentler" OT, as I had no idea that OT had been getting out of control, nor do I ever recall reading anything to suggest ot threads were welcome here.

Charles Kozierok

Elite Member
May 14, 2012
I thought DC was a cleaned up P&N? Guess I misunderstood. My bad.

You're not mistaken. It's .. sort of evolving.

The idea originally was an alternate P&N, but that was never codified in the rules, which just say "discussion" generally. Under normal circumstances personal-type discussion threads go in OT, but due to the... shall we say... not always very constructive responses one tends to get in there... IMO if people want to discuss things here see no harm in it. It's pretty quiet here anyway.

So, I think it's fine. Ultimately, the admins make the rules.


Oct 15, 1999
You're not mistaken. It's .. sort of evolving.

The idea originally was an alternate P&N, but that was never codified in the rules, which just say "discussion" generally. Under normal circumstances personal-type discussion threads go in OT, but due to the... shall we say... not always very constructive responses one tends to get in there... IMO if people want to discuss things here see no harm in it. It's pretty quiet here anyway.

So, I think it's fine. Ultimately, the admins make the rules.

That all makes perfect sense, thank you.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Nice tank, Jaqui. Biggest I have set up is a 75, but I have a 150 out in the garage and a piece of glass to one day build a 300. Also have half a dozen 20 - 29 gallon tanks running.

If you like native freshwater fish you may want to check into NANFA, the North American Native Fish Association. There may be someone nearby who can furnish you with fish such as topminnows which are pretty, easily kept, and will adapt well to a 90 gallon. You may also find local aquarium groups with members who will furnish you excess fish, and as Bitek says auctions can be a fun and cheap source of healthy fish. Although I like the assortment you have now. We have several dozen bristlenose in the 75, feed them zucchini and yellow squash. Same thing with plants; if you have a twin-light hood, you can keep low-light plants even in a 90, although four lamps would be better. Depending on your water either anacharis or vallisneria should grow for you, and both get large enough to really decorate a 90. Some larger swordplants are nice as well, although many plants offered in pet stores are amphibious and most are grown in air rather than in water.


Aug 2, 2001
You're not mistaken. It's .. sort of evolving.

The idea originally was an alternate P&N, but that was never codified in the rules, which just say "discussion" generally. Under normal circumstances personal-type discussion threads go in OT, but due to the... shall we say... not always very constructive responses one tends to get in there... IMO if people want to discuss things here see no harm in it. It's pretty quiet here anyway.

So, I think it's fine. Ultimately, the admins make the rules.

Good change of pace actually. Nice to have a place to have a civil conversation about any topic w/o all the nonsense that sometimes goes on.


Platinum Member
Apr 6, 2008
Nice tank, Jaqui. Biggest I have set up is a 75, but I have a 150 out in the garage and a piece of glass to one day build a 300. Also have half a dozen 20 - 29 gallon tanks running.
Thank you! I would so love to have a 150 and a 300, and building one, that sounds so awesome!
If you like native freshwater fish you may want to check into NANFA, the North American Native Fish Association. There may be someone nearby who can furnish you with fish such as topminnows which are pretty, easily kept, and will adapt well to a 90 gallon. You may also find local aquarium groups with members who will furnish you excess fish, and as Bitek says auctions can be a fun and cheap source of healthy fish. Although I like the assortment you have now. We have several dozen bristlenose in the 75, feed them zucchini and yellow squash. Same thing with plants; if you have a twin-light hood, you can keep low-light plants even in a 90, although four lamps would be better. Depending on your water either anacharis or vallisneria should grow for you, and both get large enough to really decorate a 90. Some larger swordplants are nice as well, although many plants offered in pet stores are amphibious and most are grown in air rather than in water.
They actually sell minnows as bait fish at the local petsmart, untreated for diseases... I was thinking of getting some 20 or so and treating/quarantining them myself in the 10 gallon for a while, before introducing them to my current 90 gallon population. I don't really have the energy to stick through an auction, I gotta keep my time out to short times of action because I wear out very quickly nowadays. I do love the assortment I have now, but if I had a larger as I said I would so love having full size pleco and a few other local specie like bluegill and maybe a channel cat.

The water here is pretty hard but pretty clean, and I treat it with anti chlorine/chloramine every time I add water. The lamp right now is a 23 watt sylvania fluorescent I forgot the color temp on.

I used to be a qualified electrician in my early post-highschool days (yes a girl electrician xD ) and I am somewhat of a maker/builder so I am going to put my own LED strips inside this light shell or make my own light shell with LED strips. I may even go the full RGB LED with controller route so I can control the color temperature and brightness and set up a full day to night cycle with them. Fancy, eh?

I just got one more betta female, a very small white with lemon colored fins... and got some more tall plastic plants, so I will be ok for now, but I do want to plant and grow fish eventually. Maybe after the light is made.


May 1, 2006
I don't really care why she was allowed to post, I just thought it didn't belong here. Up until yesterday, I was under the impression that DC was all about politics, news, and social issues, apparently, I was mistaken. That's not too surprising, as I have been wrong in the past.

I am surprised that it's actually a "kinder gentler" OT, as I had no idea that OT had been getting out of control, nor do I ever recall reading anything to suggest ot threads were welcome here.

I don't think they were ever planned or invited - it appears Jaqie just got the idea and did it, and after a bit of back and forth, it was accepted as 'why not'.
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